Важное замечание - когда кто-то лутает итем - он исчезает (хотя это бывает не всегда, закономерности в этом как-то не заметил)! Сейчас, говорят, не исчезает.
И да, если вы рядом, то на миникарте будет значок в виде шестеренки желтого кружочка.
P.S. Только не надо долго и упорно искать, где же сдать квест внутри или сверху здания, потому как надо спрыгнуть вниз и по координатам
/way 33 63
будет пролом в стене.
Связанный ачив - Древняя связка.Сильно помогающие итемы с Вневременного острова - Крабий панцирь (меньше агрим) и Ветроперый плюмаж (быстрее едем). Находим голову, едем-ищем местоположение всех четырех итемов, отменяем, берем заново и без каких-либо проблем завершаем ачивку с 4-мя минутами в запасе.
Баффы от каски и пера - 1 час. Имейте в виду.
Комментарий от sklif
Начало и конец квеста (соберёте за 10 минут - получите Древняя связка)
/way 38 56 голова (начало)/way 35 50 голова (начало)/way 32 70 голова (начало)/way 52 85 голова (начало)/way 34.6 64.7 ПЛЯЖ (конец)
/way 51.1 31.2 Волосы/way 52.4 37.1 Волосы (в палатке)/way 50.1 40.8 Волосы/way 53.3 43.1 Волосы (на перегородке)/way 53 45.6 Волосы/way 54.2 48.6 Волосы/way 56.4 45.9 Волосы (на палатке)/way 59.4 56.7 Волосы (в палатке)
АХТУНГ!!! Когда соберете статую, НЕ ТЫКАЙТЕ Ритуальный камень душ - он вызовет Дух полководца Тэна за ваши 3 камня!P.S. Хотфиксом от 22.03.2013 - "куски статуи больше не исчезают после лута, позволяя другим игрокам также их полутать"
Комментарий от Luzenok
если собирать не для достижения то можно на данных координатах просто подождать появятся обязательно!
Комментарий от homerchik
это виклик или как?
Комментарий от Lika13
Вот где я нашла:
36.4 65.41 Туловище. На противоположной стороне крыши, где Мумта. На козырьке
34.8 66.3 Посох. Либо на парапете, либо на крыше тролей на которую можно с этого парапета с прыгнуть. А на него можно попасть с крыши мумты.
51.10 31.21 Волосы
50.9 85.3 Плечо. На самой верхушке камней
Удачи в поисках ^_^
Комментарий от llcepera
/way 34.82 74.81 что интересно сначало взял ДКашкой. не справился с 10 минутами. зашёл шаманом. дай думаю сбегаю на то место? и он был там ещё раз. похоже точка спавна для всех одна, но она иногда меняется. предлогаю писать суда координаты где вы взяли квест. чтоб вычислить все точки спавна.
Комментарий от arexu
Посох нашла на скалах.Координаты: 37.72 79.16.
Комментарий от GeraMinsk
Посох нашел на крыше домика 39.1, 73.5Туловище нашел на крутом берегу 34, 50
Комментарий от lordgus
По опыту сбора частей квеста разными персами заметил следующее: итемы ресаются в РАЗНЫХ местах области где они могут быть, но есть некие закономерности:
1. В За"Туале -- на крышах или вторых этажах построек зандаларов, т.е. запрыгивать нужно с соседних скал. Еще есть одно место -- на скале в зап.части локации, причем визуально итем виден со стороны пляжа, но запрыгивать нужно из За"Туала.2. Во Дворе костей -- на парапете у задней стенки "мавзолеев", на крыше большого "мавзолея" или просто на "полу" во дворе. Еще одно место -- уступ рядом со спуском к морю (сев.-зап. угол).3. В Утесах Ихгалук -- на вершинах скал (найти как запрыгнуть сложно, но точно возможно).4. В городке перед Кузней Грома (не знаю как назвать точнее) -- внутри палаток, на крыше палаток, на разрушенной стене и "на полу".
Каждый раз место реса может быть другим, поэтому просто нужно внимательно посматривать на мини-карту в поисках "шестеренок" во время выполнения других квестов.
И еще: если вы ходите в группе, то итемы возьмутся всем членам группы.
Комментарий от AlexSensei
Голову нашел по координатам /way 46.9 59.7 . Если у вас она тоже там появится, то остальные части я нашел по этим координатам: /way 59.49 56.8 Волосы/way 50.89 85.38 Плечо(саурок)/way 36.77 60 Туловище/way 34 67.1 Посохв таком порядке как я написал было удобно получить ачив Древняя связка. нужно собрать части и успеть сдать в течении 10 минут
Комментарий от nOCTO9HHbIu
Довольно забавно, когда взят квест, если убить кого - нибудь, вам в пм придет следующее:1) Как убивать несчастных островитян, так тут у тебя время есть. А как собирать мое великолепное тело, так нету?2) О! Вот это я понимаю, это удар! Ты не безнадежна!3) Достаточно пустых просьб! Я приказываю тебе собрать мое тело.4) Я пережил сотни лет правления Властелина Грома. Хочешь узнать, как? Я никогда не заставлял своих хозяев ждать.5) Твои умения впечатляют. Когда - нибудь из тебя выйдет отличная рабыня.6) И это ты называешь убийством? Я думал, огня будет больше. Или молний хоть немножко.7) Да сауроки, которых я видел, и то дерутся эффектнее.8) Что за жалкое создание. И твой противник тоже.
Комментарий от pashar
Потратил кучу времени в поисках плеча, при этом даже значка шестеренки в указанной области (утесы Ихгалук) не было. Плюнул, зашел на следующий день - значок появился, после этого взял плечо.
