Древняя мана задание. Возвращение в Каражан: куб в центре внимания
История современного города Афины.
Древние Афины
История современных Афин

TomTom (Entrances):/way Suramar 41.7 38.9 Power Grid quest area (Anora Hollow leyline)/way Suramar 59.4 42.8 Leyline Feed: Kel'balor/way Suramar 22.9 35.9 Leyline Feed: Falanaar Arcway/way Suramar 29.0 84.7 Leyline Feed: Halls of the Eclipse/way Suramar 35.7 24.4 Leyline Feed: Ley Station Moonfall/way Suramar 20.1 50.2 Leyline Feed: Falanaar Depths/way Suramar 65.8 41.9 Leyline Feed: Elor'shan/way Suramar 24.3 19.4 Leyline Feed: Ley Station Aethenar

Комментарий от Lorri

All Leyline quests combined for TomTom without useless video:

/way Suramar 41.7 38.9 Power Grid /way Suramar 59.4 42.8 Leyline Feed: Kel'balor /way Suramar 22.9 35.9 Leyline Feed: Falanaar Arcway /way Suramar 29.0 84.7 Leyline Feed: Halls of the Eclipse/way Suramar 35.7 24.4 Leyline Feed: Ley Station Moonfall /way Suramar 20.1 50.2 Leyline Feed: Falanaar Depths/way Suramar 65.8 41.9 Leyline Feed: Elor'shan/way Suramar 24.3 19.4 Leyline Feed: Ley Station Aethenar/cway

Комментарий от pauladin

You have to go to 66.5,52.7 in Falanaar Tunnels:


/way 66.5 52.7 Falanaar Tunnels

I don't know why the location of the objective is a big secret - nobody seems to want to give its coordinates.

Комментарий от Tribalisk

late night when you need my love... i know when that leyline bling... that can only mean one thing ♫♫

Наполните силовой канал древней маной.

Силовой канал: катакомбы Фаланаара. Древняя мана задание

Древняя мана - Задание - World of Warcraft

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Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6RIq2C-txk&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от Gemily

Once you've gone out and found your mana, it's a pain in the arse to find the entrance back inside. It's at 35,48.

Комментарий от varenne

This is 8 quest in Suramar zone.Previous quest is Шал'Аран

Cave entrance is 34.9, 47.5. Near the flight point. You can see 2 broken pillars and cave entrance is in the middle./way Suramar 34.9, 47.5 Cave to Shal'aran

Ancient Mana is part of Помрачены, но не забытыThis quest is not part of any storyline there, but you will need it to progress further.

You can find more info about storyline in the achievement linkYou will aslo need this quest for Добрый сурамаритянин

Wowhead doesn't shows this, but you will get Камень поиска маны as a reward. Камень поиска маны will allow you to see Древняя мана nodes on the minimap, just like herbalism or mining

Комментарий от Rakenessaa

Don't forget-- Thalyssra is waiting for you in her underground CAVE! I was running on top of the question mark for a few minutes. Entrance at 35.0, 48.0.

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoMZzN1MPOc&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от dracolight

After you use the item to track the Камень поиска маны to track the Ancient Mana nodes, you can safely delete it and you'll still have the tracking buff on you.

In the event you ever need the item again (if you cancel the buff for some reason), you can always talk to First Arcanist Thalyssra again and she'll give you the stone back.

Комментарий от qwerty31

Unlike most other quest objectives now, these will despawn after somebody else loots them, which is highly annoying. Be competitive and race others for these.

Комментарий от Briandris

Does anyone know why I can't hand in this quest? When I try it says "you can't do that right now". In the dialogue it says her hunger must be fed something like that.. in red.

EDIT: There is an item in your bags you must open to get some "ancient mana" and then you can turn in the blue question mark to feed her which THEN makes the original quest "Ancient Mana" able to be handed in.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Древняя мана — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAvbnAJ2Aos

Комментарий от machina2413

How to do:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwc9rHE1z2g

Комментарий от CharlieM

The entrance to the cave is 35, 48.

It is at the level of the lake and has two pillars marking its entrance.

Комментарий от jakchal

*****Warning****do not abandon this quest or any of the others:Мастерская Окулета, Старый союзникyou will NOT be able to pick them up again atm

Комментарий от ladydanotte

The flight point is "Ancient Cloudwing." In case you keep missing it.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

As you use Камень поиска маны there are anicent mana nods being shown on the mini map, that colored blue color. There are few kinds of mana nods, some give you small amount of mana, others give better. the point of the quest - find and gather three mana nobs around Meredil. Run across cliffs or trees.

TomTom:/way Suramar 34.9 47.5 Cave back to Shal'aran

Древняя мана — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAvbnAJ2Aos

Комментарий от theawesomewizard

Many thanks once again guys, spot on info and comments.

Комментарий от Doublezz

A one-off quest: Древняя мана, which follows the Nightfallen questline, is designed to tutor you in gathering Древняя мана and uses the Камень поиска маны to add location nodes to the mini-map in order to farm and is therefore essential to completing the Suramar storyline. This is followed by the Chief Telemancer Oculeth Questline which teaches players about the teleportation system in Suramar and ends with the По результатам разведки... quest, to complete the second storyline in the Помрачены, но не забыты achievement.

Древняя мана id = 44672 Reward: Камень поиска маны and the daily Утоление жажды Талисры id = 43994

Chief Telemancer Oculeth Questline for Помрачены, но не забыты (Prerequisite: Шал'Аран

1.Мастерская Окулета id = 40011| 2.Тонкое искусство телемантии id = 40747 Reward: Зачарованная монета ночнорожденных|3.Безопасность сети id = 40478 Reward: Зачарованная монета ночнорожденных | Optional: Искаженный тайник Treasure. See Instructions|4.Почти на месте id = 40830 Reward: "Цитриновые страницы" телеманта |5.Накормить голодающего id = 44691|6.По результатам разведки... id = 40956

To check if you have completed any one of these series of quests, input the following code, after having replaced the quest id number (see above) for the quest id number you want to check, into your chat box while playing WoW:/dump IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44672)or alternatively to check your completion of the whole series of 7 quests, input the following code into your chat box while playing WoW:/run for k,v in pairs({AncientMana=44672,OculethsWksp=40011,ArtTelemancy=40747,NetworkSecu=40478,CloseEnough=40830,HungryWork=44691,SurveySays=40956})do print(format("%s: \124cff%s\124r", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "00ff00Yes" or "ff0000No"))end

Комментарий от 3Z3K13L08

So after handing in Шал'Аран, I went off and did some other stuff and came back a week later and all Первая чародейка Талисра had for me was the daily quest Утоление жажды Талисры. I couldn't accept any other quest from her until I got her the required 50 Древняя мана (for the daily). After that she correctly offered me the next three quests in the chain: Древняя мана, Мастерская Окулета & Старый союзник. Добудьте древнюю ману из 3 |4кристалла:кристаллов:кристаллов;.


