Apparently direhorns are much more temperamental than devilsaurs. Who knew? I imagine page one says something to the effect of : "Those horns reaaaally hurt."
On a more serious note, as of now it remains to be seen if this is a temporary PTR item, a faction reward, or a random drop/quest reward/regular vendor item.
Комментарий от Spl4sh4r
Seeing as this is a Ancient Tome that learns the Hunter the ability I would believe that it is not an exotic pet. Or that even if it is all Hunters gain the ability to tame it even without being Beast Mastery.
EDIT: As others confirms, it is not an exotic at all =)
Комментарий от ozmancometh
As of the PTR 1-10-13, Direhorns are the Tricerotops of MoP. In the Northern island, Isle of Giants, it is infested with these dinos as well as new skinned Devilsaurs. The Direhorns are NOT BM ONLY TAME, so any spec can snag one for themselves. As of where the tome comes from, i have not gotten any mailed item, nor have i see any rep vendors out at this time. I suspect that it will be a quest-line that starts from either an npc in the new daily hub, or started by a hunter trainer them self. Suspected that Direhorns will have the spell "Mass reflect".
Комментарий от Ozlem
The tome is a drop from the humanoid mobs on the Isle of Giants, Зандаларский диномант. It takes a few kills but that's how you get it folks. Also could tame the Direhorns in all specs once I learnt the skill.
It's BoP and unsure if any other class can see it as I was killing solo. Dinomancers also drop giant dinosaur bones, cookings mats, gold, rare recipes and Зандаларский ногокус, Зандаларский пяткогрыз, Зандаларский пяткохлыстик & Зандаларский пальцегрыз. In live I've taken four of my hunters out there and the tome drop rate has been 1:121 kills, 1:74 kills, 1:18 kills and 1:148 kills (read comments below to get a idea of more ratio drop rates on the tome!)
This skill is not account bound, every hunter you have will need one of these if you wish to own a Direhorn pet on them.
Edit: I've come across some hunters who are killing direhorns, with a primal devilsaur mostly, and 9 out of 10 times it ended up being a hunter who didn't know they needed to kill the dinomancers for the tome. If you see such a hunter I can't see it hurting just throwing them a whisper to ask if they're wanting to tame a direhorn. If not wish them luck in their bone/egg farming but if so you can enlighten them a little which saves them a load of time.
Also RE: that baby blue model in my screenshot, that was in PTR & that color got replaced with the darker blue model we now see on the isle live.
Комментарий от Wamo
According to Petopia they have a chance at dropping from the Dinomancers on the Isle of Giants.
It's currently unknown if only Hunters can see the drop, or if other mobs can also drop it.
Комментарий от datgrl
I think this is really sad. Taming a beast is given to hunters at level 10 without a tome. Why not just make it an exotic and spec into it? And still no plans on expanding the stable but tons more pets to tame.
Комментарий от Keelerak
The fact we have been able to tame raptors and devilsaurs long since (especially raptors, devilsaurs at least required BM) somehow ruins the "using this ancient troll tome of dinomancy you can now master the training of dinosaurs" feeling. Maybe if it included more dinosaurs (like pterodactyls and thunder lizards)...
Комментарий от b34tst34k
I'm not on the PTR, anyone can tell me which buff/debuff they give?
Комментарий от Hcetrepus
I'm not on the PTR, anyone can tell me which buff/debuff they give?
No buffs or debuffs yet. Only special it has it Reflective Armor Plating 6 second with a 21 second CD.
Комментарий от BloodandHonor
I've been trying for a while to get this tome, but no matter how many dinomancers I kill I am unable to loot anything. I get no drops at all. Has the tome been removed and these are just trash mobs now?
edit to update: I decided to kill a couple more dinomancers before hearthing and the tome dropped :) So, there are no drops from these mobs at all until the tome drops.
Комментарий от AdjutantVox
Greetings farmers!
Lemme tell ya, it was eventful farming this in amongst the multitude of prot paladins. :)
It took about two hours to drop for me. No idea how many I killed but I came up with:14 pets (Mostly Kneebiters)126 Giant Dinosaur Bone2 and a half stacks of Windwool cloth52 Leeks78 Carrots1 Waterlogged Zandalari Journal (needed for Библиотечная карточка зандаларов)
I killed mostly dinomancers with a few direhorns interspersed. Who knew they'd be such a good source of veggies?
Good luck!
Комментарий от asherdoyle
This dropped after two kills. That's it. I may have just been extremely lucky. A friend of mine has farmed for a bit but hasn't had it drop yet.
Комментарий от Snackelbeans
First day of 5.2 today. I had to kill between 10 and 15 of them before it dropped, giving it a 10%ish drop rate. You'll likely get a pet or 5 before you get this to drop. Also, make sure you read the tooltip; this is BoP. You can't farm these on a well-geared character and give it to your hunter/ your friend's hunter.
Комментарий от Ironhorn
Got it in two kills lady luck smiles on me for once.
Комментарий от Tsiatko
On my 2nd hour of farming, and still nothing. So... many... pet drops...
Комментарий от silvuo
Got the tome on the east side of the island, right below the horde flight path. There are a few Dinomancers that spawn rapidly at a hut (6 spawn points total).
Killed 70ish mobs before it dropped. On the plus side, I also looted 14 battle pets, which made my guildies happy! :)
Комментарий от Bugtrooper
Sorry for sounding stupid but how do you get to the island? Currently at work counting down the hours and don't want to lose a minute in obtaining the new pet. Will I be offered a quest to get there or I will I have to fly/swim there? This has probably been covered by someone else so my apologies for being so lazy. Also are there different colored direhorns all over or are they specific to certain areas?
Комментарий от Cindurella
Dropped on my first kill :)
Комментарий от DKForte
SO this maybe helpful, it may not, but here goes, The Dinomancers have a fairly speratic spawn rate, but they are also lots of groups in the immediate area that you come to upon your landing on the Isle, I did some farming shortly after the launch of 5.2, upon landing on the Isle, my 1st 2 kills got me 2 of the Tombs right off the bat, Lucky, I think so.........but I digress, but upon further farming possibly about an hour or so, after about 50 kills, only had one other tomb drop, and lots of Zandalari pets, mainly kneebiters and anklerenders, but did get a few of the lower drop rate Toenibblers, so it will mostly take some time to farm for them tombs, and lets face it, the Dinomancers are not exactly easy to just one hit and quit, they take some time to get down, assuming you get them down just past the 900k health, they transform into their dino better half, but if you do not reach below the 900k in a timley manner, they self heal and start all over, so interrupt and repeat, they have an ability much like the Pandaran rares what with healing abilities and such, so farm away my pets, and good luck on your search for the Zandalari secrets.
Комментарий от Mychelle
Hello fellow hunters who I am assured, just like me, absolutely had horrible luck on this drop.
But rest assured! (At least slightly) I at least found a nice little quiet farming spot where I did not have to worry about dinosaurs, with a decent respawn rate (via the time it takes you to kill the dinomancers), room to pull back, groups that can be single pulled, ect.
At around 67, 41 via cords, Northeast for those who dont have cords, there is a small camp of dinomancers. Roughly about 8 of them. They are all in groups of two. Minus 1 pather.
Using my freezing trap, and having my pet on passive, allowed me to single-pull these all back where I could kill them, without having to pull any extras. So in about the time I got through killing all 8 of them, the first ones I had killed had already started to respawn. Yay, no more wandering around this island death trap while I farmed! (Which is what I was doing before I found this nice cozy spot.)
In about three hours I had roughly -79 Red Blossom Leak91 Juicycrunch Carrot83 Giant Dinosaur Bone4 Stacks of Windwool Cloth, give or take a few random extras.1 Torn Zandalari Journaland....sigh...20 of the different pets they dropped. Extras. This number doesnt include the 4 I kept for myself.