Комментарий от Naminga
а как запрыгнуть на утесы ихгалук? уже полчаса бегаю вокруг.
Комментарий от BOTAH
Если кто ищет место, где сдавать этот квест, то вот координаты:/way 33.6 63.2
У кого проблемы с координатами (не установлен ни один из аддонов типа TomTom, SexyMap или Mapster), то вот вам подсказка - на Острове Грома ищите здание чуть южнее Двора Костей. Заходите со стороны моря, где (видно на карте) есть небольшая выемка на материке. Вам нужен пролом в стене. Заходите внутрь, там что-то вроде небольшой пещеры.Для совсем непонятливых вот картинка.
Комментарий от Betelein
Запрыгнуть на скалу на Утесах Ихгалук удобно с соседней скалы - ровно три прыжка, и плечо ваше. :)
Комментарий от Solivagant
До некоторого времени части тела разбрасывались и респаунились в случайных местах, теперь части тела лежат для всех в одном месте и не имеют времени респа, можно подбирать как только взял кто то другой. Одно неудобство, на каждой неделе разные места.
Комментарий от Reizzor
За плечом можно запрыгнуть без саурока. Я записал небольшое видео как это сделать. http://youtu.be/4kfMO-1xe9A
Комментарий от Constantus
Собрал все и сдал квест примерно за 7 мин с момента нахождения стартового куска - был бафф от настоя по нему засекал - ачив не дали (
Комментарий от NASTIGAYKO
нашел голову (стартовый кв итем) на 57 46
Комментарий от Ladywind
лучше напишите, как добраться до посоха.лежит на крыше, а допрыгнуть не откуда. =( изнервничалась вся
Комментарий от Phylacteryhigh
Самый херовый, самый уе**ский квест. Ну что поделать, Близзард умер БОБИ КОТИК заправляет сука всем, и поэтому всякие бички теперь лепят такие вот недоквесты и прячут части в самых уёбских местах
Комментарий от Phylacteryhigh
Сделал за ~8 мин. прочитав перед этим где "дырка в стене" и 3 раза сфейлившись. Ужас...такие тупые квесты, ну хотя под началом Боби Котика другого ждать не остается
Комментарий от Mikkolla
Так вышло, что я делал этот квест, без облика саурока. Желаю тем, кто допустил такое в данном квесте, всю оставшуюся жизнь прыгать по скалам. Впрочем и в аду тоже... :-)
Комментарий от Naazgur
Буквально только что сделал достижение таким способом:Взял задание и побежал искать по указанным точкам. Потупил возле посоха. Когда добрался до плеч - понял, что не успеваю.Решил не собирать дальше, но просто найти остальные части. Запомнил места и положился на удачу :) Отменил квест... и вуаля! Начало на том же месте, все части на найденных заранее местах. Не спеша справился за 5 с половиной минут. Удачи!
Комментарий от Grozovoi
Взял плечо Плечо хранителя ключей без Шкуры саурока! Взобрался на соседнюю скалу прыгнул на маунте, нажал планёр и вуаля =) Хотя я так понял, что данный итем появляется в разных местах. Но думаю провернуть аналогичную схему тоже можно =)
Комментарий от Grozovoi
Взял плечо Плечо хранителя ключей без Шкура саурока! Взобрался на соседнюю скалу (там где рарник) прыгнул на маунте, нажал планёр и вуаля =) Хотя я так понял, что данный итем появляется в разных местах. Но думаю провернуть аналогичную схему тоже можно =)
Комментарий от oOScorponokOo
Я собрал все части без выполнения квеста на превращение ! Если вам нужна не эта гора http://youtu.be/4kfMO-1xe9A (спасибо за видео неизвестному) , а соседняя , то вы можете втупить в бой с бегающим неподалеку мобом , он кинет в вас сеть и стрелу которая подбрасывает вверх(спелл Фонтан) , если аккуратно отойти от неё на небольшое расстояние (так что бы урон нанесся) , то она подкинет вас в нужное вам направление , ведите моба к горе и дерзайте ... Я забрался минут за 10-15 !)
Комментарий от Pazzle
Для ачива лучше взять квест... пройтись посмотреть где они лежат, отметить том-томом, сбросить ку и быстренько пробежать по маршруту .. собрать... я делал часа полтора полуафк..места респа частей не поменялись... уложился за 8 минут..
Комментарий от PieLieDie
Делал сегодня 27.01.14Голову думаю найдете самиТуловище я нашел на 36.49 (под надписью Дворец костей)Волосы 52.48 (на стене под птицей)Плечо 57.81 (на горе около крошика)Посох 36.74 (так же на горе за палаткой)Долго искал где сдавать, если кого-то это тоже затруднит, то НПС находится в подвале, вход в который лежит с берега 33.63Удачи вам.
Комментарий от Spacess
Все вещи мне удалось собрать без Шкура саурока. К сожалению, этот баф Шкура саурока появляется после выполнения рандомно попадающегося на дейликах квеста В шкуре саурока, поэтому ждать пока он мне попадется, я не стала. Самый лучший ориентир - шестеренка на миникарте. Не заморачиваясь на координаты, действовала следующим образом: на основной карте (М) выделяла область поиска одного из предметов кликом по цифре этого квеста, таким образом область подсвечивалась и на миникарте тоже. Далее оббегала по контуру области стараясь захватить как можно больше в обзор на миникарте, и высматривая на ней шестеренку, примерно вот так. Квестовые предметы преимущественно расположены на какой либо возвышенности, на склоне горы, на крыше.Картинки всех предметов с координатами тут
Комментарий от arch99
Значит так!Я так "устал" собирать всё это гов...., что раз десять хотел удалить задание. Как дебил, бегал, искал, смотрел, выискивал, надеялся (около месяца) найти все эти компоненты. Но, не обратил внимание на очевидную подсказку...
