Эликсир стремительного разума. Эликсир древнего разума
Эликсир стремительного разума - Предмет
Комментарий от zmuci
Looking at this item, it will be tradable or sellable. Interesting.
Комментарий от Soeroah
I was invested enough when I thought it was just to level 84. Level 99 is pretty high! I wonder if it'll still be obtainable next expansion, or if it will be lost when Garrisons become redundant?
Комментарий от Voxxel
Because of it's short duration the best use may be right before handing in all 25 quests that you collected before.
For non-rested characters, additional bonus can be received by using Подношение Прародительнице воронов and other rested XP extending items before using this elixir.
Комментарий от Dogey
New Garrisons Missions
Эликсир стремительного разума Missions Elixir of the Rapid Mind
Item Tradable or Sellable Interesting
Комментарий от Bawkasaur
I obtained this item today from a rare Garrison Mission and it cannot be mailed to another server. So it isn't BoA. Little frustrating, I got excited because i'm leveling an alt on another server and I can't use this on them. :/
Комментарий от sunogad
Received Today, it is trade-able however it is consumed when used.
I used it on my level 93 toon and did 2 bonus objectives in Gorgrond before it expired and including the killing of the quest objectives I got 750k xp while rested and using the Лишнее зелье ускоренного обучения.
Комментарий от casonator
A 15min version of Эликсир древнего знания, but is sellable.
Комментарий от Heenicks
Do both XP boosting flasks work together? I tested this.
Эликсир стремительного разума + Эликсир древнего знания
Level 60 Goblin Hunter, full rested XP, no heirlooms, killing Голодный зловепрь
198xp with neither potion792xp with just Эликсир древнего знания (198 + (198 x 3))1386xp with both Эликсир стремительного разума and Эликсир древнего знания (198 + (198 x 3) + (198 x 3))
Based on this test...Yes, both boost XP when used together.Both buffs work at the same time, but don't boost each other.The XP you get is twice as much as using one potion, not 300% of the first potion's boost.XP + (XP x 3) + (XP x 3)
Other Notes:Both potions are consumed on use.While Эликсир древнего знания is account bound and can be mailed across servers or factions, Эликсир стремительного разума is not BoA and therefore cannot be mailed across servers or factions.Because Эликсир стремительного разума is not bound at all, you can put it up on the AH and make a good profit.
Edit: A friend just used Эликсир стремительного разума, and then died, and he still had 13 minutes of the buff left when he got back to the instance, so I believe it persists through death.
Hope this helps.
Комментарий от epicdeath
Consumed on use
Комментарий от Thrallscream
A marvelously painless way to level alts thanks to this potion. As other people have mentioned, the optimal use for this potion is to do as many Bonus Objectives (BO's) as you can. DO NOT COMPLETE THE OBJECTIVE. Instead, leave one last mob or item so you can come back and finish it ASAP.
The best level I found to start is roughly 96 to 97. With a little planning, you can zap your way to 100 in 15 minutes, on one potion if you're fast enough.
Things to maximize XP gain:
- Wear your heirlooms. Even if you don't have the proper set (Warrior, wearing cloth etc). You'll easily be able to kill anything anyway so it's not a big deal.
- Pop an Лишнее зелье ускоренного обучения
- Be rested if possible.
- Spires of Arakk - Choose Tavern for 20% XP boost
- Complete as many quests in outposts as possible. Typically when taking flights between Bonus Objectives you'll no doubt be landing in or leaving an outpost. What I did was complete as many quests as possible in Beastwatch and Voljin's Pride (You get 3 big group quests that are worth alot) so when I finished up in Gorgrond, I'd fly to Voljins Pride, turn in quests, finish BO's, fly to and finish Talador BO's and haul ass to Axefall and knock out the Mire BO and Sabermane BO. By the time I turned in everything I went from early 96 to 99 and 7 bubbles. Started one more BO in Nagrand and dinged 100 before finishing.
All this assumes you haven't done ANY BO's up to 96ish. Your mileage may vary depending on how fast you travel, who you kill, how many quests you turn in during travel time, how many XP boosting perks you have and what route you take.
Final advice. Do a trial run before you pop the potion so you can time it exactly and don't get stuck or dazed by MOBS. Seconds matter. I barely made the last BO because I got dazed riding to it.
Good luck!
UPDATE: On my second run with two potions and 30 minutes, I went from 92 to 100 using a two potion strategy. Obviously this doesn't count the time it takes to get BO's all set up for completion and opening outposts in Gorgrond and Spires. Tack on an additional 2 hours for that. Overall I'd say it took 4 hours to go from 90 to 100 on two potions using this strategy. Not bad. So that's 90 to 95 including initial Garrison Quest up to BIGGER IS BETTER. BO set up in FFR and Gorgrond Outpost Unlock, finish on potion 1. Repeat BO setup for Talador and Spires on potion 2. Again your mileage may vary. I get distracted easily though, so someone with the focus of a samurai might be able to do all this in half the time.
