Древний город мерв. Мерв (древний город)
История современного города Афины.
Древние Афины
История современных Афин

Мерв (древний город). Древний город мерв

Мерв (древний город) — википедия фото

  Остатки мечети в древнем Мерве. Фото — конец XIX в.

Мервский оазис был заселён уже в эпоху Маргианской цивилизации (конец 3-го — начало 2-го тыс. до н. э.). В клинописных текстах упоминается как Маргу, откуда происходит название окружающей области. На рубеже нашей эры Мерв — один из главных городских центров Парфии с площадью в 60 км² и несколькими кольцами стен. По китайским источникам в 97 году до Мерва дошёл со своим отрядом китайский военачальник Бань Чао.

В III в. н. э. в городе появляются первые христиане.[1] Здесь формируется могущественная Мервская митрополия. Свидетельством их деятельности является христианский некрополь III—VI веков в окрестностях Старого Мерва, а также сооружение Хароба-Кошук в 18 километрах от Мерва, которое некоторыми исследователями считается руиной христианского храма.[2]

После арабского завоевания Средней Азии в VII в. обретает вторую жизнь как плацдарм для завоевательных экспедиций на север и восток. При Аббасидах Мерв — один из главных центров арабской книжной учёности, обладавший десятью библиотеками.

Расцвет города начинается при правлении династии Саманидов. Своего наивысшего расцвета Мерв достиг в середине XII века, когда султан Санджар сделал его столицей государства Сельджукидов. В это время Мерв поражал современников размахом своих построек и огромным населением, которое, по некоторым оценкам[3], было больше, чем население Константинополя и Багдада. Продолжал оставаться крупнейшим центром Средней Азии и при хорезмшахах.

В 1221 г. Мерв был разрушен монголами и не возродился до XV века, когда Тимуриды наконец привели в порядок его ирригационные сооружения, но Мерв не смог достичь былого величия, со временем поселение было перенесено на место современного города Мары. С приходом в 1880-е гг. русской армии (см. бой на Кушке) началось археологическое исследование территории Мервского оазиса, которое приобрело систематический характер в послевоенный период благодаря деятельности М. Е. Массона.


Мерв (древний город) — Википедия РУ

  Остатки мечети в древнем Мерве. Фото — конец XIX в.

Мервский оазис был заселён уже в эпоху Маргианской цивилизации (конец 3-го — начало 2-го тыс. до н. э.). В клинописных текстах упоминается как Маргу, откуда происходит название окружающей области. На рубеже нашей эры Мерв — один из главных городских центров Парфии с площадью в 60 км² и несколькими кольцами стен. По китайским источникам в 97 году до Мерва дошёл со своим отрядом китайский военачальник Бань Чао.

В III в. н. э. в городе появляются первые христиане.[1] Здесь формируется могущественная Мервская митрополия. Свидетельством их деятельности является христианский некрополь III—VI веков в окрестностях Старого Мерва, а также сооружение Хароба-Кошук в 18 километрах от Мерва, которое некоторыми исследователями считается руиной христианского храма.[2]

После арабского завоевания Средней Азии в VII в. обретает вторую жизнь как плацдарм для завоевательных экспедиций на север и восток. При Аббасидах Мерв — один из главных центров арабской книжной учёности, обладавший десятью библиотеками.

Расцвет города начинается при правлении династии Саманидов. Своего наивысшего расцвета Мерв достиг в середине XII века, когда султан Санджар сделал его столицей государства Сельджукидов. В это время Мерв поражал современников размахом своих построек и огромным населением, которое, по некоторым оценкам[3], было больше, чем население Константинополя и Багдада. Продолжал оставаться крупнейшим центром Средней Азии и при хорезмшахах.

В 1221 г. Мерв был разрушен монголами и не возродился до XV века, когда Тимуриды наконец привели в порядок его ирригационные сооружения, но Мерв не смог достичь былого величия, со временем поселение было перенесено на место современного города Мары. С приходом в 1880-е гг. русской армии (см. бой на Кушке) началось археологическое исследование территории Мервского оазиса, которое приобрело систематический характер в послевоенный период благодаря деятельности М. Е. Массона.


Древний город Мерв

Крупнейший историко-культурный заповедник на территории современного Туркменистана входит в Список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

В первые века Ислама Мерв был одним из самых важных центров мусульманской цивилизации. Его расцвет приходится на XI–XII века, время правления династии Великих Сельджуков, чья империя простиралась от левобережья Амударьи до Палестины. В те времена это был один из самых прекрасных городов Востока, а сегодня?– крупнейший в Центральной Азии археологический парк близ небольшого городка Байрамали, где сохранились уникальные мавзолеи воинов Ислама и до сих пор почитаемых святынь, многочисленные руины мечетей, дворцов и глиняных замков, караван-сараев и базаров, а также километры мощных крепостных стен.

Мерв – название не только одного из древнейших азиатских городов, но и всей окружающей его округи в старой дельте реки Мургаб.