I hope this spot works out just as well for you guys as it did me. I hate wandering-farming. I am also on a PVP server. I only got ganked once.
Комментарий от Spectrumo
Hour three of excessive farming, this kills the man.
Edit: Got it 5~10 minutes after posting this comment! Stick in!
Some tips: The small camp on the East side of the Isle of Giants seems to be the best place to farm these, on the Zandalari Dimonancers. I suggest bringing a friend along to make it bearable, I joined up with a really nice priest I met on the Isle; and I gave her all the bones that dropped (Let her loot them at least)I recommend to keep track Humanoids on, so you're able to pull extra Zandalari Dimonancers so you're able to grab extras whilst waiting in your farm spot, but be kind to other people farming within the area. Finally, put some music on you enjoy as you might be there for a while (:
Комментарий от sweetzz
My luck with RNG is usually horrendous, so when it dropped off the 2nd dinomancer I was quite shocked. I farmed for the pets for about an hour (on the east side of the island right before you get to the horde npc's), and ended up with 5 books total, 41 bones, 4 kneebiters, 3 toenibblers and 1 each of the anklerender and footslasher.
I am now going to go buy a lottery ticket...
Комментарий от squiretoad
I'm just a "normal" 90 hunter, no really fancy gear or weapons. But my pet Loque and I hammered on one of those 90 Elite Dinomancers for 15 minutes and never got him below maybe 90% health! He'd heal and it was start all over again! I do not see any way I can ever kill one of them. Any hints? Or must I get a group just to kill these guys?
Sure would like one of those new hunter pets.
Комментарий от Kurion
It appears these books will continue to drop after you have learned the ability. Farming the the Dinomancers for the pets is definitely worth it. I'm not sure if Blizzard intended the drop rate for the pets to be as high as it is, but between the extra books, the gold, the cooking ingredients, and the transmog/DE greens you will loot in such a short period of time, it's worth grinding these guys out for a couple hours.
Комментарий от ConfessorAmnell
Currently you do *not* have to be Level 90 to Loot the book.
I took my L88 BE Hunter, My Husband - a L90 Blood DK, and a friend - a L90 BE Hunter farming this last night.
It did take quite a few kills, we did see numerous pets, but both Hunters were able to loot a book eventually.
It should also be noted that this is *not* Party Loot - Every Hunter will have to get this to drop.
Happy Hunting!
Комментарий от Dagor
It took me betwen 150 and 200 kills.
Комментарий от WordlessLyrics
Just looted today.
Farmed Zandalari Dinomasters on Isle of Giants north of Kun-Lai Summit. I was farming for the pets they drop in the center of the island. There are 6 or 7 Dinomasters standing by the pools. You can pull them one at a time. When they get down to about 75% health they cast a self heal. If you interrupt it they cast again in 1 or 2 sec. I used Silencing Shot and Scatter Shot, or used my belf racial Arcane Torrent.
Got all 4 pets plus some for the AH and the Tome dropped. I was there about 30 minutes. Farmed for about 45 more minutes after posting this and 3 more dropped. They are soulbound but vendor for 37G each.
Coords 49, 57. Good luck.
Комментарий от Measa
Lucked out and found a single mob by his self that had a frequent spawn rate of about five minute. I also found it easy to lead him (threw several traps) to where I had my pet parked further away from other mobs and farmers. After 6 or 7 kills, I got the drop.I then when for my new adventuring partner and almost didn't tame him (these guys hit like a large truck) dieing at the last millisecond of tame beast.His smashing me like a thumb under a hammer did inspire his new name, Mjollnir.
Комментарий от popchief
I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but the tome dropped on my first dinomancer kill. Just (insanely) luck, I guess.
Комментарий от Diya87
This dropped off my 4th kill. I was pretty happy because some of my friends it took a couple of days. I also got two pets in those 4 kills :)
Комментарий от blakebox
This is truly a luck drop. I went there with a group of 5 people on 3/9/2013 and killed npcs for about 2 hours got a bunch of Zandalari pets but not the Tome. I went back there again on 3/11/2013 by myself and got this on the 6th kill.
Комментарий от larien
I spent about 2 hours running around on he Island Killing dinomancers. In the end, I had 25 little raptor companions before I got the tome. With so many little raptros I didn't know what to do with them so I hosted a contest in trade.... first 25 people to type out "super-cali-fragilistic-expiali-docious" in trade chat got a raptor... was a sight to see...
Комментарий от Dovedale
Managed to get the Ancient Tome of Dinomancy in just 16 kills. No need to group, so long as you watch thier cast bar, to interupt the heals. 12/03/2013.
Комментарий от kzfranks
Just got it, drop on the first mob.. no pets :(
Комментарий от vibeslide
lucky me got the tome on my 11th kill.
however, there's another sweet spot for farming the mancers. right in the middle, by the muddy pools, there are around 10 of them, all scattered so you can kill them one by one without any problems.
that is, if oondasta isn't there.. ;)
it's a pity that the direhorn itself is rather... useless. it doesn't provide any buffs, it's special ability is very situational and it makes annoying sounds while moving :(
Комментарий от killertofu
64.52, 76.72 was a nice spot to farm for this book. There were about 8-10 of them in this area and the respawn rate was pretty good. Once I finished killing the ones past this spot, the ones I first started killing had respawned. I was helping my guildmate get her book here. She got hers on the 22nd kill. By the way, these guys also drop the Кость динозавра needed for mount/pet. Happy Hunting.
Комментарий от Innerme
followed the advice here and went to The Isle of Giants, flying thru the fatigue gap and swimming the last bit.
I pulled a Dinomancer but got two, so trapped one and worked the other. 2 MM hp but ground him down only to discover he self heals nastily. Silent shot interrupts the heal. At about 1 MM hp he transformed into a dino and the rest was just an easy grind. He hits the pet pretty hard so had to reheal the pet about 4 times during the fight. It took long enough to have to retrap the add three times since I only do about 24k dps.
To my amazement and delight the hunter book dropped off this first kill allowing me to retrap and swim for the mainland.
Комментарий от Cordessa
Got it today while we were fighting Oondasta - Didn't even know that I wanted it, before it dropped ;) I was going to give it to another hunter, who seemed to really want it, but then he started cursing at me and behaving like a raging child, so I used it for myself. I'm gonna go for a blue direhorn pet now :)
Комментарий от tarugoth
finaly some luck my way ... first kill and a pet woot
Комментарий от Wathley
This + = Direhorn Stampede. Oh dayum.
Комментарий от material123
3 kills, 1 pet and the tome :P
Комментарий от thekingdraik
Took me 46 kills, with an iLevel of 456 on and off for a week of 4 or so sessions.
Комментарий от Spydor01
Ok, I'm not going to bore anyone with a statistic of how many kills it took me to get this book, that's rather useless information IMO. Rather, I'll clue some folks in on what works for me. I've found that turtles work good for taking these guys down, for their Shell Shield ability, as well as relatively high HP (mine is currently at 774K). When the Dinomancer starts his self-heal, I initially use Silencing Shot to interrupt, then on the second go round, use my pets' Intimidation. These combos work well in rotation, as well as the oh so important Mend Pet to keep you pet going. The cool down on Silence is only 24 seconds, hence why I use it first, as the Intimidation cool down is 1 minute. Once the Dinomancer transforms into a Direhorn, it then becomes simply a DPS grind down to death, as he no longer self-heals.
Комментарий от Talboth
I just got this on my ilevel 460 survival hunter after killing dinomancers non-stop for almost an hour.
The BEST place I found to farm is the beach at 63,78. There is a camp of 4 Dinomancers and I would pull each one up the beach one by one and kill them.
Be sure to stay tight to the waterline so you do not accidentally pull one of the green direhorns on the shoreline while focusing on the Dinomancer.
