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Приношения Гордока. Погибель древня

Погибель древня - Предмет - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Silverado

Apparently you can get this on a Tribute Run in Dire Maul.


Комментарий от alexbrowne

You are correct. Very very nice 59 twink weapon as you can run into the instance after the kill and loot it from the chest. Saves you having to worry about xp

Комментарий от smiledk

Just wanted to throw this in.... this is the axe that "Basutei" (I believe I spelled it correctly) uses the the WoW machinima "Illegal Danish: Super Snacks"

Комментарий от Nystedt

Sigh, what stupid dumbass makes a 59 twink? -.-

Комментарий от Mala09

You have to sneak past the luitenants to get this item from the tribute......no killy liutenny

Комментарий от Mala09

And also looks like the axe from the Ma'ghari Hellscream's Will

Комментарий от Brandar

looks like this item was removed, when i try to put ingame link it pastes only the name

Комментарий от Helot

This weapon should be eligible for the Executioner enchant, which is likely to be the most effective twink enchant, due to the low armor present on lvl 59 characters.

To summarize why it is good for a lower armor value.

The effective damage increase given by a reduction in armor increases as the armor value decreases. This means that going from 4000 armor to 3000 armor is a smaller DPS increase than 3000 to 2000.

No, i don't have the math to support this on hand, but you can find it at www.elitistjerks.com

Комментарий от Odilthan

Executioner is a level 60 enchant, so not available to this weapon.

Комментарий от Grogrobar

It only requires lvl 58, its item level is 63, which you can put executioner on.

Комментарий от Bobaloo

Keep this away from resto druids.

Комментарий от Tehric

Executioner, Mongoose, and all the other new enchants check for required level first. If there is no required level they check the internal ilevel. This weapon is not eligible for executioner because it DOES have a required level even though the ilevel is 63.

Комментарий от Psycobean

Here's a guide on how I managed to use my level 80 to farm Treant's Bane for my level 58 warrior. Your level 80 will need to be either a: Rogue, decently leveled Engineer, or a decently leveled Blacksmith. I am an Engineer. You will also need a Thorium Widget, Frost Oil, and depending on what you are, if not a Rogue, Powerful Seaforium Charges (or higher) or Truesilver Skeletons keys (or higher).

For this I used somebody else's account to "hold" the instance. If you don't have another account to use to just stand inside the instance door, then you can ask a friend to do so. It is very important that the person "holding" the instance is the group leader. Another VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are not level 80 DO NOT RELEASE THE GOLIN until you have your ogre suit. He will run away never to be seen again.

On your level 80 you should start by clearing every mob around the pathway above the courtyard with the first guard. Completely ignore the courtyard and proceed to the next area with Fengus. Again, clear everything and ignore the middle platform, but go grab the key from Fengus's chest. DO NOT AGRO FENGUS. He'll be patroling the area, and I reccomend clearing the right path because he walks more on the left one. After you've reached the opposite side of this area with a cleared path for your lower level character and the key to the door proceed down the hallway through the locked door and continue on until you find yourself at a large U-shaped area with a guard patroling around said U-shape. You need to run forward, and with your Thorium Widget and Frost Oil repair the frost trap that is somewhat in the middle of the room. Wait for him to re-patrol and become frozen. He will be frozen until the instance resets. Clear this room and everything up all the ramps until you come to a locked door. Unlock it by whichever means you have. Then you should find yourself in a narrow hallway with a guard at the end of it. In my experience you must be level 80 to successfully bypass this guard by hugging either the right or left wall with no trouble.*** After he is passed you should clear the dogs, and the rest of the ogres leading up to the King and the Observer. Kill the king but not the observer. Wait for the other ogre to run in and announce the king's death then talk to him until he announces you as king and puts down the tribute chest. Now you must run back to the guard that you bypassed and talk to him to have him run down to where Fengus is. You are now done with your level 80. Logout, making sure that the person who is lead is still sitting inside the instance, and go get on your lower level character. Simply run him or her through the path you cleared and make your way to the tribute chest. Open, and enjoy your "hard earned" spoils.

*** You can also bring things for the chained up goblin to make you an Ogre Suit to "properly" do the tribute run, this is only necassary if you are below level 80. The materials are: 4 Runecloth Bolts, 8 Rugged Leather, Ogre Tannin,** and 2 Runethread.

** The Ogre Tannin is found one of the upper platforms where the ramps lead to in a corner. After you loot it an ogre will spawn and attack you.

Комментарий от Zetpower

Rosi´s words......´´Why don´t you take that AXE and shove it up you healaded @$$

Комментарий от Dongolev

Works well against Balance Druid pets.

EDIT: now that 5.0.4 is out, it now works well against all druid pets!

Комментарий от kreo

Just got it...

Комментарий от Luciferums

Only reason anyone would farm this atm would be to have a "showoff" twink because, as mentioned above you can buy outland drops "...Of the soldier" with better stats.Wich is a shame >_>

Комментарий от gamerunknown

Compared to the mok'nathal battleaxe of the soldier (2h axe BoE from outland available for a 59) this has 4 more strength and 8 more crit rating, but 16 less stam and 1 less dps. I'd say this weapon still holds up fairly well.

Edit: Deleted due to being out of date now that DM was attenuated for lower levels. It used to be true though.

Комментарий от Dugroka

Still showing up on my brand new Cata-updated Atlasloot, can anyone confirm that it's still in-game and obtainable, or is atlas just showing it for the hell of it?

Комментарий от nickthegrrr

To all virgin eyes of this weapon. Do not look upon the earlier comments and think to yourself, "Why the hell would you want a level 44 weapon for a 59 twink?".

It used to require a higher level.

Комментарий от SpazzGuy

Axe just dropped today.. so it's definately still on the loot table

Looks great for a 49 twink!

Комментарий от Kipe01

Got a second Treant's Blade on my 1st run of DM after about a 5 hour break.

