Квест древний артефакт. Возвращение 1: Артефакты древности
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Миссия: артефакт Древних. Квест древний артефакт

Древние артефакты - 9 Декабря 2016 - ТМ с

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Древние артефакты(срок сдачи квеста не ограничен),

загляните в Задания и идите к старосте  Златовану / Корагору, диалог Время объединить усилия.

Нужно найти 5 представителей союзов и выполнить их задания, чтобы получить 5 древних артефактов для старосты:Представитель воинов просит установить магические шары / следящие механизмы:При установке на Вас может напасть страж (копирует ваши статы):  Установив всё, возвращаемся к представителю воинов, забираем у него меч / топор и относим старосте.Представитель друидов / инженеров - нужно выбить с мертвяков 3 капли жизни / с механоботов 3 склянки с кислотой и применить их на деревьях / пушках и колесе:Возвращаемся к представителю друидов / инженеров, забираем у него ветвь / чертеж и относим старосте.
Представитель варваров - нужно убить одного гнома / человека на арене, а также 10 троллей. Выполнив это, возвращаемся к представителю варваров, забираем у него рог и относим старосте.Представитель магов / метафизиков - когда спросит про новости, ответьте про артефакты, тогда он сразу отдаст огненную пыльцу, отнесите ее старосте. Если ответите, что ничего не происходит, то придется добывать панцири стальной черепахи и кристаллы призрака, а если ответите про битву в Соли-Доре, то скорпов:Представитель охотников - нужно изготовить 100 железных наконечников из 100 слитков железа и 100 фрез (изготовить может любой, нажав на стрелочку на рецепте в квестовых):Отдаем наконечники, забираем перо и относим старосте.Награда: достижение Артефакты силы, пригласительное письмо (позволяющее в течение месяца сколько угодно раз менять облик персонажа, а также дающее скидку 40% на покупку любого образа) и на выбор сертификат на именные монеты или 3 сертификата на скидку 30% в городском и артефактном магазине:

Собрав коллекцию образов, получите медали Мастерство перевоплощения:

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Upd.: владельцы индивидуальных аватарок и образов на локации получили специальные предметы, чтобы можно было применять игровые образы и возвращаться к своим индивидуальным:



Артефакт Древних - Archeage база знаний

Задание начинает: ГарудалЗадание завершает: ГарудалТекст задания:Гарудал: Банна... Как-то она там, в Поющей земле? Надеюсь, дождется. Мое путешествие здорово затянулось.Гарудал: Сперва я записался добровольцем в экспедицию Западной ишубары, чтобы попасть на Изначальный материк. Я рассчитывал, мы закрепимся на побережье и двинемся вглубь земель, к руинам Древних.Гарудал: Но прошло полгода, а мы по-прежнему сидели в сальфимарской крепости, боясь высунуть нос. Тогда-то я и услышал о Щ.И.Т.е. Братстве наемников со всего света, которое поклялось дойти хоть до центра земли, чтобы остановить Анталлона и Кириоса. Нам явно было по пути.Гарудал: Каюсь, я слегка приврал, когда рассказывал вербовщику о своем боевом опыте. Ну, или не слегка. Вообще-то я понятия не имею, с какого конца браться за копье.Гарудал: Зато я могу расположить к себе любого незнакомца и умею выйти сухим из воды... Наверное, из меня получился бы неплохой шпион.Гарудал: Но мне требовалось назначение не куда-нибудь, а в Бездну. Я рассчитывал, что в занданийских руинах непременно найдутся следы Древних или артефакты, заряженные силой.Гарудал: И вот результат - ничего. Ноль. Если здесь и были реликвии, их вывезли охотники за сокровищами. Я совсем потерял надежду. А затем случилось еще кое-что.Гарудал: Дымка... Она догадалась, что я обманул командира.Гарудал: Мне пришлось пойти на риск и во всем ей сознаться. Кажется, моя история ее растрогала... По крайней мере, она обещала сохранить тайну и, если сумеет, помочь.Гарудал: Дымка рассказала, что из Нагашара сбежали узники. И не нагшасы, а обычные битворожденные. Как они сместили грани измерений?.. Ответ может быть только один.Гарудал: Артефакт. Они нашли где-то там, внутри, действующий артефакт, забытый Древними. Помоги мне его отыскать.Гарудал: Я видел такие руны на плите в Безмолвном озере. Эта вещь создана Древними! Неужели...Гарудал: Увы. Она безжизненна и холодна на ощупь. Чем бы ни был этот артефакт, его сила иссякла много веков назад.Ничего. Я долго ждал, подожду еще немного. Может, завтра повезет.