Helpful tip if you are a lower ilevel hunter like I was- pull them up the beach, engage your tank pet (I used a turtle), and apply your serpent sting, black arrow, etc. and allow the Dinomancer to cast his first dino mending heal while you apply DoTs and get set up. As soon as he casts it, summon your Dire Beast, etc. and start to burn. Be sure to silencing shot the 2nd mend and you should be able to push him to dino transform before he casts another. I was able to consistently kill the menders one-by-one each time with only one slip up on my part where I used Readiness to reset the cooldown on my silencing shot and resume my strategy after THAT mend.
I also managed to get a lot of food mats, motes of harmony, and two of the four dino pets.
Each drops roughly over 1g50s on average as well.
Комментарий от Akitnaya
Before I got my red direhorn. I killed all the Zandalari Dinomancer around the tar pits where Oondasta spawns for abt an hr using Terrorpene resulting in the fastest kills IMO. Around the tar pits, they're a bit spaced out so 2 or 4 don't mob you all at once so for me, I found this spot ideal.
*I was at the time a 493 BM hunter. I really think the glyphs I had helped a ton too. I have Glyph of Endless Wrath, Glyph of Animal Bond & Glyph of Mending for my major glyphs & Glyph of Revive Pet, Glyph of Fetch & Glyph of Aspect of the Cheetah for my minor glyphs...though Glyph of Fetch & Glyph of Revive Pet are the only useful minor glyphs in this circumstance. Dire Beast, Glyph of Mending for healing my pet, Glaive Toss, Serpent Sting, Concussive Shot, Arcane Shot & Kill Command was pretty much all I used to burn the Zandalari Dinomancer. Always watching out for the Dino-Mending.
I started farming these guys really late at night around 1 or 2 in the morning. My server, Area 52 US is jam packed so if I want to farm anything, I have to do it late at night. I really hope this helps someone out there. I wish someone told me. I wouldn't have died as much lol.
Комментарий от TeamGreen
So now that I'm a certified Dinomancer, can I PLEASE tame a Diemetradon?
Комментарий от iamlocals
farming these for over two hours not one book has dropped ugh frustrating
Комментарий от drunkenfists
i got this off of the fourth dinomancer i killedhit 90 yesterday and had no problem killing them as long as you have a tank pet out
Комментарий от jackhammerEUFW
60+ kills, 3 min pets, but finnally got this.
Комментарий от Keinz
confirm that it drops 3 times within 5 mins...
Комментарий от teddybambino
today june 5th 2013 the tome dropped at first kill. i probably was very lucky reading all above comments.
I couldnt tame a level 91 elite direhorn.. but was able to take the baby ones. Level 90.
Комментарий от Thanyxd
I decided I wanted this on my hunter, so I got up there, and cleared the island, and had nothing, by the time I was back at the beach, I killed two more, and two tomes dropped. Right after that I accidentaly pulled another one, whitch dropped yet another one.
Комментарий от Kifyi
The tome dropped for me after 5 kills. 'Course I wasn't also lucky enough to get any of the other drops but that's okay. My hunter is a pretty fresh 90, doesn't do much DPS yet and getting them to 50% before they got off a mend was a little tough, but with scatter shot and silencing shot, it was plenty doable.
Комментарий от Marishke
After 109 kills and over 600k in repair bills, I finally gave up on killing the Dinomancers for this tome. Maybe next year I'll get the urge to try again.
Комментарий от sparta878
Got it in 12 kills took me 15 mins. eaz.
Комментарий от Kattze
I've just started farming this today on my fresh level 90 hunter. The Dinomancers are very easy to kill (even with my poor damage) as long as you make sure to interrupt their heal with Silencing Shot or Scatter Shot. I also recommend using a tank pet. I don't know how long I've been down here, but I'm up to 60 kills and no tome yet. But, I have gotten 3 companion pets (2 Zandalari Kneebiters and 1 Zandalari Toenibbler). Best of luck to everyone, I hope it's better than mine ^-^
~Edit: So 2 kills after I posted this I looted the tome and tamed my blue direhorn ^-^ (took a total of 62 kills to drop) I also decided to clear the rest of the Dinomancers in the area around Oondasta (where I was farming the tome) and looted another Toenibbler pet.Hooray.
Комментарий от Karbo
Took me approx. 12 kills. Only got one pet and a bunch of bones.
Комментарий от Celestri
I farmed the guys on the beach and got it from my 9th kill.
My guildies say I must have stepped in some lucky sha sh*t.
Комментарий от Sasafraz15
Killed 2 of them, 2 books dropped.
Also, killed my 3rd young dino, and a egg and a pet dropped.Did they jack up the drop rate?
Комментарий от Faolan89
Ok this was the most frustrating thing I've done on WoW but I was a 461 BM Hunter so I felt like I needed to tame each of the pets I could. Anyhow the meat of this post is that found a good way to do it. Spot was under the big boss dino, there's a ring of the Dinomancers that I started at one end of them, pulling one at a time, then by the time I hit the end of the ring they were respawning for me to do another lap.Used a turtle pet for the shield ability and health. using Last Stand on him also helped when I goofed up a couple times. My trick was that I carefully dps'd until the Dinomancer tried to cast his heal the first time, interrupted it. then went full out dps to get him to half health. Usually by the time he was trying to cast his heal for the second time, he was forced to transform. That being said I had to do this for 3 hours before I got my tome to drop but with my gear being kinda low it was taking me forever to take them down. Higher geared hunters should be able to do this much faster
Комментарий от dlbert2000
What does this even do? Allows you to tame direhorns?Every single comment is about how long it took to farm it, not about what this actually does
Комментарий от Camirra
I just got this today. I had 2 friends there along with me. It took an hour of constant killing on the beach near the Horde flightmaster before it dropped. I stopped counting after 100 kills, but I hit that number a little more than halfway through, so I'd estimate 200 kills. The good news is that the respawn rate between the group of mobs on the beach and the group in the camp up the hill was such that we were never waiting to kill things. Also, before my friends arrived, I had no problem killing the mobs on my own, and I'm mostly in just-hit-90 greens and blues. All in all, I'd say that it's grindy, but if you pull intelligently enough to not get overwhelmed, you'll have no problem getting it.
Комментарий от Nogago
I've came to the Isle of Giants about 5-6 times, to farm this, with no luck.. Today I went there with a group to farm bones. It dropped.. 3 times... I hate RNG...
Комментарий от cubbear8
I'm sure this will be down voted and/or piss people off but after turning 90 I went to try to get a direhorn not knowing about the book. Looked on here and after changing classes so I could interrupt that damn heal I got the book on my 3rd kill.
Комментарий от Grizhak
Got it on my hunter today after about 10 kills. And after reading the comments here, I'm pretty happy about that :3
Комментарий от DKilbourne
At the risk of getting down-voted for being one of those people to say "I gots it in X number of killz", I will say this:
I took me about thirty minutes, a Zandarlari Footslasher and two Zandalari Toenibbler's before I was able to get this book. There are two locations that I farmed that had an extremely high respawn rate at around 64, 77 (directly east of the flight paths). Go between the two camps, and you'll get yours in no time.
Survival Hunter: Freezing Trap is your friend! Some of these goobers are in tight, so, well, you know what to do. Freeze one, and beat on the other!
Good luck!
Комментарий от vorka
As of patch 5.4.1: Just a small cheer - do not be afraid to engage grinding for the book or the pets. Although their health pool can look intimidating, they are not such hard obstacle.
As ilvl 520 Survival hunter I was able to fight up to 3 or 4 dinomancers comfortably with a dps pet. If you want to be on the safe side - ice trap and a turtle tanking pet are your friends. Do not forget to cast misdirection and heal your pet.
Комментарий от Shendis
I seem to be the luckiest person alive. :P
Got this on my 2nd kill.
