Добрый сурамаритянин - Достижение - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от varenne
Для начала вам нужно закончить Помрачены, но не забыты <= Более подбробно
Последний квест в Помрачены, но не забыты так же является частью Добрый сурамаритянин Древний дар
1-я колонка(№) - примерный порядок квеста в сурамаре. Порядок условный и много где можно пойти в разные ветки квестов. Служит для удобства подсчета. Начинается с 40, потому что у меня 40 квестов в Помрачены, но не забыты
2-я колонка (O)дополнительная информация о порядке. Можно не обращать на нее внимания. она имеет несущественное значение.Если там есть номер, то значит можно взять несколько квестов одновременно.Ищите большее число. Если следующее число меньше, то это началась другая связь между квестами
2 примера: После Щедрость и великодушие (№45) можно взять Особая доставка (№46) и Гондольер (№53) После Гондольер (№53) можно взять Водные пути (№54) и Перераспределение (№55)
Основная цепочка не связана с дополнительной. Можно сделать любую из них. Но так как основная цепочка открывается после достижения определенного уровня репутации с Помраченные, я рекомендую сделать сперва ее как можно дальше, а потом идти делать дополнительные, потому что так вы откроете больше мировых квестов
Комментарий от varenne
В русском языке символы занимают чуть больше места и поэтому пост приходится разбитьПервый коммент здесь: http://ru.wowhead.com/achievement=11124#comments:id=2372766
5 квестовых цепочек не связаны между собой или с основной сюжетной линией. Можно начать любую из них после Помрачены, но не забытыНачну отсчет квестов с 100, чтобы легче было считать.
Название достижения отсылает к притче о добром самаритянине, которая рассказывает о том, что для того, чтобы быть хорошим человеком, не обязательно нужно принадлежать к какой-то конкретной религии или национальности.
Комментарий от Rightesnous
Завис на квесте Семя надежды, нужно ещё 1300 репутации, не могу больше найти никаких заданий...
Комментарий от Emp3r0r
Скрипт для определения виполнен ли квест (по ID):/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(ИД_КВЕСТА))
Комментарий от Emp3r0r
Script that checks whether the quest is completed (by ID):/run print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(QUEST_ID))Just replace QUEST_ID with necessary quest ID (e.g. Устранение препятствий has ID=40907, just check the quest URL).
Комментарий от xxpress
Кто-нибудь в курсе, что именно нужно будет делать в цепочке Смена времен года?
Комментарий от BlizzardCS
Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что для начала некоторых заданий требуется достаточно высокая репутация. Вы можете поднять репутацию выполняя Локальные задания.
Комментарий от QIRSAM
последняя квестовая цепочка начинается на 20к почтения с помраченными и уже доступна, пруф http://imgur.com/a/6eBjG
Комментарий от Viewofshadow
Правильно ли я понял, что троица неписейпомраченных, после ягод аркандора, должны были обрести свою эльфийский вид? Но модельки остались старые(((
Комментарий от Listopad81
Кто нить знает как попасть в пещеру с чародейкой Вальтруа в Азсуне где она предлагает квест искуство управления потоком из новой линейки квестов
Комментарий от Kenalfy
Хочешь полеты в Легионе? Конечно хочешь. Но видишь ли, мы жестокие и отвратительные существа. Мы усложним тебе прохождение до невозможности.
1. Полеты не даются просто так.2. Полеты нельзя просто купить.3. Полеты можно получить только получив достижение.4. Достижение разбито на две части.5. Первое достижение можно получить, только получив почтение у 6 фракций Расколотых островов и еще получив кучу всякой херни.6. Помимо всего прочего, ты должен получить превознесение у шестой фракции, чтобы просто получать у нее квесты для развития сюжета, который нужен для получения достижения.7. Репутацию у шестой фракции фактически можно получить только локальными квестами, и квестами сюжета.8. Квест за локальные задания Кирин-Тора насмехается над тобой, выдавая вдвое меньше репутации именно для Помраченных, чем для кого-то еще.9. Помимо всего прочего, НПС у Помраченных, которые выдают квесты, просто не станут с тобой говорить, если их не накормить древней маной.10. А, ну да, еще тебе потребуется несколько тысяч древней маны, и водить тупых как пробка НПС в специальное подземелье, где они будут дохнуть от каждой мухи (как будто мне живых вагонов не хватает).11. А получив у них превознесение, ты возрадуешься, что не надо будет делать ненавистные локальные квесты... Но мы достанем тебя и тут -Стабилизация положения в Сурамаре
P.S. Если честно, меня немного пугает нынешний подход метелицы к безумному растягиванию времени. Я тут с Лича, но это уже совсем какой-то смурфец.
Комментарий от ded591212
сегодня прокачал до превознесения а квесты не появились у Талисры или их самому искать?
Комментарий от Pryanikpro
Всем привет!Народ подскажите где квесты дальше на сурамаритянина в цитадели лунных стражей? Сделал квест на сбор осколков, потом полетал 50 нпс с гипогрифа убил, а дальше пусто все:( облазил все потратил голды не мерено на ремонт а кв так и не нашел((( И еще квест "Долги фанатика" под куполом нету никого кроме обычных нпс
Комментарий от Pilkuril
Близзард, будьте вы прокляты за это достижение и за Сурамар.