If you for some reason don't ding 100, the Nagrand BO's will throw you over easily.
Комментарий от Gormadok
to be honest - item for noobs. long long time ago, you had to exp your way to max lvl. today blizz is doing everything to save time for lazy noobz. i exped 5 100s without heirlooms and now im trying to exp 2 more just to come back to those bright days when everything wasnt under your nose. to reach 100 from 90 you dont need help - its a tutorial game without any sideways - just go here, take all quests, do them, move there. blizzard destroyed this games.
Комментарий от tcoe
Can someone give a little better description for these.Like how much Arch do you have to do for the mission to unlock or what not ?Any information on getting them other then the Auction house :)
Комментарий от TheManCalledZee
The kind of item that sits in your bag/bank forever, while you plot and plan the perfect time and manner in which you can use it.
Комментарий от grouchyy
Before I go and buy a bunch to level an alt, are these able to be mailed cross-server?
Комментарий от excoriate
THIS IS 1-TIME USABLE. Be careful if you buy it. I know some people have made same mistake.
Doesn't matter if you're noob or veteran. Unfortunally you couldn't know this because TOOLTIPS are BAD as not all elixirs in this game are 1-time usable.
Personally I would avoid this at all cost and recommend multiboxing with raf instead. 8k is too much for 15minutes.
1-85 = raf + 40 granted lvls and 85-100 level with 200 rested xp.
Raf = 7 euros when discount. last 30 days instead 15minutes and on all chars.
Комментарий от Ulsaki
Stacks with the Recruit a Friend (RAF) bonus experience, providing you meet all requirements.
Combined, it means a rather obscene level of experience.
Комментарий от Stormeey
i haven't seen here in any posting whether the buff applies to the exp gains from picking up treasures. Because rested, heirlooms, the elixir + potion + soon flying to the previously prepped BO as stated earlier + buff to exp gains from treasures (soon easier to get with flying) sounds pretty yummy to me.
Anyone know if the buff applies to the exp gain from picking up treasures ?
Комментарий от Darkestdion
I can confirm the buff persists through death, unlike the Эликсир древнего знания buff.
Комментарий от kirrud92
I'm curious... Is it possible to get multiples of this mission on one character? Or is it like the Halanni War/Research Token one that's once you get/complete it it's gone?
Got my first one today and since its consumed on use I want to know if I can just wait it out to get a chance at another, plus even with 3 675 people it's only an 81% chance (which I'm sure will go through but I dislike trying anything lower)
I appreciate any info given <3
Комментарий от Photekz
I totally recommend doing Gorgrond to max the experience gain of this potion. Once you hit 92 head over to Gorgrond pop a Garrison exp potion, choose the Sparring Arena and follow this comment to loot as many quest items as possible on each use of the Garrison Ability (Честь героя). Do the Main and the Sparring Arena chain-quests until you are sent back to Beastwatch, kill the special elite mobs along the way for Охотник на монстров Горгронда and also work on each Bonus Objective leaving only 1 kill to finish each one Перевыполнение плана. Queue for a Random Dungeon and use the potions seconds before the last boss dies then run around finishing the Bonus Objectives and hearthing back to Beastwatch to finish every quest.
If you follow this you will hit 100 even without rested.
PS: don't forget to wear your heirlooms!
Комментарий от excoriate
This is 1-time usable. Be careful if you buy it. I know some people have made same mistake.
Doesn't matter if you're noob or veteran for not knowing this. Not every elixir in game is 1-time usable. Wish there were more accurate info in tooltip.
Комментарий от Phaethor
Best used if you can turn in several completed quests at once. Bonus objectives award big xp with buff. So find some that are clustered together and do most of each objective without actually completing. Then pop xp potions and run through and complete all the partially completed objectives. (Untested). Another idea is to gather as many of the elite big monster kills that drop the quest (can't remember what it's called) and turn them all in with the buff.
Комментарий от Phaethor
This will be crazy once we can fly.
Комментарий от Blackbeardswe
Gonna use one at 99 for scientific reasons.
works when lvl 99, you get around 350 000 XP for each Bonus Objective with looms and 20%xp garrison flask.
Комментарий от Malachi256
This works with EXP missions. Probably not as efficient as doing bonus objectives, quest batches, or treasures as others have stated, but it's pretty low maintenance - just log in, complete/queue-up missions, log out.
Комментарий от madseasonshow
In terms of leveling from 90-100, I made a little guide on how to use these as effectively as you can.
With the recent addition to flying in draenor, you can level from 90-100 really quickly using only 3 of these if you have a few things. You can go through 3 zones(Долина Призрачной Луны, Горгронд, Пики Арака) and complete bonus objectives/grab treasures for some insane xp. For this method you will require:
So, basically what you need to is pretty straightforward. Go to each of these zones(Долина Призрачной Луны -> Горгронд -> Пики Арака) and complete every bonus objective up to 1 kill or item pickup. After you do that, pop your xp pots and get as many treasures/bonus objectives as you can within 15 minutes(duration of the elixir of the rapid mind). I made routes of each zone that grab every bonus objective and all of the easy treasures, taking special care to avoid treasures that are deep within caves or heavily guarded because they would slow you down too much.