Эрк-кала – это древнейшее ядро Мерва, представляющее собой в плане овал. Позже к нему был пристроен с западной стороны квадратный эллинистический город – Антиохия Маргианская (ныне– Гяур-кала), развивавшийся вместе с Эрк-кала при парфянах и Сасанидах и накопивший двенадцатиметровый культурный слой! После арабского завоевания ещё западнее, но вплотную к нему выросла Султан-кала – Мерв эпохи Аббасидов и Тахиридов, а в середине XI века – сельджукская столица. В начале XV века, когда она уже была необитаемой, сын Тамерлана Шахрух воздвиг в двух километрах южнее крепость Абдуллахан-кала, к которой в конце того же столетия пристроили последнее мервское городище – Байрамалихан-кала.

В X–XI веках наступила эпоха небывалого культурного подъёма, когда в Мерв стекались лучшие умы мусульманского мира, поэты, художники и зодчие, оставившие потомкам свои нетленные произведения.

Ровно тысячу лет назад Мерв стал самым большим городом Центральной Азии и одним из крупнейших на всём мусульманском Востоке: вместе с пригородами его площадь достигала 1800 гектаров, а численность населения – 150 тысяч человек.

В 1153 году Мерв был захвачен кочевниками-гузами и жестоко разграблен. Наступившее безвластие на фоне феодальных войн за обладание Хорасаном, продолжавшихся несколько десятилетий, прервало строительную активность. Лишь войдя в состав государства хорезмшахов, город смог частично оправиться после нанесённого ущерба, но уже в 1221 году оказался полностью разгромленным монголами. Спустя почти 200 лет, при Тимуридах, Мерв возродился, но достичь прежнего уровня уже не мог не только вследствие частых политических катаклизмов, но и природных факторов. Климат становился всё засушливее, пастбища истощались, Мургаб мелел, сокращались посевные площади, и люди стали покидать обжитые места.

Ссылка на источник: http://www.islam.ru/content/kultura/31138


Мерв (древний город) — википедия орг

  Остатки мечети в древнем Мерве. Фото — конец XIX в.

Мервский оазис был заселён уже в эпоху Маргианской цивилизации (конец 3-го — начало 2-го тыс. до н. э.). В клинописных текстах упоминается как Маргу, откуда происходит название окружающей области. На рубеже нашей эры Мерв — один из главных городских центров Парфии с площадью в 60 км² и несколькими кольцами стен. По китайским источникам в 97 году до Мерва дошёл со своим отрядом китайский военачальник Бань Чао.

В III в. н. э. в городе появляются первые христиане.[1] Здесь формируется могущественная Мервская митрополия. Свидетельством их деятельности является христианский некрополь III—VI веков в окрестностях Старого Мерва, а также сооружение Хароба-Кошук в 18 километрах от Мерва, которое некоторыми исследователями считается руиной христианского храма.[2]

После арабского завоевания Средней Азии в VII в. обретает вторую жизнь как плацдарм для завоевательных экспедиций на север и восток. При Аббасидах Мерв — один из главных центров арабской книжной учёности, обладавший десятью библиотеками.

Расцвет города начинается при правлении династии Саманидов. Своего наивысшего расцвета Мерв достиг в середине XII века, когда султан Санджар сделал его столицей государства Сельджукидов. В это время Мерв поражал современников размахом своих построек и огромным населением, которое, по некоторым оценкам[3], было больше, чем население Константинополя и Багдада. Продолжал оставаться крупнейшим центром Средней Азии и при хорезмшахах.

В 1221 г. Мерв был разрушен монголами и не возродился до XV века, когда Тимуриды наконец привели в порядок его ирригационные сооружения, но Мерв не смог достичь былого величия, со временем поселение было перенесено на место современного города Мары. С приходом в 1880-е гг. русской армии (см. бой на Кушке) началось археологическое исследование территории Мервского оазиса, которое приобрело систематический характер в послевоенный период благодаря деятельности М. Е. Массона.


Мерв. Туркменистан (Туркмения)


Третий по величине город Туркмении – Мары (до 1937 года - Мерв), расположен в большом оазисе посреди песков Каракум в дельте Мургаба. Мары был основан в 1884 году как российский военно-административный центр в 30 километрах от древнего Мерва. Теперь это крупнейший центр богатой хлопководческой области, крупный транспортный узел и главный центр газовой промышленности страны - основного источника доходов Туркменистана. В городе интересны Музей истории с обширной коллекцией археологических находок, туркменских ковров, национального платья, серебра и превосходных вышитых предметов одежды различных местных племен. Также заслуживают внимания краеведческая и этнографическая экспозиции

Окресности Мерва

Оазис Мерва (40 км восточнее Мары) - одна из самых древних областей Средней Азии, освоивших ирригацию - первые следы системы полива в этих краях относятся к периоду бронзового века. Поэтому неудивительно, что здесь вырос один из крупнейших городов древнего мира - Мерв. Происхождение Мерва окутано тайнами, одно известно точно - первые письменные упоминания о нем появляются в авестийских летописях примерно в VIII-VI вв. до н.э. Здесь жили и творили Омар Хайям, ас-Самани, Имамад дин-Исфахани и другие великие мыслители средневековья.