Кристалл древней маны (3)
Прилагается предмет:


Без энергии Ночного Колодца мы с моими друзьями вынуждены жить за счет самой земли.

Древняя мана из подземных силовых линий встречается на поверхности в нескольких формах, но чаще всего в виде кристаллов или самоцветов.

<Талисра поднимает небольшой камень, шепчет слова силы и проводит пальцем по руне, изображенной на нем.>

Этот камень начнет светиться, когда поблизости будет источник древней маны. Пожалуйста, собери ее как можно больше. В ближайшие недели этот ценный ресурс нам очень пригодится.

Продолжай следить за месторождениями кристаллов по всему Сурамару. Они нам еще пригодятся.


Вы получите: 19 40


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Жаждущие магии - Задание - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Mzbehavin

to kill Keeper Selentia you must collect the 6 crystals from below her, avoid the blue circles on the floor as they will damage you and interrupt your cast. You will keep getting ghosts that spawn as well to kill, so will need to watch your health and kill these to, once you have got the crystals a tether comes off of her (a white line called Eternal Tether) you must kill this in order to make her vulnerable in order to kill her.

Комментарий от bonesoaked

There appear to be some phasing issues in the cave where this quest takes place, making completing only some of the quest possible.

Комментарий от saulwhite

If you happen to die... the entrance to the cave is (34,47).

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UqMao0_vyM&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от varenne

You can stun Древняя хранительница and avoid spells from immune Хранительница Селентия, but here is what you need to do to make this quest faster:

Cave location is North-East of flightmaster. Coordinates are 34.9, 47.4

/way Suramar 34.9, 47.4 Cave

Arcane Thirst is part of Помрачены, но не забыты - Nightfall storyline.You can find more info about storyline in the achievement linkYou will aslo need this quest for Добрый сурамаритянин

And here is storyline related to this quest:

Wowhead shows that you get Пронизанная маной брошь Селентии, but i got Плащ бессмертного хранителя and Брошь древней хранительницы in the end of this storyline. I'll fix it on live if i'm wrong

Комментарий от trelliema

Helpful hint: if you need a quick break, run down either of the sets of stairs. The ancient keepers currently aggro'd on you will follow, but the new ones she spawns won't, and the annoying blue puddles won't follow you down. Gives you a chance to heal/bandage/wait for any CDs without being interrupted.

Комментарий от metalbear

Walk up to to the purple crystals in the center of the room. If nothing happens, leave the cave entrance and walk back in, should work.

Комментарий от Stormeey

So I had an issue where there was only ever 5 crystallized ancient mana at the base where Selentia is perched. I dropped quest 5x, re-logged etc. The only way i was able to fix after quite a few attempts was to exit WoW completely (including battlenet since a simple re-log did nothing)

If you find yourself with this issue I suggest you abandon quest and just do the entire quit and restart rather than doing this quest several times over.

This bug has been reported.

Also as an FYI, this quest does look a bit different from linked video (possibly beta video?) since in the video Selentia doesn't appear til after you pick up the crystals which was not the case when I did this quest.

Note: If you find it difficult to manage all the mobs, I found that by leaving the cave after picking up all the crystals, that the small mobs dropped aggro off me. Then I entered and stayed right at the entrance to the room and targeted the tethers and killed them and Selentia from there with no more trouble from the small adds she spawns. Clearly this tip is for ranged characters.

GL & Happy Hunting!

Комментарий от Killedlink

So i very smartly hearthed back to dalaran before finishing this quest and can't seem to get back to suramar to complete this any ideas? It was on this quest.

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvMHhHe37TU&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от taurenmoo812

This quest was a pain to do, but it consists of a couple of phases.

1 - You need to quickly collect the 6 crystals around the base of the pillar just below the boss before you are overwhelmed by spirits2 - You need to then kill both the tethers she's attached to slowly circling the room.3 - keeping the spirits off you as much as possible.

I found it helped to go in, get the 6 crystals, run back to the quest giver to let the spriits reset, then go in and kill the tethers.

Then kill the ^&*!@ and its over.

Комментарий от OCDCatLady

I did this as a frost mage. It was..."fun". Not really.

What I did:

I ran in as quick as I could and grabbed a crystal. After that the little guys were on me and I couldn't pick anything up without them interrupting. So, I ran around and aggro'd a bunch and kept them following me. I was just barely faster. I ran behind Selentia - not enough to reset them, just enough to get them far away - then ran back, using Shimmer to get back to the crystals. Grabbed several. Ran in a circle until Shimmer reset and repeated until I had all six. Then, I ran back to Thalyssra to reset the guardians that were still following me.

Then, I went to the edge of the chamber and attacked the tethers as long as they were in range. I didn't use any AoE attacks so I didn't aggro the guardians. The tethers themselves don't react to being hit, so I just waited until they came back around to polish them off, and I stayed far enough in the tunnel that for the most part, the guardians didn't see me. One did but singularly they're easy kills so it was no big deal.

Once the tethers were gone, Selentia was actually a pretty easy kill.

Комментарий от R1otmaker

As a BM hunter I simply sent in pet while circling the platform without stopping. Hardly took any damage, if too much gets on you, use disengage w/Postehaste. Kill the tethered mobs first.

Комментарий от Phbt

For anyone who cannot complete this quest due to not enough Crystallized Ancient Mana, after attempting this four times I found the following post, http://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20748955090#post-5.

FWIW, here's the drama I went through before hand.------------------------------------------------------------------------I had not been to Suramar previously and did not have any of the flight points. The flight master in Dalaran had an extra button "Take me to Suramar" which is how I got there. I took the first quests that came up to escort under the shield and completed that. Then Thalyssra took me to Shal'Aran and I accepted the "Arcane Thirst" quest.

The first time I accepted the quest there were six mana crystals at the base of Keeper Selentia's tower. I was able to pick 3/6 of the crystals, but died in the process of trying to pick the crystals and kill the adds. When I died I released my spirit and ended up in the graveyard. I ran back to where my body was and found the cave entrance sealed. I could NOT get to my body no matter where I ran to.

When I took resurrection sickness I was revived in my Class Order Hall. I exited the Class Order Hall and returned to the flight master. The flight master had no option to fly to Suramar as I had no flight points. I instead flew to Val'Sharah and used a glider kite to jump into Suramar. I was able to pick up the western-most flight point at Irongrove Retreat, Suramar. I rode across the bridge to Meredil and there are no NPCs and no flight point available.