Возвращение 1: - Артефакты древности

Артефакты древности

Для получения этого задания нужно убить Ворона. За Вороном будет стена, за которой телепорт, а возле него фокусирующий камень. Забираем камень и показываем Сатурасу. После будет запись в дневнике.

Теперь надо найти, куда ставится этот камень. Это в разрушенном здании возле магов воды. На самом верху будет пьедестал. Вставляем камень и справа активируется телепорт. Попадаем к золотому дракону.

Поговорим с ним. Он скажет найти сферы, чтобы уничтожить злого демона Сеньяка. Они в Минентале. 1. В заброшенной шахте у прохода на верхнем плато. 2. Старая шахта. Возле шахты паладинов, в которой рудокоп Граймс. 3. В затопленной башне Ксардаса. Недалеко от шахты Сельвестро. 4. В бывшем болотном лагере. В апартаментах Ю’бериона. Болотный лагерь находится за стеной орков.Если сферы были отданы хранителям, то ничего страшного, даже лучше, сохраните дракону жизнь.

Ещё он скажет, что можно заключить душу Сеньяка в Коготь Белиара, при помощи заклинания Мора Уларту. Мы должны поговорить с Ксардасом об этом заклинании.

Ксардас скажет, что можно попросить заклинание у Белиара, но предложить взамен амулет Триамар, который находится у паладинов.Так же он упомянул о том, что Белиар может не дать заклинание. Вероятность получения примерно 33%.(Но наш герой избранный Инноса и к счастью он наделил нас способностью загружаться и пробовать опять. :))

После Ксардаса идём в город. В городе, между портом и казармами, будет находиться паладин Мельхиор. В ходе разговора он нападёт на нас, и мы должны будем одержать вверх. Снова говорим с ним. В итоге будет 3 варианта ответа. Выбираем реплику "мне нужна информация"и он сообщит нам, что амулет находится на острове Этла, где паладины не рады появлению гостей. Ключ от портала на остров придётся выкрасть у Лорда Хагена.

В Возвращении версии 1.1 и ребалансе, можно спросить Ксардаса о мирном способе добычи амулета. Затем, помолится у алтаря Белиара, предварительно выбросив оттуда Коготь Белиара, и если вы не паладин или маг огня, появится посланник Зигос. Который и даст вам квест на поиски Феллангора "Дар безумца". (добавлено Ян75)

Портал находится: идём по дороге от таверны Мёртвая Гарпия(по той, которая между дорогой в монастырь и дорогой на ферму Онара) к чёрному троллю, строго придерживаясь дороги, дойдя до моста через реку перейдите его, далее будет древние развалины(пирамида), проходим мимо, дальше будет подъём вверх. Дойдя до большого озера, слева от него будет много луркеров. Там же будут сборщики болотника. Портал в пещере, прямо за их спиной.Если вы ещё плохо прокачаны, то в портал лучше не входить! Обратный путь лежит через толпы паладинов!

Попадя на остров идём по дорожке, как достигнем паладинов, то не подходим к ним, они настроены враждебно. Сразу сворачиваем вправо, где-то там будет домик с жителем на обрыве. Он расскажет много интересного.

После идём к паладинам ночью(как сказал житель) и убиваем их по немного. В главном здании, второго этажа мы найдём шкатулку, а в ней ключ от часовни с амулетом.

Идём к жителю и прыгаем от его дома в море, а затем плывём влево. Где-то там, на уступе обрыва будет часовня. Идём в часовню. Берём амулет, химичим в часовне с переключателями, и сзади часовни откроется телепорт.

Идём молиться Белиару. После этого можно возвращаться к Аштару, чтобы призвать демона Сеньяка. Призываем, заключаем душу и убиваем.

Затем идём опять к статуе Белиара и заключаем душу в коготь.



Миссия: артефакт Древних — ArcheAge

Миссия: артефакт Древних

Категория Агенты Щ.И.Т.а Локация Бездна Уровень 52 Повторяемый Нет Выборочный Нет Последовател. Нет Сообщение о завершении Да Начальный NPC Гарудал Конечный NPC Гарудал Кор. название 저주 받은 고대의 힘 ID 6618 Код для форума

[url="https://aa.mail.ru/wiki/index.php/%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F:_%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82_%D0%94%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%85"]Миссия: артефакт Древних[/url]