Всё оказалось просто!
Не надо искать ни по каким координатам, забейте на них. Вы только потратите своё время!
1. Смотрите на миникарту. 2. Зона поиска подсвечена голубым цветом.3. Искомый предмет на миникарте будет подсвечен большой золотой точкой!4. Всё, что вам надо, это бегать по подсвеченной территории и искать "золотую точку" на миникарте.
P.S. Так и есть! Нашёл в Мрачных Топях повторно это задание, валялось под деревом. Побегал по обозначенным территориям около 10 минут, на миникарте ждал появления золотистой точки, всё собрал. Ни каких координат не надо!Все предметы были в других местах, где собирал в первый раз.
Для сдачи задания:а) направляйтесь в сторону моря (сбоку здания) б) прыгайте вниз, заходите в пещерув) сдаёте заданиег) напротив статуи есть камень, дающий новое задание (требование наличие трёх "синих" камней (которые хрен достанешь)), вы вызовете какого-то монстра. Вроде бы даже, если завалите этого монстра, получите ачивку (не помню как называется, но по условию нужно завалить одного монстра из целого списка).
Комментарий от LilithHelka
Сделал за 8.30 минут.Начал с пляща сауроков.Части статуи собрал без проблем, но затупил с пещерой, где надо кв. сдавать.Не сразу понял, что она у воды.
Комментарий от rr220690
Воины могут взять плечо без превращения. Прыжками с соседних уступов.
Посох хранителя ключей - Предмет
Комментарий от Lawkstarz
A comment under this quest says that the item locations are random. I found the staff at Za'Tual on the 2nd level of a 3 tier structure with no stairs. Gained access to the 2nd tier by jumping from the rocks adjacent to the structure. no special items or abilities required.
Комментарий от Monkeysmack
Found at 33.85,67.15 on top of tent. I had to jump from the ledge next to it to make it to it. reli easy to make the jump so it shouldn't be hard to get if it spawns at this point
Комментарий от Carameldropz
I also found this item on the second level of one of the 3-tiered towers set up around Za'Tual, specifically one of the ones at the north-eastern entrance. A cog will show up on your map. This particular tower was next a small cliff face so I was able to run around to the top and easily jump over onto the structure.
Комментарий от Blossomfall
Found the staff on top of a tent at 39.04, 73.56. You have to jump from the rocks behind to get on top of the tent to reach the staff.
Комментарий от Rj23
34.1, 71.8 It was on the top corner of a tent. You didn't have to jump to reach it however. You could climb the hill behind the tent and reach it from there.
Комментарий от Knifewolf
Found at 37.84, 79.21 on side of the mountain on the rocky area. You either have to jump down or do a series of jumps from the lower rocks.
Комментарий от Kaitlynn17
Mine was on top of the tent, and by the looks of the other comments the item appears in different random locations. If you really want to find these, look for the cogwheel symbol on the mini-map.
Комментарий от ibizamale
Found on the beach to the south westyou have to go through a gap at 31.9 75.4
Комментарий от Mescal
I couldn't figure out how to get on the tent. But then I saw a druid up there. As a rogue i used 'cloak and dagger,' shot up behind him, ganked him, and then grabbed the staff.
Комментарий от Avellaidea2468
I can't seem to find the staff. Can someone help me please?
Комментарий от chenahotspring
On top of tent at 36, 75... I had to run around the backside of the mountain to climb up on top, get into position and use Levitate to coast down on top the tent.
Комментарий от aralonn
33.7 :67 top of a small building. Better to jump down from the building which mumta is.
Комментарий от xWorgenFreemanx
I've found this right at the bottom left of the map, on the rocks, and on top of the tent others have mentioned.
Комментарий от secahtah
I found the staff on the top of a tent at 41.37, 67.70. To get on top of this tent, go around it and up the hill counterclockwise, then get to a rock at 41.68, 68.66. This is the rock you can use to jump over to the top of the tent (no racials or special abilities needed).
Комментарий от Nighsight
I gave up after three hours of searching for these pieces. I killed over 125 mobs looking for this. This is THE singe most dumb as-s quest in WoW.
Комментарий от fenhollen
i found the staff at 31.53 75.33 at the top of a cliff its a pain to get to but behind the tents u can climb the rocks
Комментарий от furianXO
Just run around the area your quest says it will be and look for the cogwheels on your minimap.
Комментарий от Mookosh
Found mine at 33.5, 67
Was a pain to get.
Had to go inside the building where Mumta spawns (Entrance at 35.1, 61.9).
Go up to the top floor, then jump over the rail onto the roof outcroppings, from there you can jump back down to the ground behind the wall where you will be able to jump on top of the tent where the staff is.
Комментарий от Draticus
I finally found it! And then I go to loot it...
"That item is already being used"
...I don't even know why i play this game. Every day SOMETHING bugs.
Комментарий от corners
this quest is tedious because of all the mobs around the items. And in a few cases most of the mobs are only useful for a little bit of loot and not quest objectives. Most of these items are located around packs of mobs. In one case you need a mob or slow fall to retrieve it.
I had a gm say to keep submitting suggestions maybe if they get enough complaints they'll fix it or delete it
Комментарий от Prokrustis
i tryied the rocks but i couldn't jump on the tent, so i went from the otherside. i walked a norrow path on the side of the building and get right next to the tent. a small jump and i got the staf!
Комментарий от lunamoonraker
Found at;
/way 37.8, 79.2
on rock slope.
I was able to reach it from base by climbing rocks and slow fall across on mount.