At this point in the game the quest showed 3/6 mana crystals found, but Keeper Selentia was listed as 0/1 killed. I abandoned/reaccepted the quest from Thalyssra and when I did so all of the counters reset and showed 0/6 Crystallized Ancient Mana. Keeper Selentia reappeared with only three (3) crystals at the base of her tower. I killed the adds and Keeper Selentia, but only get credit for 3/6 Crystallized Ancient Mana.

I have repeated this quest three times with the same result.

It feel is also worth noting that if I abandon the quest there are mobs that I do NOT see when I have the quest, but in either case there is NO flight point at Meredil.------------------------------------------------------------------------

In the end, once I was able to complete the quest there was finally a flight point.

So again, if you're having issues with the number of crystals shown at the base of Keeper Selentia - 1. Stand next to Thalyssra2. Abandon the quest3. Quit and restart the game while standing next to Thalyssra4. Log in again and accept the quest.5. See if there are now six crystals to pick and complete the quest.

Комментарий от shamana4

If you are a shaman, Earth Elemental can be very useful! He can keep the Ancient Keepers busy while you get the crystals or attack Keeper Selentia.

Комментарий от Ralphius

Don't worry about the crystals. Take out the tethers first then Selentia becomes vulnerable. The adds seemed lightweight and throwing out some aoe took care of them. Once Selentia is down grab the crystals and turn in.

Комментарий от amymicaela

Kill the tethers.

Комментарий от nikimihaylov

If you are a ranged class you can just simply stay max range, kill crystals and than the big Banshee. This way you will not pull small adds. Learned it the hard way after 3 melee rush wipes ;)

Good luck friends!

Комментарий от fai1

Ranged: easy peasy. Stand in the hall *just* inside your range to hit. Throw some dots on the yellow things as they go around and don't try too hard to follow them. It'll be ok. Once both yellow dots go out, just stay in the same location & hit the boss. You won't pull any aggro from the adds. (And, of course, pop out of the blue circles she puts under your feet.)

Комментарий от Hawgdream

Made two videos that may be helpful for this quest:

Keeper Selentia Video Guide:https://youtu.be/YRqRluEggl0

Find your body after she kills you without going insane video guide:https://youtu.be/UcZhQuIEyKQ

Комментарий от Sairamarth

I use my monitor brightness really low, so first time I entered the cave I fell to the bottom of the stairs and spent a good 10 minutes running around in the darkness (and even considered heading back to Dalaran, lol)

Don't be stubborn like me, the stairs are easy enough to find if you have the correct amount of brigthness :/

Комментарий от Thaag

Assassin rogue:

Smack the tethers as they come by. Dont' get too far from the tunnel you came in from.

Vanish if you have to.

Shadowstep up to the silly lady wailing in the middle.

Blow every cooldown to keep from dying while her buddies nip at you and kill her fast.



Комментарий от vorhautdk

I can only find 3 Crystallized Ancient Mana, anyone with this problem?

Комментарий от rkuschel

You, sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.

Комментарий от geekygirlish

This is one of those quests that almost made me delete the game. So many things that made it so difficult. The goals of the quest are not that difficult in themselves, it's just the problems that arise when things go wrong. So summing up a few tips, these may save you some time.

I died when I first did it, not understanding the mechanics. I COULD NOT find my way back to my body, damn Blizz and the levels. (probably should have paid more attention to where we were going but, hey, I was following her) It all looks so different in the spirit world as well. So I ended up taking res sickness and hs back to Dal. Now you won't get a FP back but you can go to Garden of the Moon fp and just run straight back, however finding the TINY cave entrance is another problem. I ended up abandoning the quest so I could see the ! and still struggled. The flightpath won't appear until you finish the chain tho it shows on the map so that's no landmark. The location coords don't help much either so VISUALLY, keep taking the straight path from Garden of the Moon to Suramar. When you go under the stone arch stop at about 38,48 and look right. There is a natural gap in the rocks, go thru it. You will come to a bridge, go right in the water and run along towards a double waterfall. Right before the waterfalls at 34,48 you will see two pillars and the entrance is between them.

Secondly you may run into a problem when you kill Selentia with there not being enough crystals in the middle. There aren't any more in the place, don't waste time like I did running around looking, so as some else said, go back to Thalyssra abandon the quest, exit game, and return. I had to do this twice, getting a variation in number available.

Third, concentrate on killing the tethers first, then she goes down pretty easily. Having done this on a few now, works well to just stand in the hallway. Send your pet, minion, bodyguard after the tethers. Ranged keep doting them from the hallway, and melee just give them a smack when they pass by. None of the banshees will bother you if you stay out in the passage. You can collect the crystals after she dies, but I think you have to try to take one to aggro her.

Good luck

Комментарий от johanb

The following worked well on a ranged fighter (in this case a destro warlock with voidlord as companion). Go past the questgiver and you will see a cave/hall. Do not enter, stay in the doorway - the boss calls for assistance and some banshees (very deadly) start flying around the room, but will not touch you where you are. The boss also activates two tendrils sweeping the room anti-clockwise. From your position the tendrils display as a yellow spots of light. Target one and kill it as it sweeps the room, target the other and kill it as well. Enter the room, hug the left wall and about the 09:00 position you will find a portico with pillars. Stand between the pillars, target the boss (the stone in the middle of the room) and kill her. She is squishy and dies quite fast. With her dead, the banshees disappear and you can collect the crystals in the middle of the room at leisure. Enjoy!

Комментарий от Groovin

Blah blah blah blah blah blah and oh by the way...

/way 52,84, 20.26

Is very likely the information you came seeking. Hope you enjoyed the wading through the morass of irrelevance and/or simple old fashioned FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE (kids, look up the word 'concise.' Please be it, or please go 'read-only'), if only half as much as I. Blah blah blah blah blah...

Комментарий от bubasti

Kill the yellow tethers first. Get your crystals. Kill the boss. Nuff said.

Комментарий от Zeroplex

It was probably pretty silly of me but I'd like to point out that melee users can hit her by just standing at the base of the crystal-podium-thingy that she's standing on.

I play a Goblin DK (strange, I know) and the though of my character being able to hit her up there with a melee attack didn't compute for me until I tried it. Just stand there and whack away.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Get close to a pillar in a center of room to start an event.

Жаждущие магии — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRfx-Sw-Nh5

Комментарий от clarkkers

By far one of the WORST quests in Legion. Convoluted mechanics they don't tell you about. Too many mobs that zerg you before you have a chance to figure out what to do. Annoying, frustrating and insulting.

Комментарий от Nessalina

I died twice from a seemingly never ending stream of Ancient Keepers before realising that you have to take down the Eternal tethers first!If you're ranged, wait in the corridor before the main room, and wait until one of the tethers rotates round to you. Keeping it just in range you should be able to take it out on the first or second rotate without drawing any aggro from the Keepers. Then Keeper Selentia is unprotected and she went down without a problem. When she dies, the Ancient Keepers vanish, and you can collect the Ancient Mana!