Комментарий от Ilaya
Это было уже отмечено в одном из комментариев, и всё же снова напишу здесь. Чтобы получить задания для цепочки у Талисры, Вальтруа или Окулета, надо сначала утолить их жажду древней маной (50 шт), иначе они не будут давать задания, продавать товары и корректно взаимодействовать.
Комментарий от Isgoi
Что за УЕБАНСКИЕ КВЕСТЫ! Ебанные близы...
Сорь, накипело, теперь легче
Дар древних - Объект - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Tankana
Three statues inside a cave located at 28.35 74.29 in Talador, it's a cave on the outside on the mountain towards the water. There is a path up to the cave from the water.
Turn all the three statues so they face the empty block in the middle and a treasure chest will spawn with a ring in it Перстень-печатка Гес'таала
Комментарий от Vesla
They need to be turned 360 degrees so they face out again, away from the stone slab, like they were when they started.
Комментарий от Mcbirdi
3 ancient statues giving you a ring belonging to a being named Gehs'taal...is this a Final Fantasy 6 reference?
Комментарий от gt86guy
The path that leads up there is at 27.27, 75.88
Комментарий от Munee
Allow me to be the first to post that after clicking each of the three statues twice, so they all faced the altar in the center, the chest spawned, the ring was inside, and the statues became inactive. Not sure why I am the only one so far to walk in with the statues facing out and walk out with them facing in.
On a side note, I believe the name Gehs'taal originated off of some Dutch word origin. I am guessing that perhaps gehs is just an article, like a or the, but if anyone out there can harness the power of The Google and see if there is any actual complete thought in this name, that would be neat. Perhaps taal means "worthless piece of gear" because I entered this cave at level 99. So with an ilvl of 563, this ring did me no good....lol
I crossed out my attempt at sounding semi-intelligent. Gehs is NOT and article and doesn't come from the Dutch. Taal, of course, is someone whose height is above another's height. See? I'm not as think as you dumb I am. I feel sooooo vindicated. Thanks for the correction.
Комментарий от varenne
Here is fast video how you can get Gift of the Ancients: http://youtu.be/IqCeYEL0gKA
Комментарий от Vad13
3 statues on 28,74. Rotate them and you'll get Перстень-печатка Гес'таала
Update: There are some random variants of right rotation, I've seen:
All statues faces to center
All statues faces away from center
Left and center statues faces away from center and right statue has the same direction as central.
Комментарий от Brienna
I sat in this silly cave for 15 minutes spinning these statues around. it finally worked with the two side statues facing away from the center and the back statue facing to the left.
Комментарий от shylee
Upon looting the chest, the statues will become unclickable. However, if you the chest despawns before you get a chance to loot it, you will still be able to click and rotate the statues.
What worked for me the first time was all statues facing away from the center. I took my time and the chest despawned. Then, they spawned the chest again, when I made them all face the center.
Комментарий от jadrianz
When I entered the cave all the statues were facing out from the pad. After rotating them 360* so they were all facing out again, the chest appeared. After looting the chest they all turned to face inward.
Комментарий от Monarran
I spent 5 minutes going through every variation of them. I finally landed on Left Statue facing Left, Center Statue facing Left, and Right Statue facing Right. Almost reminded me of Zelda, lol.
Комментарий от Necropenguin
If you fail to loot the Перстень-печатка Гес'таала before the Дар древних despawns -which does happen very quickly- the Signet Ring will be mailed to you.
Комментарий от kiiabby
If you're coming along the coastline, there are a couple of little boats by the path you need to take.
When I walked into the cave, the statues were all facing out. I turned each one so they faced in, and the treasure appeared. Easy.
Комментарий от JoserraGamin
In this short video you can see how did I get it. I show the cave entrance spot and the process of turning the statues to get Gift of the Ancients that contains Перстень-печатка Гес'таала
Комментарий от Palisis
This objective is probably a Doctor Who reference, particularly the weeping angels from the popular episode "Blink" where the angels become stone when faced with one another. The icing on the cake is that when you complete the objective and box appears glowing in deep blue light--a nod to the Doctor's ship, the TARDIS, which in the same episode was surrounded by the angels.
Комментарий от Kalistomyraid
For sure a nod to the "Warring Triad" of FFVI; the ring, another obvious nod to FFVI and Gestahl, kind of cements the idea that this is what the reference is.
Комментарий от dreamchaos1
pretty sure Ive tried every possible angle, but nah, these statues hate me.
Комментарий от Zidane3838
/way Talador 27.77 75.61 Cave Entrance/way Talador 28.39 74.19 Gift of the Ancients
Either face the statues towards the slab or away from the slab.
Комментарий от Esploratore
If this can be of help, spent a lot of time getting frustrated trying all possible combos, then I got the idea: what if my realm's statues are bugged? I joined a kazzak (world boss, not the realm) group, got transferred to a different realm, statues changed position so that none of them faced the middle, so I turned them all towards the middle and it worked. Seems like sometimes realms might bug the statue, so switching realms you can get a different combo of statues which might work for you.
Комментарий от selkie47
The HandyNotes note read to turn the statues away from the center block so I tried that but to no avail. I then decided to turn them toward the block. That worked.
Комментарий от plokmijn12
Requires level 94 to loot.
Комментарий от Malachi68
As of today 2015-12-12, the statues definitely need to face inward towards the slab. All other advice concerning the number of turns is secondary.