Закончить этапы квеста Взять квест у NPC Гарудал Гарудал: Банна... Как-то она там, в Поющей земле? Надеюсь, дождется. Мое путешествие здорово затянулось. Гарудал: Сперва я записался добровольцем в экспедицию Западной ишубары, чтобы попасть на Изначальный материк. Я рассчитывал, мы закрепимся на побережье и двинемся вглубь земель, к руинам Древних. Гарудал: Но прошло полгода, а мы по-прежнему сидели в сальфимарской крепости, боясь высунуть нос. Тогда-то я и услышал о Щ.И.Т.е. Братстве наемников со всего света, которое поклялось дойти хоть до центра земли, чтобы остановить Анталлона и Кириоса. Нам явно было по пути. Гарудал: Каюсь, я слегка приврал, когда рассказывал вербовщику о своем боевом опыте. Ну, или не слегка. Вообще-то я понятия не имею, с какого конца браться за алебарду. Гарудал: Зато я могу расположить к себе любого незнакомца и умею выйти сухим из воды... Наверное, из меня получился бы неплохой шпион. Гарудал: Но мне требовалось назначение не куда-нибудь, а в Бездну. Я рассчитывал, что в занданийских руинах непременно найдутся следы Древних или артефакты, заряженные силой. Гарудал: И вот результат - ничего. Ноль. Если здесь и были реликвии, их вывезли охотники за сокровищами. Я совсем потерял надежду. А затем случилось еще кое-что. Гарудал: Дымка... Она догадалась, что я обманул командира. Гарудал: Мне пришлось пойти на риск и во всем ей сознаться. Кажется, моя история ее растрогала... По крайней мере, она обещала сохранить тайну и, если сумеет, помочь. Гарудал: Дымка рассказала, что из Нагашара сбежали узники. И не нагшасы, а обычные битворожденные. Как они сместили грани измерений?.. Ответ может быть только один. Гарудал: Артефакт. Они нашли где-то там, внутри, действующий артефакт, забытый Древними. Помоги мне его отыскать.

Добудьте для Гарудала артефакт Древних. Вам придется уничтожить немало узников, сумевших выбраться из Нагашара, чтобы отыскать его...

Собрать  [[Артефакт Древних|Артефакт Древних]] (0/1)

Поговорите с Гарудалом на базе Щ.И.Т.а в Бездне.

Поговорить с NPC Гарудал Гарудал: Я видел такие руны на плите в Безмолвном озере. Эта вещь создана Древними! Неужели... Гарудал: Увы. Она безжизненна и холодна на ощупь. Чем бы ни был этот артефакт, его сила иссякла много веков назад.

Ничего. Я долго ждал, подожду еще немного. Может, завтра повезет.

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Логово Нелтариона: обман - Задание

Краткая информация
Отправляйтесь в логово Нелтариона и найдите Древний артефакт Крутогорья.


Я изучаю жизнь Хална Крутогора, легендарного воина, участвовавшего в Войне древних. Именно в его честь назван этот край.

По слухам, часть принадлежавших ему вещей после его смерти доставили сюда – а затем их след затерялся.

Проведя кое-какие изыскания, я выяснила, что часть артефактов находится в месте под названием "Логово Нелтариона".

Только вот боец из меня совершенно никудышный, но ведь ты – совсем другое дело, не так ли, <имя>? Может, отправишься туда и найдешь этот артефакт?

Если мои сведения верны, то я смогу найти оружие Хална.

Это... не оружие Хална. Это больше похоже на копье Рету, древнего таурена-шахтера.

Этот артефакт мне ни к чему, Скарпиа. Можешь взять его себе.


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Опасный чертог - Задание - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Calesta

When entering the Guo-Lai Halls, make note of the symbol at the bottom of the stairs. Many of the rooms in here have stones with various symbols on them and stepping on those with the same symbol will prevent you from taking damage from various sources.

Комментарий от lightclaw

The Jade Warrior statues only activate once you're in melee range. It's entirely possible to avoid them all by inching slowly closer to the keys and by going directly down the middle of the path between them. If one does activate, you can kite it through boulders to kill it.

Комментарий от saltine

This quest requires you to have completed the 'Weapons of the Thunder King' quest line (given at revered) to become available.

Комментарий от Quantuvis

The statues behave really randomly for me - not once have I been able to slowly inch closer and activate the orb before they activate.

I've seen the pair guarding the doorway above the stairs not activate at all even though I ran directly through one of them, but I've also activated them by running straight down the middle of them.

I can't help but wonder if the activation detection works much in the same way as dismount detection - WSG tunnel comes to mind :)

Комментарий от caniball

Assumably you can step on red symbols on the floor in the final room...

Stautes that dont activate when you r near activate after any no taget aoe dmg...

Комментарий от ShaunDreclin

To deactivate the first and second spirit walls you need to go to the left and right sides of the room and click the little pedestals that have green orbs floating above them.

The final spirit wall is opened by a pedestal directly to the left as you enter the door to the final room.

Комментарий от m4DD0gg

Truly awful daily much like most of the new ones

Комментарий от Skjeggtroll

You have no gurantee that the statues will not aggro when moving an inch forward method, as they appear to have an random aggro range. Personally i've been able to stand in one and not aggro and other times i've used the run in the middle and one inche at the time and aggroed them before i was even in range of the quest item.