Комментарий от Metalchic

i just aquired Treants Bane on my warrior submitted a screenshot so i can confirm that it still drops im 4.0 and byond

Комментарий от rebellion991

"Oh yeah, go tree form...why do you think i got this axe ? To Chop trees like you down."

Комментарий от VikariusRobo

C'mon baby, I've got Blessing of Protection!

Комментарий от Slylady

Because there are 5 pieces of gear that drop from the tribute chest, does that mean the real drop chance is 2.5%?

Комментарий от dukenukemi

I can tell you getting this thing is not easy. I have been running DM north tens of times and no Bane. Other tribute chest items i have seen too many times for now.. Btw Stomper Kreeg buys your stuff if you need bag space.

Комментарий от Keyboardmash

Can anyone confirm if this only drops on a full tribute run? If it does the drop rate will likely be much higher than 0.5%.

Edit: Dropped after 60 runs.

Комментарий от Argiach

You can find how to obtain this and other epic items from Classic Dungeons here:Guide to all Epic Items in Classic WoW Dungeons

Комментарий от diaskeaus

This is the only axe of its kind alliance players can get that looks similar to the horde equivalent, Воля Адского Крика. The other models are uncolored. However, if you are horde, just farm Mag'har rep and then buy it in Nagrand when you are exalted. Easier.

Комментарий от Kefra

Formerly a terrific weapon for Level 59 twinks, this axe was changed to a level 44 weapon in Cataclysm. It absolutely melts faces in the 40-44 bracket and even the 45-49 bracket. Unfortunately, it only drops from "tribute" runs, i.e., runs in which you only kill the final boss. In addition to this, should the axe drop, it must be physically looted by the character who needs it -- unlike most other instance drops, there is no 1-hour window during which it may be traded to other players in the group.

With this in mind, the strategy is for the twink-in-the-making to put the level 85 on follow. (He will aggro trash, but this is the fastest way to get the twink to the tribute chest. The alternative is to fully clear the path to the chest with the 85 and then have the twink run all the way to the chest afterwards, but this is nearly twice as slow in my experience.) The first two bosses are easily avoided. The third boss pats around the room, but he can likewise be run past when he isn't around. The freezing trap for Guard Slip'kik no longer requires anything to use, so trap him (if the twink pulls him, have him kite the boss over the trap). Up the ramp is something that looks like a giant brown thimble that contains an Ogre Tannin. Take it downstairs, get the Gordok Ogre Suit from the goblin, kill the trash upstairs and in the final hallway, then talk to the next boss after you use the suit (making sure the twink doesn't follow you!). Focus-fire the main boss; don't touch the caster. Another ogre will run up. Talk to him (the twink should too, as it makes the ogres non-aggressive -- very handy for running back out). Talking to him again will make the tribute chest appear.

With a 78 ret paladin running a 40 paladin through, each run took ~16 minutes, including the roughly 4-minute run back out. 85s should be faster still.

Should your bags get full the second boss becomes a vendor after you're named king. Hit him up on your way out.

Wowhead says 0.6%, but this counts all runs, not just full tribute runs. Keep at it and you'll get one.

Комментарий от Whoisthiscook

Look at the strength on this item! 27? For a level 44! Talk about PvP with this.. Also, compare it to Neretzek the Blood Drinker, a level 60 axe from AQ, it has only 21 str although it has some lifesteal.

Комментарий от Erogar

Can anyone confirm that this weapon still drops?I did the tribute run 173 times still no sign of the axe.

Комментарий от Kharzack

Well way back when my character was in the level to run this instance, I decided to say 'hey let's do a Tribute Run' (hadn't done one before) and they agreed, so off we went dodging all the bosses. When we eventually downed the last boss we opened the chest... Treant's Bane, didn't seem like that much at the time however I was lucky and won a Need roll, then I started to get a few whispers like 'OMG IS DAT TREANT'S BANE U SO LUKY!', so I of course decided to take a look and just wow. So this is just my experience of how I got this weapon really... :D! Good Luck getting it!

Just a short little note IMO the weapon actually looks really bad, so I'm not going to use it for Transmogrification, just keep it in my bank as a little milestone type thing :D.

Комментарий от Karthorg

I don't have hard proof but: For the Axe to have a considerable drop chance you need to do a full tribute run. This means you need to use the Freeze Trap and the Ogre Costume on the last two guards or it will not count as a full Tribute run.

I did 20 runs just skipping the last two guards and it never dropped. I did one full tribute run and it dropped on my first try.

Комментарий от Helmclever

Still dropping as of yesterday, after a full 'tribute run' with only King Gordok of all of the bosses killed.

Комментарий от Eommus

I just got this item from the Tribute Chest after a full tribute run. I didn't count but I guess it took around 15-20 tribute runs in total. I was doing it in sets of 3 once in a while not to get burned.

Комментарий от Azkani

7.1 Still obtainable from 5/5 tribute chest in DM


Ночная Погибель - НИП - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от Thiiamas

Thanks for the guide !The question is: can we reset the dungeon if we fail the timer to try untill we succeed ?

Комментарий от Nethris

The timer for the "speedrun" is not too difficult if you know the way and have good aoe dps. With a full group of 870+ geared players, we had 6 minutes to spare when curator died, so even with worse gear youll be fine if you know what youre doing. The Nightbane bossfight itself is much more difficult.

