Древнее земледельческое поселение кука. Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука
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Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука. Древнее земледельческое поселение кука

Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука — Википедия (с комментариями)

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука (Болото Кука) — археологический памятник на территории Папуа — Новой Гвинеи, показывающий изолированное развитие сельского хозяйства на протяжении 7-10 тысячелетий.

Памятник расположен в юго-восточной части острова Новая Гвинея, в провинции Западное нагорье на высоте 1550 метров над уровнем моря, в высокогорной долине Вахги. Площадь памятника — 116 гектаров.

В данной болотистой местности сохранились следы перехода от собирательства к сельскому хозяйству, по оценкам археологов в данной местности этот процесс проходил примерно в 5 тысячелетии до н. э., к этому периоду относятся найденные пригорки-грядки по кромке влажной зоны. Примерно за 2000 лет до н. э. здесь была создана система дренажных каналов, связанных в единую сеть.

Преимущественно выращивались фруктовые и ореховые деревья, растения со съедобными корнями — ямс, таро, пастбищные культуры, сахарный тростник, зелень, лиственные овощи и бананы.

Археологические раскопки и исследования проводятся с 1960-х годов, пионером в данной области был австралийский археолог Джек Голсон.

На территории памятника проживает племя кавелка, с 1990-х годов они выращивают сладкий картофель, бананы и кофе.

В 2008 году местность включена в список Всемирного наследия.

Напишите отзыв о статье "Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука"


  • Восемь новых объектов в Списке всемирного наследия // Пресс-коммюнике ЮНЕСКО N°2008-56
  • [typo38.unesco.org/ru/cour-06-2008/cour-06-2008-5.html Мировая колыбель земледелия] // Курьер ЮНЕСКО 2008 — номер 6

Отрывок, характеризующий Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука

Кутузов вышел с Багратионом на крыльцо. – Ну, князь, прощай, – сказал он Багратиону. – Христос с тобой. Благословляю тебя на великий подвиг. Лицо Кутузова неожиданно смягчилось, и слезы показались в его глазах. Он притянул к себе левою рукой Багратиона, а правой, на которой было кольцо, видимо привычным жестом перекрестил его и подставил ему пухлую щеку, вместо которой Багратион поцеловал его в шею. – Христос с тобой! – повторил Кутузов и подошел к коляске. – Садись со мной, – сказал он Болконскому. – Ваше высокопревосходительство, я желал бы быть полезен здесь. Позвольте мне остаться в отряде князя Багратиона. – Садись, – сказал Кутузов и, заметив, что Болконский медлит, – мне хорошие офицеры самому нужны, самому нужны. Они сели в коляску и молча проехали несколько минут. – Еще впереди много, много всего будет, – сказал он со старческим выражением проницательности, как будто поняв всё, что делалось в душе Болконского. – Ежели из отряда его придет завтра одна десятая часть, я буду Бога благодарить, – прибавил Кутузов, как бы говоря сам с собой. Князь Андрей взглянул на Кутузова, и ему невольно бросились в глаза, в полуаршине от него, чисто промытые сборки шрама на виске Кутузова, где измаильская пуля пронизала ему голову, и его вытекший глаз. «Да, он имеет право так спокойно говорить о погибели этих людей!» подумал Болконский. – От этого я и прошу отправить меня в этот отряд, – сказал он. Кутузов не ответил. Он, казалось, уж забыл о том, что было сказано им, и сидел задумавшись. Через пять минут, плавно раскачиваясь на мягких рессорах коляски, Кутузов обратился к князю Андрею. На лице его не было и следа волнения. Он с тонкою насмешливостью расспрашивал князя Андрея о подробностях его свидания с императором, об отзывах, слышанных при дворе о кремском деле, и о некоторых общих знакомых женщинах.