Instead make sure you follow someone else, and dont go for the quest items before someone else have killed the mobs, as they have an aoe they use quite often.

Комментарий от diddlywhat

Fun fact: The statues chasing you take damage from falling rocks.

If you can kite one into them, don't bother dpsing it. It'll kill itself first.

Комментарий от chrisolson

bump, wasn't sure how to decide which rune to step on other than trial and error...thanks

Комментарий от Booshwala

In the final room, there are 3 statues in the middle, and the deactivation item is beside them. The floor is tiled, with runes on the floor. The outside ring of tiles is, for the most part, safe, as long as you stay on the gold tiles. There are statues that can aggro as you move around, so be aware. They are untargetable until they aggro, so you cannot CC them ahead of time. You have to cross into the middle in order to deactivate the last wall. There are red runes (flames on the tile) that shoot flames with a DoT effect called flame spout (Initial damage around 94K, with a dot of a little over 10K for 7 sec). Green runes (with arrows) hurl spears at you from above (doing about 4K damage per shot, with about 10 shots per second). The cloudy green runes with throw you into the air after which you land randomly, most likely on a damaging rune or into a statue. Avoid these if at all possible.

I walked around the room counter-clockwise. I aggro'd a statue in the first corner, though I didn't engage him in a fight. I ran through a green arrow tile taking minimal damage (damage ends as soon as you leave the rune) and jumped over a cloud tile, activating it but not being tossed into the air as I wasn't over it when it kicked up. I clicked on the wall deactivation device and hopped (literally) to the platform to pick up the artifact. I had two statues following me, but as I'd activated several runes on my way to the platform, they had low enough health by the time they reached me that I easily killed them. I made my way back around to the exit, this time in a clockwise manner, as the tiles nearest the exit are runed if you continue counter-clockwise. If the statue you passed aggro'd before, you should have time time to make it back before it respawns. If not, bring it to the steps of the exit before engaging so as not to activate runes during the fight.

I will submit high res screenshots of the room and the runes. I highly recommend turning up your res to take a peek before you start the room if you play on low res.

Комментарий от LadyFox

If you are missing the Final Spirit Wall, it is to the left when you enter the room with the artifact.

Комментарий от NewView

Is there any way of knowing when this daily is up without completing all the previous dailies? Am exalted with Golden Lotus but just missing this one daily to complete the achievement.

Комментарий от Zzerishei

If you have any Guo-Lai cache keys, there is a treasure cache on the dais in the last room.

Комментарий от cephadex

Thank you to everyone who provided helpful input. As a clothie I also found it helped me to use Potion of the Mountains (+12,000 armor for 25 sec). I made it to the deactivation device, then the wall without dying despite gracelessly activating some runes. I did die before making it out, though. So if, like me, you're not quite so clever and slick as some people here, that might help in at least completing the quest.

Комментарий от wilosoft

I just did the crumbling hall after failing for more than 20 times, I got aggro from a statue but the attack he did was parried but still didn't get achievement >.> though I didn't receive "any damage" from anything, this is so stupid, well gonna repeat it another time >.>

Комментарий от bettybae

If you are a druid like me, use the cat form to speed things up for you. Since you don't want to pull aggro, use prowl to sneak past the guards. Shadowmeld used at the right time could save your life, esp in the room with the runes. When you're done collecting, use roar or dash. If you don't step on two or more runes you will get out alive running at full speed.

Комментарий от zeiz

Useless annoying crap Q. Took me 3 hours and 12 deaths. Skip it!

Комментарий от Guanyin

Doing this without taking any damage is virtually impossible. The reason being Jade Statues. You WILL not get past them without aggroing them. Very purposely designed to annoy. Wish I could give any helpful advise, there is none. Those statues coming alive ruin any attempt at the achievement.

Комментарий от woudje

Walking on the lines really helped me avoid the last couple of statues. A friend helped me kill the ones near the first switch, but you may also use other people just doing the quest.

Don't give up, keep trying slightly different things and above all: Take it one step at a time.

Комментарий от Errm

@ D14B0L1

you can avoid aggro on the mobs, just creep forwards untill the cogwheel is available on your cursor to click on the orb, if you do this correctly, you will be able to click it before you are in aggro range of the annoying mob :)

You still need to take extreme care everywhere else on this daily to avoid any dmg, but i assure you, it can be done.

Good luck.

Комментарий от ameelia

Achievement Guide.

Getting the achievement is very much easier if you wait for someone else on the quest to clear the way for you, you may need to wait at times for the perfect moment to move, or for people to come through, your patience will be tried to its limits.

