Огромная кость динозавра. Древний ящер цвета кости
Гора огромных костей динозавра - Задание
Комментарий от Spetz
You can collect these bones by killing any dinosaur on Isle of Giants. Multiple bones can be looted of a single corpse.
Комментарий от Rossmallo
This is just a PTR placeholder, right?
EDIT: OH GOD THEY'RE ACTUALLY SERIOUS. Better get your grinding pants on, guys. This is the new Bloodsail Buccaneers.
EDIT 2: Might as well use my top-voted spot to add some information on this task itself.
Giant Dinosaur Bones are dropped in varying amounts from all of the creatures on the Isle of Giants. Every single creature on that island is a level 90 elite, and while some are soloable, others will reduce you to a bloody smear in seconds, especially the Primal Devilsaur. Bring friends to help. The bones are a 100% drop, and the amount from a single creature varies between them, ranging from 1-2 from the Zandalari Dinomancers, to around 40 (?) from the Devilsaur. It all boils down to if you can get some people to assist you in the grind.
There are however some extra benefits to grinding off these. In particular, the Зандаларский диномантs drop four different pets, which due to the Battle-pet caging thing, can be sold / given away, or sold to a vendor for 60 gold apiece.
Two extra things I'd like to add. If you've not gone COMPLETELY demented by the time you get 9999, you can grind another 1000 to purchase a Призрачный дикобразик , which is a companion pet. Secondly, enduring through it will give you a Feat of Strength, У меня есть ящер цвета кости, а чего добился ты?. Good luck, everyone.
EDIT 3: As of Warlords, this is now a lot easier, and not just because of the bigger level advantage - The bones are now tradable. That being said, if you don't want to grind all the way to 9999 and have bones left over from Mists, you can always sell them for a tidy sum now.
Комментарий от Snicelis
It should give to us 10.000 gold for completion, because one bone is about 1 gold 14 silver! It's not fair!
We should have a choice - get a mount or get gold! Seriously blizzard, maybe someone needs a gold?
Комментарий от Mortifera
Actually, It looks like a new fun for the botters.
Комментарий от achievvhore
It is going to be fun times killing dinosaur's to collect their bones while alliance and hordes fight for the death !
But tho seriously, it might take a while but on the PTR one dinosaur from the Isle of Giants may drop more than one bone. So I guess blizzard is making that easy for us .. a little bit.
Комментарий от MooOfNagrand
Don't panic!
Bones are a 100% drop, and multiple can drop from the same mob.
It's not as bad as it looks!
Комментарий от uselessx
9999 to collect.. stacks only to 500.I don't even have the bag space to do this -.-
The dinos have ~3 - 9 million hp. Can drop 1 to 9 bones.
Комментарий от Bigman1182
I seriously hope the 9999 is just a place holder. Imagine patch day with 29743972 people trying to farm 9999 bones...... I think the servers will be crashing ALOT....
Комментарий от Stok3d
Поводья древнего ящера цвета кости Info:
Огромная кость динозавра Info:
Остров Великанов Elite Info:
Зандаларский диномант - 2 million health, 1-2x Bones, also drops 4x pets
Детеныш древнего дикорога - 3.1 million health, 7-9x Bones, Рык,Тройной прокол,Рывок трирога
Юный первобытный дьявозавр - 4.7 million health, 11-13x Bones, Сокрушение
Первобытный дьявозавр - 13 million health, 35-45x Bones, Пронзающий рык
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See all 350+ Mounts in the game: Mount Collecting: The Completionist Guide
Комментарий от applestrike
so where do u get this quest ?
Комментарий от Emsarrev
If you were to farm with two people, are you both allowed to loot bones or is it limited to one player per dino?
Комментарий от Redroach31
@ 1G 98s x 9999 = 19,798G 2s or many days of life wasted for an awesome mount.
Комментарий от Artimous
WARNING: Inappropriate and/or terrible jokes may occur!- 1: "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his boner level?" - 2: "Are you farming for the raptor, or are you just happy to see me?" - 3: "I like girls who can grind long and hard." - 4: "I've got 9999 problems, and one of them is bagspace." - 5: "Here's the main question: Were are these all stored?"- 6: "If I had 2 gold for each bone I collected, I would be- Oh, wait I can do that!" - 7: "This grind is like that of the prehistoric ages of vanilla WoW." - 8: "Patience is a virtue. Killing dinosaurs for +50 hours isn't." - 9: "Considering the dinosaurs health, this may be damaging not only to theirs, but also to yours." 10: "Next time I'm watching Jurassic Park, my first reaction will be to kill the dinosaurs for their bones."
Before anyone asks, I haven't slept for almost 60 hours now. Go figure.
Комментарий от Stok3d
double post
Комментарий от TraX
The bones are to be turned in at this guy: Ku'ma <The Bone Collector>. He is located in the cave at the western side of The Isle of Giants. He has all the different repeatable quests, but he doesn't seem to do anything besides that.
Комментарий от Vimn
I did this as a group and we were able to farm up 3 people's 9999 in 3 days.
We did tank, healer, dps. We ran along the beach gathering the groups of 2 big direhorns and 3-4 smaller direhorns together and aoeing them down. While killing a primal devilsaur in a group of 3 is easy we found the tank vengeance and the multidotting from our moonkin brought our dps up across the board allowing for more efficiency. There are 5 groups of direhorns going west to east: White (Stephanie), Blue (Charlie), Tan (Rupert), Green (Dave), and Red (Stephen).
When you farm dinosaur bones you succumb to dino madness. We were naming the dinosaurs, talking dinosaur philosophy, killing dinosaurs on rocks so when they died they stuck straight up in the air. You name it.
Using this we were able to average around 10 bones a minute each. Keeping the bone distribution pretty even compared to some people getting the lucky 40 bone loot from Primal Devilsaurs and other people getting the crumby 13 bone loot from the baby devilsaurs. Assuming you can do it at this pace you're in for a 17 hour farm fest. I personally was the first one done and got my bone-white raptor before my Древнее яйцо hatched.