Speedrun path: Normal path to opera -> go in front of stage for 1st crystal (you get the buff timer now) -> head to maiden crystal -> go to moroes through the dance hall and kill him -> head down to the old entrance -> go through the spider part (watch out for tank death, spooder frontal cone hurts!) -> take portal after spider crystal -> head to curator and kill -> head to nightbane spawn

Boss abilities:P1-Frontal cone breath on tank-Tail swipe-AoE fire ground zone placed under ranged dps/healer-Pulsing AoE dmg effect on boss itself-Interruptable AoE dmg every ~12 seconds-Debuff on dps/healer which causes the player to hit everyone else in the group for x amount of damage, where x is your remaining HP when the debuff runs out (stand in the ground AoE to lower your HP)

Start with the boss near one of the edges and move towards the center with the aoe zones. P2 comes at 50%

P2:-Nightbane in air, he still does the same AoE ground stuff-One big skeleton which you need to kill that ends the phase and small skeletons that dont do much, just aoe them-Healer shouldnt dispel the fire debuff, just heal through it, it spawns extra skeletons if you dispel it-Soft enrage with a stacking damage/movement speed slow debuff on the entire group, save your heroism/BL for this phase!

P2 ends when big skeleton dies.

P3:-Same as P1, except everyone has debuffs from P2.-Tank healing is pretty harsh in this phase, so save your tank/healing cooldowns for this, P1 and P2 (with hero) arent too bad.

You can pull Nightbane to the opposite end you started in P1 to have more space from the aoe ground zones.

Комментарий от NomadDC

Few things to look out for:- Boss spawns fire puddles, they stay for quite a while - place them carefully. They tend to go on ranged.- Boss has normal tail swipe and fire breath as all dragons do.- Boss does dispellable debuff that will spawn skeletons if removed. Probably don't want to dispell it.- Boss does and Ignite Soul debuff, it will do damage equal to targets current health, so target will want to stand in fire to get low health and minimize damage done to party.

- At around 50% he flies up and air phase starts, bone add spawns.- Stacking debuff is applied that does dmg over time and reduces move speed- Fire puddles continue to spawn, debuffs continue to appear spawning more skellies

- Once add is dead boss comes down and continues exactly like in phase one but with one diference:- He does fearing roar, that is not interruptable, you just gotta take it.

I would suggest popping hero after first roar to burn down the boss.

Good luck!

Комментарий от Schloshed

Link to a YouTube guide I created on how to get the mount and a guide on how to kill Nightbane

Комментарий от sorrowdemonica

Is the Image of Medivh the Boss that's after Curator or a different Medivh?

Комментарий от Adamovix

He looks like anorectic Deathwing.

Комментарий от mysticalos

If you want to help test nightbane mod, grab latest test version of DBM from here:

Timers/warnings for all key abilities in all 3 phases including phase detections

It's in very good shape and covers everything, including interrupts.

I won't tag a new release until after blizzcon so only alphas have nightbane for now. When I get back and tag a new release I'll update this comment to reflect that.

EDITNo reason to use alpha, it's in a release version.

Комментарий от Leviatharan

Turns out the only bosses you really need to kill for this guy are Opera, Moroes and Curator. Kill Opera, clear the way to Maiden then turn back, kill Moroes and steal his keys, skip Attumen, head for the Servant Quarters portal to get back to the entrance, run up and kill Curator, then drop down the Broken Stair at every chance for a shortcut.Fragments will apply Отголосок Медива to all party members within a limited radius when someone interacts with it, and will add 5 minutes to the remaining duration of all nearby instances of Echo (meaning, they do NOT reset the count to 5 minutes, and are designed to afford you as much time as possible, so you do NOT need to have one guy stay behind at each new crystal and only click when his buff is about to fall off; our tank nearly recommended that).You DEFINITELY need at least one person to survive between Opera and Nightbane with all 5 stacks of Echo; we had to retry a couple times because our whole group (sans 1 designated Fragment collector) ran out of buff range of the Fragments and reset their stacks, then our designated collector lost their Echo count before hitting 5 stacks (your personal Echo count WILL reset if you die). Don't be fooled if the dungeon's "internal timer" lets you continue to use the crystals: even if you can pick up the Menagerie crystal, you only get Присутствие Медива for having 5 stacks on one person, and you can only talk to Medivh with Presence.

Our strategy was to get the biggest trash packs possible and AE them down, while taking care to limit the number of unnecessary pulls. (For the Banshees, try not to have more than 2 at once; the Terrify needs to be interrupted over anything else.)On our first successful attempt, our group had around ~2 minutes remaining on our previous Echo buff each time before getting to the next crystal, and a little under 1 minute by the time we killed Curator.

870-ish group with some Mythic+ experience, fight itself actually wasn't that bad after we'd gotten a couple attempts in to familiarize ourselves with his mechanics.Not really a mobility-intensive fight, nor is his HP particularly high.

Tanked him so he faced the parapets with his tail to the tower, made it easy for DPS to avoid breath/tail swipe.Two melee alternate interrupting Рокочущие тени, with a third interrupt on standby just in case (though it was only necessary due to one of the interruptors screwing up the order; a coordinated group will find 2 alternating interrupts sufficient).Told the healer not to bother dispelling Горящие кости; apparently it was surprisingly easy to heal through.Any time someone got Воспламенение души, we had them jump in the fire until they got sub-20% and told the healer to keep everyone else up until the explosion. (Failure on this mechanic was the only thing that kept us from killing the boss first try.)Phase 2 starts when he hits 50%. He flies into the air and summons adds.Save damage CDs for phase 2 and burst down the big add Костоклят as quick as possible before Зазубренные осколки gets too high for your healer; the shards debuff lasts until the end of the fight, like Garrote. We ended up with 6 stacks on our successful pull, though the healer pointed out that that was a bit high.We just cleaved down the other phase 2 adds.Phase 3 is the same as phase 1, but Nightbane occasionally casts Раскатистый рев, which slows the group and can fear players into the flames - apparently DKs can AMS the roar (if other classes have anti-fear stuff, that probably works), although he casts it slightly too often (45-ish sec?) to keep that up. Luckily we never had an issue with him fearing us long enough to prevent interrupts.

Mount was personal loot, only 1 person got it per group for each run in our guild.