Hope that helps. ;)
Комментарий от ImbaHunter
Gift of the Ancients - https://youtu.be/CNvS5lGA7MQ
Комментарий от dirtycajunrice
I had to face all of my statues to the right (if the opening of the cave is behind you). I am starting to think its random
Комментарий от Xladian
From the entrannce point of veiwe i had the left one turned towards the back of the room while both middle and rightside facing the empty block. This seems very bugged :P
Старый дар - Задание - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Lustral
There is a structure just south of Expedition Armory that looks burned down. On the doorstep of that structure lies the book.
Комментарий от Detonite
Found it at 54,86 on the step of the abandoned building south of the armory.
Комментарий от Hyle
Just a tip: Pick up the "Unyeilding Souls" quest http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10050 along with this quest as you'll likely have to kill some of the undead there to get to this book.
Комментарий от Star
The correct coordinates are 55,87.
Комментарий от Jaegermeister2k
I also found it at 54,86
Комментарий от Sweedishx
The book can be found at (54,86). It is unguarded, and sits upon the steps. Don't miss it, it is easily overlooked.
*54,86 is directly south of the Honor Hold. The house is at the edge of the cliff.
Комментарий от orionshock
Yeah 55.0,86.8 for me
Комментарий от Lauralyn
This book is not in any of the buildings inside the Expedition Armory, but it is outside the south wall still in Expedition Armory territory. Its on the steps of a small burned down building as south as you can get without falling off the edge of the land. If you look at the World Map of Hellfire Penninsula the book can be found between the "M" and the "O" of the word "Armory" on that map. Good luck and have fun!~Tessalyn, nelf hunter - Dragonblight server
Комментарий от mindell
the book is at 55.87 on the stair to a burnd house
Комментарий от Billa
Is there a follow-up to this Q?
Комментарий от Odios
It is a white book located south of the Expedition Armory in a structure with no roof like some in the Expidetion Armory.
Комментарий от Elementalrage
Go south of the armory, book is right on the steps of an old house its sparkling, there are other mobs in that area so i suggest u avoid going through the armory.
Комментарий от Fyurae
The easiest way to get there quickly is to go around to the west of the town walls. You can skirt mobs in the gap between unyielding spawns and boar spawns.
I would suggest taking the aforementioned quest, "Unyielding Souls" (http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10050), and fighting your way though town along the west side on the way back. You can then get the follow-up quest "Looking to the Leadership" (http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10057) and make it back before all of the soldiers re-spawn.
Комментарий от Heritagebound
I've found the best place to fill this quest is is to stay right around Expedition Armory. I completed this quest as a 59 retribution pally in about 45 minutes. Bring plenty of drink/food.
Комментарий от Malornerox
Also, Voidwalkers Gone Wild is close by =) http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=9351
Комментарий от blackrouge
Real easy on my level 58 rogue. All you have to do (for those who aren't sure what the Armory is) is just run down to the messed up village to the south, almost all the way off of the continent. Stealth through it and you'll see a gate. Go through and you'll see one lonely house right on the edge of outlands. On the doorstep, you should see a book. Right click and stealth quickly.
PS. Whatever you do, don't fall off of the edge!! 2g, 91s repair cost, not so fun.
BTW: You don't have to go through the whole thing if you are not a rogue. The armory is almost like a little town. There is a wall covering it, but when you go south, walk AROUND it to the East or West and there are openings in the wall. Be careful when going to the side. There is a wall with some ghosts right on it/near it and a line of ghost patrolling the very outside. If you go in between them youll be fine. I would suggest going on the EAST side.
And come on people! Be smart, don't bypass all of the enemies if you have "Unyielding Souls".
Комментарий от hellfireAsh
The book is on the ground there leaning up against the steps of Expedition Armory building.(##RESPBREAK##)8##DELIM##hatman555##DELIM##
Комментарий от Alencone
You must go south of Expedition Armory throught destroyed wall. Book lies on the doorstep of destroyed house on the edge of Outland.
Комментарий от Bezz
this quest it vary E Z. if u are a druid just go in cat and disappear, u cna also do this as a rogue. a nuther good thing 2 do is to get the quest Unyielding Souls. +, the most important thing for this quest is that it is behind the Expebition Armory, not in it!
Комментарий от semisage
You should know that it is retardedly easy to pull adds in here. I got four adds once, three of them at the same time. There are ghosts walking around that are hard to see. This is a tough quest to do at a low level, at least trying to use the front entrance.
Комментарий от rodc2
Fairly easy quest , its the goasts that get in your way .But if you have the quest Unyielding souls then you do two quests at the same time
Комментарий от sweetem
Комментарий от Biaxident
This quest, along with many others in Honor Hold, becomes available after completing either Ill Omens or Expedition Point.
Комментарий от bottlecap32
since the latest patch (3.0) Outland flying can now be attained at lvl 60 which can make this quest much easier once you can fly
Комментарий от RabbidBunny666
I felt really dumb when i found it, it is laying out in the open on the door steps of an old burned down structure
Комментарий от karate99
Couldn't pick it up for some reason.. :/
Комментарий от TimCanning
Kinda blends in with the front steps of this shed looking building south of the Armory. It is a tiny sized book
Комментарий от GitGudGuides
An Old Gift http://youtu.be/rmxKHaBcy-0
Комментарий от Boxofbeer
An Old Gift http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCHMMcjT9FU
Комментарий от Aurleis1
Video Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdITRufHERc
1. Старый дар• Accept Старый дар from Отец Малгор Девидикус at coords 54.2, 63.4 (1st floor of Honor Hold Inn).• Travel south to Expedition Armory located at coords 51, 60.• Loot the "Таинства Света", on the ground, in front of what appears to be a wrecked house located at coords 55.0, 86.8.• Travel north to Honor Hold Inn located at coords 54.9, 63.6.• Turn in the quest to Отец Малгор Девидикус (coords: 54.2, 63.4).