Good luck and watch out for the dino-madness.
Комментарий от Slaytannia
As an avid mount/pet collector, I have to say that this is rather silly. Ever since Blizzard made pets and mounts account bound, each one your characters can use them once you learn it. Ergo, shouldn't the items used to farm them also be BoA? Am I the only one who thinks this makes sense?
Комментарий от Faevel13
Currently grinding for this beautiful mount, as well as my chance at a Primal Egg. :D
Doing this on a iLvL 483 BM hunter with Terrorpene is quite simple. Just stick to the Primal Direhorn Hatchlings and you're good as gold.
I keep Serpent Sting and Mend Pet ticking away, as well as keeping my War Glaives and Kill Command on cooldown. You don't really need much else, minus Glyph of Mend Pet: The glyph on my hunter right now heals for about 25-30k per tick, which is about the same damage as their auto attack. There's also not much you need to watch out for, minus their charge. It doesn't hurt in the least bit, but make sure you're not on the edge of a cliff or close enough to get knocked into range of the elder Primal Direhorns, else things will get messy.
While it is quite the grind so far and I will be out here for a long time with memories of grinding for my Talbuks haunt me, it's not that bad. It's better than trying to get a group, as from my understanding no one on my server comes out here much, save for Oondasta, or waiting for my husband to come help, as he hates grinding for anything.
Good luck to those going for the mount! Wish me luck as well, because I'm going to be making Isle of Giants my new temporary home! xD
Комментарий от Voguerogue
Aside from the funny / informative posts, all I can see is overwhelming QQ, which I do not understand whatsoever...
This has been put in the game solely to be a pain in the backside grind for anyone who wants the challenge. Not up to the challenge? Carry on doing your boring dailies.
People have also been comparing the money you'd get from these bones if sold / given in for the other quests. The whole point of grinding 9999 bones is to get a a cool, hard to get mount. No monetary reward on top necessary. Don't like it? Carry on doing your boring dailies.
Комментарий от Sharinganedo
If you attempt to solo grind (like I am), I've found the Direhorn hatchlings drop 7-9 bones, while the Devilsaur hatchlings drop 11-13.
Better settle down with a good long Movie Marathon, like Lord of the rings, if you plan to go at it alone. It's gonna take a while.
Комментарий от filletr0n
If you have a Frost Mage, you can solo Древний дикорог pretty easily. Today I found out that Ледяная стрела does affect the movement speed of the dino. So just keep 3 stacks at all times, and kite him around. When he casts Рывок трирога just Blink to the right or left just before his horny heads gets you and you won't get hit. After a few kills you'll get the hang of it and you probably won't take any damage. I also suggest you use combined with Живая бомба or Буря Пустоты. I usually take around 2 minutes to kill him, with 489 iLvl, food and flask. If you are a Tier 15 geared mage, this will be a walk in the park :)
Комментарий от Hashiclif
as destro lock 505ilvl I found it easy to solo most of the dinosaursGo with soul leech,shadowfury,soul link(makes it a lot more easier),grimoire of suppremacy and KJ cunninguse voidlord as pet and use the glyphs of demon trainning,siphon and healstone Dinomancers:easilly done,no need to use ember tap or healstone,they drop 1-2 bones.THEY ARE NOT WORTH THE TIME Direhorn Hatchlings : easilly done.to avoid the charge simply be close to them.These are the main source of bones for you Primal Direhorns : a tricky one since you need to always have a ember available for sometimes they can dmg your pet(and you due to soul link) so you need to be able to use an emergency heal(if healstone is on cd) Pterrorwing Skyscreamers: easilly done,mostly just sit there and dmg Young Primal Devilsaurs : another easy one, just sit and dmg Primal Devilsaurs : The only way to kill one of those is this(in my opinion): don't use soul link,use dark bargain instead(for emergencies).Have glyph of health funnel and use this ability as much as possible.no matter what the devilsaur will kill your pet so summon another as fast as possible(save one ember for Flames of Xoroth).When they are casting their interrupt stop at once the casting.Most of them are in areas where they are not alone so you'll need to kill the young ones and pull one of the big ones far away.I killed only one in all the farming.They drop a lot of bones but they are difficult to kill so they are not worth it.
Also since I've seen noone mentioning it Oondasta too drops some bones(9-13 as I know)
hope this helps,good luck and have fun hunting
Комментарий от duranox
After spending 3 days nonstop grinding as a blood dk. I can advice any dk that want this mount to go for the Primal Devilsaurs on the west side of the island.
Комментарий от Qrio
As a windwalker monk (569 ilvl) it goes quite fast - you can kill basically everything (with some good CD usage even the Primal Devilsaurs). Took me 1 hour 15 minutes to gather 2000 bones, 6 eggs (which I vendored, since i got all 3 colors already), 2 stacks of dust, 10 essences, 3 direhorn pets, 1 ankelbiter & around 70 gold from gray items. Depending how determined you are, you can do it in about 2 days with the breaks.
Комментарий от zatos0
With the current Patch, the bones ARE NOT ANYMORE SOULBOUND!Whic means you can buy them from AH, or even trade!
You welcome :)
Комментарий от Dayis
If you have 9,999 bones and are having issues turning this in(As I did), go farm some more bones. I had to farm a second stack of 33 and when I turned it in to get the raptor, I had 24 bones left(So, I guess it really requires 10,009 bones? lol)
Комментарий от Undeadlalsur
At level 100 this gets super easy. Even better if you are a hunter. Do not need to have your pet in tank mode, me being a BM hunter managed it fine with my pet in cunning spec. Adaptation helps too. Made a round around the island got 999 bones.(weird how that works considering I killed every dinosaur within my range.)