Комментарий от Osochor
I found the cogwheel marking the staff at 31,75 but how do I get up/down there.I can't jump that high nor can I jump from the mountaindown that far. It is realy frustrating.
Anyone have tips/ideas?
Комментарий от Osochor
I found the cogwheel marking the staff at 31,75 but how do I get up/down there.I can't jump that high nor can I jump from the mountaindown that far. It is realy frustrating.
Anyone have tips/ideas?
Комментарий от Sleepless
For the staff on top of the tent at roughly 35, 75, just behind the tent (north) there is a little building with two bleacher-looking sets of steps and usually two mobs and a (speed) potion. I climbed the left bleachers (after taking the potion, but not sure that it really mattered) and just jumped across to the rim of the tent. The gear was then clickable and the staff retrievable.
Комментарий от lindseydoyle
I spent a total of 15 hours on gathering the 3 Ritual Stones, doing this Chamberlain quest chain, and others. Finally, having collected the 3 stones, I was trying to find my way back to the quest giver, riding my Water Strider around the Court of Bones (on the water, naturally). I spotted a cave that I thought might be shortcut, entered, and an unusual device caught my eye. Mouseover showed a gear icon, so I clicked it. This was unfortunate, as it caused CERA to spawn. CERA is a Level 92 dinosaur of some description who promptly killed me and my pet. When I rezzed back in the graveyard, I was dismayed to see the quest had been reset and I had lost my 3 Ritual Stones!
I abandoned the quest at that point, unwilling to commit the time again required to earn a meagre 24G.
Don't know if this is a bug or by design. It's very cruel and discouraging if by design.
Комментарий от ABQKel
On the mountain at 36.9, 75.5. Went around the mountain clockwise, climbed up rock at 37.3, 76.0, then just walked down onto the ledge holding the staff (facing slightly into the mountain so I didn't slip). If you hug the mountain, you won't have to fight off many mobs.
Комментарий от Banerick
found it on top of a tent at /way 35.79 75.2 ... behind the tent there is a crumbling building with stairs, when I was there there was a Zan. potion speed flask. I had ran and jumped every way possible, drank the flask and was able to run up the stairs, jump the wall and land on the wood eve of the tent and loot the staff
Комментарий от Mmoore644
Found mine on the side of a mountain. 37.8, 79.2
Комментарий от rktect
You can climb the ruined wall and jump from there after drinking the potion in the ruined building next door with the two flights of stairs. Jumping from the rocks is a lot harder.
Волосы хранителя ключей - Предмет
Комментарий от Norkesh
One of the four items for the Keeper of Keys quest, it is located in the "Diremoor" section of the Isle of the Thunder King. Diremoor is the central area with the tall tower surrounded by swamp.
This item, like the other three for this quest, retrieved by seeing a gear symbol on your minimap or over an object in game and interacting with the object. More than one of each can spawn at a time.
Комментарий от Sheynii
Found the Hair of the Chamberlain on one of the surrounding rocks where a bunch of Adolescents Direhorns and Masters Callers containing a Defiant Direhorn
Coords 51.12 - 31.24
Also found in tent behind statue with a blue crystal at Coords 59.4-56.8 (Carefull, 2 adds outside + 1 mini boss with question mark inside)
Комментарий от Emisari
found mine at 56.66 - 45.53 on top of the tent ..you can get up there if you jump from the stairs behind it also it's a place fairly close to 54.22 - 48.54 , another spawn point
Комментарий от Thebattle
Found one at 50.0 - 40.8, Just watch the elite walking in the path of it ;)
Комментарий от Shedin
Each piece is randomly spawned with in the blue zones. You can find them up high or anywhere hiding. Just look at your Mini map for a gear symbol then use your camera to look around for it.
Комментарий от FlameBurger
"There isn't much of this left."
It looks like our Mogu friend here is going bald!
Комментарий от Zeneo
Волосы хранителя ключей- Found on top of the wall at location 53.2, 43.1. To get on top of the wall to get it, mount up and go up the stairs where Arcweaver Jor'guva is and look to the left right by the big dinosuar. Get a nice straight running jump at it and jump to the top of the wall. Be carfull not to pull Arcweaver Jor'guva will backing up to jump. Screenshot is available to look at also. Good luck!
Комментарий от hjcbosch
I found the hair off the chamberlian at 52,37 inside a tent next to it was a golden chest with coins, a chan'ze ritual stone and a fortuitous coffer.
Комментарий от Gymlea
I find the pieces but when I click on them nothing happens. What am I doing wrong?
Комментарий от b0ydrgn
I found mine at 59, 56, behind teh alter where you kill a boss to get the mask
Комментарий от Ryawy
Looking for the Hair of the Chamberlain can be pretty frustrating, what with everybody else looking for them too. Just comb the area and you will find it eventually.
Комментарий от elusiverogue
I found the hair at the same place as hicbosch--52 37 in the tent. The easiest one so far
Комментарий от ahze
This CANNOT be looted while in a Raid.
I spent a good twenty minutes trying to figure out why the Hair was "bugged" until I realized this may be the case.
Admitting my derp moment in order to save others the headache.
Комментарий от Biggerguy
Found on top of the tent. 56.5-45.8
Комментарий от Odarroch
I just found the hair of the chamberlain with the goats at 51.10,31.21. I found that going up the crevice on the left of the plateau the hair is located on, then jumping up to the highest point of that crevice allowed me to find find a small uphill I could walk up on the right going toward the hair. Then one more jump found me on the plateau the hair was on. Hope this helps others.