Комментарий от SoraNeapTide

As a poorly armored druid (equipped avg 736 - skipped to 110 too quickly on pet battles) I found that attracting the Keepers and Mass Entanglement-ing them gave me enough time to collect the ancient mana crystals. Then read enough to know to take out the tethers. (No, I don't want her untethered - right?)I took the advice of attacking from the alcove on the left using only Moonfire and Entagling roots on Selentia and after 27+ minutes of fighting off the wandering Keeper every couple minutes finally she went down. Walk out crying.The Ancient Keeper's Brooch shows as 1000 (was 800) artifact power as of 20160929. And there's a follow on quest "Shal'Aran" for another 125 (was 100) artifact power Enchanted Nightborne Coin.I like a good puzzle; this wuddn't.

Комментарий от dadsquid

FYI, Keeper Selentia is the column and not just the spirit on top.

Комментарий от machina2413

How to do:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOU7IQNYgO4

Комментарий от sofiinia

This quest was really frustrating because of the keepers. I ended up escaping to the hallway on the north-eastern side and everything dropped off to put me completely out of combat. Turns out, you can range-attack the tethers without getting the attention of the keepers, and since they revolve, you can wait for the other to come close enough. Then take a few steps up and attack her, again without attracting the keepers. Such a relief to not have to fight them at all.

Комментарий от Eillesthis

Next: Шал'Аран

Комментарий от Shashos

As a beastmaster hunter, my pet was unable to find a path to attack Selentia.

He simply stood there in the outer ring and couldn't get to her despite the pillar itself being attackable by melee classes. That left me unable to use Kill Command completely, as all I got was an error that no path was available.

The pet pathing leaves something to be desired in Legion.

Комментарий от dirtnap71

As a lock I took down the tethers and then spammed the hell out of her with drain life

Комментарий от gnaer

Just did this quest with the help of below comments (thanks much!). There weren't enough crystals the first time so left the cave, logged off, logged back on, and went back into the cave and there were more crystals and no mobs. Doesn't appear that you need to abandon the quest to get more crystals.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Pick up the quest and go deeper to the cave, there'll be a hall with a pillar in the center. Get closer and there an event will run. Хранительница Селентия is on the pillar and you arent be able to damage her right after spawn, you have to shatter her defence by killing two Вечные узы first. Then defeat her and collect 6 Кристаллизованная древняя мана, they all in the center.

If you die during this event, get back in to cave, entrance is at 34.9 47.4 point.

TomTom:/way Suramar 34.9 47.4 Thalyssra's shelter

Жаждущие магии — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRfx-Sw-Nh5

This quest is a part of Nightfall quest chain needed for Помрачены, но не забыты achievement. Full list is under the spoiler

Nightfall quest chain:_

Комментарий от Wimbleton

When you're in the process of killing Silentia, you'll notice that your first attacks have little effect, almost as if some of the AP is being ignored or something (who knows?) but stick with it and after 45 minutes or so, you'll notice everything works and she dies suddenly at about 25% health. Weird but I've done this on both a Feral and an Arcane, so it seems to be consistent. Have patience and keep swinging. Or casting.

Комментарий от Felyshkaw

Died doing this quest (of course),and my spirit didn't release. /reload did nothing, had to log out. Finally released with about 6 seconds to go on logout. Total lack of explanation was not helpful.

Комментарий от Ghoulqueen

I don't know if anyone else had this problem, but Silentia kept resetting... I had to kill her about 6 times before I finally got fed up. I reloaded UI and then she worked just fine. *headdesk*

Комментарий от Doublezz

The Nightfall Questline for the Помрачены, но не забыты (Prerequisite: Character level 110)

1.Открытие Кадгара (Dalaran) id = 44555| 2.Магическое послание (Dalaran) id = 39986|3.След эха id = 39987 |4.Есть лишь один путь – только вперед id = 40008 Reward: Зачарованная монета ночнорожденных |5.Пакт ночнорожденных id = 40123 |6.Жаждущие магии id = 40009 Reward: Брошь древней хранительницы|7.Шал'Аран (transition quest) id = 42229 Reward: Зачарованная монета ночнорожденных

To check if you have completed any one of this series of quests, input the following code, after having replaced the quest id number (see above) for the quest id number you want to check, into your chat box while playing WoW:/dump IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44555)or alternatively to check your completion of the whole series of 7 quests, input the following code into your chat box while playing WoW:/run for k,v in pairs({KhadgarsDiscov=44555,MagicMsg=39986,TrailOfEchos=39987,OnlyWayOut=40008,NightbornePact=40123,ArcaneThirst=40009,ShalAran=42229})do print(format("%s: \124cff%s\124r", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "00ff00Yes" or "ff0000No"))endStoryline Overview: Suramar was the ancient capital city of the Night Elves empire until the Legion arrived. The Night Elves made a pact with the Legion in return for power, but it was a trap. As destruction approached, the Night Elves created a powerful shield around the city which protected it during the Sundering of the rest of Azeroth into two continents. For a thousand years, they were cut off from the rest of the world behind their shield until the Legion returned; during which time, without food, they fed themselves on Arcane Magic from the Nightwell that they built in the center of Suramar. The Legion offered them their lives in exchange for access to the Nightwell. Some of the Night Elves rebelled, and for their rebellion they were outcast from the city and became known as the Nightfallen. Without access to the Nightwell for nourishment, they slowly withered away into mindless zombies. A few Nightfallen have survived by drinking Ancient Mana which is a liquid form of Arcane Magic, derived from Leylines (energy waves) below Suramar. One of these Nightfallen outcast survivors is Princess Leia Arcanist Thalyssra. This Nightfall questline introduces us to her and the plight of the Nightfallen as well as their need for Ancient Mana to survive and their efforts to organize an uprising to retake control of Suramar. You are asked to help.

Комментарий от Ovidian

My character was not strong enough to overcome the witch at the top of the pyramid. I would suggest this.- You cannot attack the witch while the tethers are there.-Follow the tethers around the circle, using your weapons to wear them down. Avoid the blue land minds. Took me about five minutes to get one. Ten minutes to get two.- Once you have eliminated the tethers, find a safe spot away from the witch's weapons, - If you are engaged by her minions, go to your safe place, and fight them from there.- You cannot do her any damage from your safe spot.- charge the witch, taking a few shots, and then run back to your safe spot until you can recharge. Repeat as needed. Took me about half an hour.- You can check your progress by hoovering over her health and seeing how much health she has left.

At some point, get the six crystals.