So basically you make 10 rounds around the island. Took about an hour. Saw about 4-5 rare drops of pets. I am not that geared either as Warlords expansion just came out. This island is also a skinners paradise.
ps: In case you are wondering, yes I also did try to solo Ундаста with a tank pet. Still hard to do, I take substantial damage. Maybe in end content raid gear it might be feasible.
Комментарий от bruenir
As most posters have said, killing the dinos is easy at level 100. Pretty much any class, any gear level. Yes, it's a lot of bones and will take you some considerable time. The main issue these days is that on almost all realms there will be a dozen people competing with you for the dinos. Using the group finder you can now look for custom groups for people with "auto accept" on and hop around to different realms till you find a less populated one to kill dinos on. Most people forming groups will not kick you out.
Комментарий от Yogthsothoth
As of level 100 this place is full of bots and it's a waste of time to even fly there unless you want to fight for the devilsaurs.
Огромная кость динозавра - Предмет
Комментарий от Ozlem
These are for Ку'ма (who is a zombie troll(!) who lives in a cave on Isle of Giants) and he awards gifts for handing in Giant Dinosaur Bones. You can hand in as little as one or a many as 9999. You collect these bones by killing any mob on Isle of Giants, dinomancers included. The bones can drop in bunches off one kill (the largest I got in one kill was 9) or just one bone. He will have a blue quest giver mark above his head but there is no point seeing him without bones as there is no quest to give, you just bring him bones!
For those who are interested if it's worth collecting the 999, Большая куча огромных костей динозавра awards you a companion pet. The Spectral Porcupette Призрачный дикобразик companion pet. (imma brag in tiny text here, got mine today ^.^ so cute!)
For those who think collecting 9999 is crazy. Completing Гора огромных костей динозавра awards a mount! Поводья древнего ящера цвета кости & awards У меня есть ящер цвета кости, а чего добился ты?
(Handing in just one awards gold, handing in 10 is a mote of harmony, 100 is spirit of harmony... so save dem bones!)
While farming bones you also have a chance for Зандаларский ногокус, Зандаларский пяткогрыз, Зандаларский пяткохлыстик & Зандаларский пальцегрыз dropping for you. And Hunters if you decide you want to tame a direhorn during your slay fest, kill some dinomancers as they drop the tome required to learn how to tame them (not 100% drop rate but they do drop the tome.)
Everything drops bones... everything. I found the dinosaurs drop a higher quantity in one kill then the dinomancers but this could be my RNG at play.
Комментарий от Aquifel
Thank god these stack to 500! Although, i personally think with stacks this large, it might as well be made a currency.
Комментарий от zashral
do these bones drop for every member of your group like quest items?
Комментарий от Mistwhisper
After you get the mount and pet, and for some reason don't want the Harmonies, handing in the bones one at a time is the most xp/gold.
I don't need to point out how insane that is. Likely will be changed, and people may not even collect any after they get the 10999 bones for the mount and pet, and have the dropped pets. I know I'll be sick of them by then.
Scrap that, I figured these quests were repeatable.
Комментарий от Stok3d
Огромная кость динозавра Info:
Остров Великанов Elite Info:
Зандаларский диномант - 2 million health, 1-2x Bones, also drops 4x pets
Детеныш древнего дикорога - 3.1 million health, 7-9x Bones, Рык,Тройной прокол,Рывок трирога
Юный первобытный дьявозавр - 4.7 million health, 11-13x Bones, Сокрушение
Первобытный дьявозавр - 13 million health, 35-45x Bones, Пронзающий рык
Поводья древнего ящера цвета кости Info:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See all 350+ Mounts in the game: Mount Collecting: The Completionist Guide
Комментарий от Dimenz
I hope they make the max stack bigger...i know its only ptr but taking up a 20 slot bag just for bones is crazy. I presonally need all the bag space i can get!
EDIT:they changed it to 999 so just like what TheStatman said, only 10 bag slots on live
Комментарий от Alahuakbar
Oh Lordy! All praise Hakar, for he has answered our greatest prayers, to make the Giant Dinosaur Bone stack larger than 500, and he has complied and with his merciful powers and has granted us this generous gift! XD The bones now stack up to 999, meaning you only need 10 open inventory slots to get the raptor, down from 20. Now I gotta go farm me up some bones for about 3 months. Happy hunting all! ^_^
Комментарий от riskyrisky
You'll get 7-9 range for the baby (3mill) dinos, and a good 20+ for the mommies. soloing the elites as a destro lock i found the direhorns to be the easiest. i say this because the big direhorns were the only big elites i could kill alone, after a skyscreamer owning me, and almost losing my life to a baby raptor; i moved to the beach and went about 3 hours of simi-interrupted direhorn slaying. amounting 700 some bones.. Happy Hunting
Edit: First egg, Reins of green primal raptor!
Комментарий от HelloKitty
From the perspective of an ilv491 Brewmaster Monk.
Everything on the island is soloable.
The 13M HP Primal Devilsaurs are a slow, very dangerous kill, and average me 35-40 bones.The ~9M HP Primal Direhorns are a decently slow, fairly dangerous kill, and average something like 25-30 bones.The ~6M HP Skyscreamers are a moderate speed, zero-danger kill. They drop something like 20 bones.
Of those three, the Skyscreamers feel the best to solo 1v1. You may also 1v2 them; but that increases the danger greatly. Via Keg Smashes and BoH's you can do respectable AoE, but without 3 mobs SCK isn't an option. A third one is highly recommended against, and if you don't kill them on a flat surface you will find their ground AoE hard to see (And, thus, hard to avoid).
However, I've found that the fastest method of farming are the baby direhorns. They drop about 10 bones per kill on average and I can AoE 3 of them with zero danger, 4 of them with a fair amount of danger. AoEing gives you more vengeance and thus speeds things up: when I AoE 4 of them, my DPS is roughly 140k. The fight takes about 3 minutes for ~40 bones, and this is the fastest soloing I've found.