Кутузов чрез своего лазутчика получил 1 го ноября известие, ставившее командуемую им армию почти в безвыходное положение. Лазутчик доносил, что французы в огромных силах, перейдя венский мост, направились на путь сообщения Кутузова с войсками, шедшими из России. Ежели бы Кутузов решился оставаться в Кремсе, то полуторастатысячная армия Наполеона отрезала бы его от всех сообщений, окружила бы его сорокатысячную изнуренную армию, и он находился бы в положении Мака под Ульмом. Ежели бы Кутузов решился оставить дорогу, ведшую на сообщения с войсками из России, то он должен был вступить без дороги в неизвестные края Богемских


Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука - WikiVisually

1. Папуа — Новая Гвинея – Its capital, located along its southeastern coast, is Port Moresby. The western half of New Guinea forms the Indonesian provinces of Papua, Papua New Guinea is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. There are 852 known languages in the country, of which 12 have no known living speakers, most of the population of more than 7 million people live in customary communities, which are as diverse as the languages. It is also one of the most rural, as only 18 percent of its live in urban centres. The country is one of the worlds least explored, culturally and geographically and it is known to have numerous groups of uncontacted peoples, and researchers believe there are many undiscovered species of plants and animals in the interior. Papua New Guinea is classified as an economy by the International Monetary Fund. Strong growth in Papua New Guineas mining and resource sector led to the becoming the sixth fastest-growing economy in the world in 2011. Growth was expected to slow once major resource projects came on line in 2015, mining remains a major economic factor, however. Local and national governments are discussing the potential of resuming mining operations in Panguna mine in Bougainville Province, nearly 40 percent of the population lives a self-sustainable natural lifestyle with no access to global capital. Most of the still live in strong traditional social groups based on farming. Their social lives combine traditional religion with modern practices, including primary education, at the national level, after being ruled by three external powers since 1884, Papua New Guinea established its sovereignty in 1975. This followed nearly 60 years of Australian administration, which started during the Great War and it became an independent Commonwealth realm with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state and became a member of the Commonwealth of Nations in its own right. Archaeological evidence indicates that humans first arrived in Papua New Guinea around 42,000 to 45,000 years ago and they were descendants of migrants out of Africa, in one of the early waves of human migration. Agriculture was independently developed in the New Guinea highlands around 7000 BC, a major migration of Austronesian-speaking peoples to coastal regions of New Guinea took place around 500 BC. This has been correlated with the introduction of pottery, pigs, in the 18th century, traders brought the sweet potato to New Guinea, where it was adopted and became part of the staples. Portuguese traders had obtained it from South America and introduced it to the Moluccas, the far higher crop yields from sweet potato gardens radically transformed traditional agriculture and societies. Sweet potato largely supplanted the previous staple, taro, and resulted in a significant increase in population in the highlands. In 1901, on Goaribari Island in the Gulf of Papua, missionary Harry Dauncey found 10,000 skulls in the islands Long Houses, traders from Southeast Asia had visited New Guinea beginning 5,000 years ago to collect bird of paradise plumes

2. Новая Гвинея – New Guinea is a large Island in the South West Pacific region. It is the worlds second-largest island, after Greenland, covering an area of 785,753 km2. The island is divided between two countries, Papua New Guinea to the east, and Indonesia to the west, the island has been known by various names. The name Papua was used to refer to parts of the island before contact with the West and its etymology is unclear, one theory states that it is from Tidore, the language used by the Sultanate of Tidore, which controlled parts of the islands coastal region. The name came from papo and ua, which means not united or, ploeg reports that the word papua is often said to derive from the Malay word papua or pua-pua, meaning frizzly-haired, referring to the highly curly hair of the inhabitants of these areas. When the Portuguese and Spanish explorers arrived in the island via the Spice Islands, when the Dutch colonized it as part of Netherlands East Indies, they called it Nieuw Guinea. The name Irian was used in the Indonesian language to refer the island and Indonesian province, the name was promoted in 1945 by Marcus Kaisiepo, brother of the future governor Frans Kaisiepo. It is taken from the Biak language of Biak Island, and means to rise and this name of Irian is the name used in the Biak language and other languages such as Serui, Merauke and Waropen. The name was used until 2001, when the name Papua was again used for the island, the name Irian, which was originally favored by natives, is now considered to be a name imposed by the authority of Jakarta. New Guinea is an island to the north of Australia, and it is isolated by the Arafura Sea to the west and the Torres Strait and Coral Sea to the east. A spine of east–west mountains, the New Guinea Highlands, dominates the geography of New Guinea, stretching over 1,600 km from the head to the tail of the island. The western half of the island of New Guinea contains the highest mountains in Oceania, rising up to 4,884 m high, the tree line is around 4,000 m elevation and the tallest peaks contain permanent equatorial glaciers—which have been retreating since at least 1936. Various other smaller mountain ranges occur both north and west of the central ranges, except in high elevations, most areas possess a warm humid climate throughout the year, with some seasonal variation associated with the northeast monsoon season. At 4,884 metres, Puncak Jaya makes New Guinea the worlds fourth highest landmass, Puncak Mandala, located in Papua, is the second highest peak on the island at 4,760 metres. Puncak Trikora, also in Papua, is 4,750 metres, mount Wilhelm is the highest peak on the PNG side of the border at 4,509 metres. Its granite peak is the highest point of the Bismarck Range, mount Giluwe 4,368 metres is the second highest summit in PNG. It is also the highest volcanic peak in Oceania, another major habitat feature is the vast southern and northern lowlands. Stretching for hundreds of kilometres, these include lowland rainforests, extensive wetlands, savanna grasslands, the southern lowlands are the site of Lorentz National Park, also a UNESCO World Heritage Site