Комментарий от oozie
Ah - Turalyon was here . . . .
Бремя странника дола - Задание
Комментарий от Toodleoo
Take your seed from the portal and bring it to the center of Shal'Aran to turn in, watch cinematic, profit. =)
Комментарий от Yewfire
Tomtom Macro code for the 9 portal locations in Сурамар needed for Портализация:
Protip: I use Macro Toolkit to avoid having to split macros into smaller parts. There are other addons (ie Paste ) that also allow this.
I used this macro long after I discovered them all on Beta because Suramar's Daily & World quests kept me guessing which portal was closest.
Credit: varenne for coordinates.
Комментарий от Iraye
Quest isn't broken, it's part of the Suramar questline.I did however try and get portal earlier whitch made me belive it was broken aswell at first since I had just succsesfully opened another portal and thought they would all be the same.
Комментарий от TawnieAlice
<The seed sits perfectly atop the stand and sinks in with a satisfying click.> /big smile
Комментарий от Psychotopia
does anyone have the what he and first arcanist thalyssra sat after completing this quest written down becuase it bugged for me and i only got some of the convo
Комментарий от Hetsig
I got confused since i had 1900/2000 max mana and i couldn't figure out which one i had missed. I ran a script to see if i had missed a quest/script for q,i in pairs({=42842,=43988,=43989,=43986,=43987})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))endand it turned out it was Хрупкий силовой кристалл which to my surprise doesn't get into your inventory but it's on the ground.
Комментарий от magpulsexp2
I loved the tips from others about the macros to figure out which parts of the storyline you have finished.I personally use SDM Super Duper Macro for writing verbose macros because im a chatty guy
Here is the one i wrote for The Light Below---snip---/run print(' ')/run print('\124cffffff00The Light Below Chain\124r') /run print('\124cff808080--------------------------------------------------------------------\124r')/run for k, v in pairs({ArcaneCommunion = 40324}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({ScenesFromAMemory = 40325}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({CloakedInMoonShade = 42224}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({BreakingTheSeal = 42225}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({MoonshadeHoldout = 42226}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({IntoTheCrevasse = 42227}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({TheHiddenCity = 42228}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({TheValewalkersBurden = 42230}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run print('\n')---snip---
Комментарий от stickshift
I'm carrying someones seed? I hope the guys at work don't hear about this!
Комментарий от Mondoblasto
There are quotes after the cut scene, part of which is:
Valewalker Farodin says: To care for the arcan'dor is a great burden - one which we now share.
There is a pause, then:
Valewalker Farodin says: Hmph. Arrogant. In time, you will see.
Obviously there is a sentence here that did not trigger, which Farodin then responds to. Without having gone further than this in the quests and narrowing it down to either Thalyssra or Valtrois, the closest logical match in the quotes that Wowhead has logged is:
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: We are masters of the arcane, night elf. I think we can handle a tree.
Can anyone help confirm this? Did it (or not) trigger for you?
Комментарий от daphney
Any idea why she isn't offering this quest? Do i need The Masks We Wear questline? Are there prereqs?
Комментарий от sitecow09
"We are masters of the arcane, night elf. I think we can handle a tree." Her dry delivery of that line got a good laugh out of me.
Комментарий от valencium
how do I accept the quest? where do I go I ve looked every where! plz help!
Комментарий от Trylion
I got the seed and used my hearthstone and it didn't work for some reason. So if anyone has this trouble this is what you need to do.
***If you got the "Valewalker's Burden" quest and get back to Shal'Aran and can't turn in, you DO NOT have to go back into the Falanaar Tunnels to complete. Just go back to the Shattered Locus, where the Temple of Fal'ador is. When you are close the seed will appear over your head, but you have to activate the beacon inside to complete. You will automatically be teleported once you do so.
Sorry for the long winded explanation, but I had to go back in the tunnels a third time and couldn't find where to get the quest or if it was a bug, until I retraced my steps from following when the Queen stole the seed and runs through the tunnels back to the Shattered Locus / Temple of Fal'ador. That is the area where the Army of Withered starts off in case you were wondering.
Once you complete this questline, you will be able to begin Withered Army training.
(see screenshot for exact location) if there is no screenshot see the one posted as it shows where this quest needs to be completed.
Комментарий от woofpuppy
Go back up the stairs to 40.79 14.05 to plant the seed.
Таладор – береговое сокровище – Дар Древних - Задание
Комментарий от dakyras
Talador, path from the sea behind Gul'rok. Look for two small boats.
Комментарий от Tritox
The path leads to a cave with three statues and a pedestal. You need to rotate the statues so that they all face the pedestal; this makes a chest to appear.
I got Перстень-печатка Гес'таала from the chest.
Комментарий от vantu
I cannot seem to get this to work. I am activating each twice to get them to face the middle, but then no chest spawns.