Комментарий от AngelLover890

I would absolutely love to complete this quest but literally every single time I activate the keepers attack, the game crashes and I relog as a freaking spirit. Seriously frustrating. Apparently this has been going on for some time but Blizz still hasn't/won't get a solution to the crashing. Very annoying and disheartening, I don't know how much longer I will be playing the game if this keeps up.

Комментарий от steve2470

Just ignore the yellow arrow in the default minimap. The cave is SOUTH-WEST of where the arrow keeps pointing to. Previously given coordinates are correct.

Комментарий от shadowsspy

Is your like me and can't remember where the cave was and was looking for a literal cave mouth not a narrow passage to a cave and you can easily find it by going to the Merdie flightpoint and the entrance is right in between those 2 pillars across from him. The coordinates and tom tom points where of no help to me since i have neither so thought i would point this out after i found it

Комментарий от Malvenue

If the event does not start for you, drop the quest, relog and accept the quest again.

Комментарий от PartTimeWinner

I had to log out and log back in to get the quest items to appear on my shaman. Make sure when you relog you are close to the quest giver. If you are in the main room you get swarmed by endlessly respawning mobs when you log back in. Found that out the hard way. Thank goodness for tank pets.

Комментарий от gverderamo

STEP 1 Go inside and go to the center. Stay upstairs.STEP 2: Kill Mana Tethers (yellows)STEP 3: Kill Keeper SelentiaSTEP 4: Loot the crystals

Комментарий от Bursi

Quest chain to Shal'Aran starts at Archmage Khadgar in Dalaran:
  1. Магическое послание - click Волшебная аномалия and watch the dialogue
  2. След эха - click the portal to Suramar. Follow the way, use your quest item След эха at the marked areas and click Слабый чародейский отголосокs. Kill Эразм Лунный Клинок and meet Thalyssra
  3. Есть лишь один путь – только вперед - follow her and kill/interrupt the attacking Жаждущий иссохший on the way (you can ignore the other types of withereds)
  4. Пакт ночнорожденных - click Thalyssra (Video)
  5. Жаждущие магии - go to the middle of Shal'Aran, kill the Вечные узы and Хранительница Селентия after that. Collect 6 Кристаллизованная древняя мана
  6. Шал'Аран - follow Первая чародейка Талисра to the bridge. You can wait for her upstairs, she doesn't need you on her side while she is exploring the area
(The quest line took around 10-15 min)

Quests to get the Маскарад button (assuming you've done the scenario with Первая чародейка Талисра and explored Shal'Aran):Accept Старый союзник from Первая чародейка Талисра.

  1. Старый союзник - leave Shal'Aran and go to the marked area (/way 30.3 39.5)
  2. Разрозненные воспоминания - read the pages

    /way Suramar 26.5, 44.4 Page 1/way Suramar 25.0 43.7 Page 2/way Suramar 23.0 45.5 Page 3/way Suramar 23.7 48.6 Page 4/way Suramar 26.2 47.7 Page 5 /way Suramar 25.0 39.7 Page 6

    Turn in at Kel'danath's Knapsack
  3. Сила камня - kill and loot Чародей Кел'данат
  4. Подопытный номер 16 - go back to Shal'Aran (/way 34.82 48.0 Entrance)
  5. Наследие Кел'даната - leave it again and use your extra action button on Иссохший оборванецs
  6. Сочувствующие среди шал'дорай - meet Silgryn near 39.2 71.3 (patrols)
  7. Маски, за которыми мы скрываем лица - follow him to 40.3 71.3 and pick up the Зачарованная карнавальная маска from the table. Use it to get the costume (Зачарованная карнавальная маска) and talk to the Гуляка в костюмеs. Take care of Высший маг из Сумеречной стражи. Meet Ли'лет Лунарх and click the dialogue
  8. Родная кровь - inspect the Memorial, summon and defeat Anarys. Click his dialoge option and return to Ли'лет Лунарх
  9. Маскарад - use your quest item Маска зеркального изображения, turn in and get your Маскарад button
(The quest line took around 15-20 min)

Комментарий от Bursi

Quest chain to Shal'Aran starts at Archmage Khadgar in Dalaran:
  1. Магическое послание - click Волшебная аномалия and watch the dialogue
  2. След эха - click the portal to Suramar. Follow the way, use your quest item След эха at the marked areas and click Слабый чародейский отголосокs. Kill Эразм Лунный Клинок and meet Thalyssra
  3. Есть лишь один путь – только вперед - follow her and kill/interrupt the attacking Жаждущий иссохший on the way (you can ignore the other types of withereds)
  4. Пакт ночнорожденных - click Thalyssra (Video)
  5. Жаждущие магии - go to the middle of Shal'Aran, kill the Вечные узы and Хранительница Селентия after that. Collect 6 Кристаллизованная древняя мана
  6. Шал'Аран - follow Первая чародейка Талисра to the bridge. You can wait for her upstairs, she doesn't need you on her side while she is exploring the area
(The quest line took around 10-15 min)

Quests to get the Маскарад button (assuming you've done the scenario with Первая чародейка Талисра and explored Shal'Aran):Accept Старый союзник from Первая чародейка Талисра.

  1. Старый союзник - leave Shal'Aran and go to the marked area (/way 30.3 39.5)
  2. Разрозненные воспоминания - read the pages

    /way Suramar 26.5, 44.4 Page 1/way Suramar 25.0 43.7 Page 2/way Suramar 23.0 45.5 Page 3/way Suramar 23.7 48.6 Page 4/way Suramar 26.2 47.7 Page 5 /way Suramar 25.0 39.7 Page 6

    Turn in at Kel'danath's Knapsack
  3. Сила камня - kill and loot Чародей Кел'данат
  4. Подопытный номер 16 - go back to Shal'Aran (/way 34.82 48.0 Entrance)
  5. Наследие Кел'даната - leave it again and use your extra action button on Иссохший оборванецs
  6. Сочувствующие среди шал'дорай - meet Silgryn near 39.2 71.3 (patrols)
  7. Маски, за которыми мы скрываем лица - follow him to 40.3 71.3 and pick up the Зачарованная карнавальная маска from the table. Use it to get the costume (Зачарованная карнавальная маска) and talk to the Гуляка в костюмеs. Take care of Высший маг из Сумеречной стражи. Meet Ли'лет Лунарх and click the dialogue
  8. Родная кровь - inspect the Memorial, summon and defeat Anarys. Click his dialoge option and return to Ли'лет Лунарх
  9. Маскарад - use your quest item Маска зеркального изображения and get your Маскарад button
(The quest line took around 15-20 min)


Телепорт Святилища Порядка - Задание

Комментарий от varenne

This quest will open 1 of 9 teleports from Портализация in Suramar Legion.