You can find the routes here (dem MS paint skills!)
A special note for all of you Hordies out there: You wont get bonus objectives for Shadowmoon Valley since it's an Alliance zone. So, before you start the route, complete every bonus objective(3) in Хребет Ледяного Огня up to 1 kill and set your hearth to Wor'gol. Follow the route for shadowmoon valley and grab all of the treasures. As soon as you grab the last one, hearth to Wor'gol and finish up those bonus objectives. I have a small route for Frostfire Ridge in the link above for you to use.
As I said, going through just these 3 zones is more than enough to get you to 100. I've leveled a few characters this way and I usually hit 100 about halfway through the spires of arak route, so it also has some cushioning if you mess up with your potions at some point. If you have some extra gold to drop, you can buy 2 elixirs of the rapid mind for each zone if you don't want to speed run it. It is possible to do all if these routes in one potion, however.(with Spires of Arak being the longest)
Factoring the time it takes to run each zone(SMV = 12 minutes, Gorgrond = 10, Arak = 15) and combining it with the time it takes to clear the bonus objectives up to one kill, travel, etc, you can go from 90-100 in around 2 hours.(give or take)
I also made a video version of the guide if you want to see the routes in action.
If you have any corrections/optimizations let me know. I'm sure these routes aren't 100% perfect and any feedback is appreciated.
Edit: I also made a wowhead guide that goes into a little more detail. You can find it here.
Hope you found it helpful! Good luck! :D
Комментарий от stickshift
Save these bad boys now for your Demon Hunter coming in the (probable) late 2016 expansion unless you plan on coughing up $60.00 for a Level 90 Boost.
With about twenty or thirty of em you should hit 100 in a day or two.
Комментарий от Telar
I created a Video Guide for a speed leveling, 94 – 100 in 11 min:
(This Videos are in german, but maybe it can help you nevertheless)
Комментарий от Ashton
I'd rather make sure than buy this and have no use for it other than a hopeful resale, but can this be mailed across faction?
Комментарий от Fose
My brother and I finished Frostfire ridge and immediately went into Gorgrond with 1 Elixir of the rapid mind and 1
garrison xp pot, we went from level 93 to 99 in under 10minutes! the set up is the hard part.
First you complete as many quests as possible (we had 14) without having the monster hunter quests, then ofc you get the 8 monsters
quests and complete all bonus objectives except leave 1 mob or object that needs collecting/destroying, now these
steps have all been mentioned before but what we added was we queued for a dungeon and drank the elixir and
potion right before the final boss had died (got Iron Docks and it gave us about 350k xp with no looms) then we
focused on doing the objectives first then handed in the quests and reached level 98 with 6-7 minutes left on the elixir
which we then used to collect treasures and managed to get 1 bonus objective in Talador.
Happy leveling, it was probably the most exciting and tense leveling experience I've ever had! (I posted this in the guide comments but thought i'd better share this here) we had no heirlooms as well!
Комментарий от majabitan
It should be noted that if you are poor in game and out of game with no way to buy these things... there is an easy way to level up from 90-100 without being lagged down by quests and the like. As long as you have flying, just fly around collecting all the treasures in the zones. Collecting 90ish% of treasures in each zone will get you from 90-100, and it is very doable in a day (whatever you play in a 24 hour period, not 24 hours play time).
Комментарий от Souwx
As it hasn't been mentioned yet, the "Smells faintly of lavender." caption is a reference to Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher.
Комментарий от OreoLover
Maximizing XP Elixirs (Ancient Knowledge + Rapid Mind) - MIGHT BE DEAD
Using this Elixir, pet battling and Эликсир древнего знания, you can blast through levels
Takes ~4 for 1-90 this way, ~3 for 90-100 following another guide
Комментарий от jlrf1963
Consumed on use. Choose well yours 15 min increased XP.
Комментарий от 95alle95
This elixir do stack if you drink 2 at the same time, got over 400k experience from one bonus objective!
Комментарий от devoile
So, does anyone know what exactly triggers this mission, granting the elixir as a reward? I have this mission pop on two of my toons ALL the time, have gotten several fairly regularly, but on other toons, I have never seen it, not even once. I know there is something that differentiates them, but I can't figure it out.
Комментарий от potrock
Turns out an accident of mine caused me to power through all of pandaria in about 10 minutes, the potions stack with themselves, and the dread wastes BoA treasures gave almost half a level with 2 of these babies
Комментарий от Dragonarcher
Hello everyone!
A few months back i used to buy these potions to make alot of new mages on the other server merged with my current main one, these potions cost roughly 4500-5000 gold each at that time, same with the Medallion of the legion.