I also got blue proto-drake and Thori'dal on my first times. :3
Комментарий от Zeth2994
Does the use of this thing require BM spec? I've optained this Tome and can confirm that taming a Direhorn does not require exotic pet taming, so it does not require being a BM, happy hunting every one
Комментарий от irfresh
I killed about 50 mobs and i got 3 of these
Комментарий от Reallia
WOW i think the RNG loved me today, got the book and a kneebiter after only 6 kills. Drop rate improved much? Good luck to all who STILL want that pet!
Комментарий от jcarmx23
Zarasacarmia of Llane here, hopped on this morning and killed 7 of the guys that drop the book and on the 7th kill, I got it. I began farming for it with the expectation of getting it right away and I did. I don't know if it's dumb luck or just positive thinking.
Комментарий от BooJ
I just got this on my first try how exciting killed one of the zandalari dinomancer's at the front of the island just as you get swim up.
Комментарий от drumzross92
Just got this today after about 12 kills, not sure if the drop rate got buffed but I'm happy with that!
Комментарий от DOG3POD
just got this for my hunter but i must say i have doubts about the drop rate being 1.8% i got 4 of them in 30 mins. thats just very very lucky or i think they may have put up the drop rate. what you guys think?
Комментарий от grigoriucristi
i did it in 25 min, killing 10 zandalari with luck potion. And i have a question what is the same thing that paladins have, and i heard that warlocks have one. Can anyone help i looked over wow head and i did not found something
Комментарий от MrJumpingBean
It would be so cool if you could keep the Tome for actual reading on what they have to say on the matter.
Комментарий от w4rl0
I think the drop rate is wrong on here or we got extremely lucky. I just went to the Isle of Giants with a buddy and after like 30+ kills we both got ours.
Комментарий от greger1234
After about 5-6h of farming i came up empty, i'm starting to suspect a 6.x bug here. Either that or RNGesus really hates me.Can anyone confirm it still drops in the PTR?
PS. i did however manage to get 5 new companions
Комментарий от ToniDale
Today, I farmed for about 30-45 minutes and got it after 25 kills. I farmed the humanoids around Oon.
Комментарий от wasere
These currently are not unique and keep dropping if you don't learn it right away. They also sell for almost 40g.
Комментарий от Deydrys
Little confused, I expected to have to farm this book for hours, but I've now collected 4 and still don't have the last pet i was looking for. I'm hoping to find out I don't have to just sell the books, that I can trade them to people who need them instead, but my hopes are slim, does anyone know if your able to trade this book?
have gotten 2 more books since made, REALLY am wondering if these are tradeable.
Комментарий от Kevlan
My two cents - Forget the ones around Oon - There aren't enough of them to be worthwhile. At 100, go to the Zandalari ship off of the on the SE corner of the island - There's about 25 of them on there and you can take them in about two pulls, md'ing to your pet. Might even find a giant dino for bones! There's also a couple of villages with 6+ on the east side of the main island. No sense in taking them down a few at a time when you get 'em by the dozen!
Комментарий от dutchick
when i tried to tame a direhorn, and i saw i couldnt, i looked this site up, at the very next kill, the book dropped.. coincidence?
Комментарий от Onetwo
I got there today without flying mount as lvl 90 BM hunter with a turtle pet (about 48k hp). The most annoying thing about it is the running to the northern part (shore) of Kun-Lai Summit, you get there from the Valley of the Four Winds and up the The Veiled Stairs - there is also a FP there, after some running you get to a NPC with a quest that takes you to Kun-Lai with a boat.
Once you're there just run to the Zouchin Strand - it is north from the Zouchin village (in the north/north-eastern part of Kun-Lai, also has a FP). From there I swimmed until I got to the "grey area" where fatigue starts, there I used Elixir of Water Walking & Aspect of the Cheetah to get to the Island (got to about 50 % fatigue, so you have more than enough time to get to the Island).
I farmed Zandalari Dinomacer around (66.8, 74.4), after about 30 min of farming I got Ancient Tome of Dinomancy & 2 pets - Zandalari Anklerender & Kneebiter, would probably take me less time if I wouldn't be ganked 3 times by horde players & if I wouldn't wait for respawns. So pretty easy & well worth the time if you want your own Direhorn pet. :)
Only thing I am very disappointed about is, that you get no recognition for it, you get no achievement or special icon in your spellbook, only enables you to tame Direhorns, you could at least get one of these two which would show you learned / have something special. Also Direhorn itself (don't get me wrong, it's a cool looking pet) has no really special abilities, it has basic tenacity pet abilities & maybe worth mentioning Reflective Armor Plating spell.
Комментарий от Ursar
So i spent at least 1h40 of my life, trying to get this tome. And i got it. Really quick, thanks god. Just to notice, how they suck. I'm not really happy even tho it was fun. So yeah, they are bad.
Комментарий от Wujiku
got it 15 kills
Комментарий от ThornRage
Mine dropped after 6 kills
Комментарий от glardian
I got it on my first Dinomancer kill. Either I was stupid lucky, or they upped the drop chance.
Комментарий от 2nihon
Note that these also drop off the Zandalari trolls. This is important because on most servers, lots of people will be shooting the dinosaurs but not everyone shoots the trolls.
Комментарий от selkie47
Around 20-25 kills for me. Gotta love that competition for kills on IoG...
Комментарий от Rukosh
I'm pretty sure they upped the chance of this item dropping.
I got my first one like 10 kills in. I killed maybe another 5, and got another one. First one could be attributed to chance, but the second? Unless I'm really really lucky...
Комментарий от Wark
Legion-era confirmation: these are still not hard to obtain! Even as a level 100 "I don't know how to Draenor-gear" BM scrub I had no problems mowing down everything punier than Ундаста– Dinomancers went down in two hits. Circling the island killing everything got me seven of these tomes in the time it took to rack up about 3.6k bones.
If RNG is unkind you might be there for an hour, but it'll probably be far faster than that. (Given all the mounts & minipets on offer hanging out a bit longer might not be bad though.)
Комментарий от Bloodthursti
As of Jan 18 I will add this thing is not easy to get. I farmed for 3 hours ended up getting 16 eggs (can only have one) 23 pets 3 different ones, 2600 dino bones, and other odds and ends.
Комментарий от DracoofMaxus
Im just laughing cause i hear its takes time to get this book....after i did the world boss here i kill 3 of the trolls that spawn near the boss and it drops. and that is after taming one of the devilsaurs
Комментарий от Whiteronnie
Not sure if buffed or I got lucky but got it within 2 kills 7.3.5 (might of even been first kill)
Дети Нар'таласа - Задание - World of Warcraft
Краткая информация
Найдите три древних фолианта высокорожденных в руинах Нар'таласа.
Первый древний фолиант высокорожденных
Второй древний фолиант высокорожденных
Третий древний фолиант высокорожденных
Привет! , верно? Верховные маги Даларана говорили, что мы можем тебя тут встретить.
Мы с братом здесь на разведывательном задании. Ищем своих родителей.
Мы всю жизнь прожили в уверенности, что наша семья погибла в Азсуне несколько тысяч лет назад, но ты посмотри вокруг! Большинство эльфов здесь – духи.
Как так вышло? Олотил пытается найти ответ в книгах, но нам бы пригодилась помощь.
Принц Фарондис выступил против королевы Азшары, а она разозлилась и устроила погром? Ничего себе!
Олотил, ты только послушай!
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Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных - Предмет
Комментарий от Windscar
There appears to be 4 versions of Наручники Пульсарона, Древний фолиант ночнорожденных, Светящаяся лилия, and Лоскут рваной мантии that offers different versions of the Quest that is tied to the different boxes you get that rewards the Сундук с сокровищами ночнорожденных, meaning this is likely gated the same way and determined through Boss Kills which one is offered to your followers to chase after initially.