Комментарий от Zephytoth
as enhance shaman, i found my best way to get these from baby triceratopses. Those raptors are doable but hit harder. Pterodactyls are also doable but takes a bit more time. big ones, NO WAY. Dinomancers are easy but only drop 1 or 2, compared to ~8 from the Trihorns.
Комментарий от Asmundr
When you redeem one bone, you'll get 150 Reputation with your Guild. (As a Human with the guild reputation bonus)So maybe a good way to farm Reputation for your Guild.(Well, but in fact everyone wants the Pet and the Mount)
Комментарий от Vimn
I did this as a group and we were able to farm up 3 people's 9999 in 3 days.
We did tank, healer, dps. We ran along the beach gathering the groups of 2 big direhorns and 3-4 smaller direhorns together and aoeing them down. While killing a primal devilsaur in a group of 3 is easy we found the tank vengeance and the multidotting from our moonkin brought our dps up across the board allowing for more efficiency. There are 5 groups of direhorns going west to east: White (Stephanie), Blue (Charlie), Tan (Rupert), Green (Dave), and Red (Stephen).
When you farm dinosaur bones you succumb to dino madness. We were naming the dinosaurs, talking dinosaur philosophy, killing dinosaurs on rocks so when they died they stuck straight up in the air. You name it.
Using this we were able to average around 10 bones a minute each. Keeping the bone distribution pretty even compared to some people getting the lucky 40 bone loot from Primal Devilsaurs and other people getting the crumby 13 bone loot from the baby devilsaurs. Assuming you can do it at this pace you're in for a 17 hour farm fest. I personally was the first one done and got my bone-white raptor before my Древнее яйцо hatched.
Good luck and watch out for the dino-madness.
Комментарий от Spitzem
Might I just add, turning these in 1 at a time is a glorious way to earn guild rep, especially while wearing a tabard.
Комментарий от Dariusdracos
So, I finally found my way to the isle of giants, and soled about four dinosaurs, and not a single one of them had any loot. None. Zilch. Nada. No bags by the body for loot, and def no bones. What gives?
Комментарий от ZenPark
I see your after some mounts, an little farming lover perhaps? Well i just got the guide for you then.Keep in mind this is to cover what drops and suggestions on to farm the bigger mobs aswell "Father-mobs"
SOLO = All the smaller mobs can easily be soloed.
PARTY = Bigger mobs will be thougher as level 90 so you may want a group or 2-3+. Its recommended with 4-5 members.
- While teamed with other players, The "Bones" will splitt between the group members, But if you farm on your own, you will get every Bone.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As of 7.x I recommend team with others, The Gain/Hour compensate rather then SOLO hunt mobs.- Especially If others are farming Bones while your gathering them.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Summery of Mobs (Dinosaur, Humanoids-Trolls) - Abilities (Source Stok3d):
Zandalari Dinomancer - 2 million health, 1-2x Bones, also drops 4x pets
Pterrorwing Skyscreamer - 6.3 million health, 15-17x Bones, Skycall
Young Primal Devilsaur - 4.7 million health, 11-13x Bones, Crush
Primal Devilsaur - 13 million health, 35-45x Bones, Piercing Roar
These Pets can also be obtained during your Farming trip (mostly seen from trolls) "for me"
During your killing spree you might run into an Древнее яйцо From the Dinosaurs,Oondasta. This will hatch into Треснутое древнее яйцоThis Egg can then contain one of the three following mounts:
<Now a little heads up, This egg has only around an 2-10% Drop chance, so it will take up to around 1hour to get it.And its UNIQUE - Cant carry more then 1x every 3 day.>
HUNTERS If you want to learn how to tame these new "Direhorns" you might want to farm some Zandalari Dinomancer for Древний фолиант динозаврологии, A Mountain of Giant Dinosaur Bones
A LITTLE WARNING: Oondasta "Rare" Raid-boss also spawn on this isle and requires least 35+ members to down. Zone Mapdo not try solo this becuse he will eat you raw. @ His location is Here on the Isle of Giants.- Ундаста, also drops Блестящие остатки that contains Bones and if your lucky even an Egg. (and gods knows what else $%^& he may give you).
Now have i missed anything?, Well in case blizzard change the X-amount of Bones i will Edit this guide and also if there is questions please do a Reply.
Edit: Updated with additional information, and corrected wrongs.Edit: Updated Post, changed uncorrect data so the text was correct "up-to-date"Edit: Better information regarding drop from certain mobsEdit: Clerified what sells from the "Undead" Ku'ma NPC-vendor.Edit: Added Oondasta loot info.
Комментарий от Dreathloss
As a Disc Priest i found the Primal Direhorn Hatchling the best to solo farm due to their low health and lower damage than the other dino's.
Комментарий от Riippari
As a 516 ilvl Blood Death Knight I found every dinosaur on the island except Oondasta to be soloable. I timed the most productive pulls I found for me and ended up with the following information:
Everything except the Primal Devilsaur was killed in 503 ilvl DPS gear with Blood spec.
With this information I found the best area on the island to farm for bones is the crater around Oondasta. Going around the crater killing the Primal Devilsaurs alone, and pulling the Young Primals in packs of two or three (if found fairly close to each other).It is also worth mentioning that there are three Pterrorwing Skyscreamers looking down onto the beach behind Oondasta. Pulling these all together and stacking them on top of each other should make their cone attack very easy to avoid.
However I found that when people are gathering up to kill Oondasta they tend to clear this area around him, so if you're not interested in joining them and instead planning on just farming for the bones, I'd recommend moving to the beach and focusing on the Primal Direhorn Hatchlings, pulling them in groups of three or four.
Комментарий от Ardinur
In patch 5.3, these bones can also be found in the Shiny Pile of Refuse, the failbag from Oondasta.
Комментарий от Fernia
Warlocks! here is a decent farming guideSpec DestructionTalents Неистовство ТьмыGlyph Pet Призыв повелителя БездныCurse
With this setup i have been able to farm all the dinosaurs except the Primal DevilsaursYou can pull anyone of the other dinos and when your Voidlord gets low on health (10%) begin summoning him againDo not use health funnel its a waste of time and dps. If you dont get your void resummoned before he dies just stun them and summon while moving away or use . Just keep this up and you can kill almost anything...