Quest video, so wowhead can properly index it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nen7FWD2Q0Y

All teleports send you to Shal'aran. Closest flight point is Meredil.

NameCoordinatesNoteHow to find/location video
Телепортация: руины Элун'ета36.2, 47.1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJbHH8vN8H0
Телепортация: Фаланаар21.5, 29.922.9, 35.8 - Entrancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjHQdjSybHA
Телепортация: "Лунный полумрак"47.5, 82.0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo2DdtjqKDQ
Телепортация: Сумеречные виноградники64.0, 60.4Need Honoredhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdl-Acnvz90
Телепортация: оплот Оскверненной Души39.1, 76.335.8, 82.1 - Entrancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeF3BhfuJgo
Телепортация: поместье Лунархов43.6, 79.1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9CGvoDAEvw
Телепортация: Лунные стражи30.8, 10.927.8, 22.3 - Entrancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fko8a7vNAcI
Телепортация: Святилище Порядка43.4, 60.742.6, 617 - Entrancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcqDaLVPFTY
Телепортация: Тел'анор42.2, 35.4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymG6PkzmeL0
More info about quests:You see Unpowered Telemancy Beacon for last 5 teleports on your map instead of quest name./way Suramar 39.1, 76.3 Felsoul Hold/way Suramar 43.6, 79.1 Lunastre Estate/way Suramar 30.8, 10.9 Moon Guard/way Suramar 43.4, 60.7 Sanctum of Order/way Suramar 42.2, 35.4 Tel'anor

/way Suramar 35.8, 82.1 Felsoul Hold Entrance/way Suramar 27.8, 22.3 Moon Guard Entrance/way Suramar 42.6, 61.7 Sanctum of Order Entrance/way Suramar 43.1, 43.3 Tel'anor road

You don't need the following 4 portals locations, because they are useless without questsBut if you just want to look the locations:

/way Suramar 36.2, 47.1 Ruins of Elune'eth (need questline first)/way Suramar 21.5, 29.9 Falanaar (need questline first)/way Suramar 47.5, 82.0 The Waning Crescent (need questline first)/way Suramar 64.0, 60.4 Twilight Vineyards (need questline first)

Комментарий от Yewfire

Tomtom Macro code for the 9 portal locations in Сурамар needed for Портализация:

/way Suramar 36.2 47.1 Teleport Ruins of Elune'eth/way Suramar 21.5 29.9 Teleport Falanaar (22.9 35.8 - Entrance)/way Suramar 47.5 82.0 Teleport The Waning Crescent/way Suramar 64.0 60.4 Teleport Twilight Vineyards (Need Honored)/way Suramar 39.1 76.3 Teleport Felsoul Hold (35.8 82.1 - Entrance)/way Suramar 43.6 79.1 Teleport Lunastre Estate/way Suramar 30.8 10.9 Teleport Moon Guard (27.8 22.3 - Entrance)/way Suramar 43.4 60.7 Teleport Sanctum of Order (42.6 61.7 - Entrance)/way Suramar 42.2 35.4 Teleport Tel'anor/cway

Protip: I use Macro Toolkit to avoid having to split macros into smaller parts. There are other addons (ie Paste ) that also allow this.

I used this macro long after I discovered them all on Beta because Suramar's Daily & World quests kept me guessing which portal was closest.

Credit: varenne for coordinates.

Комментарий от Tengwar

Entry at 43, 62.

Комментарий от Doublezz

I strongly recommend watching someone's Wowhead video on this page above as I really had trouble finding the Отключенный телемантический маяк.

However, for those who want a written explanation here goes:1) go into the building named "Sanctum of the Order", (It's the big blue dome on the map where the quest "question" mark shows.)2) go down some steps which are just past the entrance into the building,3) at the bottom of the steps, turn right,4) go straight and enter a transporter beam,5) exit the transporter beam at the lower level of the building,6) follow the hall to a central point,7) turn left, (NB: if someone hasn't already cleared this space before you got there, then there are guards everywhere so if you aren't wearing a Маскарад and/or see a guard with an orb above its head expect a fight, see below.).8) go straight until you see stairs on left and go down those stairs,9) follow the lower hall around to the far side and the Отключенный телемантический маяк is in the far room on the left,10) accept this quest after clicking on the beacon,11) feed the beacon 100 Древняя мана,12) turn in the quest and the beacon will activate. (Now your teleport is active ... it will return you to Shal'Aran)

In my case, although I had a Маскарад, there was a guard with an orb guarding the lower floor stairs and I had to trigger the guard in order to pass. Naturally mobs swarmed me, but I was still able to move while my Broken Isles helper companion showed up and managed to tank most of them as I ran down the stairs. I still had mobs following me as I went into the room with the Beacon, but I was able to activate the beacon and teleport back to Shal'Aran without dying. Task finished!


Возвращение в Каражан: куб в центре внимания - Задание

Краткая информация


Комментарий от Alumirus

Rewards Memory Cube at the end of quest chain.

Комментарий от sbensen

Similar to quests like the arcway earlier in the expansion, you must be eligible for loot to get the quest item... Just found that out... ugh

Комментарий от SubMatrix

Killed boss today with three people on quest. First person who clicked it got credit and it vanished. No one else got credit.

Комментарий от kynthea

I'm a bit confused, I got the cube quest and I'm supposed to go in to Karazhan, but it tells me I can't enter until I complete another quest first. What do I need to do in order to be able to enter?

Комментарий от OGclinkz

i don't get this quest at all, its so vague i spent like an hour in kara the other day.I am so close to abandoning it, its probably my own stupidity but i find a lot of quests in legion to be vague in description.

Комментарий от kodora1316

It's worth noting that this is not OLD Kara, it's NEW Kara.

Update: this can now be done using the LFG option. Choose Upper Karazhan. No attunement required when using LFG.

Комментарий от Lake8888

I got this quest after clearing Kara for the week. Unfortunately, you can't simply return to a cleared lockout and obtain the item from killing the non-boss Mana Devourers since the item is looted from the footlocker.

Комментарий от rhinitis

It sucks if you are not a mythic dungeon player

Комментарий от ahapka

Despite the quest text, you can complete this on your first run through Kara.

Комментарий от Sarthorius

In 7.2 blizz will make the new Karazhan and the 2 Mythic dungeons from Suramar queueable to heroic in the finder, for those that can't stand doing mythics right now.

Комментарий от ssdisfaster

Must have an attainment for the LFG version.At the moment of writing it lets you queue for it, but not letting you teleport inside.

Комментарий от irthinker

In case you are like me and came here to figure out which Karazhan dungeon you need, it's Upper Return to Karazhan.

Комментарий от Jukha

I accidentally dumped the quest and cant seem to pick it up in Dalaran again, has it been removed now Kara is split or am I looking in the wrong place - I have also been to Kara entrance and i can't pick it up there either?