Since the new Winter Veil quest that can bring you this, medallion, frozen arm and minion of grumpus, everyone has been getting these items and the market has been broken for a time now and will most likely continue until the event is over.
In my server, so far i have bought around 34x Potions for a price of 18500 Gold, if i would have bought these back when i leveled it would be 100k+, so if you are planning to level new characters, buying these now might be a cheap and good idea if you do not have alot of gold, or if you want to make some gold (like myself)
I am currently saving all the elixirs i buy from the house (1000-1500 g each) and the ones i get myself until after the event to profit from them.
When it comes to the medallion of the legion, they are often going for 1500-2200 and i buy them super fast to earn a little buck the same day (often twice that amount)
Frozen arm lands somewhere on 200-500 Gold, and can be sold for a bit higher.
Might get loads of downvotes because of this, really dont care tho since id thought i share how i am currently making my gold and thought that others would want to know.
Thank you
Комментарий от champkung
Does this works on a level 99 char? (from 99 on the way to 100 that is)
Комментарий от Asmantur
You can use more than one ! Just confirmed today when i hit 100 in 30 minutes. The thing is you gotta buy 2 of them because they consume on use!
Комментарий от Malfious
You cannot use more than 1 elixir as they go on a 10m cooldown, using it again after 10m will just refresh it, wasting those last 5 mins
Комментарий от txgadget
since i reached level 100 this item dosn't seem to show up inmissions im at 695 armor and have 25 level 675 followers
Комментарий от Telar
Hey Guys,
i wanna show you how to get over 2300 % EP Boni.
6150 EP - 100 % normal9532 EP - 155 % full Gear (+ 2 Rings)18450 EP - 300 % RAF 28598 EP - 465 % RAF + GEAR (300 % from 9532 EP)
46432 EP - 755 % full Gear + 2x 300 % Flask139298 EP - 2265 % full Gear + 2x 300 % Falsk + RAF Boni
Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpVgtRMrCqg(This Videos are in german, but maybe it can help you nevertheless)
Комментарий от Telar
i wanna show you how to level from 1 - 90 in 48 min with both 300 % flask + RAF + EP-GEAR
Video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKnMqrYi5XE(This Videos are in german, but maybe it can help you nevertheless)
Комментарий от necrosaro123
How should i use this elixir?
Here is how:
1- Get a friend (or your own alt from another account) that is at least lvl 152- Take your friend with you (2 seats flying mount) to the dungeon3- Get the two of you inside the dungeon4- Make your friend drink the elixir (doing dungeon quests is optional)5- Ask him to log off6- Pull all the adds of the dungeon and go to the last boss of the dungeon7- Ask your friend to log in8- AOE adds and last boss, Kill Them All!9- Get out of the dungeon, reset it and get inside again10- Repeat until the elixir wears off or your friend is high enough21- Move to another dungeon and do the same thing again.
Try to be smart with the time left on the potion, you can get tons from those 15min, so try doing dungeons that are close to each other, for example: Auchindoun dungeons, 4 dungeons in the same place in BC.
Комментарий от JustBecause
I got one of these on a level 42 toon. I went to darkmoon faire with all the turn in quest items (egg, grimmore, ect) I drank the potion and turned in all the quest (there is about 10 of them) plus the profession quest and leveled 4 levels in 10 minutes. I plan on doing this every month. It's crazy easy.
Комментарий от Hush564
I got this as a drop from a low lvl dungeon? Not really sure when I picked it up but it was in my bags and I've only ran dungeon finder :/
Комментарий от bhob
Good news is that these did not change on the beta.
Комментарий от bonecoll
If this elixir have big price on your realm or you do not want to spend on them too much gold, you can buy one and level up from 92 to 100 for about one hour.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLhOZ16FAXQ
Комментарий от linny
Just so you know these are NOT reusable. They CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE. So, after it expires you have to have more potions in your bag. Total waste of gold. They go for 6,000 gold on my realm. I got two (one for myself and one for a family member who plays) thinking, at that price (and from the description that says 10 min cooldown) that, after 10 mins, I can click it again to refresh it. But, once you drink it its gone. We were going to use it while questing but only got one quest done before it was gone and wasted all that gold on my alt.
Комментарий от anselmoo
As a non beta player, I'm just checking but I assume there's no way of funnelling one of these to a DH in the starter area to get a quicker level to 100 doing that? I literally have no use for this otherwise now as I don't want any more alts having one of each class.
Комментарий от tiggerbox29
Can anyone confirm these still drop from the Garrison missions? I havent seen one drop from my many alts since 7.0 and iam hoping blizzard hasnt removed them like they have removed alot of other useful stuff.
Комментарий от alabastor29x
This item will be upgraded to level 109 in legion?
Комментарий от Tenjen
August 2016. The pre-expansion Legion event is the best time to use it. The event gives tons of xp for each stage. If you use this, it gives you 235k Xp a pop and 320k xp for the final stage. Just stand in a building nice and safe and it still count. Save these for the later weeks when they start ramping up and occur constantly because you will level up like MAD.