The Primal Direhorn Hatchlings Drops 7-9 bones - should not do enough to kill your Voidlord
The Primal Direhorns Drops 18-22 bones - will require you to resummon a few times... however if you watch their cast bar and move in when they use Рывок трирога then move back out they will use it again keep them casting and your voidlord will last longer.
Young Primal Devilsaurs Drop 10-13 bones - can only stun these guys they only crush possibly(ive had it miss my voidlord) putting a stacking debuff on your voidlord just resummon if neccessary
Pterrorwing Skyscreamer 14-18 bones - only one mechanic also however try to time the need to resummon when they are casting Зов небес
Primal Devilsaurs 36-44 bones - 2-3shot my voidlord too fast for a constant resummon plus too fast for his taunt to be of cd avoid unless in a group
Aside from the Zandalari Dinomancers who only give 1 bone and can easily be killed that should be all you can decently farm Solo
Edit: At the time of creating this i am ilvl 500, at 7326 bones, on my second primal egg and only did total of 10 hours play time farming(some of it in a group because if you get someone who has higher dps than you the farm time is less however for them its longer)
Комментарий от Professori
Since there is guides for other classes I might as well share some mage tips. Just finished my 9999 bones farm on 510 ilvl fire mage gathering 650-700 bones per hour solo. Did most of my farming at the beach killing yellow Древний дикорог & Детеныш древнего дикорога, and green or blue ones when ever I ran out of yellows.
Talents I used:Ледяная преградаПрижиганиеБуря Пустоты
Glyphs I used:Обугленный символОбугленный символОбугленный символ
You also could drop one of them for Обугленный символ but I found that most of combustion got wasted especially on small dinos when using this glyph.
Single Детеныш древнего дикорога you can just tank and spank without much problems but I usually pulled 2-3 of them and dot cleaved them while running around and spamming Ожог. Дыхание дракона, Кольцо льда, Конус холода and slow from Огненный столб all work on them and are great for keeping distance.
Древний дикорог aren't that much harder. Precast & Огненная глыба following with Шквал for slow and start kiting with Ожог until you have Полоса везения and Разогрев stay on decent range and cast following with and build up decent with your instant pyros.
Only times I took damage when fighting single Древний дикорог were after Рывок трирога but it barely got trough my Ледяная преграда and you can Скачок away from it if you really want to. Двойной размах cast is good time for refreshing your invocation buff and applying slow with FFB (always FFB when you are far enough to get cast trough). Dont forget to use Искажение времени and (Зеркальное изображениеs can tank that 6 seconds you stand still).
While kiting as long you keep attacking mobs you can take them pretty much anywhere without them evading away.
Edit:// Finally got myself back to dinoisle to get my Призрачный дикобразик. Since getting the mount my ilvl has gone up to 527 and I was able to farm required 999 bones in less than an hour. I was using same methods than last time and also noticed that I was able to kill Первобытный дьявозавр without any trouble as long as there was room to run around, anyhow after killing few of them I decided to stick with direhorns since they can be stunned & slowed.
Комментарий от Easypro
Here is one unknown, maybe useful and also soloable strategy. But.....warning! It's a bit greedy tactic and might make you a ^&*!@#bag. If you are smart it won't be noticed and makes your progress getting 9999 bones much quicker.When Oondasta is up people are, from your faction starting to gather up, meanwhile when they are doing that they are bored waiting people to arrive. Now is the time for you to help them! To help them to not get bored so now you go and tag one big dinosaur to the raid(you are in your own party ofc) and they will nuke it down for you.As a priest for example I'm spamming SW:P when kiting and if shadowfiend ready I send it off and Fade so they won't see that it's me on it. I guess beeing Hunter is best sending away pet to pull.When the first dinosaur dies, get another to the raid before they pull Oondasta because you dont want to wipe that raid pulling mobs into the fight of Oondasta, that would be more lame than this tactic wouldn't it! Also if you really see that they want to get that Oondasta to be pulled from their tank then dont delay the raid with your ninjapulling.
Best time to do this is any day now when whole server seems want to kill Oondasta, raids are forming every time it's up on our server as they all want new items in 5.3 patch!
Btw I'm not good at english at all, was slacking in school in that part.Good luck with my ninjapulling strategy! It gave me about 2k or more free bones, hehe.
Комментарий от Megideon
To keep track of how many you have while farming, you can use a simple macro:
#showtooltip Giant Dinosaur Bone
and put it on your action bar.
This can be done with almost any other item.
Комментарий от Mormolyce
Number 4,612 in the List of Things That Should Be BoA Instead of BoP.
Комментарий от Gervig
Make them BoA like the shard for Alani...
Комментарий от slumber
if you're a shadow priest trying to farm bones by yourself, here is what i've found to be easy and pretty foolproof for primal direhorn hatchlings:
get void tendrils & glyph of mind flay
when shadowfiend or mindbender (whichever version you're using) is up, you can pop it and fade so you don't have to worry about paying attention for a few seconds
when the primal direhorn hatchling is on you, you should be able to get a feel for when it's going to cast triple puncture. when you're aware that it's coming up, pop void tendrils and get ready to move
when it starts casting triple puncture, move (your mind flay glyph will get you out of the way quickly enough so you don't get a stack of it)
immediately move to 20-25 yards away from the mob (i use the addon RangeDisplay to gauge this)
the direhorn will be confused and think it should target you instead of the void tendrils, so it will spam its trihorn charge on you until the tendrils naturally dissipate - if you don't time moving away right, it will instead kill the void tendrils and simply come back to you, and you will probably not be able to get away without at least one stack of triple puncture
once you get good at the timing, the little direhorns drop 7-9 bones each, so you will be picking them up pretty quickly, especially since you don't have to wait for your stack(s) of triple puncture to fall off before engaging the next direhorn on your screen.
hopefully this is helpful to some of my fellow fragile shadow priests! (':
also important: if you are farming with others, if they are closer than 20-25y away, the direhorns will prioritize killing the void tendrils over charging you. if you are farming with other casters, make sure they stand far away, too! took me a while to figure out why this was not working when i was grouped with others, but i believe this is why.