3. Сельское хозяйство – Agriculture is the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of human civilization. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science, the history of agriculture dates back thousands of years, and its development has been driven and defined by greatly different climates, cultures, and technologies. Industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture farming has become the dominant agricultural methodology, genetically modified organisms are an increasing component of agriculture, although they are banned in several countries. Agricultural food production and water management are increasingly becoming global issues that are fostering debate on a number of fronts, the major agricultural products can be broadly grouped into foods, fibers, fuels, and raw materials. Specific foods include cereals, vegetables, fruits, oils, meats, fibers include cotton, wool, hemp, silk and flax. Raw materials include lumber and bamboo, other useful materials are also produced by plants, such as resins, dyes, drugs, perfumes, biofuels and ornamental products such as cut flowers and nursery plants. The word agriculture is a late Middle English adaptation of Latin agricultūra, from ager, field, Agriculture usually refers to human activities, although it is also observed in certain species of ant, termite and ambrosia beetle. To practice agriculture means to use resources to produce commodities which maintain life, including food, fiber, forest products, horticultural crops. This definition includes arable farming or agronomy, and horticulture, all terms for the growing of plants, even then, it is acknowledged that there is a large amount of knowledge transfer and overlap between silviculture and agriculture. In traditional farming, the two are often combined even on small landholdings, leading to the term agroforestry, Agriculture began independently in different parts of the globe, and included a diverse range of taxa. At least 11 separate regions of the Old and New World were involved as independent centers of origin, wild grains were collected and eaten from at least 105,000 years ago. Pigs were domesticated in Mesopotamia around 15,000 years ago, rice was domesticated in China between 13,500 and 8,200 years ago, followed by mung, soy and azuki beans. Sheep were domesticated in Mesopotamia between 13,000 and 11,000 years ago. From around 11,500 years ago, the eight Neolithic founder crops, emmer and einkorn wheat, hulled barley, peas, lentils, bitter vetch, chick peas and flax were cultivated in the Levant. Cattle were domesticated from the aurochs in the areas of modern Turkey. In the Andes of South America, the potato was domesticated between 10,000 and 7,000 years ago, along with beans, coca, llamas, alpacas, sugarcane and some root vegetables were domesticated in New Guinea around 9,000 years ago. Sorghum was domesticated in the Sahel region of Africa by 7,000 years ago, cotton was domesticated in Peru by 5,600 years ago, and was independently domesticated in Eurasia at an unknown time