Комментарий от GordonBuchat
The Elixir of the Rapid Mind showed up today 9/12/16 on Khaz-Modan/Azjol-Nerub's Black Market Auction House (BMAH).
It currently has a bid of 1337g, so perhaps the starting price was 1000g.
It does NOT appear that this item has been updated for Legion, as the tooltip reads: "Increases experience gain by 300% for 15 min. Does not work for players above level 99."
If the tooltip is correct and the item is not updated for Legion, you wouldn't be able to use it at level 100 and above, which means not being able to use it for running through Legion content.
Комментарий от Dragonarcher
Комментарий от Dragonarcher
About one week ago, i decided that i wanted to try n lvl a new mage with my friend (him being a tank) fast que and so on with rapid potions.
I spent a considerable amount of money buying 8 potions for me and 8 potions for him.
Everytime the both of us had about twenty seconds remaining of our potions, and we were just about to head for a new boss, we refilled the buff with another 15m potion, boss died and the buff suddenly vanished.
Talked to a game master about this issue, did a bug report, since both of us lost around 4x potions each (we timed it sometimes to not use it b4 a new boss, but in time we forgot about it and kept doing the same thing)
Today i bought a bunch for myself to level a new mage (yes i like mages alot) and i was in the nexus, had about 10 seconds remaining, while we were running for the giant stone boss (just b4 the last boss) so i thought to myself, i want that extra xp from the boss, so ill just use a potion now (15m buff shows up in the corner) boss dies, and it vanishes once again, me standing there with a cooldown on the rapid potion, and no buff to be seen.
Комментарий от EmpressMuerte
ALERT: Sept 2016: New location to purchase this item @ only 551 gold!
You can now purchase this wonderful item for only 551 gold & you can send it to your less-than-level-99 alts to get them leveled in the same faction on the same realm as your toon that buys it. **Plan well** Find Madam Goya @ the Black Market Auction House in the Underbelly section of the (Legion) Dalaran sewer, Tom-Tom coordinates 71.0, 19.2. Happy leveling!
Комментарий от Xinay
These have jumped to 15k~ on my server.Regret selling for 6k.
Комментарий от Morphling1981
These have reached the status of "kind of hard to acquire". It is semi-confirmed that the garrison mission is gone, I have seen nothing to confirm they still drop anywhere else. If you are sitting on some you can get a premium. If somehow they are still plentiful on your server, buy, Buy, BUY! They are finite now if you don't count the BMAH. If I am wrong, please correct me!
Комментарий от kabookiejoe
Response I got from a GM regarding these and garrison mission tableGame Master Rhikalos here to assist! I appreciate you taking the time to seek me out and I do apologize for any delays in my response.
I see you were after some of the Elixir's of the Rapid Mind but haven't had much luck on being able to track any down. I have ran through to see if I could find more details on this particular item but so far I'm afraid I haven't found any confirmation if this was removed or if this was possibly a bug.
At the very least I was able to get this reported to our QA team to investigate if this is a bug that needs to get addressed but that aside not much else we'd be able to do if the item does happened to be removed or limited to places like the BMAH.
Комментарий от beeru67
Saw it on the BMAH a few nights ago. Guess its been removed from the garrison table.
Комментарий от lalkzo
Can Savage Gift still drop these?
Комментарий от arunwlh
As 7.1.0 savage gifts from the draenor winter veil dailies can drop this
Комментарий от Kriskros
These are now in limited supply and cannot be obtained ingame at time of writing
. Although the AH has been flooded with the ones people received from Christmas boxes, hold for a month or two and they will be worth upwards of 25k
Jan 2017
Комментарий от davidgabriel
I just went from level 92 to 100 with Эликсир стремительного разума. If you are looking for a guide to use this elixir and follow here it is -
1.) What I did was got to lvl 92 then did all of Frostfire Ridge and Gorgrond bonus objectives except for 1 mob in each objective.
2.) Next I set my hearth to "Keeper" the rat in Gorgrond and went to the first bonus objective in Frostfire Ridge on the far left side.
3.) Then I qued for a random dungeon and when the last boss was almost dead I popped my elixir (my garrison exp potion was active as well) and got bonus xp from dungeon.
4.) When I got out of the dungeon I went right into the bonus objective and then used garrison hearthstone.
5.) Then I proceeded to the next two in Frostfire Ridge and hearthed to "Keeper" the rat in Gorgrond.
6.) I did the rest in Gorgrond and even turned the pet battle daily I set up along the way down to the last bonus objective.
7.) At this point I was lvl 99 and had 8 minutes left on my elixir.
8.) I took advantage of this last 8 minutes and went to Talador and did the Logging objective and Kuuro objective - that got me to lvl 100.
I did all of this with 1 elixir. When WOD was current you would have to use 2 elixirs to get to 100. Now it seems that is not the case. I know there are a lot of guides and people do this different ways but this recently worked for me and is current as of the time of this post and detailed so you can follow it. If you do this you will go from 92-100. You have to start at 92 so Gorgrond and Frostfire objectives are both unlocked. ENJOY!