Комментарий от Calucias

Easy to follow guide on how to summon AND kill Nightbane!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Laq59XHyq4

Комментарий от AbiyBattleSpell

so wowhead says he drops all relics or least all the ones i want for unholy on this


but on this page it doesnt show that so whats true?

Комментарий от kellyislame

In case anyone is wondering you cannot return to kill Ночная Погибель at a later time once he is summoned. My group successfully completed a speed run this evening. We were able to pull Ночная Погибель, DPS him to 75% and then the servers went down. When we all were able to log in almost an hour later, we zoned into Каражан and discovered he was indeed gone. We had to find someone with a fresh Каражан ID and complete the speed run again for a chance at loot.

TL;DR: A soft reset removes Ночная Погибель from the instance.

Комментарий от rachiepoo

Just succesfully killed him last night. The speed run to get to him wasn't nearly as hard as the boss itself. The rest of the group was just excited to kill him and didn't give me any explanation as far as healing went. They told me not to dispel during phase 2 and did that when I could, but let me tell you healers, this is not an easy fight by any means. Perhaps other healing classes will do better in this fight, but as a holy priest it was really intense. I've healed +10 mythics and found that to be easier than this Dragon. I'm sure there must have been missed interrupts or other such things that went wrong because even pulling 440k HPS we just barely got it. I guess the gist of my comment is if you are a healer healing this for the first time, be prepared to heal your ass off. You easily have the hardest role in this fight.

Комментарий от Nayen

Not sure where I heard this, but I was told you could leave instance and come back to Nightbane any time during the lockout after you had successfully unlocked him. But this is FALSE!

Leaving and disbanding the group will result in him despawning and requires a new speed run to resummon him.

Hope this saves someone's first successful guild run from losing Nightbane by planning to come back to him the next day...

Комментарий от Joergensen

What difficulty do I have to run Karazhan on to summon it?

Комментарий от Pallipwns

We did M return to karazhan and did everything right, got all 5 crystals, and medivh was not there, I noticed we never got a DBM timer and no buff after each crystal. Even if someone started it before anyone, we would have got a DBM timer to let us know that someone went inside. I had everyone go outside so I could reset the instance but it did not reset, yet I have reset normal mythics before for achevments and have reset karazhan before because someone started the timer before we were all there.

Комментарий от Alayener

I can confirm the mount DOES NOT drop if you 4 man this. Four of us guildies downed him tonight and no one got the mount but he dropped in a 5 man group.

Комментарий от Draconax

Anyone know what ilvl Nightbane drops at now? 895?

Комментарий от Elentil

Can you summon him after they split the instance?


Смерть Старейшего - Задание - World of Warcraft

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Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOpUvubPzN8&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от Beriberi

You want the cave that is on the same level as Senegosa's pool, not the cave up the hill. Kill Силовой червь - землерой. The droprate isn't great, but you can share kills with other players.

Комментарий от thebdc

There are two caves, a small one to the right, a big one to the left. The Burrowing Leyworms are in the left cave.

Комментарий от jjanchan

This quest requires that you kill Силовой червь - землеройs and loot 6 Потрескивающее сердце силового червя from them. These mobs can be found in the cave called Leyhollow.

Leyhollow is due north from Azurewing Repose - you can see the cave icon on the map. When you are facing Senegos, there are two caves to the right. The small one is not the one you want...go to the left from the entrance to the small cave to find the larger one (Leyhollow).

You'll know you're in the right place when you see Бераз and Цедону at the entrance. Simply go deeper in the cave to find the mobs you need.

After you collect all of the crystals, you click the Extra Action Button near the pool of water at Azurewing Repose to complete the quest.

Комментарий от Jessimica

I definitely spent a solid 5 minutes sitting in the Mana Wyrm cave, confused that I couldn't loot them for the quest item.

Be smarter than me.

Комментарий от Dayta

Quest Video ( YouTube Link )Showing the Quest beeing done from start to endEnglish - LEGION 4012 The Death of the EldestGerman - LEGION 4012 Der Tod des Ältesten

Complete Legion Quest List Here

Комментарий от albinoette

Leyhollow cave entrance @ 48.03 24.64.

Комментарий от Shigy

The drop rate on these is terrible. Feels like BC drop rates.

Комментарий от tangneyp

head on down to the cave to the right of Senegos: /way 48.01, 24.79

Комментарий от sitecow09

They put that cave to the left just to troll us. It's not lay WYRMS, as in the mana snakes, it's lay WORMS, the gyre worms. That cave serves literally no other purpose than to mess with people.

Комментарий от ajippolito

Does anyone else have a bug where you are unable to find the crystals in your inventory?

Комментарий от bonecoll

Go to the LEFT cavehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plNEnbvGnDI

Комментарий от WoWGnGP

i made i playthrough of this quest if anyone wish to see how to do it :)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs0whKCchVs&feature=youtu.be

Комментарий от berrics94

Go to the cave behind Senegos.

Комментарий от allOf

The Death of the Eldest https://youtu.be/5b5RaWKW3ik

Комментарий от Nightseer

That disgusting moan Senegos makes when you throw the crystals in the pool... Yikes!

Комментарий от scharky

Throw in the crystals and enjoy Senegos sounding exactly like Falkor in "The Neverending Story"...

...or maybe Sen is just making a few bubbles in his dragon hot tub ^_^

Комментарий от machina2413

How to do:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0Qenq89JX8

Комментарий от Dizi300

This quest is not difficult, but it is annoying. Having done it on a few characters now, it seems that the drop rate for the crystals has been decreased significantly since launch. Expect to spend 15-20 minutes in that damn cave.

Комментарий от Alsonnisa

Behind Senegos, theres a huge cave, it looks like a normal part but its a cave with element-like worms. Note: As a hunter, you cannot tame them :(

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Потрескивающее сердце силового червя drop from Силовой червь - землерой (which bigger ones) inside the cave (left one), you need 6 total, then get back to Senegos, jump in the pool and throw them into water.