Современные руины включают в себя не менее пяти древних поселений - Эрк-Кала, Гяур-Кала, Султан-Kaла, Абдуллахан-Кала и Байрамалихан-Кала, окруженных стеной и руинами прочих фортификационных и культовых сооружений (точные границы города до сих пор не известны). Большинство из них сильно разрушено, от некоторых остались лишь сильно оплывшие земляные холмы, но даже с учетом этого момента Мерв продолжает оставаться одним из уникальнейших памятников истории. В наши дни он внесен в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО как наиболее хорошо сохранившийся древний центр Великого шелкового пути.

Среди наиболее интересных памятников истории можно отметить мавзолей султана Санджара Дар-ал-Ахира (1140 г н. э.) высотой почти 40 м , Султан-Kaла, цитадель Шазриар-Арк, руины стен Абдуллахан-Кала (XV в), руины крепости и башен Байрамалихан-Кала, руины крепости Кыз-Кала (VI-VII вв. н. э.), мавзолеи Аль-Хакима ибн Амир аль-Джафари и Бурайда ибн аль-Хусейн аль-Ислами (XV в, место паломничества), мавзолей Мухаммада ибн Зейда (XII в), комплекс Талхатан-Баба с мавзолеями Талхатан-Баба, имама Касима, имама Шафи и имама Бакра эпохи сельджукидов, мечеть Юсуфа Хамадани (XIII в, современная реконструкция выполнена в XIX в), руины крепости Ерк-Кала (VI в), руины христианского храма и буддийского монастыря в Гяур-Кала (древняя Антиохия Маргиана), руинымечети Бени Макхан ("Пятничная мечеть", VII-XII вв.), высокие стены похожих на крепости сооружений Большой и Маленький Кыз-Кала, мавзолей Кыз-Биби, а также многочисленные остатки бань, дворцов, парадных залов и других сооружений.

Также заслуживают внимания мавзолей мечети Данданкана и Талхатан-Баба (XII в, 30 км юго-восточнее Мерва), кешк (укрепленный дом) Акуйли-Коушук (IX-XIII вв.), одиночный замок Харам-Кешк (7 км севернее Гяур-Кала, IX-XIII вв.), городище Дурнали (25 км севернее Гяур-Кала, I-II вв.), городище Гебеклы (32 км северо-западнее Гяур-Кала). Многие археологические находки, обнаруженные при раскопках древних городов, экспонируются сейчас в прекрасном Объединенном историческом музее Мерва.

Мерв фото

Мерв на карте


Мерв - это... Что такое Мерв?

Мерв (перс. مرو‎; туркм. Merw) — древнейший известный город Средней Азии, стоявший на берегу реки Мургаб в юго-восточной части Туркменистана, в 30 км к востоку от современного города Мары. Столица персидской сатрапии Маргиана и государства Сельджуков. Руины Мерва — памятник Всемирного наследия человечества.


Мервский оазис был заселён уже в эпоху Маргианской цивилизации (конец 3-го — начало 2-го тыс. до н. э.). В клинописных текстах упоминается как Маргу, откуда происходит название окружающей области. На рубеже нашей эры Мерв — один из главных городских центров Парфии с площадью в 60 км² и несколькими кольцами стен. По китайским источникам в 97 году до Мерва дошёл со своим отрядом китайский военачальник Бань Чао.

В III в н. э. в городе появляются первые христиане.[1] Свидетельством их деятельности является христианский некрополь III—VI веков в окрестностях Старого Мерва, а также сооружение Хароба-Кошук в 18 километрах от Мерва, которое некоторыми исследователями считается руиной христианского храма.[2]

После арабского завоевания Средней Азии в VII в. обретает вторую жизнь как плацдарм для завоевательных экспедиций на север и восток. При Аббасидах Мерв — один из главных центров арабской книжной учёности, обладавший десятью библиотеками.

Расцвет города начинается при правлении династии Саманидов. Своего наивысшего расцвета Мерв достиг в середине XII века, когда султан Санджар сделал его столицей государства Сельджукидов. В это время Мерв поражал современников размахом своих построек и огромным населением, которое, по некоторым оценкам[3], было больше, чем население Константинополя и Багдада. Продолжал оставаться крупнейшим центром Средней Азии и при хорезмшахах.

В 1221 г. Мерв был разрушен монголами и не возродился до XV века, когда Тимуриды наконец привели в порядок его ирригационные сооружения, но Мерв не смог достичь былого величия, со временем поселение было перенесено на место современного города Мары. С приходом в 1880-е гг. русской армии (см. бой на Кушке) началось археологическое исследование территории Мервского оазиса, которое приобрело систематический характер в послевоенный период благодаря деятельности М. Е. Массона.