Комментарий от silentlyfree
Went from 92 to 100 using one elixir but without queing for dungeon.
<Elixir/Pots>1 Elixir of the Rapid Mind2 Excess Potion of Accelerated Learning
<Heirlooms>HelmShouldersForgot to equip CloakChestLegsRing (if you don't have ring, cloak has same %)
<Etc> - Fully rested - 310% flying speed - Hearth set at Beaker's Crown in Gorgrond
At level 90 I started with the garrison quest and followed the questline throughout Frostfire RidgeThis list came in handy when tracking the storyline: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Frostfire_Ridge_storyline#Defense_of_Wor.27golBy the time I set up all the quests I was halfway through level 92.
<Quests in Frostfire Ridge that I saved to turn in with Elixir>Articles of the Fallen (13.8k)Karg Unchained (13.8k) - NOTE: don't need to fly down to Grom'Gar to turn in. Before turning in Battle of Thunder Pass an NPC should appear on the ground.Shivertail's Den (13.8k)The Cure (13.8k)The Warlord's Guard (13.8k)Wanted: Gutsmash the Destroyer (20.7k)Young Hearts (13.8k)A Proper Parting (13.9k)Frosted Fury (13.9k)Gut Guttra (13.9k)Lurkers (13.9k)Poulticide (13.9k)The Battle of Thunder Pass (125.7k) << Big XP
<Bonus Objectives turned in with Elixir>Forbidden Glacier (69.1k)Frostbite Hollow (69.8k)Grimfrost Hill (69.8k) Tailthrasher Basin (70.5k)Ruins of the First Bastion (70.5k)The Forgotton Caves (70.5k)Mistcreep Mire (69.8k)Iyun Weald (69.8k)Valley of Destruction (70.5k)
Route: Started Northwest of Bladespire Citadel. Popped Elixir of Rapid Mind and Accelerated learning potion and turned in quests. Flew to Bladespire Citadel to turn those in. Flew to Worgol, then diagonally up. Turned in quests at Darkspear's Edge FP, then went up to the northernmost Bonus Obj. Flew south to Grimfrost Hill and turned in there, and while flying to Wolf's Stand turned in Karg Unchained since the NPC follows you around so you can turn in. Hearthed as soon as I turned in Battle of Thunder Pass which hearthed me to Breaker's Crown in Gorgrond. Finished bonus objectives right next to it, then the Iyun Weald. Then pretty much finished the bonus objectives on the way south.
By then I was mostly through level 99. I sat at: 503,594/651,000.The elixir ran out before I finished Morgran Logworks (71.9k) in Talador, but when I finished it with the Accelerated Learning still active I hit 100 anyway.
Комментарий от pengster
Finally sold mind yesterday for 65k on the AH.
Комментарий от KzanolNS
Is anyone aware whether this item is still available to be acquired via garrison missions or has it been removed when Legion started, just like the gold rewards?
Комментарий от Blaen
As of October 2017, has this got a reduced duration? I've used rapid minds for a long while now to level alts via the pet battle system and handing in the quests on the char I'm levelling. My current levelling char only used a potion a few days ago, but when I logged him in yesterday I noticed he only had 2 minutes left on the duration, yet he should be around 12 minutes based on number of times he's logged in since taking it.
One of three things must have happened:1) Something odd lost potion duration - probably unlikely2) I forgot to log him out - very unlikely seeing I hit the log out button immediately after doing the quests and I've done this for many alts.3) The potion duration has been lowered from 15 minutes - again seems unlikely without some warning, when this one runs out I'll splash out on another and update this post.
Комментарий от xpuntar
So this elixir is now (Legion) actually removed from garrison mission list?
I just checked AH in game (EU-Tarren Mill - Horde) It is pretty much ridiculous that players want around 80k+ gold for it
Why not make it BoA and "relist" it back in the game? In exactly the same way as Elixir of Ancient Knowledge
Комментарий от Magnitudinus
It seems like these no longer drop from the boxes from the Winter Veil event. This means that they are no longer obtainable in the game at this point.
Комментарий от muviefreak1
No longer Obtainable in game as of 16th December 2017
Комментарий от Itfiggures
As of festive season 2017 this no longer drops from Опасный подарок. So if you have the mount etc, save yourself the grind on these.
Thanks for ruining Christmas Blizz, you pack of muppets!
Комментарий от Dilph
Elixir of the Rapid Mind No longer available form Savage Gift as of 7.3.2
Комментарий от schmilblick
This one and Эликсир древнего знания are likely removed from the game and no longer drop.
Комментарий от Posh
I had 22 of them in my bank across various toons, and when I went to go use one, it was completely missing. On every toon! 7.3.5 must have killed them, yet there are several on the auction house.
Anyone else have their elixir's go missing?