Смерть Старейшего — https://youtu.be/avw4qfqCa4Y

This quest is a part of Defending Azurewing Repose quest chain needed for Азсуна Матата achievement. Full list is under the spoiler

Defending Azurewing Repose quest chain:_

Комментарий от Shadorinn

I've recorded a video for anyone who may be having difficulties with this quest. Here it is:


This video is from quest acceptance to quest completion. Hope it's of some help!

Комментарий от Imploded12

I am sure I've already done this chain of quests...are they repeatable ones? Hope not as didn't like doing them 1st time round ;-(

Комментарий от gerardjp

Looks like Senegos is taking a dump ... first you here the splash, and then he goes: Aaaaaaahhhhh ... lol

Убивайте силовых червей, чтобы добыть 6 |4потрескивающее сердце и бросить его:потрескивающих сердца и бросить их:потрескивающих сердец и бросить их; в пруд Сенегоса.


Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы стабилизировать его состояние, но мне понадобится твоя помощь.

Жизненную энергию, которая пока поддерживает его, он черпает из своего пруда маны.

Дракончики укажут тебе путь. Нужно найти и бросить в пруд источники магии – это поможет еще хоть ненадолго продлить век Сенегоса.

Их можно достать в пещере, что к северу отсюда.

Спасибо. Твои старания помогли притупить его боль.

<Стеллагоса вздыхает.>


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Приношения Гордока - Объект - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от xunil

Not all the items listed are available w/o performing a "full" tribute run. This means that you can't kill any of the guards, the captain, or Cho'Rush and you must somehow unlock the inner door w/o killing the first guard who holds the key. The door can be picked by a rogue, opened w/ a blacksmith's key, or blasted open w/ an engineer's charge.

Комментарий от Wedmark

Does it exist any Tribute guide?I'd really like one since I have never done all the preparations needed for one and so on. :-)

Комментарий от contrala

Bring Frost Oil + Thorium Widget, as well as the mats for the Gordok Ogre Suit (a Tailor can make this, or the Goblin inside the instance.)

A Rogue with 300 LP or other means to open the inner door are also required in order to obtain full loot from the tribute chest.

Комментарий от contentious

This is probably one of my favorite instance runs so far. Great loot, and quick.

The way I take this, which seems to work really well(we can run in about 45 minutes) This run requires a rogue, 1 frost oil, 1 thorium widget, 1 godok ogre suit(can be made by a tailor, leatherworker, or the goblin inside: mats are 2xbolt of runecloth, 4x rugged leather, 1x Ogre Tannin, 1x Rune Thread - note this can also be made by the goblin Knot Thimblejack inside the instance for twice the mats):

Boss 1 and 2: after coming in the instance door, clear the first pat and start heading left. Head into the next room(do not go down into the courtyard) where the boss pats around. It's pretty easy to keep an eye on the boss, and put a raid icon over his head to keep track of him. Have your rogue sneak into the center of the pavilion where the boss pats and snatch the key out of the chest. This takes some careful timing but isn't too hard. You should be going along the south wall, pull everything back to the southeast corner of the room as you make your way west, keeping an eye on the boss. Once you've cleared the south wall walkway, let the boss pat down the stairs in front of you. When he goes back up everyone run to the southwest corner. You don't have to clear anything between here and the door. Head to the door in the middle of the west wall - watch out for the boss because he pats down here as well - if he does just run back untill he goes up the stairs then run thru the door.

Boss 3: Slip'kik is easy enough to avoid. After opening the door from the second room and heading down into the hallway, you'll find a group of ogres. Clear it out. As you move on to the next room you'll aggro a bunch of spiders and other insects. This is easy enough with AoE and you'll see it beforehand. Clear the entrance to the room. Now you should see a goblin in the far corner. We want to watch the timing on Slip'kik and the Eye of Kilrogg that pats through this area. When they are both patted away, line-of-sight pull the two warlocks and the two deathguards that are standing around the bonfire in front of you. You want to pull them around the corner between the two pillars at the beginning of the room. Take them out as fast as you can. Once it's clear, wait for the Eye and Slip'kik to pat away again. Have the person who brought the frost oil and thorium widget go right click the broken trap in the center of the hall, then wait for the Eye of Kilrogg to come back. If the boss pats back before the eye back off and let him walk over the trap. He'll be frozen in place for the rest of the instance. Now, kill the eye. Go use the shackle key on the goblin to get his cache(which has a good chance of dropping an epic boe pattern but can also drop some really nice bop blue patterns for Tailoring and Leatherworking - must have Gordok Shackle Key, which drops off the ogres in the area)

Getting to the fourth boss: Now hug the wall to the next hallway where there will be two reavers. You can sheep the far one to pull the close one and fight him back by Slip'kik(CAREFUL OF AOE) then go into the hall and kill the other one. To the right side of the ramp you'll see 2 warlocks and 2 deathguards; take them out and head up the ramp. From here you pull the right side of the platform, and can fight them on the ramp to be sure you don't aggro the left side. Head up the next ramp and clear the group immediately on the right(They'll aggro as soon as you get to the top of the ramp, yes even at 60) Now head along the wall to the left and take out the two standing astride the doorway. Dogpile into the door and have your rogue open it.

The fourth boss: In the next room you'll find 2 reavers, a doomguard, and a warlock - down them and don't move any farther. Have the person who brought the ogre suit use it and go talk to the guard up ahead. He'll run off screaming about the prisoners. From here you're only 2-3 pulls from the King.