Комментарий от churro89
I found mine on top of the tent at 53.03, 45.64/way Isle of Thunder 53.03 45.64 Hair of the Chamberlain
Комментарий от tapehands
I just rejoined WoW after a long relatively short (1 year?) hiatus, and this item almost made me ragequit. 52.79, 30.20 is where I'm currently perched at, looking at the wall that I (just now. finally..) jumped on, all so i could get to 51.12, 31.24
Seriously. I'm over this crap.
Комментарий от Banerick
found it on the top of the tent at /way 52.99, 45.66 easiest way to get on roof is run thru the gate and up the stairs to the temple (no adds for me) and jump on the back of the tent.-- Happy hunting!
Комментарий от Pizza1337
56/46 had to jump from the stairs to the tent. Without comments on Wowhead I wouldn't have been able to do this. Thanks!
Комментарий от lunchy13
For the spawn at 51.12 - 31.24, my boyfriend and I found a really easy way to get to it - if you keep jumping up the crevice to the left of the Hair, you'll get above it and then can jump down towards it. Was a nightmare finding that route though.
Комментарий от Vallianna
This quest has almost made me pull my hair out. I wasted an hour trying to get the shoulders, gave it up and came back the for a couple more days and finally figured out how to get up to them in the lizard disguise. I thought...all downhill from here> Wrong. I found the shoulders at 53 43 next to the Defiant Devilsaur but same thing. They were on top of the wall and I tried jumping from above, jumping from above on my mount, freefall and even trying to get up while I was dead....which I was several times. FINALLY....I decided I needed a mount with a bigger stride.....no dragons available because of the no fly....mounted up my TUNDRA MAMMOTH and he, I and the two trademens hopped right over on the first try. I still have one more piece to go and I may never do this one again.
Комментарий от Ronint
I found mine on 54:84, it was on top of a rock that, after trying quite a few times from all angles I could not jump on.Then, by coincidence i was attacked by a Skumblade Seadragon... and that was it!
Just aggro one of those Seadragons on the pool side of the rock, and let it attack u until it shoots water on you, the water bold will move slowly and you will see it coming, stand where you want to jump and voila ur up. a couple of jumps are needed to reach it from the south-east side.
Good luck!
Комментарий от Arnatics
I can't seem to find this hair anywhere. I've scaled up and down the blue zone of the map and no gear pops up. My quest objective number is the tent at and still no gear on the map or in the field of game play. This is ridiculous.
Комментарий от koules
51 - 31 cords ! many time searching of it ! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr see the screenshot
Волосы хранителя ключей - Объект
Комментарий от inaniae
Shows up as a cog on the minimap. Have to find a way to higher ground to walk out on wall.
Комментарий от MoshJosh
Okay... Beware.
The one at 51.1 31.2 is an extremely frustrating one to get. I imagine an engineer would have more luck than I did.
If you get on your mount and climb the little crevasse to the right (as you're facing it from the ground. It's actually two over, but the first one seems un-jumpable) of the item, you're going to fall into a hole in the rocks and be trapped.
While trapped in the hole, I activated hellfire and brought a goat to myself- allowed it to kill me.
As a ghost, I was able to move around a little more freely. I was finally able to wall-jump the crevasse closest to the item (thanks likely to the guild perk of moving faster while dead.) I then res'd on top of the thing and beaconed home.
You MAY be able to get it without dying . . just . . DON'T use the crevasse to the far right.
Комментарий от meerling
Sometimes the zone map will show a specific location, but nothing is in that area or on the minimap.Just go try the other spots, sometimes the zone map doesn't show the right spawn point for it.
Комментарий от Dramfiolz
I finally got the one at 51.1, 31.2 by riding all the way around the wall to where Metal Lord Mono-Han is, jumping up the rocks on that side, jumping over the wall, and dropping down. (Being careful of that hole in the rocks MoshJosh mentioned, of course.) If there's another way, I don't know what it is. Very frustrating quest.
Комментарий от Tryaa
The one at is much easier (and simpler). Kill the mob outside the tent, go in and grab the toupee, leave :)Added a screenshot, if they post it.
P.S. Do not attack the Direhorn. Focus on its keeper - kill him and it gets passive.
Hair at 51.1, 31.2 This one is very tricky. If you are a Druid, all you have to do is get on the small rock that is in front of the cog wheel. Click in the Fatty Goat then run and jump toward the Fatty Goat and and hit it Wild Charge. Pulls you right to the Fatty Goat.
Комментарий от Menjina
Found mine at 51,1 / 31,2
Being a feral, I was able to use wild charge at one of the fatty goats right on the rocks where the hair was. *lucky me*
Комментарий от blewflame2000
I found that going half way up the right side of the rock on HAIR and then turning back to the left was easiest.
Комментарий от Palanka
I got a new one for 51.1 31.2... As a Demo Warlock you can use your Demonic Leap like this: run towards the cog wheel, jump and use DL. Simple
Комментарий от whirlwindfive1
For Hair of the Chamberlain I did the one at 54.2/48.6 it was rather very easy. Hope this helps.
Комментарий от nytetears
the one at 59.5, 56.7 is behind an item with a face on it on the altar behind Spiritbinder Tu'chek. You can not see it till you kill him then walk to the very back of the tent.
Комментарий от Kilazanu
As of the release of Warlords, it's become a lot easier to find this item. I used the waypoints and floundered around for a good two hours when I finally noticed something on my minimap. Where the hair had spawned, the minimap showed as a yellow tracker dot! I was playing my hunter, so I almost didn't notice!Paired with the new outline option available for quest items, the only hard part is finding a way to the hair itself--many are perched on top of things like tents, or in the case of my particular spawn, on top of a wall! So don't lose hope, and if you have a class that can track, temporarily turn it off. It helps.
