Реликвии древних эредаров квест. Реликвии древних эредаров квест world of warcraft legion | youtube to mp3 Converter
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Реликвии древних эредаров. Реликвии древних эредаров квест

Реликвии древних эредаров - Задание


Комментарий от dstmars

Does anyone know what do with this quest? My Champions are all at 900, but i don't see any new xp bar added to their details page.

Комментарий от vrizzt

This quest is not available for me, anyone can help me to know why? i already done the before quest

Комментарий от Talboth

Edit: This may no longer be true. I only know that on my main when Argus first launched, I did not get ANY quests or progression in regards to equipment upgrades until after I did the Seat Of The Triumverate dungeon. Maybe this was because Argus was behind a weekly gated progression when I first did it and now, since Argus is not weekly gated, you can simply soar through. I am only conveying what happened on my main the first week this unlocked.

The equipment upgrades become available only AFTER you have done the Seat Of The Triumverate dungeon.

Alleria will then give you a quest to do a champion quest.

Комментарий от Gobbledegoook

So here's what I have so far for everyone:

I finished the Mac'Ree quest line yesterday on my Hunter, Druid, DK and Priest in that order. Did mythic Seat on all four. Did my DH today. Doing Shammy and Warrior tomorrow probably.

A couple hours ago two missions opened up on my hunter: Relics of Ascendancy Ancestral Arms

Only one showed up on my druid:Armor of the Erodar

Nothing yet for my DK, so one can only conclude that this is strictly time based.

If I were you, I would finish Seat, send your champions on something shorter than 18hrs or so, and new missions should be up for you after that.

Комментарий от Scandalone

When you get to this point in the questline you can "buy" 10 Argussian Reach rep for 900 order resource by buying the new follower(Void-Purged Krokul) and then deleting them from your bag and doing it again.

Might not be worth it for everyone but i was at 500k resources at this point.

Комментарий от Ossz

A random mission called: Armor of the Eredar Комплект доспехов Мак'Ари will pop up in your mission list. This will reward Mac'Aree Armor Set raise follower to 925 Комплект доспехов Мак'Ари will take roughly 2-3 weeks to get all six upgraded. Mission may not appear in your list right away.

Комментарий от Rebdull

This might be a coincidence but I got restless waiting for the mission to pop and thought maybe if I started all of the champion equipment missions it would come up. Sure enough it did. Either you can force it or rnjesus is playing a cruel joke on me.

Комментарий от matt4077

18 hours and not one follower quest for Relics of the Ancient Eredar has appeared. Reputation limits possibly? I'm revered with Army of Light and Honored with The Arg Reach.

Комментарий от matt4077

18 hours and no follower quest have appeared. Reputation gated?

Комментарий от siubosn

Anyone notice yet that the Horde's version only has "Raise 6 champions..." What happened to the "Raise 6 followers..." Part?OH my bad they combine in ur log book LOL

Комментарий от Eighjan

Curious -- does the availability of any Missions to provide these 925 upgrade tokens coincide with a Realm Reset... or a 'fixed time' gate...?

Комментарий от BrightBrown

One disconcerting thing... got one of my champions ugraded to 925, but the quest does not show something like 1/5 like they ususlly do. Even tried turning tracking ON so it appears in my objectives list, same thing. Sloppy work on Blizz part...

Комментарий от hixym

i rly wonderer why my meatball champion was 905 ilvl...

Комментарий от vlaka

oh yay because we didn't have enough time gated progression and content throughout this expansion >.>Now we need to wait what seems to be a weekly reset just to upgrade one follower...

Комментарий от jpptheinsane

Leads to Разгон Темной Стражи

Комментарий от alpanhell

A lot of the answers here are misleading. Once you finish Престол Триумвирата: Венец Познания and you socket the Венец Познания and turn in the quest Velen will walk back to the Navigation Console and only then will Аллерия Ветрокрылая "magically" appear to give out the quest Руины Оранаара. So weirdly you have to wait till Velen walks back.

The mission "Inches from Madness" related to the quest Руины Оранаара will immediately show up in your mission list. Once you finish that mission you turn Руины Оранаара into Аллерия Ветрокрылая and you will get this quest.

Once you get this quest the associated missions will appear for your followers. I've never had them appear right away, like all the missions they will use rng and appear randomly. So you just have to wait for them.

Just an fyi that the quest after this is Разгон Темной Стражи which should cause the associated mission to pop up immediately.

Комментарий от Lexi1834

Completed Approx 6 hours prior to this post. Seemed to get around 1 925 armor token per day.

Leads to Разгон Темной Стражи/shadowguard-dispersion

Which leads to Палки в колеса военной машины Легиона (Requires you to be on the Antoran Waste's version of The Vincidcaar to start the quest for some reason.)

Both follow-up quests require the completion of a class hall mission rewarding an epic AP token.

I believe the next step will be upgrading 6 followers to 950 using epic tokens, and should unlock the epic (and legendary?) follower items added with 7.3

Комментарий от Mimsy

It's Tuesday, 9/19/2017, and I have not yet received a single instance of the class hall mission to get an upgrade, despite having the quest for a week now. I've been looking multiple times a day, and nothing has spawned yet. Has anyone else encountered this?