Комментарий от contentious

The King!: Through the door as you enter the courtyard, take out the group on the right(A reaver and captain, don't worry the captain isn't a boss). Then move on into the center of the courtyard. There are 9 dogs in total I believe, including the pat. You can wait for the pat to be in the center or just pull it seperately. Once it's clear, mana up and make sure all your buffs are good. You'll want someone to offtank his observer - I prefer a voidwalker or Hunter's pet. Now, come to the center of the king's platform once your tanks have their targets and aggro, then DPS the bajoodles out of the King. Ignore the Observer. They have a knockback, but from the center you shouldn't get thrown into any mobs. Kill the king. Good.

It's good to be king!: An ogre runs up onto the platform and the observer sits back down. Talk to the one who ran up. He'll name you King of the Gordoks! Talk to him again and he'll give you your tribute. You should get 2 greens and 3 blues, or roughly that. Have people roll on the pieces they want and then let them open the tribute for it. I tend to DE what isn't needed and roll on the shards.(between the boss and the tribute you should get 1 blue for everyone in the party)

Now, walk back the way you came. On the landing between the top floor and the bottom floor is an Ogre Tannin, which you need to make the suit. Grab this if you're a tailor or leatherworker, then enjoy the movie reference.

Go talk to all the bosses to get your buffs(3% crit with spells, +15% total stamina, +200 attack power, all for 2 hours) also, talk to Stomper Kreeg(in the first room opposite side of the courtyard) to get free booze(if this is your first time) or buy some. He sells Volatile Rum, which is used for Goblin Rocket Fuel and can be sold for a good deal of money(at least on my server).

There's also a quest you can pick up from one of the ogres in the second room, to go kill the Prince in the Library. You'll need to also get a quest out of DM West, kill the Prince, then make another tribute run to turn it in. All in all though, a fun run. Good luck!

Комментарий от Apfelkuchen

Witch DM are we talking about? East, west or north?

Комментарий от Mornay

i dont know why i've been rated down, but i just soloed a tribute run last night as my 70 druid and none of the guards would give me any buffs after i had been made king. True story!

Комментарий от VooktaVelen

went today with a truesilver skeleton key as mentioned, i am a BS and the door could not be opened. When right clicking on the key then trying to click the door the door could not be targetted.

Комментарий от Kyeld

ran dire maul as an 80 rogue -- didn't kill a single mob in DM north and the tribute chest did not spawn (Cho'rush didn't have any dialogue to spawn it either). I'm guessing you *have* to go through the motions and perform the various tricks to bypass the named mobs instead of just stealthing past everything.

Комментарий от asherkobin

If you do a tribute run (trivial to solo at 80), Mizzle the Crafty will appear after you defeat the king. You have to talk to him twice to get the tribute chest to spawn.

Комментарий от Hoddie

Note that the vendor price for most items found within the chest is very poor. Worth checking before you ditch other items in favour of what's inside this. Most sell for only a few silver, whereas loot dropped by other bosses in Dire Maul normally sell for 2-5g each.

Комментарий от Terese

Since no one has really defined a 'full run':

Kill trash: npKill guards: no!Kill King: yesDo suit quest: optionalFree Knot quest: optionalLoot tannin: optional

Unlock inner door to Gordok's seat: yes (I'm an engineer)Use the Gordok suit AND talk to Captain Kromcrush twice: yes (I do the quest myself since I'm not a tailor or LW)

What I get from this chest:Roasted Quail, Morning Glory Dew, (possible potions), (possible potions) 2 greens, 3 blues

The BoP greens are both ilevel 60. There is one ilevel 61 item, one ilevel 62 item and one ilevel 63 item.

I will continue to grind this way until I get that blasted schematic. When I wasn't using to suit and talking to Kromcrush I don't believe I got as full a chest as am now.

Edit: got the Schematics in place of the blue ilevel 62 item.

Chest contents (completed suit quest, used suit, talked to Kromcrush x2, killed no guards)

Roasted Quail x19

Morning Glory Dew x18Major Healing Potion x2Major Healing Potion x2Shaggy LeggingsCarrion Scorpion HelmTarnished Elven RingSchematic: Major RecombobulatorCounterattack Lodestone

It feels good to be able to kill guards now.

Комментарий от whoisduke

? so yeah no guards but what about Stomper Kreeg ? does he count on a tribute run. and if i solo ths how many blues drop.

thanks...an ambicous lvl 63 prot pally :)

Комментарий от Humboldtjc

The current Wowhead description is false. The tribute chest is spawned by talking to Mizzle the Crafty, not Cho'Rush the Observer. Mizzle will come running to the middle of the room as soon as King Gordok dies. You'll need to talk to Mizzle a second time after receiving his 'King of the Gordok' blessing in order to spawn the Gordok Tribute.

Комментарий от kreo

Hmm... As i know there is 1 more iteam that's could drop from tribute. It is http://www.wowhead.com/?item=18538 , isn't it? The chance is about 0.9-1% as i can see here http://thottbot.com/o179564#A:3

Комментарий от gtech01

I have just completed a Tribute run on Dire Maul. I was able to open the Gordak Inner Door with a Large Seaforium charge (Powerful charges no longer required). Confirmed as of patch 3.2.2

Комментарий от Biaxident

Empirical evidence:

Killing 1st guard and none of the others: 2 greens + 1 blue (cyclone spaulders and girdle confirmed)

Killing 1st guard + 1 other (tried 3rd guard and kreeg) resulted in just 2 greens. (seen all of them)

It may be possible that passing the 2nd guard or the captain doesn't count unless you avoid them by using the trap or the suit, but I cannot confirm this.

Комментарий от Badimus

Some post-shattering info:The chest gives 5 blues on a full tribute run. Plus I assume a chance at Treant's Bane.Adding in King Gordok's 2 blues, it's quite the bit of loot.

A few changes to pre-shattering:

You don't need to touch Mol'dar at all. The inner door no longer requires a key.Kreeg and Fengus are the same as before, just don't kill them.The trap for Slip'kik no longer requires any items at all, just go over and activate it.The goblin requires only the Ogre Tannin from upstairs to give you the suit for fooling Kromcrush.And just don't dps Cho'rush when killing the king.