Комментарий от Tulavelir
Entrance to the cave is at 27.8, 75.6.
Turn all three statues until they face AWAY from the center, then the chest will appear. Attaching a screenshot for reference.However, if they are already facing away, turn them all to face the center. Currently (7.3.5), doing the chests is a SUPER fast way to level from 90-100.
Комментарий от Alec22
I did it earlier and you need to face them such as they all turn their backs to each other so right faces right, left one faces left, front one faces forward.
Комментарий от Lenyth
This is totally a reference to Final Fantasy 6, with the three statues, and the ring referencing Emperor Gestahl. It makes me so happy.
Комментарий от xathar
You must turn the statues so that they all face each other. Previously, the quest was bugged and you had to turn the statues to face away from each other.
Комментарий от Madis0n
Just did this puzzle about 10 minutes ago. Faced them out, did not work. Did it again, still did not work. Once I faced them all to the middle the chest appeared. Thanks!
Комментарий от JasperKazai
This still seems to not be working quite as intended. The statues started out with their backs to one another, and I turned them all facing inward. Nothing happened. I then turned them all facing out again (so back to their starting position), and then the chest appeared. When the chest appeared, they all visually snapped to facing the center. I don't think that's how this is intended to go down.
Комментарий от everdrew
To add my experience to the list of confusion, I first turned all the statues facing outward from the center stone, and lightning struck, and out popped the chest. I then tabbed out to come on here and confirm that you did indeed need to turn them facing outwards, and tabbed back over to WoW, only to find the chest had disappeared. This time i turned them all facing inward, towards the center stone, and lo and behold, that made the chest appear as well. It seems as though everyone is having different combinations of the turned statues to make the chest appear, and I'm not sure what the trick is on each one, but if you try it a few different times in different positions, one is bound to make the chest appear. I got Signet Ring of Gehs'taal out of it.
Комментарий от cynderhauster
With mine I had one facing each direction. The one on the left facing the left wall, the one in the middle facing the water and the one on the right facing the right wall. My boyfriend and I both got it this way. Try that one and see if it works.
Комментарий от varenne
Gift of the Ancients: http://youtu.be/IqCeYEL0gKA
Комментарий от Wowzir
My thoughts on Gift of the Ancients:
I had tried all facing
Deciding it might be best to approach it as a three-tumbler lock... try all the permutations, got the chest in a few tries. I was probably just "lucky"...
If you hit all possibilities, one should work, unless there is a reset of some sort - maybe leaving and reentering, maybe one particular combination of positions causes a reset... this could explain the frequent reports of sucess with all facing in/out. Perhaps one of those is a reset and the other is the "solution" with the solution only being POSSIBLE after a RESET.
Assuming there is no reset position involved,with three items and four positions each>>>
1 1 1 11 1 1 21 1 1 31 1 1 4
1 1 2 11 1 2 21 1 2 31 1 2 4
1 1 3 11 1 3 21 1 3 31 1 3 4
1 1 4 11 1 4 21 1 4 31 1 4 4....4 1 1 1...4 4 4 4
Anyone remember their logic class formulae for combinations and permutations?
The "key" is to systematically define and solve so you don't miss the right combination.
So, obviously we could hope there IS a reset since OP's results pretty much prove it is not one single combination of statue positions which solves the puzzle every time.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks, all for sharing your findings!
Комментарий от redrummer
Just completed this yesterday on my second toon in Draenor. One Ally and one Horde have gotten it, neither got it the same way. My Ally toon just turned the statues from looking out to looking in; however, that didn't work for the Horde toon...I then had to turn them back in and the chest appeared. Looks like it's semi-random, sometimes in, sometimes out, possible all facing the same direction (front or back, etc). Just keep trying, it will pop.
Комментарий от Bethania
On Horde today - turned them all in - nothing - so turned them all out and my epic upgrade kicked in giving me an epic version of Signet Ring of Gehs'taal
Комментарий от surii
After reading through a few comments, I tried turning them all facing the middle, and then all facing away from the middle. Worked like a charm. :)
Комментарий от Zinhuju
What worked for me:
I faced all 3 statues facing away from the center. Then moving from left to right (with your back facing the cave opening), rotated each of the statues facing inward. Boom. Chest appeared.
Комментарий от ForestNymph
Cave entrance 27.76 75.60. There are two VERY small boats on the shore at the beginning of the path. Path starts at 27.28 75.84. When I entered the cave, all three statues had their backs turned to the center. When I turned them all to face the center, the treasure chest appeared.
Комментарий от Esploratore
If this can be of help, spent a lot of time getting frustrated trying all possible combos, then I got the idea: what if my realm's statues are bugged? I joined a kazzak (world boss, not the realm) group, got transferred to a different realm, statues changed position so that none of them faced the middle, so I turned them all towards the middle and it worked. Seems like sometimes realms might bug the statue, so switching realms you can get a different combo of statues which might work for you.
Комментарий от Zoiphy
For those without coordinate add ons, the entrance to the cave is along the waterline, immediately south west of where the treasure symbol appears on your map.
Комментарий от messiah77
Can confirm that the statues are turned away from the centre block, so you need to click on them and ensure that all 3 statues are facing inwards.