Комментарий от lecanard2
if only dye was in the game i could make a yella bone haha
Комментарий от ns88
These bones should be BoA
Комментарий от dyl957
As a 513 frost mage everything except primal devilsaurs and oondasta is soloable. for the dinomancers, you can sheep one if there are 2 next to each other. Cone of Cold slows dinousaurs even if frostbolt doesn't. deep freeze works on everything (except oondasta ofc)
Комментарий от Bramikar
If you're farming for the mount, just stick to Primal Direhorn Hatchlings. They're relatively easy to kill and you can get a lot of bones in a short amount of time. After farming for 20 min., I had 102 bones. Only one of the drops was 7 bones, the others were 8 and 9. The dinomancers only drop 1-2 so it's not worth your time, unless you want the pets or training book for hunters. Happy hunting!
Комментарий от dillybar
568 BM Hunter:
I waited to get some decent gear before attempting to go after mass amounts of these things. I figured if I was going to get roughly 11,000 of them, I didn't want to try it at lower ilvl and I didn't want to waste time sharing the bones with others. Yah, I'm selfish I guess.
Anyways, preparation. Flask of Spring Blossoms for 1000 agility, Sea Mist Noodles for another 300 agility. For a pet I used a Spirit beast for the healing and mastery buff. Glyphs: Glyph of Spirit Bond and Glyph of Mending because both of these maximize the overall healing you'll have for your pet, and Glyph of Misdirection in order to continually cast misdirection on the pet as often as I could.
I also macro'ed the Spirit Mend and Mend Pet into one button, to cast quickly during battles, and macroed Spirit mend to myself separately for when misdirection fails (which it does, a lot, as all hunters know, in Panda land).
I stayed exclusively on the Primal Direhorn and Primal Direhorn Hatchlings. The larger Direhorns averaged 20 bones and the hatchlings 8. I'd save most of my big dps for the big Direhorns obviously. Cast misdirection repeatedly if you need to, stay out of range of the melee tail whip and other stuff the big guy does, they will wipe you out fast, and being ranged, you shouldn't stay in close anyway. He'll charge at you, don't worry too much about that, it's a low dps hit, 100K roughly. You'll need to hit the macro for spirit mend and mend pet at least once to keep your pet alive. If your pet does die, cast deterrence and revive pet quickly, misdirection, if that doesn't get him off of you, feign death.
When your big dps is on cd, kill the small direhorns, they are a piece of cake. Just watch yourself if you are kiting, don't pull too many of them together. The little ones aren't so bad but the big ones, two or more can get really dicey.
Along with the bones I got quite a few decent greens, along with more than 20 direhorn runt pets. Also got a few of the egg mount drops, but unfortunately you can only carry one at a time because it is a unique item. I had to leave about 6 of them behind, sadness :(
Overall I averaged about 1,000 bones every 45 minutes. So in a day, if you are tenacious and enjoy monotonous boredom killing about 7,000 or so Direhorns, you can probably get this done and have both your mount and your pet. I think this achievement is prime for ranged classes with a pet. You can stay out of melee and direct all attention on your pet while healing him and range dpsing them down.
Oh look, another Direhorn Runt just dropped...
Комментарий от dillybar
568 BM Hunter:
I waited to get some decent gear before attempting to go after mass amounts of these things. I figured if I was going to get roughly 11,000 of them, I didn't want to try it at lower ilvl and I didn't want to waste time sharing the bones with others. Yah, I'm selfish I guess.
Anyways, preparation. Flask of Spring Blossoms for 1000 agility, Sea Mist Noodles for another 300 agility. For a pet I used a Spirit beast for the healing and mastery buff. Glyphs: Glyph of Spirit Bond and Glyph of Mending because both of these maximize the overall healing you'll have for your pet, and Glyph of Misdirection in order to continually cast misdirection on the pet as often as I could.
I also macro'ed the Spirit Mend and Mend Pet into one button, to cast quickly during battles, and macroed Spirit mend to myself separately for when misdirection fails (which it does, a lot, as all hunters know, in Panda land).
I stayed exclusively on the Primal Direhorn and Primal Direhorn Hatchlings. The larger Direhorns averaged 20 bones and the hatchlings 8. I'd save most of my big dps for the big Direhorns obviously. Cast misdirection repeatedly if you need to, stay out of range of the melee tail whip and other stuff the big guy does, they will wipe you out fast, and being ranged, you shouldn't stay in close anyway. He'll charge at you, don't worry too much about that, it's a low dps hit, 100K roughly. You'll need to hit the macro for spirit mend and mend pet at least once to keep your pet alive. If your pet does die, cast deterrence and revive pet quickly, misdirection, if that doesn't get him off of you, feign death.
When your big dps is on cd, kill the small direhorns, they are a piece of cake. Just watch yourself if you are kiting, don't pull too many of them together. The little ones aren't so bad but the big ones, two or more can get really dicey.
Along with the bones I got quite a few decent greens, along with more than 20 direhorn runt pets. Also got a few of the egg mount drops, but unfortunately you can only carry one at a time because it is a unique item. I had to leave about 6 of them behind, sadness :(
Overall I averaged about 1,000 bones every 45 minutes. So in a day, if you are tenacious and enjoy monotonous boredom killing about 800 or so Direhorns, you can probably get this done and have both your mount and your pet. I think this achievement is prime for ranged classes with a pet. You can stay out of melee and direct all attention on your pet while healing him and range dpsing them down.
Oh look, another Direhorn Runt just dropped...