4. Дренаж – Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area. The internal drainage of most agricultural soils is good enough to prevent severe waterlogging, all houses in the major cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro had access to water and drainage facilities. Waste water was directed to covered drains, which lined the major streets, the invention of hollow-pipe drainage is credited to Sir Hugh Dalrymple, who died in 1753. New drainage systems incorporate geotextile filters that retain and prevent fine grains of soil from passing into, geotextiles are synthetic textile fabrics specially manufactured for civil and environmental engineering applications. Geotextiles are designed to retain fine soil particles while allowing water to pass through, in a typical drainage system they would be laid along a trench which would then be filled with coarse granular material, gravel, sea shells, stone or rock. The geotextile is then folded over the top of the stone, groundwater seeps through the geotextile and flow within the stone to an outfell. In high groundwater conditions a perforated pipe is laid along the base of the drain to increases the volume of water transported in the drain. Alternatively, the prefabricated plastic drainage system made of HDPE called SmartDitch, often incorporating geotextile, over the past 30 years geotextile and PVC filters have become the most commonly used soil filter media. They are cheap to produce and easy to lay, with factory controlled properties that ensure long term filtration performance even in fine silty soil conditions, seattles Public Utilities created a pilot program called Street Edge Alternatives Project. The project focuses on designing a system to provide drainage that more closely mimics the natural landscape prior to development than traditional piped systems, the streets are characterized by ditches along the side of the roadway, with plantings designed throughout the area. An emphasis on non curbed sidewalks allows water to more freely into the areas of permeable surface on the side of the streets. Because of the plantings the run off water from the area does not all directly go into the ground. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems are designed to encourage contractors to install drainage system that closely mimic the natural flow of water in nature. Since 2010 local and neighbourhood planning in the UK is required by law to factor SUDS into any development projects that they are responsible for, slot drainage has proved the most breakthrough product of the last twenty years as a drainage option. Both stainless steel and concrete channel slot drainage have become industry standards on construction projects, the civil engineer is responsible for drainage in construction projects. They set out from the all the roads, street gutters, drainage, culverts. During the construction process he/she will set out all the levels for each of the previously mentioned factors. Civil engineers and construction managers work alongside architects and supervisors, planners, quantity surveyors, typically, most jurisdictions have some body of drainage law to govern to what degree a landowner can alter the drainage from his parcel

5. Ямс – Yam is the common name for some plant species in the genus Dioscorea that form edible tubers. Yams are perennial herbaceous vines cultivated for the consumption of their starchy tubers in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, the tubers themselves are also called yams. There are many different cultivars of yams, Yams are monocots, related to lilies and grasses. Native to Africa and Asia, yam tubers vary in size from that of a potato to over 60 kg. Over 600 varieties of yams are known, and 95% of these crops are grown in Africa, differences between true yam and sweet potato yam Yams are a monocot from the Dioscoreaceae family. Sweet potatoes are a dicot from the Convolvulaceae family, therefore, they are about as distantly related as two flowering plants can be. Culinarily, yams are starchier and drier than sweet potatoes, the table below lists some differences between yams and sweet potatoes. Yam tubers can grow up to 1.5 m in length, the vegetable has a rough skin which is difficult to peel, but softens after heating. The skins vary in color dark brown to light pink. The majority of the vegetable is composed of a much softer substance known as the meat and this substance ranges in color from white or yellow to purple or pink in mature yams. Many cultivars of yams are found throughout the humid tropics, the most economically important are discussed below. Dioscorea rotundata, the yam, and D. cayenensis. They are the most important cultivated yams, in the past, they were considered as two separate species, but most taxonomists now regard them as the same species. Over 200 varieties between them are cultivated, white yams tuber is roughly cylindrical in shape, the skin is smooth and brown, and the flesh is usually white and firm. Yellow yam has yellow flesh, caused by the presence of carotenoids and it looks similar to the white yam in outer appearance, its tuber skin is usually a bit firmer and less extensively grooved. The yellow yam has a period of vegetation and a shorter dormancy than white yam. The Kokoro variety is important in making dried yam chips and they are large plants, the vines can be as long as 10 to 12 m. The tubers most often weigh about 2.5 to 5 kg each, after 7 to 12 months growth, the tubers are harvested

6. Таро (растение) – Taro commonly refers to the plant Colocasia esculenta, the most widely cultivated species of several plants in the Araceae family which are used as vegetables for their corms, leaves, and petioles. Thus, this describes the dasheen form of taro, another variety of taro is known as eddoe or Colocasia antiquorum. Other species of taro include giant taro, swamp taro, Colocasia esculenta is thought to be native to Southern India and Southeast Asia, but is widely naturalised. It is a perennial, tropical plant primarily grown as a vegetable for its edible starchy corm. It is a staple in African, Oceanic and South Indian cultures and is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivated plants. It is known by local names and often referred to as elephant ears when grown as an ornamental plant. Taro can be grown in fields where water is abundant or in upland situations where water is supplied by rainfall or supplemental irrigation. Taro is one of the few crops that can be grown under flooded conditions and this is due to air spaces in the petiole, which permit underwater gaseous exchange with the atmosphere. For a maximum dissolved oxygen supply, the water should be cool, warm, stagnant water causes basal rotting. For maximum yields, the water level should be controlled so that the base of the plant is always under water, flooded cultivation has some advantages over dry-land cultivation, higher yields, out-of-season production, and weed control. On the other hand, in flooded production systems requires a longer maturation period, investment in infrastructure, and higher operational costs. Like most root crops, taro and eddoes do well in deep, moist or even swampy soils where the rainfall exceeds 2,500 mm. Eddoes are more resistant to drought. The crop attains maturity within six to twelve months after planting in dry-land cultivation, the crop is harvested when the plant height decreases and the leaves turn yellow. These signals are less distinct in flooded taro cultivation. Harvesting is usually done by hand tools, even in mechanized production systems, first, the soil around the corm is loosened, and then, the corm is pulled up by grabbing the base of the petioles. The global average yield is 6.2 tones/hectare but varies according to the region, in Asia, average yields reach 12.6 tones/hectare. Taro contains oxalic acid which forms raphides and it is reduced to safe levels by steeping cubed taro roots in cold water overnight and disposing of the water. Calcium oxalate is highly insoluble and contributes to kidney stones and it has been recommended to consume calcium-rich foods like milk together with taro