This achievement is very difficult to get solo due to the random nature of the Mogu Statues and their instant attack. Just to make things harder the quest is only available by players with at least Revered with GL, at the end of the daily quest line, so kindly helpers will need to do a whole set of most likely obsolete (to most players) dailies before they can enter the phased area and help out. I imagine with the commendations available, its very possible for you to get exalted before seeing the majority of GL dailies.

This quest may be available if there are tricksters spawned between the Golden Stair and Guo-Lai halls.

Take note of the solitary floor tile when you first enter the lobby, this tells you which tiles will be safe to step on in the final room.

Assuming you have got through to the main lobby area of Guo-Lai, there are 3 hallways splitting off, you need the left hallway, you will see rocks dropping from the roof, in a partially ruined room.

Stealth does not effect statues waking up, they may still awake to stealthed players. Statues will hit you pretty much every time if you wake them. You will learn to hate statues.Be aware there are invisible walls around much of the debris, so you may find gaps that appear passable are in fact blocked, or you can't walk onto seemingly innocuous piles of garbage on the floor.Finally the rockfalls, these are indicated by a black shadow appearing on the floor, you have about 4 seconds before the rocks then impact, to pass, often the shadow will disappear a second before the rocks impact, so it is possible to step into what appears to be a safe area (maybe the shadow was offscreen) to instantly have a rock drop on your head. Take your time, observe the falls then make your move.All staircases more than 2/3 steps high are safe from rockfalls.

First room:- head left around the room, up the small steps, keeping as hard right as possible to avoid waking the statue, you can rest and wait safely by the burning wreckage without getting rocks on your head. The middle path while it has no statues, has far more rockfalls, and no rest spot, the right side it is possible to jump over the fallen statue but its easy not to make it and get hit by rocks. Wait by the burning debris until someone goes between the two statues guarding the steps down. Hopefully they will both wake up and chase the player, or at least one will wake, giving you a gap, or neither will wake and hopefully they will be safe for you to run between. Unfortunately it is possible the statues will ignore the first player and jump you.

It should be easy to time the two rockfalls and avoid the statue in the small square room.

Second large room: There should be a cross shaped, misty room, the first item to activate is on the right between 2 mogu statues, it safe to wait on the left hand side of the stairs below the statues/orb, you can also walk on top of the rocks to the left of these stairs keep out of the way. Your best bet again is to wait for another player to activate and kill the statue/s before going for the orb (if only one statue activates it is safe to reach the orb from the opposite side. You can also try your luck at inching forwards exactly between the two statues until your mouse cursor changes from grey to gold cogs. The next orb to activate is on the opposite side of the room and it should be a straightforwards task to avoid the rocks to get to it. Finally 2 guards cover the stairs to the next room, again I waited for other players to clear at least one of these, I walked between them on several occasions with no harm, but it's not worth risking the odd occasion one of them wakes up.

As with the previous small room joining 2 stairs, you should be able to avoid the statue by hugging the opposite wall, and down the stairs to the last room.

Final Room: No more rocks from the roof! This room has a tiled floor containing traps, the safe path matches the tile from the lobby (though its not too hard to work out if you look at the position of the statues in this room and the location of the final orb). An easy mistake to make is going for the artifact too soon, when you enter the room check both the side walls of the tile room for the orb, depending on the layout of the tiles the orb can be on either side.

Now for a bit more inventory tetris as you wait for others to clear out the statues on your path (the statues on the tiled floor never seem to be duds.You can take the risky gambit of jumping across the corners of tiles and the normal floor at the edges of the room is safe. I waited till each statue in turn got killed, and went along the path to wait in the next safe area, away from the statues. You might get lucky and someone will blunder about and activate all the statues, but I found most people would step on traps to avoid some statues so I often couldn't make it on one go.

After you get the artifact...HEARTH OUT!

Do not jump down steps, do not queue for a quick arena, head straight back to the quest giver, flying above the trees, just to make sure a Plainshawk doesn't spoil your day.

I can only imagine on quiet servers and pvp servers this is even more horrible to do.

The achievement tracker does not indicate if you have failed.

You cannot go to the final room, abandon quest, and have a friend share the quest with you, like the other part of the achievement.

It does not seem to be possible to clear out the statues in the first room then take the quest, a trigger re-spawns at least the statues in the first room.

Комментарий от multiversekyle

For anyone having trouble finding the final deactivation point, it is in the far left corner, near the statue. I'm submitting a screenshot since there isn't one yet.

Also, be sure to find a red rune in the floor in one of the other rooms and step on it. Then you can walk on the red runes in the artifact room without taking damage, which is most of them.