Комментарий от Ikarugamesh

This quest is doable in the heroic LFG version of Upper Karazhan implemented on Patch 7.2.

Комментарий от laura18streeter

i did the quest with LFG and we got to the end really fast and I wonder is there a way to get back from the final boss? I'm not sure if we did the Mana Devourer or not

Комментарий от nikolayev1990

you can't do it in Mythic+

Комментарий от webphut74

So first time here with my restoration druid. We killed the Mana Devourer and we were warped to full size and I was unable to loot the chest and Mana Devourer body. Little red glowing round thing.


Комментарий от lordraptor1

quest is broken or bugges as is everything else in wow currently. qued through LFG got to a portal shortly in and nothing going through port led to dead end and going back well of course takes you back to start location. I also want to point out there are a LOT of BS with these dungeon and raid WQ's in that you got tanks killing everything ( yes the TANKS) so good luck trying to get any gear from a dungeon or raid. I contacted blizz which ended being a HUGE waste of my time so when my sub expires I will be going dark again and will personally NEVER spend another dime on this crap. if someone else is paying fine but I'm done. jumping through hoops to fly, unable to get geared having to grind rep, I mean really where is the fun in all of that? no where that's where, time to go back to actual GAMES, world of tanks, trackmania, hell even console games are better than having to deal with all this crap especially when blizz basically tells you to f off cause they don't care seeing as they already got your money.

Раздобудьте мана-сферу у поглотителя маны в Каражане.


Проклятие! Древняя мана, похоже, не работает так, как надо. Думай, голова, думай! Надо сосредоточиться...

А, ну конечно же! Сосредоточение! Нам нужно найти способ сосредоточить энергию древней маны, чтобы активировать куб.

Я слыхала, что маназмей в Каражане как раз использует подобное устройство для усиления своих магических способностей. Дело за малым – достать его.

Только будь <осторожен/осторожна> – говорят, этот змей просто огромен!

У тебя получилось! Что, змей и правда оказался гигантским? Впрочем, это неважно. Размер – понятие относительное...

Давай-ка лучше установим эту сферу в куб и посмотрим, что получится!



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Телепорт Лунных стражей - Задание

Комментарий от varenne

This quest will open 1 of 9 teleports from Портализация in Suramar Legion.

Quest video, so wowhead can properly index it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NupePoKJUA

All teleports send you to Shal'aran. Closest flight point is Meredil.

NameCoordinatesNoteHow to find/location video
Телепортация: руины Элун'ета36.2, 47.1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJbHH8vN8H0
Телепортация: Фаланаар21.5, 29.922.9, 35.8 - Entrancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjHQdjSybHA
Телепортация: "Лунный полумрак"47.5, 82.0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo2DdtjqKDQ
Телепортация: Сумеречные виноградники64.0, 60.4Need Honoredhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sdl-Acnvz90
Телепортация: оплот Оскверненной Души39.1, 76.335.8, 82.1 - Entrancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeF3BhfuJgo
Телепортация: поместье Лунархов43.6, 79.1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9CGvoDAEvw
Телепортация: Лунные стражи30.8, 10.927.8, 22.3 - Entrancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fko8a7vNAcI
Телепортация: Святилище Порядка43.4, 60.742.6, 617 - Entrancehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcqDaLVPFTY
Телепортация: Тел'анор42.2, 35.4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymG6PkzmeL0
More info about quests:You see Unpowered Telemancy Beacon for last 5 teleports on your map instead of quest name./way Suramar 39.1, 76.3 Felsoul Hold/way Suramar 43.6, 79.1 Lunastre Estate/way Suramar 30.8, 10.9 Moon Guard/way Suramar 43.4, 60.7 Sanctum of Order/way Suramar 42.2, 35.4 Tel'anor

/way Suramar 35.8, 82.1 Felsoul Hold Entrance/way Suramar 27.8, 22.3 Moon Guard Entrance/way Suramar 42.6, 61.7 Sanctum of Order Entrance/way Suramar 43.1, 43.3 Tel'anor road

You don't need the following 4 portals locations, because they are useless without questsBut if you just want to look the locations:

/way Suramar 36.2, 47.1 Ruins of Elune'eth (need questline first)/way Suramar 21.5, 29.9 Falanaar (need questline first)/way Suramar 47.5, 82.0 The Waning Crescent (need questline first)/way Suramar 64.0, 60.4 Twilight Vineyards (need questline first)

Комментарий от Yewfire

Tomtom Macro code for the 9 portal locations in Сурамар needed for Портализация:

/way Suramar 36.2 47.1 Teleport Ruins of Elune'eth/way Suramar 21.5 29.9 Teleport Falanaar (22.9 35.8 - Entrance)/way Suramar 47.5 82.0 Teleport The Waning Crescent/way Suramar 64.0 60.4 Teleport Twilight Vineyards (Need Honored)/way Suramar 39.1 76.3 Teleport Felsoul Hold (35.8 82.1 - Entrance)/way Suramar 43.6 79.1 Teleport Lunastre Estate/way Suramar 30.8 10.9 Teleport Moon Guard (27.8 22.3 - Entrance)/way Suramar 43.4 60.7 Teleport Sanctum of Order (42.6 617 - Entrance)/way Suramar 42.2 35.4 Teleport Tel'anor/cway

Protip: I use Macro Toolkit to avoid having to split macros into smaller parts. There are other addons (ie Paste ) that also allow this.

I used this macro long after I discovered them all on Beta because Suramar's Daily & World quests kept me guessing which portal was closest.

Credit: varenne for coordinates.

Комментарий от Berl

This is no longer in a cave. It is right to the left outside the giant bubble barrier for the end of the Moon Guard Stronghold segment of Good Suramaritan. Although the coordinates of 30,10 are accurate enough.

Комментарий от Wowzir

Телепорт Лунных стражей

As @Berl points out, the portal is now above ground. The new location is quite free of NPCs if you are right at the portal itself.

This makes for a perfect opportunity to glide (fly someday?) down to the portal. If you can make tight loops, you should not aggro any mobs.

The ideal place to glide down FROM is Obsidian Overlook Flight Point, which is just over 600 yards from the portal (exactly 603 yards from the OO Flight Master lol). The high starting location provides ample time for a long reconnoiter of the target area.

/way Suramar 30.8, 11.0 Portal

For reference only,/way Highmountain 47.3, 84.6 Obsidian Overlook FP

Obsidian Overlook FP is also THE place to go for an 834-yard gliding assault to the Tel'Anor Portal. See my comment at Телепорт в Тел'анор.*

Комментарий от Sulis

Make sure u have 100 ancient mana with u to activate the portal


Шал'Аран - Задание - World of Warcraft

Комментарий от Asheath

All you have to do is talk to Thalyssra to walk with you..(##RESPBREAK##)520##DELIM##Onyx1831##DELIM##Edited: For the general health of the community, some URLs are blacklisted and a profanity filter is in place. Do not circumvent filters.


Комментарий от Andie39

You can find the enterance at 34.7 45.0.

Комментарий от Ozzayel

The entrance is actually at 34.79, 48.04.

Комментарий от Mormolyce

If you outrange her before she finishes her tour, you'll have to start again. You don't want that!

Комментарий от mudplayerx

"Strange, the floor looks like a map"

...um, no it doesn't.

Комментарий от Doublezz

The Nightfall Questline for the Помрачены, но не забыты (Prerequisite: Character level 110)

1.Открытие Кадгара (Dalaran) id = 44555| 2.Магическое послание (Dalaran) id = 39986|3.След эха id = 39987 |4.Есть лишь один путь – только вперед id = 40008 Reward: Зачарованная монета ночнорожденных |5.Пакт ночнорожденных id = 40123 |6.Жаждущие магии id = 40009 Reward: Брошь древней хранительницы|7.Шал'Аран (transition quest) id = 42229 Reward: Зачарованная монета ночнорожденных

To check if you have completed any one of this series of quests, input the following code, after having replaced the quest id number (see above) for the quest id number you want to check, into your chat box while playing WoW:/dump IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44555)or alternatively to check your completion of the whole series of 7 quests, input the following code into your chat box while playing WoW:/run for k,v in pairs({KhadgarsDiscov=44555,MagicMsg=39986,TrailOfEchos=39987,OnlyWayOut=40008,NightbornePact=40123,ArcaneThirst=40009,ShalAran=42229})do print(format("%s: \124cff%s\124r", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "00ff00Yes" or "ff0000No"))endStoryline Overview: Suramar was the ancient capital city of the Night Elves empire until the Legion arrived. The Night Elves made a pact with the Legion in return for power, but it was a trap. As destruction approached, the Night Elves created a powerful shield around the city which protected it during the Sundering of the rest of Azeroth into two continents. For a thousand years, they were cut off from the rest of the world behind their shield until the Legion returned; during which time, without food, they fed themselves on Arcane Magic from the Nightwell that they built in the center of Suramar. The Legion offered them their lives in exchange for access to the Nightwell. Some of the Night Elves rebelled, and for their rebellion they were outcast from the city and became known as the Nightfallen. Without access to the Nightwell for nourishment, they slowly withered away into mindless zombies. A few Nightfallen have survived by drinking Ancient Mana which is a liquid form of Arcane Magic, derived from Leylines (energy waves) below Suramar. One of these Nightfallen outcast survivors is Princess Leia Arcanist Thalyssra. This Nightfall questline introduces us to her and the plight of the Nightfallen as well as their need for Ancient Mana to survive and their efforts to organize an uprising to retake control of Suramar. You are asked to help.

Комментарий от crysnine

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that you hear music in the area of the portals that sounds like the tones that were played to and by the spaceships at Devil's Tower in Close Encounters of the Third Kind? I've been noticing it ever since the first portal went up. Strange - intentional or accidental?


Силовой канал: катакомбы Фаланаара - Задание

Краткая информация


Комментарий от varenne

This quest is part of the В полную силу This achievement is a huge speed up for suramar storyline development. So do it as soon as you can. Suramar storyline is gated behind reputation and this Leyline Bling give 750 total repuation with Помраченные. I think it will give you 2-3 (maybe even more days advantage on a later stages)

Cost: 1600 Древняя мана


Here is all locations in 3 mins, just entrances https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83Ttrer2M1s

And here is long version with all quests and what you have to dohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncd2BRnEts8

Комментарий от Phoenixbeard

Correction in the amount of rep gained is 75, not 750... As I have been friendly needing 6000 to honored. I have completed 2 Leylines, and am only at 1100, not the 1500 that is claimed to be the amount just from the Leylines.

Комментарий от Steveirrthum

Enrance: 22.57, 42.44(In the Falanaar spider/web thingy)

Комментарий от Fatnub

There's a quicker backdoor entrance at 20.38, 50.34. Next to the river.

Комментарий от Windhammer

This Column is located in the deepest tier of the spider "Labyrinth"...don't get confused by the round rooms...this one actually is a deadend path which is guarded by Broodmother Shu'malis (Spider Boss) you need to kill. (if you have the view distance set to 6 or lower you might not be able to see the ley column by entering the hallway). As coords are getting confusing in there also, you might want to make a targeting macro (/target Broodmother) to find it easier...also make sure you have enabled target tracking on your minimap for it to work ;-)Requires 250 Ancient mana to activate....upon return to Shal' Aran, Arcanist Thalyssra will show up with a quest increasing your Ancient Mana cap by another 200 and getting another 75 rep towards the Nightfallen faction.

Комментарий от Melandroso

To find this one (which gives credit for "Falanar North" in В полную силу), enter the tunnels by jumping down at 20.1, 41.8 (maybe need a kite or something) and then take the entrance at 55.7, 44.4 (the entrance with Праматерь Шу'малис). The Leyline Feed is right next to her.

Комментарий от DeferFM

This script displays your quest progress:

/script for q,i in pairs({=41028,=43594,=43588,=43587,=43593,=43592,=43591,=43590})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end

Комментарий от Nortemshine

It's not actually a dead end in my experience. I found what is basically a back entrance at 20.07, 50.11

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

This one is located deeply in Falanaar temple, where also Broodmother Shu'malis located. There is an entrance to the temple in point 22.9 35.9, get down the stairs, pass through first room and turn left at next stairs down, pass through a break in a wall and pass through a room with a crystal. There will be another break in the ground, get there and you will enter in Falanaar Tunnels.There is a tunnel with dead end from central room heading to east. There you'll find a leyline. Also be sure you have 250 ancient mana to activate it.

Leyline Feed: Falanaar Arcway — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1DI73sVGoY

В полную силу
1Энергетическая сеть41.7 38.9https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82D5lOsFrb0
2Силовой канал: Кел'балор59.4 42.8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaTWKUKJ6-g
3Силовой канал: катакомбы Фаланаара22.9 35.9https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1DI73sVGoY
4Силовой канал: Чертоги Затмения29.0 84.7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=audgTAfhqW4
5Силовой канал: силовая станция обители Павшей Луны35.7 24.4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6kfNx63myo
6Силовой канал: глубины Фаланаара20.1 50.2https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P164Wb9yHuo
7Силовой канал: Элор'шан65.8 41.9https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coqQ4ZewGXQ
8Силовой канал: силовая станция Этенар24.3 19.4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU0t4_tXwOk


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