7. Сахарный тростник – Saccharum officinarum, sugarcane, is a large, strong-growing species of grass in the genus Saccharum. It originated in southeast Asia and is now cultivated in tropical and subtropical countries worldwide for the production of sugar, S. officinarum, a perennial plant, grows in clumps consisting of a number of strong unbranched stems. A network of rhizomes forms under the soil which sends up secondary shoots near the parent plant, the stems vary in colour, being green, pinkish, or purple and can reach 5 m in height. They are jointed, nodes being present at the bases of the alternate leaves, the internodes contain a fibrous white pith immersed in sugary sap. The elongated, linear, green leaves have thick midribs and saw-toothed edges and grow to a length of about 30 to 60 cm, the terminal inflorescence is a panicle up to 60 cm long, a pinkish plume that is broadest at the base and tapering towards the top. The spikelets are borne on branches and are about 3 mm long and are concealed in tufts of long. The fruits are dry and each one contains a single seed, sugarcane harvest typically occurs before the plants flower, as the flowering process causes a reduction in sugar content. Portions of the stem of this and several species of sugarcane have been used from ancient times for chewing to extract the sweet juice. It was cultivated in New Guinea about 8000 years ago for this purpose, extraction of the juice and boiling to concentrate it was probably first done in India more than 2000 years ago. S. officinarum and its hybrids are grown for the production of sugar, ethanol, the stems and the byproducts of the sugar industry are used for feeding to livestock. Pigs fed on sugarcane juice and a protein supplement produced stronger piglets that grew faster than those on a more conventional diet. As its specific name implies, it is used in traditional medicine both internally and externally

8. Кофе – Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the Coffea plant. The genus Coffea is native to tropical Africa, and Madagascar, the two most commonly grown are the highly regarded arabica, and the less sophisticated but stronger and more hardy robusta. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried, dried coffee seeds are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavor. Roasted beans are ground and brewed with boiling water to produce coffee as a beverage. Coffee is slightly acidic and can have an effect on humans because of its caffeine content. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world and it can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways. It is usually served hot, although iced coffee is also served, the earliest credible evidence of coffee-drinking appears in the middle of the 15th century in the Sufi shrines of Yemen. It was here in Arabia that coffee seeds were first roasted and brewed in a way to how it is now prepared. Coffee seeds were first exported from East Africa to Yemen, as the coffea arabica plant is thought to have been indigenous to the former, yemeni traders took coffee back to their homeland and began to cultivate the seed. By the 16th century, it had reached Persia, Turkey, from there, it spread to Europe and the rest of the world. Coffee is an export commodity, it is the top agricultural export for numerous countries and is among the worlds largest legal agricultural exports. It is one of the most valuable commodities exported by developing countries, green coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the world. Consequently, the markets for fair trade coffee and organic coffee are expanding. The first reference to coffee in the English language is in the form chaona, dated to 1598 and understood to be a misprint of chaoua, equivalent, in the orthography of the time, to chaova. This term and coffee both derive from the Ottoman Turkish kahve, by way of the Italian caffè and it has also been proposed that the source may be the Proto-Central Semitic root q-h-h meaning dark. Alternatively, the word Khat, a plant widely used as stimulant in Yemen and Ethiopia before being supplanted by coffee has been suggested as a possible origin, the expression coffee break was first attested in 1952. The term coffee pot dates from 1705, other accounts attribute the discovery of coffee to Sheikh Omar. According to the ancient chronicle, Omar, who was known for his ability to cure the sick through prayer, was exiled from Mocha in Yemen to a desert cave near Ousab


Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука в городе Guga

Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука (Болото Кука) — археологический памятник на территории Папуа — Новой Гвинеи, показывающий изолированное развитие сельского хозяйства на протяжении 7-10 тысячелетий.