Усыпальница братьев Эсхабов
  • Цитадель Эрк-Кала площадью 12 га восходит к эпохе Ахеменидов. Над городищем возвышается здание на монолитной платформе, вокруг — сырцовая стена.
  • Территория раннесредневековой селитьбы Гяур-Кала с руинами нескольких буддийских и христианских монастырей, а также двухэтажных замков вельмож.
  • Городище Султан-Кала в форме неправильного четырёхугольника — ядро столицы турок-сельджуков, несколько западнее Гяур-Калы.
  • Цитадель Шахрияр-арк относится к сельджукскому периоду и включает протяжённые руины казарм и дворцовых сооружений, а также мавзолей султана Санджара.
  • Мавзолей Мухаммеда-ибн-3ейда на пригородной территории сельджукской столицы — возведён ок. 1112 г.
  • Южное городище Абдулла-хан-Кала представляет последний период застройки Мерва и отличается регулярной планировкой (дворец, мечети, медресе, мавзолеи).

Известные люди из Мерва

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  1. ↑ Бируни. Памятники минувших поколений. — Избранные произведения. Т. 1. Таш., 1957
  2. ↑ Пугаченкова Г. А. Хароба Кошук. — ИАН ТуркмССР. 1954, № 3.
  3. ↑ Largest Cities Through History


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Мерв (древний город) - WikiVisually

1. Центральная Азия – Central Asia stretches from the Caspian Sea in the west to China in the east and from Afghanistan in the south to Russia in the north. It is also referred to as the -stans as the five countries generally considered to be within the region all have names ending with the Persian suffix -stan. Central Asias five former Soviet republics are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Central Asia has historically been closely tied to its nomadic peoples and the Silk Road. It has acted as a crossroads for the movement of people, goods, the Silk Road connected Muslim lands with the people of Europe, India, and China. This crossroads position has intensified the conflict between tribalism and traditionalism and modernization, in pre-Islamic and early Islamic times, Central Asia was predominantly Iranian, peopled by Eastern Iranian-speaking Bactrians, Sogdians and Chorasmians and the semi-nomadic Scythians and Parthians. Central Asia is sometimes referred to as Turkestan, the idea of Central Asia as a distinct region of the world was introduced in 1843 by the geographer Alexander von Humboldt. The borders of Central Asia are subject to multiple definitions, historically built political geography and geoculture are two significant parameters widely used in the scholarly literature about the definitions of the Central Asia. The most limited definition was the one of the Soviet Union. This definition was also used outside the USSR during this period. However, the Russian culture has two terms, Средняя Азия and Центральная Азия. Since then, this has become the most common definition of Central Asia, the UNESCO general history of Central Asia, written just before the collapse of the USSR, defines the region based on climate and uses far larger borders. An alternative method is to define the region based on ethnicity and these areas include Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the Turkic regions of southern Siberia, the five republics, and Afghan Turkestan. Afghanistan as a whole, the northern and western areas of Pakistan, the Tibetans and Ladakhi are also included. Insofar, most of the peoples are considered the indigenous peoples of the vast region. Central Asia is a large region of varied geography, including high passes and mountains, vast deserts. The vast steppe areas of Central Asia are considered together with the steppes of Eastern Europe as a geographical zone known as the Eurasian Steppe. Much of the land of Central Asia is too dry or too rugged for farming, the Gobi desert extends from the foot of the Pamirs, 77° E, to the Great Khingan Mountains, 116°–118° E. Central Asia has the following geographic extremes, The worlds northernmost desert, at Buurug Deliin Els, Mongolia, the Northern Hemispheres southernmost permafrost, at Erdenetsogt sum, Mongolia, 46°17′ N

2. Мургаб (река) – The Murghāb River, also called Margos, Margu and Margiana River, and also transliterated as Murgab and Murgap, is an 850-kilometre long river in Central Asia. It rises in central-western Afghanistan and runs north-west towards the Murghab District, which takes its name from the river, and then the Kara Kum desert in Turkmenistan, where it peters out. The Murghab originates in central-western Afghanistan, on a plateau situated among the chain of mountains of Paropamisus, Gharjistan, in its higher course, oriented from east to west, and to the locality of Mukhamedkhan—i. e. Over a length of 300 kilometres —the valley of Murghab is narrow, there are narrow gorges in some places. Between Darband-i Kilrekht and Mukhammedkhan, the Murghab crosses the western part of Band-i Turkestan and it then runs toward the northwest in a deep canyon. In Mukhammedkhan, it crosses the gorges of Jaokar, after this, the valley widens somewhat gradually, reaching a width of 2 kilometres in Turkmenistan. Beyond Mukhamedkhan, a portion of the water of the Murghab is used for irrigation. The Murghab receives the waters of the Kaysar river on the right, in the territory of Turkmenistan, close to Takhta-Bazaar, the Murghab receives the Kachan river from the left bank, and 25 kilometres further, there is the confluence of the Kushk. Reaching the oasis of Merv, the Murghab mingles its waters with those of the Karakum Canal, the catchment area of the Murghab is estimated at 46,880 square kilometres. Map of the province of Ghor, with trace of the flow of water Map of vegetation cover in the province of Badghis, with trace of the flow of water Morghab River, in Britannica