Плечо хранителя ключей - Объект
Комментарий от Xolad
I found the shoulder on top of a mountain. Took me ca. 10 min. to find :-)
Комментарий от focalenergy
I found the Shoulder on the top of a mountain that was slightly challenging to get on top of. The coords I found it at are: 47.5,17.1
I could not figure out how to add a pin at the coordinates on the map above.
Anyways, when I was searching for it, a gear icon showed up on my mini map when I was within range of the shoulder. Hope this helps.
Комментарий от ToviValdora
Here's a strat for getting this item ONLY IF you see it at 47.50 75.12
Step 1: Make sure you can transform into a lizard.Step 2: Jump to this rock - http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/84/wowscrnshot032613024837.jpgStep 3: Jump to this rock -http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/4157/wowscrnshot032613024859.jpgStep 4: Jump up to the next level then stand right where I'm standing: http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/1378/wowscrnshot032613025134.jpg
For the one at 57.5, 81.6, if you are a hunter, you can use Disengage to jump backward from the rock to the left.
Комментарий от wowcamp91
is 45.5 79.2 the one on top of a mountain thats like impossible to get and can someone explain how to get it iv been trying for over an hour now there is no possible way to get up there
Комментарий от Mrdn
Anyone gonna post something helpful in terms of getting the item when on the peak of the mountain? Stuck on this and everything here posted so far is useless
Комментарий от Zeehra
I struggled with this for a full two days until it finally respawned atop a mountain, which i could jump to with my goblin glider from another peak.
I spent a long time swearing at Blizzard for obviously bugging the Vargoth-quest thing that turns you into a saurok, allowing you to jump. I did it a long time ago, then went on a 4 month break and when I came back, the shapshift was gone. I filed tickets and what not, only to discover - today - that the Vargoth quest is re-given along with the other crag-dailies, starting with Утесы Ихгалук.
So, fellow jumpers, fear not! Simply save these parts of the quest to a day where the Crag-quests are on :)
Комментарий от Demonikuski
I got the one on 57.5, 81.5. Unless I'm missing something, it's pretty much impossible to get to without either having the lizzard costume or cheating. Naturally, I cheated with an age old warrior trick. I would assume this works with a druid bear charge, too.
Pull the Skumblade Fleshripper that is standing on the beach just behind the corner. Go behind the rock that the Shoulder is on top of. This forces the Skumblade Fleshripper to run "through" the rock, putting him on top of it. Spam your charge key and you might just end up on top of the rock.
On a side note, I feel this quest is designed unfairly. Blizzard removed wall jumping in TBC, I think. Now they designed a quest that requires wall jumping. What can I say, not my type of humour.
Комментарий от Hairband
Doing this a little late but I'm an OCD completion nerd at times. I started up this long twisty ramp lit by torches to the NW of Ithgaluk Crag. I fell off a few times, but I could see the cog icon on my minimap so I knew where I was headed. Finally, I saw the Hair with my own eyes on another rock slope. I had to jump diagonal from the left to the RIGHT over the last gap toward the top of the crag.
There MAY be a skull-icon boss on the top of the crag here. You may have to fight the boss here or I happened to be in a random group just kicking around.
After fighting the boss, I did not know how to achieve the jump (by this time, I'd died several times either mounted or using slow fall or nothing). So I combined mount running plus slow fall and it worked without giving me a "You are mounted" error. I had to unclick my slowfall buff by my portrait but I got to the hair and got the quest done.
After getting all 4 (most are on easy wall jump puzzles), you go to the left side of the map where the horde translocation orb is and hug the water's edge until you actually swim to a little cave.
Комментарий от hamiltonstephan
Found one at 52, 74 on top of a mountain, not a clue how to get up there yet......
Комментарий от hamiltonstephan
there is really easy one at 44.43, 85.94. didn't even have to climb a rock lol
Комментарий от Vjorlana
If you are an engineer and have the Goblin Glider, you can walk up on the ledge beside the one the Shoulder spawns on, face downward, then jump and use your glider at the same time while aiming for the slope you are unable to get on to. Tadaa.
Комментарий от akirajumps
For warlocks: for the 50.9, 85.5 you can get to the peak by using Demonic Leap from rock to rock. Head from the east to south of the shoulder.
Комментарий от Muratsuki
To echo the comments on the item entry for this piece, you'll need to complete the quest В шкуре саурока in order to get this item. Finishing that quest will allow you to turn into a Saurok automatically while in Ihgaluk Crag, which extends the range you can jump.
Or just be a Demon Hunter, I guess.
Хранитель ключей Орлис - Задание
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Уничтожьте хранителя ключей Орлиса и обыщите его останки.
Присягнувшие Скверне мятежники охраняют площадку телепортера на поляне, что лежит перед нами. Интересно, куда он ведет? Думаю, логично предположить, что для получения доступа к нему нам придется уничтожить хранителя ключей Орлиса.
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Ритуальный камень Шань'цзэ - Предмет
Комментарий от LEKB
Contained in Trove of the Thunder King found randomly on Thunder king Isle also the Troves contain gold and other random grays, the ritual stones are used to summon elites. There are small stones around the island that (if you have three stones) you click on and it will summon the elite. The only place I know of is the beach down at the Ihgaluk Crag, the stone is next to an alter type thing with a big, bone ribcage next to it.
Комментарий от TheStatman
Also drops off Rare mobs across the island.
Комментарий от Hands
Dropped off a "Rare - Mogu Slavemaster" in Ghostly Veins.
Комментарий от zeyue
Had one of these drop off of Progenitus on the ptr, located on the highest hill of Ihgaluk Crag.
Комментарий от Delict
Dropped off a rare mob called "Al'tabim the All-Seeing"
Комментарий от paladere
5.2 live: Found one chest at 45.24,50.62, in the hollow tree. Have not found any more yet.