Памятник расположен в юго-восточной части острова Новая Гвинея, в провинции Западное нагорье на высоте 1550 метров над уровнем моря, в высокогорной долине Вахги. Площадь памятника — 116 гектаров.

В данной болотистой местности сохранились следы перехода от собирательства к сельскому хозяйству, по оценкам археологов в данной местности этот процесс проходил примерно в 5 тысячелетии до н. э., к этому периоду относятся найденные пригорки-грядки по кромке влажной зоны. Примерно за 2000 лет до н. э. здесь была создана система дренажных каналов, связанных в единую сеть.

Преимущественно выращивались фруктовые и ореховые деревья, растения со съедобными корнями — ямс, таро, пастбищные культуры, сахарный тростник, зелень, лиственные овощи и бананы.

Highland Warrior - Mt. Hagen Festival

Археологические раскопки и исследования проводятся с 1960-х годов, пионером в данной области был австралийский археолог Джек Голсон.

На территории памятника проживает племя кавелка, с 1990-х годов они выращивают сладкий картофель, бананы и кофе.

В 2008 году местность включена в список Всемирного наследия.

Warrior (from the Sepik region ?) at the Mount Hagen Festival



Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука

Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука (Болото Кука) — археологический памятник на территории Папуа — Новой Гвинеи, показывающий изолированное развитие сельского хозяйства на протяжении 7-10 тысячелетий.

Памятник расположен в юго-восточной части острова Новая Гвинея, в провинции Западное нагорье на высоте 1550 метров над уровнем моря, в высокогорной долине Вахги. Площадь памятника — 116 гектаров.

В данной болотистой местности сохранились следы перехода от собирательства к сельскому хозяйству, по оценкам археологов в данной местности этот процесс проходил примерно в 5 тысячелетии до н. э., к этому периоду относятся найденные пригорки-грядки по кромке влажной зоны. Примерно за 2000 лет до н. э. здесь была создана система дренажных каналов, связанных в единую сеть.

Преимущественно выращивались фруктовые и ореховые деревья, растения со съедобными корнями — ямс, таро, пастбищные культуры, сахарный тростник, зелень, лиственные овощи и бананы.

Археологические раскопки и исследования проводятся с 1960-х годов, пионером в данной области был австралийский археолог Джек Голсон.

На территории памятника проживает племя кавелка, с 1990-х годов они выращивают сладкий картофель, бананы и кофе.

В 2008 году местность включена в список Всемирного наследия.


  • Восемь новых объектов в Списке всемирного наследия // Пресс-коммюнике ЮНЕСКО N°2008-56
  • Мировая колыбель земледелия // Курьер ЮНЕСКО 2008 — номер 6

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Древнее земледельческое поселение КукаДревнее земледельческое поселение КукаДревнее земледельческое поселение Кука

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Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука Просмотр темы.

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There are excerpts from wikipedia on this article and video

Страна Папуа — Новая Гвинея Папуа — Новая Гвинея
Тип Культурный
Критерии iii, iv, v
Ссылка 887
Регион*** азиатско-тихоокеанский
Включение 2008  (32 сессия)

Координаты: 5°47′01″ ю. ш. 144°19′54″ в. д. / 5.7837111° ю. ш. 144.331722° в. д. / -5.7837111; 144.331722 (G) (O)

* Название в официальном рус. списке** Название в официальном англ. списке*** Регион по классификации ЮНЕСКО


Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука | vv-travel.ru

Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука*

Kuk Early Agricultural Site**

Всемирное наследие ЮНЕСКО


Папуа — Новая ГвинеяFlag of Papua New Guinea.svg Папуа — Новая Гвинея




iii, iv, v






2008 (32 сессия)

Координаты: 5°47?01 ю. ш. 144°19?54 в. д. / 5.7837111° ю. ш. 144.331722° в. д. / -5.7837111; 144.331722 (G) (O)

* Название в официальном рус. списке** Название в официальном англ. списке*** Регион по классификации ЮНЕСКО

Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука (Болото Кука) — археологический памятник на территории Папуа — Новой Гвинеи, показывающий изолированное развитие сельского хозяйства на протяжении 7-10 тысячелетий.