3. Мары – Mary, formerly named Merv, Meru and Margiana, is a city on an oasis in the Karakum Desert, located on the Murghab river. It is the city of Mary Province, Turkmenistan. In 2009, Mary had a population of 123,000, in Kerait tradition, Mary, mother of Jesus, was buried here. The ancient city of Merv was a city on the Silk Road. It was occupied by Imperial Russia in 1884, triggering the Panjdeh Incident between Afghan forces and the Imperial Russian Army, the modern settlement was founded later that year as a Russian military and administrative post. Mary was developed by the Soviet Union as a center for production through the use of extensive irrigation. In 1968, huge reserves of gas were discovered 20 kilometers west of the city. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the proclamation of independence of Turkmenistan, in the 2000s, is an accomplishment streets, construction of large residential facilities. In 2012, the city was declared one of the capitals of the CIS. Mary is Turkmenistans fourth-largest city, and an industrial centre, for the natural gas and cotton industries. It is a center for cotton, cereals, hides. Mary is known for its Regional Museum, the city lies near the remains of the ancient city of Merv, which in corrupted form gives its name to the modern town. The main football team is Merw Mary who play at the Mary Stadium

4. Маргиана – Margiana bordered Parthia to the south-west, Aria in the south, Bactria in the east and Sogdia in the north. Historians currently disagree as to the history of Margiana prior to the Achaemenid conquest. Some have argued that a kingdom was established and an urban society had begun to develop surrounding the oasis and it has also been postulated the region existed as part of a major Iranian state centred in Chorasmia that controlled Aria, Sogdia, Parthia and Margiana. Other historians have noted that whilst advanced irrigation had begun in the 7th century BC and it has been also suggested that Margiana was part of the satrapy of Bactria under the Median Empire. Margiana was conquered by the Persian king Cyrus the Great between 545 and 539 BC and remained as part of the satrapy of Bactria, Cyrus also founded the city of Merv. After Darius the Greats victory over the Magian usurper, Gaumata, in September 522 BC, the revolt in Margiana, led by a certain Phraates, was suppressed almost immediately, in December 521 BC by Dadarsi, the Satrap of Bactria. In the Aramaic version of the Behistun Inscription, it is claimed that 55,423 Margians were killed and 6,972 taken captive in the aftermath of the revolt. Margiana was separated from the satrapy of Bactria and joined to the satrapy of Aria at some point after the rule of Darius the Great, bessus fled north to Sogdia where he too was betrayed and was handed over to Alexander by his courtiers, Spitamenes and Datames. In July 329 BC, as Alexander founded the city of Alexandria Eschate on the border of Sogdia, Spitamenes led a revolt. In the spring of 328 BC, Alexander sent his general Craterus to fortify Margiana, disagreements between the generals led to another meeting and in the Partition of Triparadisus in 321 BC, Philip was replaced as satrap of Bactria and Sogdia by Stasanor. During the Wars of the Diadochi, Stasanor remained neutral, however after the Babylonian War of 311-309 BC, in c.280 BC, Margiana was devastated by the nomadic Parni tribes and several cities were destroyed. Seleucus responded by sending his general Demodamas to repel the nomads, Margiana was successfully defended by Diodotus, the satrap of Bactria, against an invasion by the Parni in c. Margiana was conquered by the Parthians under Mithridates I of Parthia in c.170 BC. The defeat of the Yuezhi people in 175 BC caused many Yuezhi to flee westwards, displacing the Saka as a result, leading to a movement of Saka. In 53 BC,10,000 Roman prisoners captured by the Parthians after the Battle of Carrhae in Upper Mesopotamia were settled in Antiochia in Margiana, the Yuezhi went on to conquer the remaining Greek territories in Paropamisadae and establish the Kushan Empire. The Kushans returned to Margiana in the 1st century AD and helped the satrap Sanabares declare himself king who ruled from ca.50 AD to 65 AD. At the onset of the 3rd century AD, Margiana had been restored as a vassal of the Parthian Empire, but continued to exist as a virtually independent state. After Ardashir Is victory over the last Parthian king, Artabanus V, at the Battle of Hormozdgān in 224 AD, Margiana, ruled by a certain king Ardashir, submitted to Ardashir I and accepted vassalage