Once you are the king, go and collect your buffs. Don't forget to get the quest off of Kromcrush, which only requires speaking to Mol'dar now. And of course Kreeg's quest for free beer.

Hope this helps. First time through, we killed Mol'dar "for the key" only to realise we didn't need it later. For the record, the chest only contained 4 blues (and assumedly no chance at the epic) when we killed him.

Комментарий от ZaneBusby

As of 4.2 the keyring has been removed, meaning any doors that previously needed keys to unlock, now open without any keys. A tribute run at 85 is now as simple as running around / between all of the trash and bosses, opening the doors by clicking on them, killing the king, and talking to Mizzle to receive your tribute. You don't have to kill a single mob other than the king himself, saving tons of time.

Edit: Apparently if you trap Slip'kik, and/or fool Kromcrush, you get an extra peice of loot in the chest than just skipping them altogether, so simply spend an extra minute setting the trap for Slip'kik, and looting the tannin basket to get an ogre suit from Knott, and get an extra price of loot. :)

Комментарий от Zeesam

As of 4.2, in order to ensure you got the full tribute run you must both trap the guard and fool the Captain, not just avoid them. Easy as an 85, but be sure to watch for the Ogre that spawns when you pick up the tannin for the Ogre Suit so you may speak to the Captain.

Simply put, just runrunrun, set the trap (no requirements now), keep going, he'll walk into it eventually, you don't need to wait and watch, then grab the tannin, double back to the Goblin, slap on the suit, skirt the walls, talk to the captain, kill the king, voila. Make sure all 5 blues drop to make sure you did it right. Got Treant's Bane on my third run once all 5 were dropping because I was trapping/tricking.

Комментарий от lemberry

To get the tribute....the only boss you kill is King Gordok...

Комментарий от Keyboardmash

The drop chance on Treant's Bane isn't quite as abysmal as the statistics make it look; it will only drop on a full tribute run (no bosses killed) but the data is from ALL tribute runs, partial tributes included. This makes the chance look much lower than it actually is.

The Treant's Bane dropped for me earlier today, and after farming for it again it hasn't dropped for me yet after 11 times (not much, I know...). However, on full tributes I have had the staff drop twice, the trinket 4 times and the schematic twice. It's only a matter of time!

Edit: Finally dropped after 60 runs! Paid one of my friends 4000g in total for all the runs he gave me >.<

Комментарий от Maelchav

Out of curiosity, are bosses tied to specific items in the chest? I'm farming for Gordok Bracers of Power, and can easily get all the way to the king without aggroing a thing, but that gives me time to think about things like this - does killing one boss prevent any specific items from showing up in the tribute? Or is it that a number of items will spawn in the tribute, dependent on the number of bosses still alive, and they're all random?

Комментарий от ldubpizzle

Just used the trap and tricked Kromcrush to get the 5 drops from the tribute chest and got Treant's Bane on my second try. I'm actually going for the Redoubt Cloak for xmog but I guess it proves that this DEFINITELY works.

Комментарий от Helmclever

Still working properly as of yesterday. As per other guides, ignore Mol'dar, make sure the person who picks up the ogre tannin goes back downstairs to hand in the quest and get the ogre suit, and then once he / she has put on the suit, do a fast run to King Gordok.

Комментарий от Eommus

I tried a full tribute run, did not kill any bosses except the King but still got 4 items from the chest. I wonder if I did something wrong...

Комментарий от MrPaladinGuy

Here to confirm that even as of patch 6.2 you do in fact still need to trap Slip'kik and talk to Kromcrush with the Ogre suit to get 5 blues and a chance for Treant's Bane to drop.

I just tested, doing none of the mechanics but still only killing the King results in 3 blues and the green schematic.

Doing one mechanic but still only killing the King results in 3 blues and the green schematic

Doing the trap and suit mechanics but still only killing the King results in 5 blues, doing this a second time resulted in 4 blues and one green schematic. It appears the schematic can replace one blue, so it's still a proper Tribute run.

Edit - On the same day I wrote this review I got Treant's Bane after 7 runs, 4 blues and Treant's Bane were in the chest. Today is also the day I started doing full tribute runs as my previous 8 or so ignored the trap/suit mechanics.


Edit 2 - I may gotten 5 blues + Treant's Bane when it dropped, but I remember it as 4 blues + the axe

Комментарий от Agrias

Some items only drop from full tribute like plate bracers, staff, cloak. I by mistake did like 30 runs with only 4/5 and never got those items, so it's highly possible Epic Axe requires 5/5 as well.

Комментарий от Agrias

Just got the Epic Axe after 15~ full 5/5 Tribute Runs. It replaced 5th item which means the Axe only drops from full tribute chest run 5/5. Drop is much much higher than what wowhead says because it includes all the 0,1,2,3,4 Tribute Runs which probably can't drop the Axe.

Комментарий от Almachai

A simple guide on how to get the most out of a tribute run (aka 5 blues):
  1. Leave Стражник Мол'дар alive. You don't even pass him on the direct route to the king.
  2. Leave Топотун Криг alive. You don't even pass him on the direct route to the king. He sells beer if you talk to him after doing the tribute run. He may be optional but I don't take any chances.
  3. Leave Стражник Фенгус alive. He pats around the second courtyard so make sure you don't accidentally run into him.
  4. Trap Стражник Слип'кик with the trap on the ground. Simply leaving him alive won't do. The trap does not require anything but to interact with it in order to set up.
  5. Talk to Капитан Давигром as a Gordok. Уззл Наперстяк will trade you a Броня огров Гордока if you give him the tannin in Огрский дубильный чан upstairs. You no longer need anything else. You need to have this equipped in order to talk to Kromcrush, and leaving him alive and just passing him won't do.
  6. Kill Король Гордок without killing Чо'Раш Наблюдатель. Then talk to Миззл Умелец to get your tribute chest!