Аркан'дор, дар древних магов - Задание
Комментарий от sorrowdemonica
Got Broken Isles, Pathfinder, Exalted with the Nightfalled, and Good Suramaritan achievements at the same time. Not sure why Wowhead still shows A Change of Seasons as not in the game yet (unknown), because it's unlocked at 20,000/21,000 Revered with the Nightfallen and has you go around Suramar to kill 5 Sentinels, Block off some grates, and do some surveys, then after that, has you do a special Scenario of the Arcway, and distribute fruit to some NPCs (this quest) and then you complete the achievement along with hitting full exalted with the Nightfallen.
Комментарий от Myzou
It says it gives 200 Rep to Arcane Thirst for the NPCs... but they only have 100 in game. Does that mean after this quest we no longer have to feed them?
Комментарий от Tracber
I'm Exalted and never got this quest
Комментарий от Entilzha2161
This questline requires 1-2k shy short of exated..Finhsing Xavius quest doesn't give the next chain with lower rep, and rge line itself will cap exalted.
Комментарий от data261
anyone know where oculeth ends up after this?
Комментарий от Khalaas
An extremely anticlimactic conclusion to the questline.
Warning: spoiler below.
Lore-wise, the withering is reversible mid-process, and since the fruit theoretically has the same effect as arcwine minus addiction, our questgivers should have become regular Nightborne elves again rather than stay in their nightfallen forms.
Комментарий от Boxofbeer
This is a final quest of Nightfallen history. Pick up three fruits from Arcan'dor tree and give to Главный телемант Окулет, Чародейка Вальтруа and Первая чародейка Талисра. Here we go. But dont cry, if you are, 7.1 patch is about to fall (atm), there'll be new long quest chain about our good friends.
Аркан'дор, дар древних магов — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0JfZr9YsZo
This quest is a part of A Change of Seasons quest chain needed for Добрый сурамаритянин achievement. Full list is under the spoiler
A Change of Seasons quest chain:_
Комментарий от Etuliela
When I received this quest I went to Oculeth in the basement but there was no option to give him the fruit. I finally realised that there were actually *two* versions of him and the one I needed to give the fruit to was on the top level where Thalyssra is, near the entrance.
Комментарий от itisi52
Make sure to give the fruit to Valtrois upstairs. There is a second copy of her downstairs that shows a quest objective in the tooltip but you can't actually complete it there.
Комментарий от marycline
how do you get the quest back f it was abandond?the share food one.
Комментарий от norabu
this is soo annoying that you need 20,000 rep.
Комментарий от twonns2003
is there a way to see where you're at in a quest chain? Like, I have no idea where I'm at in 2 of the Good Suramaritan chains and I would like to finish them so I can fly whenever that happens.
Комментарий от halies
World Of Warcraft Legion Quest Guide : Arcan'dor, Gift of the Ancient Magihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mY58DIHcg8s
Комментарий от LionsMike
I have read all through these posts and they don't help any at all.
I have never been given a quest to go gather any fruit from any tree.
If the game gave me some hint as to where I might find the Arcan'dor tree, I would go there to see if there is fruit on the ground all the time.
It is not quite clear that giving the 3 NPCs (from whom I have purchased buffs every day since I first arrived there) will complete that chapter.
I REALIZE that I am asking someone to cheat, but can someone please tell us where we should search for that tree.
If we knew where the tree was located could we go and pick up the fruit without having the quest first?
Комментарий от Wollebolle
Looking like a crazed person trying to find the tree of arcan'dor? Your pillar inside Shal'Aran at the center has actually turned into the Arcan'dor tree and the fruits are hanging on its tips. They look like blue pears. The fruit is needed to complete Arcan'dor, Gift of the Ancient MagiPick the Fruit of the Arcan'dor and share it with Chief Telemancer Oculeth, Arcanist Valtrois, and First Arcanist Thalyssra.
Комментарий от shortlived1
FREE! I'm finally free! :D Got the Pathfinder after completing all this nonsense. So long crack elves! So long you sh!ddy zone and god forsaken city! I will never be returning! :D
Комментарий от shortlived1
FREE! I'm finally free! :D Got the Pathfinder after completing all this nonsense. So long crack elves! So long you sh!ddy zone and god forsaken city! I will never be returning! :D
Комментарий от Desertcobra
In case you're wondering where the NPCs are to feed the fruit -- they are all on the top floor right where you would normally find Arcanist Thalyssra.
Комментарий от goldienelson93
I am exalted. I have done the dungeons. This quest just will not pop for me....WTH HELP!
Комментарий от smtips
"rgoknot 20 days ago (Patch 7.1.0)So it looks like you have to complete "Opening the Arcway" which is essentially 3 mythic dungeons you will have to queue for under Premade Groups in Group Finder, then this quest opens up."
Is this true? Because I don't see this quest either.
If what rgoknot said is correct, then why are the Opening the Arcway quests not listed as a REQUIREMENT FOR LEGION PATHFINDER by Wowhead?
Edit: I confirmed just now that you do not have to do Mythics, rgoknot is mistaken.
I did confirm also that The Emerald Nightmare: The Stuff of Dreams MUST be done before this quest to make this quest show up. I hope this info helps someone. None of the other Good Suramaritan quest lines really have to be done in order, just follow the quest lines, but these two do. The Arcon'dor quest will not show til you do the Emerald Dream one.
Комментарий от Stalemary
I was able to do this quest - and finish the Good Suramaritan achievement - WITHOUT doing any mythic dungeons. Loners, don't worry, they aren't a prerequisite.