5. Парфия – Parthia is a historical region located in north-eastern Iran. It was the political and cultural base of the Arsacid dynasty, the name Parthia is a continuation from Latin Parthia, from Old Persian Parthava, which was the Parthian language self-designator signifying of the Parthians who were an Iranian people. In context to its Hellenistic period, Parthia also appears as Parthyaea, Parthia roughly corresponds to a region in northeastern Iran. It was bordered by the Karakum desert in the north, included Kopet Dag mountain range and it bordered Media on the west, Hyrcania on the north west, Margiana on the north east, and Aria on the south east. During Arsacid times, Parthia was united with Hyrcania as one unit. As the region inhabited by Parthians, Parthia first appears as an entity in Achaemenid lists of governorates under their dominion. Prior to this, the people of the region seem to have been subjects of the Medes, according to Greek sources, following the seizure of the Achaemenid throne by Darius I, the Parthians united with the Median king Phraortes to revolt against him. Hystaspes, the Achaemenid governor of the province, managed to suppress the revolt, the first indigenous Iranian mention of Parthia is in the Behistun inscription of Darius I, where Parthia is listed among the governorates in the vicinity of Drangiana. The inscription dates to c.520 BC, the center of the administration may have been at Hecatompylus. This has rightly caused disquiet to modern scholars, following the defeat of Darius III, Phrataphernes surrendered his governorate to Alexander when the Macedonian arrived there in the summer of 330 BC. Phrataphernes was reappointed governor by Alexander, following the death of Alexander, in the Partition of Babylon in 323 BC, Parthia became a Seleucid governorate under Nicanor. Phrataphernes, the governor, became governor of Hyrcania. In 320 BC, at the Partition of Triparadisus, Parthia was reassigned to Philip, a few years later, the province was invaded by Peithon, governor of Media Magna, who then attempted to make his brother Eudamus governor. Peithon and Eudamus were driven back, and Parthia remained a governorate in its own right, in 316 BC, Stasander, a vassal of Seleucus I Nicator and governor of Bactria was appointed governor of Parthia. For the next 60 years, various Seleucids would be appointed governors of the province. In 247 BC, following the death of Antiochus II, Ptolemy III seized control of the Seleucid capital at Antioch, taking advantage of the uncertain political situation, Andragoras, the Seleucid governor of Parthia, proclaimed his independence and began minting his own coins. Meanwhile, a man called Arsaces, of Scythian or Bactrian origin, elected leader of the Parni, a short while later the Parni seized the rest of Parthia from Andragoras, killing him in the process. Arsaces II sued for peace and accepted vassal status, and it was not until Arsaces IIs grandson Phraates I, from their base in Parthia, the Arsacid dynasts eventually extended their dominion to include most of Greater Iran

6. Бань Чао – Ban Chao, courtesy name Zhongsheng, was a Chinese general, explorer and diplomat of the Eastern Han Dynasty. He was born in Fufeng, now Xianyang, Shaanxi, as a Han general and cavalry commander, Ban Chao was in charge of administrating the Western Regions while he was in service. He also led Han forces for over 30 years in the war against the Xiongnu and he was awarded the title Protector General of the Western Regions by the Han government for his efforts in protecting and governing the regions. He was generally outnumbered, but skillfully played on the divisions among his opponents, the kingdoms of Khotan and Kashgar came under Chinese rule by A. D.74. Pan Chao crushed fresh rebellions in Kashgar and Yarkand, and made the Wusun of the Ili his allies, Ban Chao was recalled to Luoyang, but then sent again to the Western Region area four years later, during the reign of the new emperor Han Zhangdi. Ban Chao ultimately brought the whole of the Tarim Basin under Chinese control, in recognition for their support to the Chinese, the Kushans requested, but were denied, a Han princess, even though they had sent presents to the Chinese court. In retaliation, they marched on Ban Chao in 90 CE with a force of 70,000, the Yuezhi retreated and paid tribute to the Chinese Empire. In 91 CE, Ban Chao finally succeeded in pacifying the Western Regions and was awarded the title of Protector General and stationed at Qiuci. A Wuji Colonel was re-established and, commanding five hundred soldiers, stationed in the Kingdom of Nearer Jushi, in 94 CE, Chao proceeded to again attack and defeat Yanqi. Subsequently, more than fifty kingdoms presented hostages, and submitted to the Interior, in 97 CE Ban Chao sent an envoy, Gan Ying, who reached the Persian Gulf and left the first recorded Chinese account of Europe. Some modern authors have claimed that Ban Chao advanced to the Caspian Sea, however. Following his death, the power of the Xiongnu in the Western Territories increased again, Ban Chao also belonged to a family of historians. His father was Ban Biao who started the History of the Western Han Dynasty in 36, Ban Chao was probably the key source for the cultural and socio-economic data on the Western Regions contained in the Hanshu. Ban Chaos youngest son Ban Yong participated in campaigns with his father. Ban Biao Ban Gu Ban Chao Ban Xiong Ban Shi Ban Yong Ban Zhao Shes the one who petitioned the reigning Emperor to let his brother home from his posting. Clear water can not harbor big fish, clean politics can not foster harmony among the general public Throw away your writing brush and join the military. Based on his words A brave man has no plan but to follow Fu and Zhang Qians footsteps and do something. How can I waste my life on writing, clear water harbors no fish. he who does not enter the tigers lair will never catch its cubs