Комментарий от Krozboon
"An enormous bone harvested from one of the great beasts on the Isle of Giants."
Made me lol :D
Комментарий от Mormolyce
The gods listen! Eventually. Very eventually.
Комментарий от TheLightfire
Just to give you guys a little bit of encouragement. At ilvl 568 it is possible to get about 1000 of these per hour. That makes it a 10 hour grind in total. I'd say quite doable.
And with Warlords of Draenor on our way and Patch 6.0.2 going live this wednesday Огромная кость динозавра will no longer be soulbound. So the Поводья древнего ящера цвета кости will soon be seen inderectly on the auctionhouse.
Комментарий от kabamaro
As of 6.0.2 the item is no longer soulbound and can be bought off the AH
Комментарий от rzzr
This quest is a daily, so don't buy cheap bones on AH looking to make a profit. It will take you a very long time!
Комментарий от Ophion1994
As of WoD (6.0.1)
The island remains as it was, at lvl 100 all of these are soloable with any level of armour. You can tank multiple dinosaurs and farming for the bones is much easier.
You can also buy the bones on the auction house, for my realm it averages about 500 bones for 1.5k.
Oondasta is not soloable. (13mil)
Комментарий от Jingles1240
Saurocidal Maniac Guide- WOD Bone Farming at 100.
Hi guys! Jingles here. I did this on my 631 hunter in PvP gear as BM. Your mileage will vary.
I'm going to very simply lay out what I did, where I was, and the 'prime real estate' for farming. It goes by very quickly and is one of the most enjoyable grinds I've ever done.
**The Real Estate**Head on over to 71,53. For those without coords, this is smack in the middle of the Blue T-Rex Camp. If you'll notice, from here, you can go south and hit the Pink T-Rex Camp and a little over and hit the Red Tri-Horn Camp. All three of these are within spitting distance of eachother, literally.
**The Targets(In order of priority)**--Primal Devilsaur: High Priority, 380k, 40~ bones on average. Notably casts an interrupt shout.--Young Primal Devilsaur: Moderate Priority, 137k, 15~ bones on average. Nothing notable.--Pterrorwing Skyscreamer: Moderate Priority, 183k, 15~ bones on average. Notably casts Skycall, a pretty decent amount of damage in a frontal cone. Not devastating, but worth mentioning.--Primal Direhorn: Moderate Priority, 237k, 20~ bones. Notably breaks armor and does a large cleave attack, but not overly damaging. Drops *Direhorn Runt*, depending on server value this can be an extra chunk of change.--Young Primal Direhorn: Low Priority, 90k, 7~ bones on average. Same as Primal Direhorn, but to a lesser degree. Drops *Direhorn Runt*, depending on server value this can be an extra chunk of change.--Zandalari Dinomancer: Low Priority, 57k, 1-2 bones on average. The 'kobold' of the groups. Notably drops a few raptor pets, but worthless as far as mount farming.
**The Main Idea**When I first went over to the island, I jumped in with the main idea of 'zerg around the island and kill what moves, then keep going.' It proved extremely inefficient, and nobody really stood around 'defending' or 'camping' an area. I took advantage.Your main goals are the Primal Devils, and those rotate on a 4~min respawn, while everything else stays around a 2-3m respawn. Work around that. My general rotation is Blue Camp Devilsaurs, drop into Pink Camp Devilsaurs, then toss in the Red Camp Direhorns when I'm looking for fillers. The biggest thing to remember is to stay busy and stay chill. Don't obsess over losing a Primal Devil to a wandering killer, or having wasted time around the Dinomancers too long.
**Resource Trading**You can't sit and wait for every respawn that your at. My main locus is Blue Camp, and my main kills are there. However, if you've got three little Devils at Pink Camp, keep at those. A whole camp of Direhorns is better than a few Little Devils. Make intelligent choices based on what you know your timers are.
Have a good grind! Back to it for me...
Комментарий от igcrzybcfy
As a 100 prot paladin in quest greens, I'm solo averaging about 100 bones per 15-20 minutes. I play on a high population realm during peak times, and there are usually around 3-4 other Horde players also farming with me, plus the unfindable CRZ and Alliance players, so I have a steady amount of competition.
I would imagine with a Isle clear of players I could average 100 bones / 3-5 minutes.
I'm able to safely chain pull 2 bigs and 3 hatchlings of any dinosaur type with little sweat (usually all within a "camp"), or every mob on the boat (minus the Devilsaur, haven't tried him + boat yet). I usually am down to around 50% HP by the end of an average 2 big 3 hatchling pull. Of my 100s, I chose prot solely because of chain pulls. I've watched a few 620-odd DPS try to chain pull and they dip quite quickly under the mobs, so I would not suggest DPS as an ideal farming medium. Prot certainly appears to be the way to go.
Happy 100 farming!
Комментарий от scharky
Be prepared--with level 100 here, and these items going BOE, the island is utterly crawling with players farming bones. Best bet is very late/early, but even then expect to compete with at least 3-4 others (depending on the breaks). After two hours I only collected about 750 bones, and that was farming around 3 a.m. realm time.
Personal experience: try buying them at AH or in trade. Lots of people are willing to sell off their odds 'n ends from the last xpack cheaply. I averaged about 200 bones per seller, and around 30-50 silver per bone. Remember: always negotiate and never take their first offer. It pays off!
Комментарий от Ozzkat
I personally recommend farming these for yourself or for the auction house if you're camping Oondasta. He has a long spawn timer, and at least by farming these, you're making some gold or working towards another reward via Ku'ma.
Комментарий от Random0090
This island is a fantastic place for some good World PvP. There's usually a lot of people here killing the mobs on the island in order to get these bones. I kind of don't know why. I was on the island for 1 hour killing mobs before I started killing Alliance players and I got about 818 bones.. so at my rate it would have taken me about TEN hours of continuous grinding for the ground mount, which in my humblest opinion is quite ugly anyway... maybe in the future when I am so disgustingly bored I'll get back at it.