Комментарий от katiekoo3126
If you get stuck during this questline after completing the first 2 quests (from Arcanist Valtrois) like I was, feed mana to Chief Telemancer Oculeth and he'll pop the next quest, Bring Home the Beacon, for you.
Комментарий от sisterbiglips
I am exalted with nightfall, did the Emerald Nightmare, was exalted before doing the Emerald Nightmare, there is no fruit on the tree for change of seasons there are no quest givers for the telanor tidy, change of seasons, statecraft, grading the light bearer so?
Комментарий от slylabs13
According to unlocking flying, you do NOT have to do any mythics!
Комментарий от Nyrva
Why does "A Change of Seasons" link here instead of to the quests for the achievement? WoWhead is useless.
Комментарий от SpakyTwo
To check your status in this chapter
/run for k, v in pairs({change=43502,giving=43562, ephemeral=43563,flow=43564,AllIn=43567,arcandor=43568}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "Done\124r" or "\124cffff0000Need\124r")) end
Комментарий от SpakyTwo
A check to see where you are in the quest chain.
/run for k, v in pairs({change=43502,giving=43562, ephemeral=43563,flow=43564,beacon=43565,AllIn=43567,arcandor=43568}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "Done\124r" or "\124cffff0000Need\124r")) end
Комментарий от Savistik
If you're not getting this quest, in spite of having finished all the other requisites for Добрый сурамаритянин, you need to do all the side quests (not the ones in dungeons, but all the ones down in Suramar City that aren't world quests). Such as:
Охота за координатамиЭфемерный проектор манаштормаAnd others that I'm not sure I remember.
Once those are *all* done, you'll see the quest Ставки сделаны become available. Complete that and this quest comes next. Hope that helps.
Комментарий от valencium
i can t find the quest on the mini map or quest map.Changing seasons , Arcan dor.
Комментарий от shortlived2
FREE! I'm finally free! :D Got the Pathfinder after completing all this nonsense. So long crack elves! So long you sh!ddy zone and god forsaken city! I will never be returning! :D
Комментарий от bipolargirl
If the quests aren't popping up for you feed the npcs ancient mana. They won't give the quests if they're hungry. I spent days researching the quests trying to figure out what I was missing. I tried everything and it just wasn't working. Then I fed the npc mana and it popped up. A couple quests later I was stuck again. No quests available. I fed the other npc mana and a quest popped up. This happened several times for me. Mana was the problem each time. There are 3 npcs to feed downstairs standing together. Oculeth, Thalyssra and Valtrois.
Комментарий от scywow
It is important to note that Valtrois you need to give the Fruit is the one standing on the upper level, not the one below. There were two Valtrois for me.
For some reason, I did not notice she's right behind me and I went down to her usual place and I tried to give her the fruit, but there was no dialogue option to do so.Even logged out and in before realising my mistake.
Комментарий от XboxVillain1
Just completed this quest chain and got the Good Suramaritan achievement while in the low revered status. You no longer need to be close to exalted to take or complete this quest, unless I hit the best bug ever.
Комментарий от Averdynne
Ok - for those of you who are blind like me to the obvious - the Tree IS the tree you're in front of and the fruit is hanging from the tree that all these NPC's are around. Sorry to state what is clearly obvious to most people but I was fuddled by this for days wondering why they wouldn't take the fruit (that I hadn't PICKED - I'm dumb) - anyway, I thought maybe someone else might be missing it, too. The fruit is hanging on that tree - and that is the Arcan'Dor - (I was also thinking that it was something I would have gotten from that little scenario). Hope that helps someone else who is like me.
Дар искателя маны - Предмет
Комментарий от aprielskaya
Один из инчантов, позволяющий собирать дополнительные ресурсы с мобов.
Доступные инчанты:
Дар искателя самоцветов: позволяет собирать Мешочек с найденными самоцветами. Внутри различные камни для ювелиров и осколки. Фракция: Двор ФарондисаТребуемая репутация: почтениеВендор: Веридий Фэллон
Дар собирателя: позволяет собирать Собранные запасы. Внутри различная рыба, трава, в том числе Зверобой Скверны. Фракция: Ткачи СновTребуемая репутация: уважениеВендор: Сильвио Олений Рог
Дар свежевателя туш: позволяет собирать Разделанное мясо. Внутри различная кожа, шкура, чешуя. Фракция: Племена КрутогорьяTребуемая репутация: уважениеВендор: Ранза Серое Перо
Дар собирателя трофеев: позволяет собирать Трофейная броня. Внутри различная руда, может выпасть серый хлам и зеленая шмотка. Фракция: ВаларьярыTребуемая репутация: почтениеВендор: Вальдемар Искатель Бурь
Дар кровавого охотника: позволяет собирать Добыча кровавого охотника. Внутри Кровь СаргерасаФракция: СтражиTребуемая репутация: почтениеВендор: Марин Острое Крыло
Дар искателя маны: позволяет собирать Подсвеченный маной мешок. Внутри Древняя мана, реагенты для наложения чар, попадаются зелья, эликсиры, настои.Фракция: ПомраченныеTребуемая репутация: уважениеВендор: Первая чародейка Талисра
Чары для наплечников - дар мародера: позволяет собирать Трофейную ткань. Внутри Шал'дорайский шелкДелается: Наложение чар Дар мародера. Рецепт по квесту Потускневший блеск
Дар Пустоты: позволяет собирать все выше перечисленные контейнеры.Вендор: Ксур'иос за 50 Любопытная монета
Дар светоносца: позволяет собирать Сокровище Света. Внутри 1-5 Изначальный саргерит.Фракция: Армия СветаTребуемая репутация: почтениеВендор: на Виндикаре Воздаятельница Джаэлаана
Дар непреклонного: позволяет собирать Аргунитовая друза. Внутри немного Дымчатый аргунит.Фракция: Защитники АргусаTребуемая репутация: почтениеВендор: на Виндикаре Тораан Почитаемый
Дар зоолога: позволяет собирать Горка товаров для питомцев. Внутри различные товары для питомцев, в том числе Оберег для питомца и разнообразные Безупречные камни битв.Вендор: Дремус
Дар конструктора: позволяет собирать Зубчатый контейнер. Внутри расходники для инженеров, в том числе Закаленное стекло Скверны.Доступно для инженеров.Рецепт по квесту для инженеров Дар конструктора, после этого продается у Хобарт Дрек
обновлено после выхода 7.3.5
Комментарий от Yell
Относительно дара искателя маны. Счетчик работает только в Сурамаре? Или во всех локах?