Памятник расположен в юго-восточной части острова Новая Гвинея, в провинции Западное нагорье на высоте 1550 метров над уровнем моря, в высокогорной долине Вахги. Площадь памятника — 116 гектаров.

В данной болотистой местности сохранились следы перехода от собирательства к сельскому хозяйству, по оценкам археологов в данной местности этот процесс проходил примерно в 5 тысячелетии до н. э., к этому периоду относятся найденные пригорки-грядки по кромке влажной зоны. Примерно за 2000 лет до н. э. здесь была создана система дренажных каналов, связанных в единую сеть.

Преимущественно выращивались фруктовые и ореховые деревья, растения со съедобными корнями — ямс, таро, пастбищные культуры, сахарный тростник, зелень, лиственные овощи и бананы.

Археологические раскопки и исследования проводятся с 1960-х годов, пионером в данной области был австралийский археолог Джек Голсон.

На территории памятника проживает племя кавелка, с 1990-х годов они выращивают сладкий картофель, бананы и кофе.

В 2008 году местность включена в список Всемирного наследия.


WikiZero - Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука

Wikipedia Open wikipedia design.

Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука (Болото Кука) — археологический памятник на территории Папуа — Новой Гвинеи, показывающий изолированное развитие сельского хозяйства на протяжении 7-10 тысячелетий.

Памятник расположен в юго-восточной части острова Новая Гвинея, в провинции Западное нагорье на высоте 1550 метров над уровнем моря, в высокогорной долине Вахги. Площадь памятника — 116 гектаров.

В данной болотистой местности сохранились следы перехода от собирательства к сельскому хозяйству, по оценкам археологов в данной местности этот процесс проходил примерно в 5 тысячелетии до н. э., к этому периоду относятся найденные пригорки-грядки по кромке влажной зоны. Примерно за 2000 лет до н. э. здесь была создана система дренажных каналов, связанных в единую сеть.

Преимущественно выращивались фруктовые и ореховые деревья, растения со съедобными корнями — ямс, таро, пастбищные культуры, сахарный тростник, зелень, лиственные овощи и бананы.

Археологические раскопки и исследования проводятся с 1960-х годов, пионером в данной области был австралийский археолог Джек Голсон.

На территории памятника проживает племя кавелка, с 1990-х годов они выращивают сладкий картофель, бананы и кофе.

В 2008 году местность включена в список Всемирного наследия.

  • Восемь новых объектов в Списке всемирного наследия // Пресс-коммюнике ЮНЕСКО N°2008-56
  • Мировая колыбель земледелия (недоступная ссылка) // Курьер ЮНЕСКО 2008 — номер 6

This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit).Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license; additional terms may apply.Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses.


Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука - Howling Pixel

Древнее земледельческое поселение Кука (Болото Кука) — археологический памятник на территории Папуа — Новой Гвинеи, показывающий изолированное развитие сельского хозяйства на протяжении 7-10 тысячелетий.

Памятник расположен в юго-восточной части острова Новая Гвинея, в провинции Западное нагорье на высоте 1550 метров над уровнем моря, в высокогорной долине Вахги. Площадь памятника — 116 гектаров.

В данной болотистой местности сохранились следы перехода от собирательства к сельскому хозяйству, по оценкам археологов в данной местности этот процесс проходил примерно в 5 тысячелетии до н. э., к этому периоду относятся найденные пригорки-грядки по кромке влажной зоны. Примерно за 2000 лет до н. э. здесь была создана система дренажных каналов, связанных в единую сеть.

Преимущественно выращивались фруктовые и ореховые деревья, растения со съедобными корнями — ямс, таро, пастбищные культуры, сахарный тростник, зелень, лиственные овощи и бананы.

Археологические раскопки и исследования проводятся с 1960-х годов, пионером в данной области был австралийский археолог Джек Голсон.

На территории памятника проживает племя кавелка, с 1990-х годов они выращивают сладкий картофель, бананы и кофе.

В 2008 году местность включена в список Всемирного наследия.


  • Восемь новых объектов в Списке всемирного наследия // Пресс-коммюнике ЮНЕСКО N°2008-56
  • Мировая колыбель земледелия (недоступная ссылка) // Курьер ЮНЕСКО 2008 — номер 6

This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by authors (here). Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license; additional terms may apply. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses.