Комментарий от wtfear
Got one from the AH for 64K, went from level 94.4 to about 99 in 15 minutes and then time ran out. I got to 100 in about 30 more minutes with about 4 more bonus objectives. Good enough. I had heirlooms and the garrison 20% XP potion. Saved me a lot of time. One bonus objective gave me half a level.They should not have gotten rid of it. Its unfair for players. It already has a lvl 99 limit so whats the problem? They can put a usage limit on, say you can use it once a month account-wide. But most of everything they do is a knee-jerk reaction.For quests I did all the bonus objectives I could do and left one or two mobs alive. A few mistakes made. I didnt have flying so I used all the 15 minutes in Gorgrond and it was fine.
Комментарий от redfinale
should still be in game. It's just a rare drop from a rare spawn. Rapid Mind is a reward from garrison missions as well. Since fewer people do garrison content as it's older content, you won't see as many on the AH
Полупереваренная сумка - Предмет - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Omgomgesiuol
Opened 2 of these yesterday and both contained an Elixir of Ancient Knowledge, one of them also had a Warped Warning Sign in.
So I'm assuming it contains old rare items? Sadly I couldn't check to see if it gained credit for the Bigger Bag achievement because I already had it, but it would make sense to count as blizzard would probably rather have us in Draenor than farming Timeless Isle forever
Комментарий от BobNintendo
it seems that these are a guaranteed drop from your first kill of each nagrand rare, and afterwards they will never drop again.
Комментарий от Skitty
After killing nine of the Nagrand rares today in a group and not getting a single Полупереваренная сумка drop, it seems that it is only lootable by the first person to loot the body.
Комментарий от Feerkeeper
Pretty sure the droprate of these got nerfed this morning. Killed ~20 rares and have gotten one bag. Others have complained about not getting any, and usually only 1 person in a 20 or 30 man group will get a bag
Комментарий от ajhuah
Hotfixed and nerfed to the bottom of the abyss.... Will MAYBE drop 1/10 kills and will almost NEVER drop the elixir now.
Комментарий от haschtomten
Have these been removed? Been farming with 2 friends for 3 days straight and none of us have seen one so far, before we got one every 3rd rare or something.
Комментарий от JAYCOBI91
Not worth going for anymore unless you need the rep. I've farmed these beasts for the past 2 days, got one bag with no elixir. It's honestly faster to lvl a character on your own then to farm for this.
Комментарий от Furrybites
Just got done farming for one of the bags, killed 20 mobs with on average 4-5 people per mob. I was the only one who got a bag out of all of them, I'm betting the drop chance is somewhere down below 10% now. The exp pot was in that one bag though, so I can't tell if I'm lucky or if they didn't nerf the actual drop chances inside the bag.
If you're looking to farm rep or bags, our fastest path seemed to be starting at bergruu, clearing to direhoof, running up for aog and gagrog and then looping down towards Vileclaw. Unless Thek'talon is the last one alive, don't waste time looking for him, he'll show up eventually. We did it late night, and with no competition for the rares there was actually no wait time between respawns running back from vileclaw to berg. Best of luck.
Комментарий от Kanjuurou
is it possible that the droprate got buffed again? only killed rares before the nerf and now after months, i killed about 13 while farming elite beasts and got 2 bags with 2 potions.
please confirm or help with finding evidence about buff or just luck.
Комментарий от Gigabear
Currently @ 133 kills and I got a total of 5 bags, 2 of which had elixirs. I should have had far more based on the average drop rates, so I have either been extremely unlucky, or the rates have been nerfed lately.
The average drop rate is an even 17% according to wowhead. So 133 *.17 = 22.61 bags and about 7 elixirs. Not 5 bags and 2 elixirs. It could be just incredibly lousy RNG on my part, but 133 kills is not a terribly small sample size.
Комментарий от Esploratore
I have an issue which I'm pretty sure is not common, so I'm asking if anyone has this too, should be pretty rare if I'm not the only one: I am now unable to see the skull icon on the minimap which helps detect these rares, which is really annoying especially for thek'talon and bergruu because they patrol.
Back in december I was able to see it, also note that I can see the skulls on mop rares just fine, on apexis rares just fine, and on draenor quick respawn rares just fine, even mount rares on draenor, just not on these 9 rep rares.
Any idea what to do to fix? Tried already deleting cache, wtf and interface folders.
And about the drop rate, I agree, it's nerfed: despite my issue with skull mark I killed 9 of them now in 30 mins solo and none dropped a single bag, pretty sure I was getting 1 every 2-3 back when I farmed rep in december.
Комментарий от Postitslol
You're better off farming Krol by using LFG to server hop around 3am.Drop rates have slumped. These are my results after 81 kills.Mainly did Xelganak @ 32 kills and Aoegexon @ 423 bags: Warped Warning Sign, 12 complicated wood, FINALLY a potion.http://puu.sh/gKyf0/1612b09b9f.jpg
Комментарий от froznwaffles
I killed 69 Nagrand elites today multiboxing five hunters, so 345 loots.