Комментарий от bbkr

Hints for mages:
  • Invisibility does not work here as for usual mobs. Statues are activated by walking into aggro distance and this is considered an player action. Therefore invisibility fades after statue is activated. But those statues have some kind of lag, and if you keep walking past them you will leave combat.
  • Blink can be used to go through statues aggro zone or falling rocks.
  • Polymorph does not work, awakened statue is elemental class, not humanoid.
  • Your elemental can take damage. But you cannot use it to awaken statues, they work only on player proximity.

How I did it (took 2 attempts, no other players around):

  1. I've opened combat console to monitor if I took any damage by mistake.
  2. Popped invisibility and ran through first room and pass first two statues.
  3. Hugged the wall on the turn to avoid awakening third statue.
  4. In the next room first switch is on the right protected by two statues. Safe spot is on the edge of stairs, halfway up. Without other players around I had to awake right statue and kill it. Starting from edge of stairs I did few steps next to the right wall and when statue awakened immediately went back. Deep freezed it for easy kill (beware AOE earth shake here, walk to the other edge of the stairs if needed!). Approached switch from right side.
  5. Crossed room for second switch, piece of cake.
  6. Blinked between next two statues.
  7. Hugged the wall on the turn to avoid awakening next one.
  8. In trap room green tiles are safe. But there was gold elite guard walking counter clockwise. And switch was on the left of artifact. I carefully walked behind guard and was able to activate last switch without awakening statue next to it.
  9. Took artifact and portal to vale, went back to quest giver (fly high to avoid any birds). Done :)

Note that the layout of the last room and activation range for statues are not always the same.

Комментарий от Justeen

I was hit by mogu statue when i had already completed quest, was going to questgiver. I didnt get achievement!

Комментарий от pauladin

In order to reach this daily, you have to hope that the Golden Lotus daily quest chain in Vale of Eternal Blossoms leads you there.

Part One

  • The Golden Pagoda: Complete the five daily quests offered there

Part Two - you will be sent to either:

  • Mistfall Village - Invasion: Complete the four wildlife daily quests offered there
  • Mistfall Village - Wildlife: Complete the four wildlife daily quests offered there
  • Whitepetal Lake - Invasion: Complete the four wildlife daily quests offered there
  • Whitepetal Lake - Wildlife: Complete the four wildlife daily quests offered there

Part Three (Honored) - you will be sent to either:

Part Four - Depending on which quest group you were given in part three determines which which set of boss-killing quests will one be assigned to you. All possible bosses must be killed for the achievement One Man Army:

Ruins of Guo-Lai - Wildlife: One of two bosses (three at Revered):

Setting Sun Garrison: One of four bosses

Whitepetal Lake - Invasion: One boss:

Комментарий от winnia

I had to do this alone. How I did it is: the first two switches were easy. For the third I just made a dash for the switch on the left, pulling a couple statues, used blink to get to the corner, and died. Coming back, I rezzed there and activated the switch and then slid along the wall. Blinked down the middle and ran to grab the artifact and hearthed. Done. A little repair bill was worth it.

Комментарий от Krastopic

As of Patch 5.4 this quest appears to have changed. Most of the quest givers for the Golden Lotus appear to be dead now. But the quest givers in the corner where combat training occurs are still there and still give out this quest.

Ignore some of what is below. You fight your way to the last room. Instead of three statues coming to life to do battle there is only the Jade Colossus. He was an easy kill with my mage. Pop my army, drill him down fast to less than 1k, then pop my shield and finish him off.

There will be a pedestal in the room. Just as before, but I have seen it in two different areas. It wasn't in the center of the room like it used to be. Tool tip the green ball and it will show the gear, get close and click the ball and the spirit wall will drop. Get the artifact and hearth or teleport out.

Комментарий от ShamanOne

Something that no one has mentioned in these comments as of 2013-10-12:

After you enter the Guo-Lai Halls, use the Map. It shows where the artifact is located and, in the Blizzard way of mapping things, the route to follow.

Also, you can simply fly into the entrance in order to bypass the mobs wandering around and standing around outside. :-)

Комментарий от rayne267

Who ever put the screen shots up is a troll I steped in one and died I thought it was a switch!

Комментарий от MelTorefas

As of 5.4 I really feel this quest is no longer worth doing. The high numbers of quickly respawning mobs are a huge chore to cut your way through, and the rewards really do not justify the amount of effort it takes. I have no intention of doing it again; there are much faster quests to do for the exact same benefit. Unless you are seriously starving for Golden Lotus rep, I guess.

Комментарий от drewbster

With the changes to Guo-Lai Halls in 5.4, this quest and Гром из глубин have become more trouble than they're worth. The Halls are filled with mogu that respawn very quickly and aren't AoE-friendly, and the final objective has lots of potential to be aggravating.