7. Саманиды – The Samanid Empire, also known as the Samanid dynasty, Samanid Emirate, or simply Samanids, was a Sunni Iranian empire, ruling from 819 to 999. The Samanid state was founded by four brothers, Nuh, Ahmad, Yahya, in 892, Ismail ibn Ahmad united the Samanid state under one ruler, thus effectively putting an end to the feudal system used by the Samanids. It was also under him that the Samanids became independent of Abbasid authority, the Samanid Empire is part of the Iranian Intermezzo, which saw the creation of a Persianate culture and identity that brought Iranian speech and traditions into the fold of the Islamic world. This would lead to the formation of the Turko-Persian culture, the Samanids promoted the arts, giving rise to the advancement of science and literature, and thus attracted scholars such as Rudaki, Ferdowsi, and Avicenna. While under Samanid control, Bukhara was a rival to Baghdad in its glory, scholars note that the Samanids revived Persian more than the Buyids and the Saffarids, while continuing to patronize Arabic to a smaller degree. In a famous edict, Samanid authorities declared that here, in region, the language is Persian. The eponymous ancestor of the Samanid dynasty was Saman Khuda, a Persian noble who belonged to a dehqan family, the latter is more probable since the earliest appearance of the Samanid family appears to be in Khorasan rather than Transoxiana. Originally a Zoroastrian, Saman Khuda converted to Islam during the governorship of Asad ibn Abdallah al-Qasri in Khorasan and this marked the beginning of the Samanid dynasty. He was defeated at a battle near Pushang in 857, and fled to Nishapur, the Tahirids thereafter assumed direct control over Herat. In 839/40, Nuh seized Isfijab from the nomadic pagan Turks living in the steppe and he thereafter had a wall constructed around the city to protect it from their attacks. He died in 841/2—his two brothers Yahya and Ahmad, were appointed as the joint rulers of the city by the Tahirid governor of Khorasan. After Yahyas death in 855, Ahmad took control over Shash and he died in 864/5, his son Nasr I received Farghana and Samarkand, while his other son Yaqub received Shash. Nasr I used this opportunity to strengthen his authority by sending his brother Ismail to Bukhara, when Ismail reached the city, he was warmly received by its inhabitants, who saw him as one who could restore order. Although the Bukhar Khudahs continued to rule in Bukhara for a few more years. After not so long, disagreement over where tax money should be distributed, started a conflict between the brothers, Ismail was eventually victorious in the dynastic struggle, and took control of the Samanid state. However, Nasr had been the one who had invested with Transoxiana. Because of this, Ismail continued to recognize his brother as well, but Nasr was completely powerless and he thereafter forced the Abbasid caliph to recognize him as the ruler of those territories, which they did. In the spring of 900, he clashed with Ismail near Balkh, Ismail thereafter sent him Baghdad, where he was executed

8. Ахмад Санджар – Ahmad Sanjar was the Seljuq ruler of Khorasan from 1097 until in 1118 when he became the Sultan of the Seljuq Empire, which he ruled as until his death in 1157. Sanjar was born in ca.1086 in Sinjar, a town situated in the borderland between Syria and the al-Jazira, although primary sources state that he was named after his birthplace Bosworth notes Sanjar is a Turkic name, denoting he who pierces, he who thrusts. He was a son of Malik Shah I and participated in wars of succession against his three brothers and a nephew, namely Mahmud I, Barkiyaruq, Malik Shah II and Muhammad I. In 1096, he was given the province of Khorasan to govern under his brother Muhammad I, over the next several years Ahmed Sanjar became the ruler of most of Iran with his capital at Nishapur. A number of rulers revolted against him and continued the split of the Great Seljuq Empire that had started upon dynastic wars, in 1102, he repulsed an invasion from Kashgaria, killing Jibrail Arslan Khan near Termez. In 1107, he invaded the domains of the Ghurid ruler Izz al-Din Husayn and captured him, Sanjar undertook a campaign to eliminate the Assassins of Alamut, and successfully drove them from a number of their strongholds. However, an anecdote indicates that en route to their stronghold at Alamut, Sanjar woke up one day to find a dagger beside him, Sanjar, shocked by this event, sent envoys to Hassan and they both agreed to stay out of each others way. In 1117 he marched against the Ghaznavid Sultan Arslan-Shah of Ghazna defeating him at Battle of Ghazni, Garshasp II, who had been imprisoned by Mahmud II, fled to the court of Ahmad, where he requested protection from him. Garshasp urged Ahmad to invade the domains of Mahmud in Central Iran, and gave him information on how to march to Central Iran, Ahmad accepted and advanced with an army to the west in 1119, where he together with five kings defeated Mahmud at Saveh. The kings who aided Ahmad during the battle was Garshasp himself, the Emir of Sistan, after being victorious, Ahmad then restored the domains of Garshasp II. Ahmad then marched as far as Baghdad, where he agreed with Mahmud that he should marry one of his daughters, in 1141, Ahmad, along with Garshasp II, marched to confront the Kara Khitan threat and engaged them near Samarkand at the battle of Qatwan. He suffered a defeat, and Garshasp was killed. Ahmad escaped with only fifteen of his horsemen, losing all Seljuq territory east of the Syr Darya. Oghuz Turks from Khuttal and Tukharistan captured Ahmed Sanjar in 1153, while he was incarcerated, these same Oghuz Turks sacked Nishapur, killing the famous Shafii jurist, Muhammad ibn Yahya. Sanjar died in 1157 and was buried at Merv and his tomb was destroyed by the Mongols in 1221, during their invasion of the Khwarezmian Empire. Ahmed Sanjar married Turkan Khatun and he had two daughters with her - wives of his nephew Mahmud II, after her death Sanjar married Rusudan, daughter of Demetrius I of Georgia, widow of sultan Masud Temirek. He had no children with her, the death of Sanjar meant the end of the Seljuq dynasty as an empire, since they only controlled Iraq and Azerbaijan afterwards. Sanjar is considered as the best Sejluq sultan and was the longest reigning Muslim ruler until the Mongols arrived, according to medieval sources, Ahmad Sanjar had the majesty of the Khosraus and the glory of the Kayanids