Anyway back to the point, as I said there's a lot of players here it seems, and on a realm with a balanced population you can expect to get into a lot of fights so definitely bring your best PvP gear!
Edit: I saw that you can actually sell these bones. 1k of them goes for about 1500 gold on my server which is actually quite a lot considering the fact that if you were on a low pop realm or continued realm hopping a lot that you would be able to do about 1k an hour. Still there are far better ways to make gold, and if anyone actually wants the mount that badly, I'd just buy the bones from the AH.
Комментарий от Blunttman
CRZ ruined this #$%^ing island.
Sharing one zone resources between multiple servers is the dumbest @#$%ing thing I've ever seen.
Комментарий от bdamages
Trivial to gather tons with any 110 dps class; I use my hunter. You can farm bones for Spirits of Harmony (1 plus 1 mote per toon per day, as the dialy for these items is per toon, not account wide). Really helpful for creating Living Steel and the high-selling items (Sky Golem limited by Jard's cooldown,rocket engineeering mounts, and panther JC mounts) that use same. At 200k G per rocket, that's a 140k profit over the orb costs.
Комментарий от Evisane
Every mob on the Isle of Giants drops bones, though the larger dinosaurs will naturally drop the most. Since this is now old content, we are no longer gated by our ability to solo the elite mobs, or share bone drops with group members.
Estimated drop rates:Зандаларский диномант - 1-2 Bones
Детеныш древнего дикорога - 7-9 BonesДревний дикорог - 18-22 Bones
One full lap around the Island, with a full clear, should bring you over 1,000 bones. This is difficult to achieve on high-population servers where others may be farming bones as well, but take advantage of the empty field if you find one.
Большая куча огромных костей динозавра - Turn in 999 bones for a Призрачный дикобразик!Гора огромных костей динозавра - Turn in 9999 bones for your Поводья древнего ящера цвета кости!
древний ящер цвета кости Видео
4 г. назад
Переходим к двум наземным ездовым животные, которые фармятся на Острове Великанов - Древний ящер цвета...
9 мес. назад
Приятного просмотра! ........................................................................ ДЛЯ ПОДДЕРЖКИ КАНАЛА - ДОНАТ: ▷ http://www.donation...
4 г. назад
За небольшое время, которое там пробыл для записи видео про Древнего ящера цвета кости я полутал: - 1 яйцо...
6 мес. назад
00023.04.02. World Of Warcraft. Древний ящер цвета кости это новый мой маунт, которого я без особого напряжения фармлю...
5 г. назад
Достижение: "У меня есть ящер цвета кости, а чего добился ты?" маунт: Древний ящер цвета кости (Bone-White Primal Raptor)...
3 г. назад
Если это вам видео помогло - ставьте лайки, подписывайтесь на канал. БУдет все больше видео=) Связь со мной:...
3 г. назад
Поддержите меня, поставьте лайк и подпишитесь на канал...
3 г. назад
9999 костей и маунт ваш !!! -------------------- Подписка: bit.ly/11ezzuM Playlist Маунты WoW: bit.ly/1BgWVzS Playlist Изменение облика WoW: bit.ly/1dtJ0...
9 мес. назад
Приятного просмотра! ........................................................................ ДЛЯ ПОДДЕРЖКИ КАНАЛА - ДОНАТ: ▷ http://www.donation...
6 мес. назад
В данном видео подробно рассказывается как получить маунта цвета кости. ----------------------------------------------------------------...
3 г. назад
древние кости.
4 г. назад
Ролик посвящен трём наземным ездовым животным - Черный древний ящер, Красный древний ящер и Зеленый древний...
3 г. назад
Вторая часть маунтов за ввод лут-кода. И в этом выпуске представлены наземные ездовые животные. Напомню,...
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Очередной способ голд фама. Поможет Вам заполучить немного голда и 4 маунта: Поводья красного древнего ящер...
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Третий выпуск про изменение облика и он посвящен игрушкам археологов. Археологам доступны следующие предм...
Music: NoCopyrightSounds David Bulla - Highlife [NCS Release] David Bulla - Unexpected [NCS Release]
Поводья древнего ящера и призрачный дикобразик в обмен на кости и Зандаларские питомцы | Моя MMO - новости WoW, Pandaria
11.03 2013
Это интересно | Автор: Царь
В Пандарии есть место, где вы можете «заработать» ещё одного маунта и питомца, и «труд» этот будет не самый из простых. Вначале Близзарды дали нам дракона с Алани, а потом добавили Поводья древнего ящера цвета кости, и питомца — Призрачный дикобразик, которых нужно обменивать на кости. Кости добываются с динозавров на Острове великанов (как туда попасть).Убивая динозавров с них будут падать кости, от 16 до 50 костей, в зависимости от динозавров – чем сильнее динозавр – тем больше костей.
На острове ходят тролли – Зандалары, с которых падает книга для хантов, которая обучит их приучению динозовров и питомцы! Шанс выпадения питомцев достаточно большой:
Огромная кость динозавра – нужна вам для заданий, которые дает Ку’ма – собиратель костей, призрак древнего тролля. Он и дает вам задания, по сбору костей, а так же награды.
Вот список заданий, сколько костей вам нужно сдать и награды:
Огромная кость динозавра — за 1 кость вы получите 1 золотой;
Еще больше огромных костей динозавра – за 9 костей вы получите 1 частицу гармонии;
Намного больше огромных костей динозавра – за 99 костей вы получите 1 дух гармонии;
Большая куча костей динозавра – за 999 костей вы получите питомца – Призрачный дикобразик:
Гора огромных костей – за 9999 костей вы получите маунта — Поводья древнего ящера цвета кости:
Где найти Ку’ма?
Ку’ма стоит в пещере, в центре острова и дружелюбен к Орде и Альянсу, вот где вход в пещеру к Ку’ме.
Скрины маунта и дикобразика взяты с вовхеда :).
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