It appears the drop rate for Ключ от древнего тайника Го-Лай has increased, and the chests are conveniently placed together in one spot, near the quest objectives. They contain JC pet patterns and new Cooking recipes, as well as the usual Реликвия Го-Лай and Реликвия Властелина Грома (which provide a bit more rep too), and Сокровища Дола.

Turns out if you can handle the mobs enough to farm for keys, you can grind a lot more than 500 rep from all the kills, top it off with the relics (or mail them to alts now), and come away with a respectable amount of harmony, cloth, greens, cooking mats, and vendor trash. My scribe/jeweler also found her final Primal recipes (finally!) and a few of the new glyph recipes, and fought the rares that spawn in there at least three times. Personally I found the route for this quest too much of a hassle, and instead just ran between the front room (at the bottom of the ramp) and Milau's room below.

Комментарий от GreenLink

Got my achievement tonight for Crumbling Halls. Easiest way is to share quest with a friend. Rush all the way to the final room. I shadowmelded to drop aggro, so bring an invis pot if need be. Best time is when there is only an elite mogu guard circling the tiled floors. Run to where the orb is - DO NOT CLICK IT. Chances are, the mogu statue beside it will come to life. Kill it. Share the quest with a friend if you haven't done it yet, drop yours, have him/her share back to you. Click orb. Carefully run the tiles to get to the artifact whenever the elite guard is on the other side of the room. Hearth. Carefully fly back to the quest giver. Be careful on your landing and happy 10 points!

Комментарий от Grimeater

Just did this daily today and a little tip for those warriors out there - once you get through the mobs into the last room with the orb - you can use Героический прыжок to jump from the doorway to where the orb is located, as well as from the orb to the area with the artifact on it. Saved me a ton of time running round the tiles.

Комментарий от rktect

Where do you use the Shao-tien cage key to release the prisoners?Also, what about the bosses, do you get enough extra loot for killing them to make it worth the attempt solo?

Комментарий от youdontdeserveit

Not sure if this is normal, but in 6.02 I get killed in the last room by just a couple ticks of damage... Fun fun fun!

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

The Crumbling Hall https://youtu.be/OYPLIslHKV0

Комментарий от FeyGyrl

I came here looking for information specifically referencing the dropping of the spirit wall. After not finding it in the first several posts - their focus seemed to be more on why you shouldn't bother with this quest - I just began scouring the room for anything. Eventually, I found a clickable orb in a corner niche, just inside the main doorway. I found it in the niche to the right, as you look at the spirit wall across the room, from the doorway. Once you click on this first orb, the spirit wall drops & then you can click on the orb needed for the quest.As an aside, be careful approaching the crossing of the room. Look for the gold only designs. The tiles with the stylized wind, motion, & fire designs all do damage & the wind ones also throw you off that tile, usually onto another dangerous one. You can work your way across the room from door to the first orb; then orb to the spirit wall area using only the safe tiles, if you visually scout your route, first. There are spawns that "come to life" sometimes, too, as you near them, so just stay aware of your surroundings as you make your way across.Since this sometimes helps folks to know...I did this solo, as a 110 ret paladin, with no problems once I figured out how to drop the wall. Running this daily netted me a decent amount of Lotus rep, which I'm working up for the fun of it.


Древний артефакт - Заклинание - World of Warcraft

Комментарий от taohinton

Without doubt the single most powerful buff in the whole of Ashran. Obtained through interacting with , an object which sporadically appears at seemingly random locations around Ashran.

The power granted by this buff is huge, in many ways reminiscent of multi-boxing, without the need for several very similar names. Your character now has the health of TWO, and the power of THREE.

The one downside of this is the rather huge visual above your character's head, highlighting them to all other players. This may well make you a target, but in fairness this is only because you'll likely be slaughtering the enemy left right and centre without even noticing.

The Artifact is very similar therefore to a fairly advanced Orb of Power from Temple of Kotmogu, except that instead of increasing damage taken, it effectively DECREASES it.

The power of this buff is hard to anticipate, and slightly intoxicating. Be careful not to lose your head too literally in your maniacal bloodlust though - if you get killed you'll lose the buff, and drop the object. Other players can then loot it, gaining the buff with the remaining duration.

Obtaining the buff takes several seconds and can be interrupted by attacks, making it tricky to pick up in the middle of a battle - but still so very worth the trouble.

If you have the buff and are about to die, run back toward your own team, and try to die well behind the front lines, where one of your guys can pick it up without getting spam interrupted. Unless of course you're horribly sadistic toward your teammates, in which case dying deep in enemy territory is a great idea. If you see opposing players gathered round the object interrupt them like hell. Do not let them get hold of this, or you will regret it. This is in many ways similar to preventing the opponent from capping a flag in Arathi Basin, although ideally you'll want to fight them off until you or your teammates can claim it for yourselves.