Комментарий от Madjestik
Один из топовых собирательных чантов на плечи на мой взгляд
Комментарий от dargos
В Легионе на смену предметам, ускоряющим сбор ресурсов, пришли чары для перчаток. Они создаются инчантерами и требуют для изготовления 1-2 Осколок силового света.Чары для перчаток – археология Легиона - увеличивает скорость раскопок.Чары для перчаток – травничество Легиона - увеличивает скорость сбора травы.Чары для перчаток – горное дело Легиона - увеличивает скорость сбора руды.Чары для перчаток – снятие шкур с созданий Легиона - увеличивает скорость снятия шкур с трупов.
А также предметы для зачаровывания наплечников, позволяющие получать ресурсы еще и за убийство мобов в специальных сумочках:
Дар искателя самоцветов позволяет получать Мешочек с найденными самоцветами, содержащие ювелирные камни необычного и редкого качества, а также Осколок самоцвета.Продается у интенданта Веридий Фэллон фракции Двор Фарондиса после достижения: почтения.
Дар собирателя позволяет получать Собранные запасы. Внутри различная рыба, трава, в том числе Зверобой Скверны.Продается у интенданта Сильвия Олений Рог фракции Ткачи Снов после достижения: уважения.
Дар свежевателя туш позволяет получать Разделанное мясо. Внутри различная кожа, шкура, в том числеПропитанная Скверной шкура.Продается у интенданта Ранза Серое Перо фракции Племена Крутогорья после достижения: уважения.
Дар собирателя трофеев позволяет получать Трофейная броня, Внутри различная руда, может выпасть серый хлам и зеленая экипировка. Продается у интенданта Вальдемар Искатель Бурь фракции Валарьяры после достижения: почтения.
Дар искателя маны позволяет получать Подсвеченный маной мешок, Внутри Древняя мана, реагенты для наложения чар, попадаются зелья, эликсиры, настои.Продается у интенданта Первая чародейка Талисра фракции Помраченные после достижения: уважения.
Дар кровавого охотника позволяет получать Добыча кровавого охотника, Внутри Кровь Саргераса.Продается у интенданта Марин Острое Крыло фракции Стражи после достижения: почтения.
Дар Пустоты(не расходуется) позволяет получать случайный контейнер для выше перечисленных чар.Продается у Ксур'иос за 50 Любопытная монета. Есть информация, что чанты 7.1.5 не учитываются для этой чарки. С патча 7.3.0 становится персональным при использовании(раньше можно было продать обратно).
Обновление 7.1.5 и новая пачка чантов для наплечников:
Дар зоолога позволяет получать Горка товаров для питомцев. Внутри 6-10 Оберег для питомца, а так же другие товары для питомцев, включая Безупречные камни битв для различных семейств питомцев и (коммент. UmNikRazgil).Продается у Дремус в Волшебном зверинце Даларана, репутации не требуется.
Дар конструктора позволяет получать Зубчатый контейнер содержащие оружие, части оружия, расходуемые предметы для инженеров, новые эскизы очков, особый реагент — Закаленное стекло Скверны.Является наградой за инженерный квест Дар конструктора, впоследствии можно купить у торговца Хобарт Дрек.
С выходом патча 7.3.0 нам подвезли новый предмет для ускорения сбора и несколько чар для наплечников.
Кирка крокула - судя по комментариям, действует только для горняков. Не стакается с чарами на перчатках, увы. И внешний вид не добавляется в коллекцию моделей. (коммент. emiliya007). Так же есть сообщения, что он должен лежать в самой первой сумке для активации эффекта. Продается у интенданта Тораан Почитаемый фракции Защитники Аргуса после достижения уважения.
Дар непреклонного - позволяет получать Аргунитовая друза, которая при использовании превращается в Дымчатый аргунит, валюту для покупки токенов на 910+ вещи. Отмечен очень низкий шанс дропа друз.Продается у интенданта Тораан Почитаемый после достижения почтения.
Дар светоносца - позволяет получать Сокровище Света. Внутри Изначальный саргеритПродается у интенданта Воздаятельница Джаэлаана фракции Армия Света после достижения почтения.