The quality of the cache is determined as you obtained the mission not when you complete or acquire the quest and can award tier pieces unlike in WoD,
EN kills appear to affect the quality of the cache by one difficulty less (If you had Mythic EN Cache, you will get Heroic base to start)
In addition, Normal NH Cache can be acquired from the Timewalking Quest weekend event and Heroic NH Cache from the Mythic Legion Dungeon quest weekend.
The initial offering of the NH Cache is during the US Reset on January 24th, 2017 - one week after NH opened and likely January 25th for EU.
I will list some data and see if we can determine the breakpoints.
10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills - Heroic Cache; had Mythic EN Cache previously
10 Normal Kills + 7 Heroic Kills - Normal Cache; had Heroic EN Cache previously
Based on previous tiers, we expect 11 kills (of current or greater difficulty) to be the threshold to award that difficulties' cache.
After several Mythic lockouts, the # appears to be 12 for NH.
Examples if anyone is confused:
7 Normal + 4 Heroic = 11 kills ; toatl does not exceed 11, LFR Cache
10 Normal + 2 Heroic = 12 kills; total is 11; heroic > normal, counts kills as normal - Normal Cache
12 Normal = 12 kills; Normal Cache
6 Normal + 11 Heroic = 17 kills; heroic is >=12; Heroic Cache
10 Heroic + 2 Mythic = 12 kills; total is 12; Mythic > Heroic, counts kill as heroic - Heroic Cache
12 Mythic Kills = Mythic Cache
Edit - Change to 12.
Комментарий от Aknazer
It currently takes greater than 11 kills to get the mythic cache, or else there's other requirements as well. I'm currently at 11 mythic kills (4/3/4) and my cache is still at heroic. I have 58 heroic kills (all lootable) and have full cleared both normal and LFR so I doubt it requires some number of previous difficulty kills to upgrade.
Martial World / Глава 557. Древний Фолиант
В своей комнате для практики, Линь Мин смотрел на его татуировку Небесного Демона. У татуировки было три пары крыльев. Первые две были уже полностью сформированы, а третья была совершенно четко очерчена.
"Я всего лишь в шаге от шестикрылого Небесного Демона. адская энергия Сюэ Маня была очень плотной и мощной. Если бы я не так тщательно тренировался в подавлении моих мыслей, то я даже мог бы пострадать от адской энергии. Несмотря на то, что я не потерял бы свою рациональность, она бы все равно повлияла на мой характер ".
нрав человека может меняться из-за различных факторов. Но, Линь Мин не хотел, чтобы его характер изменился из-за адской энергии.
Линь Мин вынул пространственное кольцо Сюэ Маня и исследовал все, что было внутри. Там было несколько коробок Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов среднего класса и маленькая коробочка высокосортных кристаллов. Там же было огромное количество таблеток, нефритовых свитков и сокровищ. Этот Сюэ Мань был гораздо, гораздо богаче, чем Лань Син.
Линь Мин грубо оценить товар: около 90000 Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов среднего класса и более 70 высокосортных Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов.
Это было действительно ужасающее количество. Сюэ Мань убил почти всех своих противников; было не удивительно, что он накопил столько богатства.
Что касается тех нефритовых свитков, большинство из них были методами культивирования и секретными руководствами. Сюэ Мань был родом из большой секты пятого класса. Эти методы культивирования стоили совсем немного, и они были не слишком полезны для Линь Мина.
Он исследовал все и готовился отложить все прочь, когда вдруг что-то привлекло его внимание.
В грязной куче Линь Мин нашел простой деревянный ящик. Когда он открыл коробку, там был невзрачный нефритовый свиток. Рядом с этим нефритовым свитком был чрезвычайно старый фолиант в связанных шкурах.
Линь Мин сначала взял в руки нефритовый свиток. Внутри были записи Сюэ Маня.
Язык Дикарей был таким же, как у Гигантских Демонов. Лин Мин был в состоянии полностью понять все написанное.
Линь Мин продолжал рассматривать его, и несколько фраз выделились для него. Одна из них была о Верховном Лорде Сюэ Яне. В Башне Смерти, десятикрылых мастеров Небесного Демона называли Верховными Лордами. Этот Верховный Лорд Сюэ Янь был одним из 12 Верховных Лордов Города Полярной Звезды.
Всякий раз, когда Сюэ Мань упоминал Верховного Лорда Сюэ Яня в свитке, его слова были наполнены большим почтением и уважением. Это было своего рода уважение, которое шло из глубины его сердца, и даже немного страха. Это несравненно удивило Линь Мина. По его мнению, Сюэ Янь был чрезвычайно необузданным и жестоким существом; как он мог уважать кого-то подобного от всего сердца? что было такого особенного в этом Верховном Лорде Сюэ Яне?
Помимо еще несколько слов привлекли внимание Линь Мина - Вечная Бездна Демона и Кость Бога Демонов.
Сюэ Янь упомянул эти вещи, но записи были не слишком ясны. В конце концов, Линь Мин был не в состоянии сказать, что это такое.
Больше там не было ценной информации. Линь Мин убрал нефритовый свиток и отвел глаза в сторону старого фолианта.
Когда Линь Мин открыл фолиант, он увидел, что внутри были портреты мастеров Гигантских Демонов и Дикарей. Они должны были скопированы с резьбой по камню.
Рядом с каждым портретом было написано имя человека, краткая история жизни, а также их специфическое культивирование. Большинство из них были мастера уровня Демона Императора.
Среди этих людей были персонажи из прошлого, прошлых десятков тысяч лет и даже нескольких тысяч лет.
все они без исключения разделяли одну особенность. Все они ... умерли.
Какими бы несравненными, легендарными талантами они когда-то были, какими подавляюще высокомерными, непобедимыми существами они были, чье простое присутствие могло перевернуть весь Континент Святого Демона... все они умерли.
Кто были эти люди? Почему их портреты в этом фолианте? Как они были связаны друг с другом?
Пока Линь Мин блуждал в мыслях, его ум внезапно дрогнул. В фолианте, было лицо, которое он видел раньше. Этот человек держал окровавленный 10 футовый топор. его голова была полна огненных волос, и выражение его лица было мрачным и темным.
Это лицо было похоже на того яростного красного демона, которого видел Линь Мин, когда он поглотил Кристалл Дьявольского Сердца.
Может быть ...
Взгляд Линь Мина упал на записи у этого портрета. В них было написано: " Великий Император Ада. Родился в 36500 календарный год Святого Демона, умер в 39700 календарный год Святого Демона. Он жил на протяжении более трех тысяч лет. Талант этого человека была сравним с Богом Демонов. Он достиг области Короля Демонов в возрасте 24 лет, вступил в область квази Императора в 50 лет, и достиг Большого Успеха Дьявольских Искусств в возрасте 60 лет, войдя в область Императора. Великий Император Ада 100 лет искал себе соперника. Наконец, он странным образом пропал без вести, пав с неба через 3000 лет. Его причина смерти до сих пор неизвестна ".
После того, как Линь Мин увидел эти записи, он был ошеломлен. Великий Император Ада, который основал Имперский Город Тихого Демона, на самом деле был в этом фолианте!
Без сомнения, неизвестная причина его исчезновения была в том, что он отправился на Континент Разлива Небес. Так как он отправился на Континент Разлива Небес, то как мог автор этого фолианта знать, куда он ушел, или что он погиб?
Линь Мин в задумчивости продолжал читать. После нескольких страниц, он увидел удивительную фигуру - Демона Императора.
"И Демон Император в этом фолианте?"
Линь Мин втянул холодного воздуха. Демон Император сильно отличался от 3000-летнего Великого Императора Ада. Он жил на протяжении десятков тысяч лет, прежде чем, наконец, взмыл в Царство Богов. Даже там, он был ни с кем не сравнимой фигурой. Наконец, он вступил в осаде Священную Землю Зеленого Пера. Он был поистине легендой среди легенд.
Об этой фигуре, которая существовала десятки тысяч лет назад, было очень мало информации. Тем не менее, этот древний фолиант на самом деле имел запись о нем?
Когда Линь Мин посмотрел записи возле портрета Демона Императора, там было лишь несколько слов. "Демон Император. Его рождение было зловещее, и его смерть была зловещей. Причина смерти не ясна ".
Они даже знали от чего Демон Император умер?
Линь Мин почувствовал, как его сердце похолодело. Демон Император умер в Царстве Богов.
После подавления своего потрясения, Линь Мин продолжал листать фолиант. Теперь пошли фигуры прошлых нескольких десятков тысяч лет. Некоторые даже не имели имен, не говоря уже об областях культивирования.
На полпути через фолиант стали появляться не только Гигантские Демоны и Демоны, но даже люди, Фей и другие расы. Конечно, это были все они были несравненными гениями своего времени.
Большинство из них были на уровне Императора.
не достигли уровня Императора те, кто умерли в молодом возрасте. Как правило, они были младше 50-летнего возраста. Но все эти люди, которые погибли, были абсолютно невероятными талантами своего поколения. Они часто достигали области Возобновляемого ядра в к 25 годам, а затем входили в область Разрушения Жизни до 40 лет.
Другими словами, эти люди, может и не достигли уровня Императора, но если бы они не умерли они, безусловно, стали бы Богоподобными Императорами!
Этот фолиант вел перепись всех лучших гениев за последние десятки тысяч лет.
"Так как этот древний фолиант представляет собой сборник изображений, должно быть они были вырезаны где-то изначально. Но только кто занимался этим? "Линь Мин не мог не задаться этим вопросом. Ведь мастера, о которых шла речь здесь все были чрезвычайно скрытны в своих действиях. Так как же скульптор знал, живы они или умерли?
Кроме того, портреты в этом фолианте все имели чрезвычайно реалистичные выражения. Например, Великий Император Ада и Демон Император все были очень похожи на то, что видел Линь Мин в его воспоминаниях. Но Демон Император был персонажем десятков тысяч лет назад, так как может кто-то знать, как вырезать его облик?
Сердце Линь Мина заполнилось сомнениями.
Так как он не мог понять причину, он закрыл фолиант и положил его обратно в его пространственное кольцо.
"Не смысла беспокоиться об этом сейчас. Мой поединок с Син Тянем уже через месяц. Я должен уделить все время практике ".
После того, как Линь Мин убил Сюэ Маня, он накопил дополнительные семь Очков Резни. В дополнение к своим собственным двум, теперь он имел девять в общей сложности. Этого было достаточно, чтобы свободно практиковать в области топ-класса.
Линь Мин взял несколько высококачественные Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов из его пространственного кольца. Он схватил один в руку и положил ещё девять на земле рядом с ним. Использование 10 высококачественных Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов вместе можно считать роскошью. Даже кто-то вроде Сюэ Маня будет использовать только один высококачественный Кровавый Демонический Кристалл за раз, и никогда не стал бы вести себя так расточительно.
Нужно упомянуть, что Сюэ Мань владел только 70 высококачественными Кровавыми Демоническими Кристаллами. Если бы он использовал их так экстравагантно, то их хватило бы дней на десять.
Линь Мину было плевать на затраты. если может увеличить скорость своего культивирования, любая цена оправдана.
Искусство Великой Опустошающей Алебарды изначально был лучшим руководством метода культивирования. Учитывая богатую адскую энергию в этой области практики, при поддержке шестикрылой татуировки Небесного Демона и функций эфирного боевого намерения, скорость культивирования Линь Мина можно было назвать астрономической.
И как это, прошло десять дней. Все высокосортные Кровавые Демонические Кристаллы были полностью израсходованы.
Линь Мин покинул свою комнату для практики и отправился прямо на городскую площадь второго этажа. Он нашел толстого Фея, с которым он встречался несколько дней назад.
Как только жирный продавец увидел Линь Мина, его лицо озарила скромная улыбка. Десять дней назад, история убийства Линь Мина Сюэ Маня уже распространилась по всему второму этажу. Жирный продавец был хорошо осведомлен, насколько сильным Сюэ Мань был, но такая легендарная фигура умерла от рук Линь Мина. Теперь, когда он увидел Линь Мина, он почувствовал, как его сердце подпрыгнуло.
"Молодой герой Линь, как я могу вам помочь?" спросил жирный продавец, опустив его руки вниз, с почтительной улыбкой, что застыла на его губах.
"Вы получили высокосортные Кровавые Демонические Кристаллы, как я просил?"
"Да, их должно быть в общей сложности 100. Пожалуйста, пересчитайте." Толстый продавец достал коробку и открыл ее. Внутри сияли высокосортные Кровавые Демонические Кристаллы.
Линь Мин посмотрел на него; число кристаллов было правильным.
"В соответствии с нашим соглашением, эти 100 в обмен на 11500 Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов среднего класса. Я сейчас их вам отдам".
С этими словами Линь Мин вынул 11 коробок Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов.
Жирный продавец нервно рассмеялся, "Молодой герой Линь слишком вежлив. как на счет того, что мы решим все по самой низкой ценой; Я не хочу перегружать вас. 10000 кристаллов должно быть достаточно! "
"Мы будет действовать, так как договорились." Линь Мин отсчитал 11500 Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов среднего класса. Он хотел обменять огромное количество кристаллов среднего класса, что он имел на лучшие как можно скорее. он мог быть в состоянии обменяться здесь еще один или два раза, но в конце концов жирный поставщик не сможет выдержать таких потерь и Линь Мину придется найти кого-то другого.
"Тогда я ... спасибо юный герой Линь." Толстый продавец рассмеялся, сузив глаза.
"Я делаю только то, что необходимо. На этот раз я хочу, чтобы вы достали Кровавые Демонические Кристаллы более высокого класса; чем больше, тем лучше. Кроме того, я хочу, чтобы вы продали некоторые вещи для меня за комиссию. Я дам вам 5%. Не пытайтесь обмануть меня. У меня есть общее представление о том, сколько это будет ".
Линь Мин взял пространственное кольцо с его руки и бросил его к жирному поставщику.
Жирный поставщик погрузил свою силу души в пространственное кольце и исследовал его. Он был тайно поражен. все в этом кольце имело хорошую цену. Там в основном были сокровища, что остались после смерти Лань Сина и Сюэ Маня. Если он полностью продаст все, в том числе нефритовые свитки, таблетки, и так далее, то получил не менее 100 000 Кровавые Демонические Кристаллы среднего класса. Если бы он мог взять 5% от этого, то вышло бы 5000 Кровавых Демонических Кристаллов среднего класса.
Богатство было не из маленьких. Жирный поставщик учащенно задышал. Он выпятил грудь и ударил в неё в знак гарантии. "Молодой герой Линь, пожалуйста не волнуйтесь. Я никогда не посмею обмануть вас! "
"Будет лучше, если вы сможете обменять это все на высокосортные Кровавые Демонические Кристаллы. У меня нет никакой потребности в Кровавых Демонических Кристаллах среднего класса ".
"Молодой герой Линь, будьте уверены, я решу этот вопрос с благодатью."
Гримуар первого некролита - Задание
Комментарий от jjanchan
This quest, started by Гримуар первого некролита, begins the process to unlocking the Affliction Чернокнижник hidden Artifact Weapon Skin (Fate's End).
First, you need to get your hands on Гримуар первого некролита, which is a drop from Эредарский молельщикs in Faronaar, Азсуна (west of Illidari Stand).Next, you can begin the quest – Гримуар первого некролита. This quest requires that you obtain 13 Череп казненного from “powerful champions” in the Broken Isles – namely the mobs that you kill for the Rare Elite World Quests (marked with a Blue Dragon on your Order Hall map). These elites typically require 2-5+ people to kill, although some classes can solo them.Once you have obtained the 13 skulls, which may take a number of days, you use them at the Алтарь палача in Перевал Мертвого Ветра to summon Сатаэль. She drops Сущность Палача when defeated.
Сущность Палача is the item that unlocks the weapon appearance.
Комментарий от OxenClub
Got the tome which starts this quest from an Eredar Supplicant in the Legion Camp: Chaos in Faronaar, Azsuna.My Warlock is at Artifact Knowledge 5 and I only killed one. Don't know if this is guaranteed drop when you hit AK5 or if I just got really lucky.
Starts the questline for the hidden Affliction artifact skin.
The skulls are obtained from rare elite world quests that require you to slay a named mob. This may take a few days depending on what WQ spawn.
Комментарий от noh223
the skulls drop from powerful humanoid champions (rare elite world quest bosses) throughout Broken Isles. Dungeon world quest bosses don't seem to work though.
Комментарий от Railander
Just got a skull from Fjorlag, an undead, so it doesn't seem to be strictly limited to humanoid type mobs. The mandatory thing here seems to be they must be Rare Elites.Tried killing it again, without the World Quest, and didn't give me any skull. Also tried killing the World Boss (without World Quest) and also didn't give me any skull. Seems like you must be in the "DANGER" World Quest of the mob in order to receive skulls.
Комментарий от Toffifee13
I have killed 4 bosses, only got 1 skull.
Комментарий от AlasPoorYorick
Seems it means "Humanoid" in the more abstract sense, instead of the game mob type.
Undead, Giants, and seemingly just things with a humanoid skull in 'em drop these.
Комментарий от Oxiry
Just a quick note for people farming this; You do not need to be in Affliction spec to get skulls, and you don't need to have Affliction as loot spec. If you have the quest, you will get skulls from the relevant Warden WQ's.
Комментарий от Trangz
This quest is currently bugged. I submitted a ticket to inquire about the possibility and this is the response.
Game Master Dantilin at your service!
This does appear to be a bug, and we appreciate your report. If you haven't already, could you also report this in game?
Комментарий от Crossless
Here's a list with all the mobs i've gotten a skull from. Note that the mob can be killed more than once, only if you have the world q again. I got the Malisandre quest a few days ago, killed her and got a skull, killed her again for the world q today and got another skull.
1.Malisandre in Val'Sharah on 29.09.20162.Kathaw the Savage in Val'Sharah on 30.09.20163.Malisandre again in Val'sharah on 02.10.20164.Auditor Esiel in Suramar on 02.10.20165.Durguth(Giant) in Highmountain on 08.10.20166.Lagertha in Stormheim on 09.10.20167.Ealdis in Val'Sharah on 10.10.20168.Az'Jatar in Suramar on 10.10.20169.Fjorlag(Undead) in Stormheim on 11.10.201610.Rabxach in Val'Sharah on 13.10.201611.Malisandre yet again in Val'sharah on 16.10.201612.Fjorlag again in Stormheim on 18.10.201613.Malisandre in Val'Sharah on 27.10.2016
It "only" took me almost a month to gather all the skulls, so good luck farming them and may RnG always be in your favor :)
Комментарий от LilFriendly
Please don't fret, this quest is not bugged.
After clearing world quests frequently I believed this quest to be bugged but today I was proven wrong. Keep at it fellow Warlocks!
10/9/2016 - I just received my first two skulls. 1 skull from Durguth in High Mountain and the other from Lagertha in Stormheim.
10/10/2016 - I received my third skull from Ealdis. This was from the Wardens World Quest - DANGER: Ealdis in Val'Sharah
10/10/2016 - I received my fourth skull from Az'jatar. This was from the Wardens World Quest - DANGER: Az'jatar in Suramar.
Комментарий от Deathlokz6082
I have fully unlocked fate's end, as of today i have a video of the final quest on youtube.
I've been at farming the skulls for about 25 days now and finally obtained the last on today. I also submitted a screenshot to wowhead. keep grinding it is totally worth it and the final quest is fun.
You have to create 3 macro for these, because of the character limits.If you want to create 1 single macro for waypoints, use Macro Toolkit addon. You can extend the character limit to 1024 there.
I will update this list if any new source(s) discovered.
After you got 13 skull, you have to turn in your quest in Deadwind Pass. Shortly after you did that Сатаэль will spawn there. You have to kill her and loot your Сущность Палача which will auto-complete the Ритуал палача.
Комментарий от chindok
After collecting all 13 skulls, use the portal in the middle of Dalaran. After warping downstairs, walk towards the portals at the end of the hall, and use the one marked "Karazhan". Fly to 39.85, 73.70 and go down the stairs. Hand in quest at the table.
This leads to "The Rite of the Executioner" quest, where you will have to defeat Sataiel and Cursed Bones to complete. Quest completion will give you "Essence of the Executioner" which is a hidden appearance for the affliction weapon.
Комментарий от deathson
I got a skull from DANGER: Ormagrogg, solo.
Комментарий от Molniya
This quest gave me some real insight into what the developers at Blizzard think a humanoid is. Pretty frustrating quest description when 80% of the humanoids you encounter don't see to have skulls.
Комментарий от mrzaq
Just got a skull off of Olokk the Shipbreaker.
Комментарий от Faradize
don't know if bug or intended, but since 7.1.5 there are no Danger! quests. before that, there was 1 Danger wq each day.update, day 3 of the patch, there is 1 Danger WQ now, but its not humanoid :(update, day 4, there are 2 Danger WQ, 1 is humanoid.
conclusion: they're not removed, but no longer fix 1/day
Комментарий от pjrulez
It shows to me as a "dungeon" quest though. I have yet to test if dungeon bosses drop quest items.
Комментарий от pjrulez
Can Skulls be obtained any other way (faster) than waiting for DANGER Rare Elite world quests?
Do Rare Elite mobs spawn also when there's no world quest for them?
If no, this one takes long to obtain, from other sources, possibly ~39 days.
Комментарий от Drachula
Just finished farming this, tried alot of locations but found the Navigators near Tavos were the best.
It's completely RNG but this actually took alot of farming for myself, I got 5/6 of the skulls toward the Demonology Hidden Artifact before this finally dropped.
Комментарий от Dorf
The skulls can not be collected while in a raid group, be careful if you use addons like WorldQuestGroupFinder while you're on this quest.
Комментарий от SilentMorbus
I hate skull if you are in raid group...this is *!@#
Комментарий от macope64
Got a skull from the Danger: Jade Darkhaven world quest on Isle of the Watchers today.
Комментарий от Folcon
Confirmed I received a skull from Lysanis Soulshade and Chief Treasurer Jabrill in Azsuna.
Did NOT receive a skull from Nagana Happen.
Комментарий от Warferno
WARNING! I was on 7 skulls, did a faction change and lost all progress and even the quest from my quest log!
Комментарий от allefrans
Anyone gotten skulls from the Legion Invasion Elites?
Комментарий от Manniala
Freaking insane how bad the drop rate is, have done every Dangerous every day for over a week now, and i got 4/13 :(And then a BM hunter just have to trow a bit gold at it and he gets it, thats just not right.
Комментарий от alpanhell
Aegir Wavecrusher counts.
Комментарий от iam5p4m
Danger: Oubdob da Smasher counts. Just solo'd him and got a skull.
Комментарий от Galnis
ОЧЕНЬ ОПАСЕН: Косумот Алчущий does not give a skull, so don't bother farming the orbs if you allready have the mount.
Комментарий от ShamrockDAB
Got a skull off of Oubdob da Smasher today.
Комментарий от shadey81
the mob level has to be 112 it seems to proc, doing "danger" quests like isel the hammer even though they are humanoid they are 110 and no skull dropped.
Комментарий от DreamMkr
Ok it dropped for you form this and that boss, but how about telling us locks WHERE THE QUEST STARTS, how to get it.All it shows here is IT ENDS HERE.
Комментарий от shadey81
since skulls can drop off non-humanoid units i just killed every "danger" or "wanted" world quest mob that had a dragon portrait around it, took me 21 days to get the skulls so there seems alot of pointless time gating in this quest.
Комментарий от Rzsupra247
Just got a skull from Sorallus in Suramar
Комментарий от meganerd18
Key word is 'humanoid'. Almost. I got one from a corrupted dryad who was categorized as a 'demon' by the game. But for the most part focus on Humanoid rare elite mobs.
Комментарий от jamesvoils
Anyone know if these will drop from bosses in dungeons? Do they drop from the elites while on world quest or any time?
Комментарий от charliedurbin
Just wanted to put in an updated post for any late blooming warlocks with names and locations.I spent quite a while digging through comments on here to compile the list of potential skull droppers.
Just to reiterate what others have pointed out:1.) You do not need to be in affliction spec to get the quest starting item or to get skulls2.) You cannot get the skull item if you are in a raid group, only 5 man or solo.3.) Just because a name is on this list, the skull isn't a 100% drop (as far as i know). Some report getting a skull from certain mobs and while others did not.4.) I am posting this in such a way that you can copy/paste into a macro for TomTom. If you used Macro Toolkit addon and extend the macro character limit then it should all fit in two macros (divide it out however you want, i've sorted my macros by zone)... otherwise you will need about 4 individual regular macros.
I'm not taking credit for this information, just providing a compiled list since the original poster is not updating their post any longer, that I can tell.Putridtwo - GaronaEdit: Please add a comment with any that I overlooked and i'll keep this list under close watch and update.
Комментарий от Raxji
Wanted to add that I got a Skull off Soulbinder Halldora in Stormheim who is not on the original list so newer additions probably also drop the quest item.
Комментарий от Shashos
Just did Instructor Tivos in Azsuna and Denmother Yiva in Stormheim and neither one gave a skull.
Edit: You will not get a skull from a mob that drops one if you're in a raid group. This happened to me last night. I got credit for the world quest, but no skull quest item. What I did was hang around after the kill and wait until a new bunch of people showed up to take the mob down, then participated without joining a group. I got the skull even though I had already completed the WQ for the kill.
It appears that as long as the mob is still active for everyone, you can still get credit.
Комментарий от vtski009
just got one from Wanted: Karthax Isle of the Watchers 45,77
Комментарий от Bursi
Got this from Ударный боец передовой or Разъяренный предвестник in Krokuun during the Argus quest line.
Комментарий от Mokael
The quest item dropped for me on the Broken Shore from one of the Eredar mobs while doing Ancient Bones world quest (large island northwards, connected by the bridge)
Комментарий от maidendg
Skull dropped from I was in a LFG party of 5.
Комментарий от maidendg
Skull dropped from Danger: Oglok the Furious in Suramar. I was in a LFG party of 5.
Комментарий от Throrsome
So Danger: WQ don't spawn every day? Well they probably do until u pick up this quest :( None yesterday or today . . . . . . . . . .
Комментарий от jodiesattva
Danger: Oglok the Furious in Suramar around 67.0, 54.5 also drops a skull; I just got it.
Комментарий от Berbe
For those wondering, the skulls drop again (if new Danger WQ is up) from the same rares you looted in previous WQ. I just got the second one from Fjorlag, a few days after. So, my point is that you don't have to kill 13 different ones for 13 skulls. I hope this info helped somehow. Have fun and good luck!
Комментарий от ulvennisse
Waste of time, can someone tell me what this idiotic quest is good for?....please.
Комментарий от Ouroborouspriest
I know this has been said but save yourself some aggravation and make sure you're not in a raid group. I don't know why someone would make a raid group for a broken isles world quest at this point in the expansion but.... it happens and you will not get a skull.
Комментарий от Graknak
It's been 9 days since i got the quest and i'm only on 6/13 skulls while checking multiple times a day. Ahh that delicious legion rng. I wouldn't call it salty, more like umami...
Комментарий от MarkAlmighty
Based on the other top comments here already, I think it's safe to say that any Broken Isles World Quest that begins with "DANGER:" has a chance to drop a skull, as long as you're not in a raid group.
Комментарий от Eluria
So... I have had this quest for months... quite a few months and I have only seen 2-3 of these supposed "wanted" quests. And only 1 of those 3 dropped a skull. so now after months, I only have 1.What exactly am I doing wrong here? This is incredibly stupid... is this a quest I have to do or is it just some dumb vanity thing? This isn't worth the trouble...
*edit to add: I was never in a raid group. I only do them alone. No parties.*
Комментарий от Halgrimmdk
It also drops fromDANGER: Colerian, Alteria, and Selenyiin Suramar.
Комментарий от kharoas
Just got one from the world quest Danger: Scythemaster Cil'raman. The thing is a giant spider, calling it humanoid is a big stretch. So I guess always do all 'Danger' quests.
Комментарий от kharoas
Just did DANGER: Defilia and I didn't get a skull, contrary to others. Here's what happened: someone else was battling her, and I DoT her and then I die before she dies. I don't release. While I'm dead next to her, the World Quest pops up as complete and I get the World Quest reward but no skull. All the other times I did a humanoid DANGER: mob it gave me a skull so I don't think it's a luck thing anymore.
TL;DR Don't die before they die
Комментарий от h5rlequin
I guess they have a dropchance of around 80% :)
Комментарий от eKatherine
I always join groups to do these quests, and had no idea you weren't supposed to join a raid group. Yet I completed the 13 skulls on 2 afflocks before hearing there was that requirement.
The hardest part of this quest is finding the turn-in. It's in the mausoleum in the cemetery behind Karazhan.
Комментарий от Guinnyn
As I am doing this quest on two concurrent warlocks (horde and alliance), I thought it useful to compile all the different lists here into a single one, with personal confirmations. And from those confirmations, keep in mind:
The skull is a 100% guaranteed drop from these mobs if they are an active world quest. On the same hand, if you killed a mob that gave you a skull before, and the world quest for it pops up again, killing it again will wield you another skull.
The skull might not drop if you kill any of these mobs without them being an active world quest (I can confirm that, from the ones I killed on this condition, the skull didn't drop, but we have also people saying that the skull did drop for them, so my conclusion is that the skull drop is only 100% guaranteed when the mob is on an active world quest). On the same topic, killing the mob again after completing the world quest will not give you another skull.
The skull will only drop if you are solo or in a 5-man group, at most. It will most definitely not drop for you if you are on a raid group, even if the world quest is active.
So far, I have not gotten any skull drops from the Argus rares, either on their world quests or not, so I'm assuming they only drop off Broken Isles rares.
My conclusion is, don't bother looking for the mobs if they're not an active world quest. It will take you a few days at least, a couple weeks at worst, checking world quests every 8h or so, but it should save you the frustration of hunting down every mob in this list, every day, and not getting a skull every kill.
TL;DR: Only go for the mobs that are an active world quest for you.
The mobs that can give you a skull:
Комментарий от Blahblahwhatever
Jesus H Christ, not a single comment here that can just tell us the USEFUL information.
HERE IS THE ONLY USEFUL INFORMATION: You get skulls from completing WARDEN's WORLD QUESTS where you are sent to kill HUMANOID MOBS only.
Holy @#$%.
Комментарий от Blahblahwhatever
How in the world are there so many comments in here explaining nuanced if not completely irrelevant stuff and none that get right to the point?
You collect skulls ONLY from completing Warden's World Quests where the target is a humanoid mob.
How hard was that? Not at all. We might tolerate some jokes here and there but if it's not relevant we really don't want it posted here. We don't need 10 people posing the same fn way points.
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