It's usually worth trying to remove enemy players with this buff as quickly as possible, before they single-handely whittle your army down to the last gnome. That may not be the easiest task, however - concerted firepower is usually the best approach. Consider carefully though where the Artifact will drop, lest it should get picked up by an even better geared and more capable player.

Комментарий от ChaosTheory17

First, you can stealth with the artifact. As a stealthy you can have a lot of fun ganking with this. On my server, Ashran is completely controlled by Alliance. Looting the artifact (if you know where it can spawn is a huge plus) and ganking the side area's in Ashran can net a lot of fun in what would normally be a very frustrating area. Take your anger out on alliance who stray too far away from the main group. And as a feral, always get the Каменный щит buff, with Воплощение: Король джунглей you can stealth and run away if things get too hairy.

Secondly, with the artifact you can solo rares. Knowing what each rare does during the fights is a plus. When you're on a server dominated by the opposite faction, you have to make your own destiny.

Комментарий от Andromina

Awesome item for WPVP. With all CD's popped am getting upwards of 220k crits on people with starsurge. 10/10 recommend for boomkin.

Found mine at 58.72, 28.23 on Brute's Rise. Icon on map shows as a skull with a purple flare around it. Will update list once I find more!

Комментарий от HavokJD

Is the buff duration listed here correct or from beta? I could have sworn when I got it today, the buff only lasted like 5 minutes. And since I didn't die in combat, the artifact just disappears and I guess randomly spawns somewhere.

Комментарий от Cyan

I had the ancient artifact and when I picked up the lave for the Molten Quarry event I lost it.So don't do that if you have the artifact.

Комментарий от Lejxion

The artifact seems to spawn in a circle, for instance, if you picked the artifact up at the Brute's Rise, it will most likely spawn at the Amphitheater of Annihilation (and so on) after it expires naturally.

Комментарий от Lejxion

The ancient artifact will spawn in one of five locations. Brutes Rise, AoA, the Ogre King, Molten Quarry, and ABG.

Комментарий от Trielis

With 6.2 and smaller groups in Ashran, it feels like the artifact is a little too powerful now.

Комментарий от Baracuda

July 20th

Ancient Artifact should now only appear when there are more than 20 players in the battle, and the item now has a respawn timer.

5 minute respawn time.

August 7th

Increased the respawn timer for Ancient Artifact.

Respawn time now seems to be 30+ minutes.

Комментарий от Tatahe

Since this week the respawn timer on AA is exactly 5 minutes! So put your timers and start looking! :D

Комментарий от rplieth

It also appears now that the Ancient Artifact will not spawn unless a minimum of 20 ppl in group.

Комментарий от Kuzcsenrok

Sept. 30 hotfix:

Ancient Artifact now increases maximum health by 25% (down from 100%).

Комментарий от Nahkaniska

TomTom macro list for locations:

/way 60.3 28.7/way 62.4 31.3/way 32.4 30.3/way 32.2 36.3/way 43.1 51.8/way 37.1 60.9/way 35.0 62.6/way 37.0 65.4/way 58.3 68.2/way 58.4 72.4

Комментарий от elorac

Just a minor update to Nahkaniska's TomTom waypoints adding some descriptions, and to make sure it adds the waypoints to the Ashran zone only./way Ashran 60.3 28.7 A0/way Ashran 62.4 31.3 A1/way Ashran 32.4 30.3 A2/way Ashran 32.2 36.3 A3/way Ashran 43.1 51.8 A4/way Ashran 37.1 60.9 A5/way Ashran 35.0 62.6 A6/way Ashran 37.0 65.4 A7/way Ashran 58.3 68.2 A8/way Ashran 58.4 72.4 A9

Комментарий от Tiffanski

Spawn LocationsДревний артефакт has 3 spawn points at each of the following locations:

1) Molten Quarry2) Seat of Kor'lok 3) Brute's Rise4) Amphitheater of Annohilation5) Ashmaul Burial Grounds

Note: Древний артефакт will appear as a chest icon on your mini-map if you are near enough.

Respawn TimeДревний артефакт will only spawn with 20+ players on both sides. When Древний артефакт de-spawns it will re-spawn randomly 20mins to 50mins later. I usually type /timer and start the clock as soon as it de-spawns, so I get a rough idea of when it will be back up.

Killing AA carrierEven when I'm playing at my best as an AA carrier, chained death grips back into an enemies group. With a stun plus root and then having enemy place a Жезл магического силового поля over my head while applying Зловещие споры will usually result in my death.

Note: If you die with AA and nobody is able to pick it up within 60secs, it will respawn at the location it was originally retrieved from (i.e. MQ, Seat, BR, AoA, ABG).

Best class specs to hold AAMarksman Hunter, Boomkin, Shadow Priest. Warlock if none of the others will step up.