Комментарий от Porowl

Patch 7.3.5

Hey guys Porowl here, I just wanted to share my results from 50 Tribute Chest. I also made a Speed Run guide for anyone looking to farm transmog & do Tribute runs quickly.

Loot from 50 Tribute Chest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHjJh90gxB0

Speed Run Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94k0qsUiil0&t

Loot from 50 Tribute Chest

Roasted Quail x 871Morning Glory Dew x 858Major Healing Potion x 135Major Healing Potion x 111Mud Stained Boots x 16Tarnished Elven Ring x 14Cyclone Spaulders x 13Scarab Plate Helm x 13Shaggy Leggings x 10Skullcracking Mace x 10Ogre Toothpick x 10Hyena Hide Jerkin x 10Elemental Plate Girdle x 9Oddly Magical Belt x 9Carrion Scorpid Helm x 5Mind Surge Robe x 4Barrier Shield x 3 Ogre Forged Hauberk x 2Unyielding Maul x 2and of course Schematic: Major Recombobulator which I got 8 of worth 24,000g each on my server. 8 x 24,000g = 192,000g!


Древень Каменная Кора - НИП

Комментарий от rinkx

We had problems on this guy

We resorted to having a druid travel form around, and mage slowing his leafy butt (with slow).

He is tauntable.

Check his abilities tab, he also does an aura that reflects melee damage.

Комментарий от cms2k

We kited him around the pond on the left as you entered the instance as the water would slow him down. This was more of a chase and not as effective as tanking him and moving out of his main damage attack.

Also, a hunter's Snake Trap would remove 50 to 65 or so charges from his Petrified Bark buff.

Комментарий от bubbathefrog

Here's a thought as well because on my guy he is a Jewelcrafter i get those cool JC trinkets and i thought if you get the emerald boar and because it has a decent amount of health(about 10K) but does very minimal damage (about 30 dps) it would work great during this Petrified bark part and you could also get that Dog Whistle from Scarlet Monastery if you really want to get rid of that buff. I don't know if this idea will work however because i have never done the fight so could someone check this for me?FYI The boars attack speed isn't that fast however and it should only be used with something else to remove the stacksAnd one more idea to get rid of these stacks is have an OT attack and remove them and for offtank you would probably want a frost DK because they have a fast weapon speed and give this OT as many stamina buffs as possible so as to increase his health by as much as possible.

Комментарий от LarzJG

This guy has been nerfed more than a few times, and is now fairly easy. On both 10 and 25, the easiest way for us to deal with his Fists of Stone - debuff on tank and massive damage - has been to use a second tank standing far away all the time. When the elder casts Fists, second tank taunts and runs away. Once he's done with the Fists, old tank taunts him back and puts him back in place.

Since Fists slow the guy, this is pretty effective - all you want to do is NOT take him all the way out to the antechamber, or he'll reset.

Комментарий от ekhie

Possible the same voice actor than of Malygos'?

Комментарий от Feralaza

I'm an Herbalist, so I have a question for those that Have done these before. Are they susceptible to Revenge, Concussion Blow, or Shockwave?

Many times I will be in a group that wipes once after killing four or five sets of mobs and decides to call the raid from there. I will stay behind and mount over to Herbs around Freya's path and the far right patrol's path and pick these up before I leave.

However- there's always a few Frost Lotus surrounding these stupid mini-bosses and I can't get close enough to get them without managing to aggro the blasted things.

Any suggestions other than just try it out and see?

(I just gave it a try... Apparently not. He is not susceptible to any of the three. /cry)

However if you are a pally/herbalist - you might be able to bubble long enough to get all three and then DI a bit away from him or whatever it is you Paladins do. If I had had a Healer we might have been able to get all three Lotus that were around him and then Shadowmeld ftw.

OK! WOW - So, there seems to be a slight bug with the reset timer's spawn time for these suckers. Maybe for a small window for those Paladin's that I mentioned DI-ing themselves or whoever or whatnot. when this mini-boss resets- he doesn't appear right away,. There's like...just about enough time to grab an herb and get back out of range.

Here's what I did. (btw - He never even hit me) Mount up, gain aggro (stay mounted) run away towards entrance, let him run almost all the way to the enrance and then head for the small pond- you won't even need to go that far- he'll reset. (Stay Mounted) - Run back to where he was originally and dismount and grab an herb- NOW QUICKLY get back out of rage.

Rinse - Repeat

Free Boss-Herbs!



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t, ты орден Серебряной Длани, чего не удавалось никому до тебя. Ты , что решимость и вера в Свет небес позволят преодолеть любую преграду.

Вдохновленные твоим примером, наши мастера не жалея сил совершенствовали Алтарь древних королей, и теперь их труд завершен.

Пришло время полностью раскрыть потенциал твоего оружия! Подойди, когда будешь <готов/готова>, и мы начнем.

Да будет благословенна эта сила, и да поможет она тебе в грядущие времена.


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Поговорите с Березусом в Погибели Дионора в Горгронде.


Похоже, недавно поблизости был убит генезотавр, и с тех пор началось... Монстры в окрестностях совсем обезумели, и теперь я переживаю за безопасность нашей заставы.

Здесь неподалеку есть странный, очень печальный древний. Кажется, он не представляет опасности. Разузнаешь его историю?

Получается, что нормальный ход битвы нарушили саблероны. Совсем неразумно оставлять все как есть.

Предлагаю уменьшить поголовье саблеронов и вернуть все на круги своя.


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Wowhead Client (клиент Wowhead) — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями!  

Клиент Wowhead делает две вещи:  

  1. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter, который собирает данные, пока вы играете!  

  2. Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, обновляя базу данных!  

Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! 

Чего же вы ждете? Скачайте клиент Wowhead. 


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