Комментарий от ZeroUm
Does it drop from rare mobs once per day? It dropped for me from Mumta from the first time I killed a rare, but not anymore after killing half a dozen of others. Even the Lei Shen key dropped.
Комментарий от catecatecate
Received one from a Fortuitous Chest for completing the final daily of the day.
Received one from a Trove of the Thunder King.
Received one from killing a rare (faction tag + loot is awesome btw).
Summoned Echo of Kros with my guildies on the beach in Ihgaluk Crag.
Got picked off one at a time by a opposite faction DK since we were doing it without a healer.
Lost the chance, since they are consumed in the first summon, which is the point of this post.
Комментарий от Verosumatic
These have a chance to drop from Sunweaver Bounty, and I would assume the Alliance equivalent.
Комментарий от mcwood
Got one from the Bounty got another from a rare elite. Since then, after killing 15+ various rares around the island, I havent gotten a single one.
Im tempted to believe you can only got one from a rare every week or something. The rng is just ridiculous.
General Discussion forum has got it officially covered, from Bashiok here! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/8087090109#7
They are ONLY once a week per rare, so glad I farmed them for hours >.<
Комментарий от navawolf
From the bug report forum (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6413023639, second point under Quests)"Ritual Stones should only drop once a week from Isle of Thunder rare bosses. Additional kills of these rare bosses in the same week will reward 15 valor points."
Комментарий от Hean
Remember not to be in a raid group while you summon as the summoning/kill won't count. I'm more saying this because I imagine a lot of bigger groups are going for rare-hunting and such. You'll also lose the stones so you'll have to gather them again without getting the credit.
Комментарий от Zerdus
Received 1 from killing a rare. You can only get 1 from a rare per week, so don't bother farming more rare's if your only reason is to obtain more of these.
I got my second one from Сокровища Властелина Грома, from which I also got a Ключ от дворца Лэй Шэня. I would highly recommend searching for these troves around the island because they could get you another stone or, more importantly, the key. There is an amazing list of coordinates posted by Dragomir in the comments on the Сокровища Властелина Грома page. Start with the first coordinate under "Macro 2" and work your way down, you will most likely find one at one of those locations.
Once I got the key, I could then enter the Цитадель Властелина Грома, where I ended up getting another stone along with 16 Elder Charms of Good Fortune, and a few other less interesting items.
If you can easily find a Сокровища Властелина Грома, the 3 stones can be acquired in about an hour. It's a good idea to get the 3 stones now so that you can get to Friendly with the Натиск Шадо-Пан and also finish the quest Секреты острова Грома.
Комментарий от cremor
You are only supposed to get one of these from a rare mob per character per week:Just to clarify on drop chances for ritual stones and keys, you can only obtain one Key to the Palace of Lei Shen (aka treasure room) from any creature on the island, including the Isle of Thunder Rare Elites. Once you’ve already looted one off of a creature, no more will drop from creatures for your character that week. Additional keys can potentially drop from other select sources, but are extremely rare and not something you can try to farm.
Similarly, you can only obtain one Shan’ze Ritual Stone from an Isle of Thunder Rare Elite per week. You'll still be able to collect more from other sources, though.
But it seems like this is currently bugged. Some players reported that they looted more than one and there is also an entry in the known bugs list:
Ritual Stones should only drop once a week from Isle of Thunder rare bosses. Additional kills of these rare bosses in the same week will reward 15 valor points.
i got one from a trove and one from a rare then left the room after lei shen's palace without using my burial trove key so i only get 2 until next.
Комментарий от thanosws
Ok guys i dont know what is going on here but im really pissed and upset. Blizz says that the stones are lootable only once per week from rare ellite and from Trove of the Thunder Kingbut exept me that i have only 2 stones 1 from rare and 1 from trove ALL the rest people i know have collected more that 2 with minimum of 3 so they can do the quest "Seting a Trap" and others having collect 6,7,8... and having progress on the next quest "Champions of The Thunder King".I dont know what's going on.....and it piss me off :/
P.S the same thing is happening with the Key to the Palace of Lei Shen.It is supposed that u get 1 key per week but still many people have more than 1.....
Комментарий от Beowolfy
Word to the wise--don't use the stones until your group is assembled and ready. I stupidly summoned the dinosaur solo and it killed me pretty fast. On top of that, I now have to find new stones to summon him again--this time with friends! Hope this helps someone.
Комментарий от Golg
Looking at all the comments here about where it drops, i thought it would be useful to say in a simple way what is it for:
You can currently only use it for a couple of Quests. The main objective of the quests is to give you around 200-300 Натиск Шадо-Пан reputation points. This can be done weekly so there's little point in hoarding stones, even less if you regularly do ToT, since you get reputation easier by doing that instead.
Комментарий от peoplescareme
Im not sure if I'm missing something but i have gotten 2 so far one from a rare the othere from a trove... Are they also scattered on the ground throughout the isle or do i have to wait from next week for a rare or a chest? sorry if its a stupid question.
Комментарий от Millidor
Not sure if this was a bug or anything but I just got one out of a Запечатанный подарок "Блескотрона-4000". I was standing in the Dawnseeker Promontory by the bridge taking you into the island. I also got Бутылка с зажигательной смесью x 8 and a Набор бумажного дирижабля. I'll upload the screenshot in a sec.
Комментарий от Zabfromdurotan
I think there might be a cap for 3. I've had 3 for a bit now, and looted 2, one from drop, and one from the chamberlain quest, and I still have 3.
Комментарий от Kittay
The stones can be looted from rare mobs that are spread across the isle, 6 different mobs at Stage 1.