Комментарий от fireoasis

This helped me. Go to your mission log and complete any and all 'rare' missions you have. Even if you do not plan to do the quest/raid/whatever. Once the rares are gone new ones cycle in. I did this and got the missions immed. Good luck!

Комментарий от Gyrospark

Here is a list of quests in chronological order and rewards/unlocks related to your order hall for 7.3 (does not include AP rewards)Prerequisite quest Пылающее сердце (This prerequisite quest also unlocks Локальные задания в Крокууне and Локальные задания в пустошах Анторуса)

Комментарий от grafspe806

Is the only way to upgrade followers by getting some tokens from a rare mission ?

Комментарий от Taoma

Leads to Перехват инициативы :(

Комментарий от Lusaki

If you should have problems to hand in the quest, like i had.... Make sure that the Vindicaar is over Mac Aree, otherwise Alleria is just ignoring you :)

Комментарий от Lavandra

It appears that, in order to get one of the 925 upgrade quests for your followers, you must first complete another follower quest called "Ancestral Arms." This is NOT a 925 upgrade but rather you obtain yet another kind of follower token for improvement in their questing tasks. I didn't do the Ancestral Arms quest the first couple of days it showed up in the log and then decided it might be a bread crumb to the 925 upgrade. This has been the case on two of my girls so far. Even if you don't want the follower improvement token, try completing Ancestral Arms and see if that doesn't open up one of the various 925 upgrade events.

Комментарий от Eillesthis

Previous: Руины ОранаараNext: Разгон Темной Стражи

Комментарий от ThreePipes

As of 20 mins ago, all 7 of my followers are now 925, and still I have not yet seen the quest Relics of the Ancient Eredar. Two of my other characters got the quest first then the gear, then turned in the quest. But this one, has never seen the quest, so never abandoned it or anything like that. All 3 have done the same things as far as initial requirements.

Комментарий от Tequima

Is there a way to find out if you have done this quest or not? I usually go through doing quests in alt-order, but because this chain is so long I may have missed a step on my mage. I can't see any quests on any of the three Vindicar's. It has been over a week since I cleared her quest log (bar one Kara quest, a First Aid quest and the weekly invasion point/Argunite quests) and still no 925 missions.Edit: I resorted to travelling down to Mac'Aree and noticed a quest on the map (part hidden by the Star marking a rare), for Длинная тень. No idea why I missed it, probably an IRL interrupt! So if like me there's no ship quests and you aren't sure, travel down to check there's not a quest on the map anywhere.

Комментарий от mindaz3

It seems lots of people doing a mistake by waiting a day or two thinking they will get a mission for armor upgrade. The thing is, Argus missions refreshes every 6 hours of your last login. So, in order to maximize your chances of getting the mission you want, you need to login every 6 hours if possible to trigger a mission reset and roll on a new mission list.


Реликвии древних эредаров квест world of warcraft legion

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Древние реликвии - Задание - World of Warcraft

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Похищение Реликвии Древних » Квесты » Лига Героев » Цитадель

категория: 4 уровень и выше

автор: suffering, 2008-04-17 (правка: 2016-05-05, lg:Росомаха) (комментарии)

Квест берем в Столице, на третьем этаже Мерии.

1. Идем в замок Паладинов в Церквушку (в покои монахов). Разговариваем с Делэйния, она вас просит сходить к её другу Ксону, что в порту.

2. Идем в Порт на рынок, ищем Ксона, разговариваем с ним. Он вас попросит принести клык Алекса, - Вампира, что обитает в Склепе, который находится в руинах.

3. Идем в руины. (Откройте карту). Доходите до Склепа, убиваете Вампира и забираете его клык.

4. Идем в порт. Отдаем зуб торговцу Ксону. Он дает вам одну из частей карты и говорит, где найти остальные.

5. Идем в Лагденойский Лес, там есть квестовая локация, находим один из кусочков карты.

6. Идем в Долину Магов, там на чердаке отгадываем загадки волшебника Мэрлина и забираем третий кусочек карты. (Советую, когда угадывать будете, жать на первый вариант, с трех попыток явно угадаете.)

7. Теперь нам пора в Башню Хаоса, навестить Дракона. Не советую с ним драться, а просто поговорить по душам. Уж легче его усыпить, с помощью зелья и завалить сонным.

8. Идем в Ведьмины Топи к колдунье. Берем рецепт и идем собирать компоненты его. Перечень компонентов:

Возращаемся снова в Топи, отдаем компоненты, ждем когда сварится зелье, забираем его и отправляемся в Башню Хаоса.

10. Убиваем Дракона. Здесь же в Башне Хаоса заходим в локацию обыскать сокровища дракона. Находим браслет. Смотрим на камень, отодвигаем его... Находим девушку.

11. Идем в Топи. Опять собираем компоненты на новое зелье:

Собрали, отнесли в Топи. Теперь надо вернуть Бирюзу в монастырь. Если кто не помнит, он находится в Церквушке, что на территории Замка Паладинов.

12. Потом отнесем браслет Котану, в Столицу, на третий этаж Мерии, он дефект конечно заметит, поэтому прийдется ремонтировать. Это можно сделать, найдя:

Не помню где, в Кузнице наверное это все делают.

Память уже подводит.

13. Относим отремонтированный браслет Котану и получаем награду.