9. Сельджукиды – The Seljuqs established both the Seljuk Empire and Sultanate of Rum, which at their heights stretched from Anatolia through Iran and were targets of the First Crusade. During the 10th century, due to events, the Oghuz had come into close contact with Muslim cities. Around 985, Seljuq converted to Islam, in the 11th century the Seljuqs migrated from their ancestral homelands into mainland Persia, in the province of Khurasan, where they encountered the Ghaznavid empire. In 1025,40,000 families of Oghuz Turks migrated to the area of Caucasian Albania, the Seljuqs defeated the Ghaznavids at the battle of Nasa plains in 1035. Tughril, Chaghri, and Yabghu received the insignias of governor, grants of land, at the battle of Dandanaqan they defeated a Ghaznavid army, and after a successful siege of Isfahan by Tughril in 1050/51, they established an empire later called the Great Seljuk Empire. The Seljuqs mixed with the population and adopted the Persian culture. The Great Seljuqs were heads of the family, in theory their authority extended over all the other Seljuq lines, turkish custom called for the senior member of the family to be the Great Seljuq, although usually the position was associated with the ruler of western Persia. Muhammads son Mahmud II succeeded him in western Persia, but Ahmad Sanjar, the rulers of western Persia, who maintained a very loose grip on the Abbasids of Baghdad. Several Turkic emirs gained a level of influence in the region. Kerman was a province in southern Persia, between 1053 and 1154, the territory also included Umman. Kerman was eventually annexed by the Khwarezmid Empire in 1196, the Empire of the Steppes, a History of Central Asia. Early Seljuq History, A New Interpretation, New York, NY, Routledge,2010 Previté-Orton, C. W

10. Константинополь – Constantinople was the capital city of the Roman/Byzantine Empire, and also of the brief Latin, and the later Ottoman empires. It was reinaugurated in 324 AD from ancient Byzantium as the new capital of the Roman Empire by Emperor Constantine the Great, after whom it was named, Constantinople was famed for its massive and complex defences. The first wall of the city was erected by Constantine I, Constantinople never truly recovered from the devastation of the Fourth Crusade and the decades of misrule by the Latins. The origins of the name of Byzantion, more known by the later Latin Byzantium, are not entirely clear. The founding myth of the city has it told that the settlement was named after the leader of the Megarian colonists, Byzas. The later Byzantines of Constantinople themselves would maintain that the city was named in honour of two men, Byzas and Antes, though this was likely just a play on the word Byzantion. During this time, the city was also called Second Rome, Eastern Rome, and Roma Constantinopolitana. As the city became the remaining capital of the Roman Empire after the fall of the West, and its wealth, population, and influence grew. In the language of other peoples, Constantinople was referred to just as reverently, the medieval Vikings, who had contacts with the empire through their expansion in eastern Europe used the Old Norse name Miklagarðr, and later Miklagard and Miklagarth. In Arabic, the city was sometimes called Rūmiyyat al-kubra and in Persian as Takht-e Rum, in East and South Slavic languages, including in medieval Russia, Constantinople was referred to as Tsargrad or Carigrad, City of the Caesar, from the Slavonic words tsar and grad. This was presumably a calque on a Greek phrase such as Βασιλέως Πόλις, the modern Turkish name for the city, İstanbul, derives from the Greek phrase eis tin polin, meaning into the city or to the city. In 1928, the Turkish alphabet was changed from Arabic script to Latin script, in time the city came to be known as Istanbul and its variations in most world languages. In Greece today, the city is still called Konstantinoúpolis/Konstantinoúpoli or simply just the City, apart from this, little is known about this initial settlement, except that it was abandoned by the time the Megarian colonists settled the site anew. A farsighted treaty with the emergent power of Rome in c.150 BC which stipulated tribute in exchange for independent status allowed it to enter Roman rule unscathed. The site lay astride the land route from Europe to Asia and the seaway from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, and had in the Golden Horn an excellent and spacious harbour. He would later rebuild Byzantium towards the end of his reign, in which it would be briefly renamed Augusta Antonina, fortifying it with a new city wall in his name, Constantine had altogether more colourful plans. Rome was too far from the frontiers, and hence from the armies and the imperial courts, yet it had been the capital of the state for over a thousand years, and it might have seemed unthinkable to suggest that the capital be moved to a different location. Constantinople was built over 6 years, and consecrated on 11 May 330, Constantine divided the expanded city, like Rome, into 14 regions, and ornamented it with public works worthy of an imperial metropolis


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