You can also get them from hidden troves on the island, but these are very hard to find and to get to before someone else does.
They last way to retrieve these stones is to do your dailies for the Sunreaver Onslaught. After you have completed the entire set, you'll get a final quest that will grant you a Ларец Похитителей Солнца. There's a chance you will get stones (and keys) from this box.
Addition: It seems you can only loot this stone from rares and troves once per week, and the same goes for the key.
Комментарий от dartworth
Here is a helpful addon for The Isle of Thunder
Isle of Thunder Weekly Check
The Isle of Thunder has a few "once per week" events for every character. These are not account wide so you can complete these events with every level 90 character, but it's not easy to remember which character has killed a rare.. or whether you should be looking around the isle for a trove. That's where "Isle of Thunder Weekly Check" can be very handy. It opens a window with a list of possible events and whether or not the current character has completed them.
We only know of 6 once a week "events" at the moment:
Комментарий от Vertixio
I've made a list of sources of Ритуальный камень Шань'цзэ
Guaranteed Chance
Not Guaranteed Chance
Not Checked Sources
I have not seen Ритуальный камень Шань'цзэs drop from Not Checked Sources but some people state it drop from theseIt is worth stating the Guaranteed Chance sources are weekly (Цитадель Властелина Грома too can be considered that way because you can drop only one Ключ от дворца Лэй Шэня a week)If someone have a screenshot with one of non checked sources drop a stone,please reply to this comment so i move them above
Комментарий от Chummy62
What do I do with the extra ones left over after killing all the quest MOBs and getting my reputation maxed out? I'm going to save them so I can assist my Guild Mates when they need to complete the quests, but do not see any other value.
Комментарий от Buckmoney
$%^& the bosses, 20 gold per one?I'd vendor that &*!@.
Комментарий от Mormolyce
Whenever I do this weekly I just wait a minute or so and someone else usually volunteers to use their stones (if nobody does, I use mine). Most people seem to have plenty, unless they just started. I haven't had to use any in at least 8 weeks.
Makes me feel kind of like an &*!@#$% but I've got a stack of 43 now and that 860g in my bag just looks so mouth-watering.
Комментарий от BaronRaygar
There needs to something else you can use this for. I have a full stack of 50. Anything over 60 starts a new stack and even with the bigger bags out now, its still hard to have bag room. I sell mine everytime I get it now. 20 g each.
Комментарий от oraclecow
I havent seen anyone mentioned it yet, but to use this stone means clicking an object that looks like a grave stone with a tooltip "shan'ze ritual stone" or something like that, and it consumes 3 of them, be careful when you click it, and dont be like me who clicked it just out of curiosity, watched the summoning happened, and almost got mauled by some elite mob.... and yes, i lost the stone since i ran for my life, i tried peeking back, and the elite is already gone.
Комментарий от MoarHeroisms
Now that clearing a heroic scenario with the time bonus (120+30) is easier--and less time-consuming--to accomplish with higher gear levels, it's better to vendor these than endure the task of finding a group, gathering everyone, unlocking the quest for those who haven't done it, determining who needs what boss(es) for the achievement, and traveling to kill said bosses with a small risk of wiping (looking at you, Ancient Mogu Guardian).
Комментарий от kinigit
It is a serious pita to get a group for these summons now that people have moved on...
So, though they vendor for a reasonable amount I would consider just holding onto them in you bank and come back to the island and face roll all these guys for personal loots at level 100.
Комментарий от pauladin
Used to summon a rare elite on the Isle of Thunder.
Spirit Champions
Lightning Champions
Primal Champions
Комментарий от cujo832000
as of today 6/20/14 the drop rate is rediculously low need these to progress (secrets in the isle of thunder ) to unlock the wration quest in isle of thunder ive killed at least 30 of these elites and have all of two stones
Комментарий от remid0d0s0
I don't know about the drop rate being "ridiculously low."
You will get 1-2 of these per half-decent treasure scenario run. So if you really need one, grab a key (or two).
Meanwhile, I have over 100 of them on characters that can't (easily) solo the summoned mobs. I figure I will find a tank or healer some day and go farm them all some afternoon.
Комментарий от Ozzayel
So just found out they stealth nerfed the gold value (from 20g to 1g) of these in 6.1.Had over 100 in my alts bags... thanks blizz.No reason why I hadn't vendored them, just didn't sort out my bags forever.
Stealth nerfs SUCK... warn us about this FGS!
Комментарий от Tokurei
I gotta say, after they stealth-removed the key drops (yes, I know you can still get them from the bounty boxes but I've opened over 30 without a single key,) farming these stones has been a huge pain in the ass. The only absolutely sure way to get one is through the weekly chamberlain quest, but if you're lucky you can get to the rares on the isle before all the tome farming warlocks (just kidding, they're everywhere always.) The other way is to be lucky enough to find the treasure trove boxes around the isle.
So to anyone who is thinking of selling their stones for the reduced vendor gold, DON'T. You'll be forever farming once you decide to go after the Stormbreaker title.
Комментарий от BigPapaBear
The drop rate now is appalling, over 30 rares killed and no stone.
Комментарий от gbomb
To call the bosses you have to click //Изначальный ритуальный камень/primal-ritual-stone . I think they may despawn or only be up at various places as I had to go to the different spots to find one. Handy notes will put these on the map for you if you dl it.
Комментарий от Eziair
Been doing the daily's for a week now, killed many a rare but the only Ritual Stone I have came from the weekly quest!I'm sure you got a Stone as well for your first rare kill a week.
Edit: Week reset and I get one from the first kill of a rare (like you should!)
Комментарий от Zuckerguss
Here is an easier to use version of the waypoints for the summonable rare elites posted above by pauladin: