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World of Warcraft. Древняя жаровня wow

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World Of Warcraft Quest Древняя Жаровня Id 25762

Покоряем Burning Crusade ⚔️ Будущий рестор друид ⚔️ Стрим World of WarCraft: Burning Crusade

Играем в классическую версию World of WarCraft: Classic на сервере Kronos 3. Ссылка на сервер - http://www.kronos-wow.com/ Realm Kronos 3: set realmlist east.kronos-wow.com Также проходят рейды на Light'sHope - https://lightshope.org/ Realm Light'sHope - logon.lightshope.org А также начал играть на Burning Crusade друидом, так что если видите БК, то вот сервер https://www.warmane.com/ , реалм - Outland Если играю за Варлока - это Кронос 3, если за Ханта - Light'sHope Поддержать мой проект - http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/burgervanilla Vk - https://vk.com/burgerstream Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/burger_tv YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVp3HrjsHf13z4wdV6jDMyw Мои аддоны - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dLKgE-84lkPlpknhvQyFJSFK59s_-viU World of WarCraft Classic client 1.12.1 ( клиент вов 1.12.1 ) - https://forum.lightshope.org/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1020 Готовьтесь испытать давно забытые ощущения! Благодаря путешествию во времени, вскоре можно будет играть в World of Warcraft: Classic. Следите за новостями на сайте http://worldofwarcraft.com/ru-ru/ World Of Warcraft - многопользовательская ролевая онлайн-игра, разработанная компанией Blizzard Entertainment. Четвёртая игра серии Warcraft, не считая дополнений и отменённой Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans. Действие игры происходит во вселенной Warcraft, а ее события разворачиваются спустя четыре года после окончания Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Готовьтесь испытать давно забытые ощущения! Благодаря путешествию во времени, вскоре можно будет играть в World of Warcraft: Classic. Следите за новостями на сайте http://worldofwarcraft.com/ru-ru/ World Of Warcraft - многопользовательская ролевая онлайн-игра, разработанная компанией Blizzard Entertainment. Четвёртая игра серии Warcraft, не считая дополнений и отменённой Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans. Действие игры происходит во вселенной Warcraft, а ее события разворачиваются спустя четыре года после окончания Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Игроки вольны выбирать сторону конфликта, расу персонажа и один из множества классов, а так же получают доступ к огромному и разнообразному миру Азерота. Игроки вольны заниматься чем угодно - исследовать мир, выполнять задания, собираться с другими игроками в гильдии и зачищать подземелья, или же сражаться в режиме PvP, набирая особые "очки чести" и открывая таким образом особую экипировку. Multistreaming with https://restream.io/


Жаровня пробуждения - Предмет - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от shihao0

It feels too underwhelming imo. But it would still be nice to have though.

Комментарий от Emsarrev

This seems a pretty good quality of life item during progression raids where you're going to be wiping a lot. I really hope it prefers players that can resurrect other players.

The main question I have is whether ressing people the "old way" with this item would actually be faster than everybody releasing and running, especially with the new BRF style where you immediately respawn inside the instance. I think it'll depend greatly on fight length (for mass res cooldown) and the distance you have to run from the raid portal to the boss.

Комментарий от Syio

Useful for recovering from raid wipes that have left no one standing. Just make sure that someone able to rez the rest gets it if is down.

Комментарий от tmptfate

The Жаровня пробуждения stays active for only 12 min (or until used).

Seems this would be an extremely useful item for soloing some hard content, but not too hard since the CD is 30 minutes.

Комментарий от varenne

Жаровня пробуждения is found in the Жаровня пробуждения treasure, which is located southwest from the giant tree in Zorammarsh. There is a path leading to the shore where you can find the treasure inside a hut. The item allows you to self resurrect anyone in your group once out of combat, lasts for 12 minutes or until used.The road to Жаровня пробуждения begins at 38.5, 79.4 Танаанские джунгли, the item is at 37.7, 80.8. Near the treasure you can find Sea-kissed Scroll (readable) and Trogra corpse.Location video https://youtu.be/4vL8SdoooTsTanaan Jungle Treasures Playlist

Комментарий от docseuzz

LFR required item...

Комментарий от jessihealz

This item allows you to self resurrect anyone in your group once combat has dropped, this will be very handy for any raiders with . And since it procs after you all exit combat it will not consume any of the CR charges. It lasts for 12 minutes or until used.Item effect & location video: https://youtu.be/867aid55aEo

Комментарий от wingram

I don't think it's going to be all that useful. For example, you can't use it when you are dead and to use it you have to manually target a particular dead party member. So it's likely it would only help if you don't have mass resurrection and someone else does.

Комментарий от wingram

I don't think it's going to be all that useful. For example, you can't use it when you are dead and to use it you have to manually target a particular dead party member. You also can't use it during combat. So it's likely it would only help if you don't have mass resurrection and someone else does.

Комментарий от monkeythyme

Does this work in challenge modes? Could be very useful if it does.

Комментарий от IIIPlasmaIII

Good for getting quick stacks of Решимость

Комментарий от erict2413

Not to be confused with Brassiere of Awakening, which will raise your member at a party.

Комментарий от sorrowdemonica

Tested And Verified.. Can be used for self-resurrection without being in a group or raid.

Placed one out, I died on purpose and it rezed me.

And when used in a party/raid, it will rez someone at random in your party/raid.

----edit: does not work when in pvp.

Комментарий от whatitdo

How exactly do you "choose" someone? When I use the item I just place it on the ground it seems.

Комментарий от factura

This can also be used as a rez if your class (like a mage) does not have a rez capability. Just put it down next to a corpse that hasn't released yet, and it rezzes them! i.e. You do not have to have this down before they die.

Комментарий от Branasan

Жаровня пробуждения >>>>> https://youtu.be/f6mROy021Bo

Комментарий от Moondrie

Жаровня пробуждения

Комментарий от entam

I have been having some issues with this item. I placed it when our heroic raid was wiping but after everyone died it just despawned and nobody got rezzed. Anyone else having this issue or knows why this is happening?

Комментарий от Ithelian

I made a video covering how to obtain this treasure and it's mechanics: Brazier of Awakening Guide and Mechanics

I'll be making some more covering how exactly to obtain some of the more 'hidden' treasures in Tanaan over the next few days.

Комментарий от Levia86

This is just a theory that I haven't been able to try out yet. I have also been having trouble with this item and I think it's because I put it down out of combat. For instance: It didn't work when I flew up and died from fall damage. It didn't work when I let the fel sludge debuff kill me. It did work when I was attacking a big mob and I managed to put it down just before that final blow. And the tooltip does say "...after combat has ended."

So if you're having problem with it, it's probably because you put it down when you were out of combat.Try putting it down during the fight and not before.

Комментарий от Veratus

This is finally getting a fix in the 6.2.2 PTR build. From the notes at http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/19820046?page=1#1 :

"Brazier of Awakening should no longer despawn at the end of a raid encounter without resurrecting a raid or party member."

Комментарий от Kaallis

6.2.2 Patch Notes: Brazier of Awakening should no longer despawn at the end of a raid encounter without resurrecting a raid or party member.

Комментарий от BMHunterMain

Has anybody tried using this in Ashran? Seems like it'd be a useful item to drop at any contested event or on the bridge while trying to take the opposing faction's keep etc., provided it worked. I get that if someone released it wouldn't work or if they were looted after being killed it obviously wouldn't raise them because that forces release, but will this ever res anybody in Ashran, or would it be a waste of a bag space to take it along?

Комментарий от aviraaaa

Anyone have an idea to get it back once deleted?

Комментарий от Eido

In case anyone is curious, there are no apparent plans to add this item to the toy box:"Generally items that have gameplay utility aren’t added to the Toy Box." source

Комментарий от mdburkard

Seems to me people think this is like a soul stone and throwing this down during combat will rez someone after everyone wipes. I think this more like jumper cables and can rez someone after combat if no one who can rez is still alive.

Комментарий от TheCrosshare

Got this on my warlock. First thought; backup rez for when soulstone is on CD.

Works like a charm, with a 30 min cooldown and a 10 min cooldown on soulstone, you've almost always got a backup now.

Комментарий от krikcrack

"Requires level 100" to pick up.cannot fly a lowbie there to pick it up. sorry folks.

Комментарий от halonah

Wonder if you can use in Legion zones or not? Anyone try yet?

Комментарий от Unbeweaveable

This worked for me today at the end of a Legion Dung. First time I've seen it work of about 10 tries. Waited until out of combat and placed it right on persons body. Rezzed them with 1 health. Very buggy item but apparently does work.

Комментарий от midnighte

Appears this can be used to rez people of the opposite faction.

Friend and I were grinding rep, they used it to rez me, but instead rezzed opposite faction. They added us to battletag, and then asked how we rezzed him.

Комментарий от Ansoof

Just want to update for current patch. This still works, you can place it both before OR after combat. I use it in dungeons quite frequently - though it doesn't work in Mythic+.

As it resurrects people with 1hp, it's fun to rez your friends in dangerous places (if you have a healer with a proper rez for when they get killed again!).

Комментарий от bishopob

Patch 7.3.2 Still working 1/14/2018

I used it about 2 hours ago. I was on my non engineer hunter (i know i know) And wanted to look up where and how i got it on my Mage/Warrior. Not sure why this item doesn't work for so many people. I have never had it fail*. While i cannot verify it works in "all areas" I do know the following to be 100% true.

1. It works on myself and others. *2. It has worked for me every time i have used it except once a shaman i tried it on respawned just as i placed it, probably due to the fact i was on my mage.3. It has worked on party members in legion Heroic dungeons4. It has worked in LFR on multiple occasions (Legion)5. It has worked on Broken Isle.6. I have not used it in any earlier content than WOD.7. I have not used it in Mythics.8. I have either set in right on people, or have ran to it in my dying breath and been within 2-3 feet of it.

For me it's basically a soulstone as long as i can place it before i die. And while on toons that cannot resurrect others, it's not only priceless, it starts a lot of weird questioning. "Um...how did you do that?". "Do mages (or Warriors) rez now? Oo". "No you can't noob, that guild perk is gone now". "You can't rez him, LRN your class!".


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