Results were 17 bags and 4 xp elixirs.
Комментарий от Elaylda
If anyone is new to this thread or unaware of the real drop rate, as the presented drop rate here is wrong from my data. I can only provide anyone with an average of my data. I spent all weekend killing 100 of the rares and got only three bags so just going from that alone you have a 3% drop rate from the rare. I did not take into account the drop rate on different qualifying rares. I'm not saying this data is official but this is from my experience only
Комментарий от Osskaar2
Farmed this today and ended up getting my first bag after 32 kills. The drop rate is definitely nerfed, fortunately the bag for me though the bag contained the XP Potion.
GL farming, hope this info helps.
Комментарий от teemutherien1
If anyone is thinking about farming this the drop rate is around 1-2% now from my experience. Have killed about 130 and gotten two bags, no XP pots.
Комментарий от clear3
After 1 hour of farming Gagrog the Brutal and 24 kills later, got 2 bags. Neither had potions in them. I would say if your farming the potion, don't bother, you may or may not get lucky and get one, but the time would be better spent on just putting regular leveling into your alt. Let me know if you have better luck on a different mob.
Комментарий от sibilant
My friend goes and farms this rares if he is bored. He ALWAYS gets a potion whenever a bag drops. Ofcourse the bag drops very rarely, but whenever it drops it contains an elixir. I've tried my luck now, killed 7 rares, got 1 bag and it contained a potion. Going forward until the next bag.
Комментарий от Akribos
After the nerf its almost pointless to farm these unless you're extremely lucky, I'm currently 234 kills in, 76 Xelganak, 81 Vileclaw, 36 Mu'gra, 41 Aogexon, 1581 Gorian Artifact Fragments, and I've only gotten 3 bags. 0 of which that contained the elixir.
It speeds up kills a lot if you rotate between Vileclaw and Xelganak while using the Cross Realm Assist addon, and occasionally pulling a second non-elite mob (to stay in combat) so you stay on the realm you're on when you get the kill. GL
Комментарий от JenGG
Realm Hopped all night, Aogexon definetly the most camped rare with the lowest HP, no mobs around him to aggro. Out of 30 kills, 1 bag, no elixir. Between this abyssal drop rate and Krol being camped by the same people 24/7 safe to say, go out there guys and just level your alts, much much much faster. Colossal waste of time and Blizzard likes it this way, they want their queues for levelers short.
Комментарий от JenGG
Realm Hopped all night, Aogexon definetly the most camped rare with the lowest HP, no mobs around him to aggro. Out of 30 kills, 1 bag, no elixir. Between this abyssal drop rate and Krol being camped by the same people 24/7 safe to say, go out there guys and just level your alts, much much much faster. Colossal waste of time and Blizzard likes it this way, they want their queues for levelers short.
Комментарий от Warbalz
Well guys i just want to share my experience of grinding this bag for the elixir of ancient knowledge.. I've killed enough rares to raise 3 of my characters' repu to Exalted (I dont know the exact number) in Nagrand so far, and i havent seen a single bag.. Meanwhile my brother who sometimes joined me, killed around 40 rares, got 4 bags and 1 elixirs. I dont know if this info helps, but im not too lucky with the bags as it seems.
UPDATE:After a long run and farming today i finally got my first bag out of Gagrog the brutal.Here's today loots for me:
43 kills 1 bag 0 elixirs.
Комментарий от tulipzp
Yea, if i were you, i would doubt that 13%.75 rares, one bag, no elixirMy guess would be that these numbers just slowly crawl down from some_time_ago_50% towards nowadays reality.
Комментарий от Cellatha
Thought I would aid to this comment section with my recent findings on the loot in this nasty bag as of the latest patch 6.2.4.After counting all the purple reputation items in bags I counted 81 rare kills which yielded this loot:
Roughly 1 in 20 rare kills gave me a bag. Only found 1 potion from the 4 bags. Hope you find this information helpful, good luck!
Комментарий от Therrion
For those of you who want to farm this, despite the bad drop rate post-nerf I'd suggest using Cross Realm Assist and farming the wasp, Xelganak, as he has the lowest health total at 1,957,080 (others go mid 2m or even above 3m). With under 700 iLevel Enhancement I could kill him in a little over a minute (1m10s, +/- 10s) and find another realm with him up in about 15s average.
For my results, I gave up rather quickly though. Farmed for 15m and got 12 kills, no bags.
Комментарий от Nativ
I was farming the bag today with a couple guildies and one of them got the bag 3 times out of 5 kills and each time it contained the elixir. Absolutely astonishing luck.
Комментарий от Koolaider
It's a relatively small sample size, but out of 100 kills during 6.2.3, I looted three bags, two of which contained the potion. As others have said, crossrealm will help you tremendously.
Комментарий от Neriand
11-15% Drop chance my ass, just killed 63 of them - 0 Bags.
Комментарий от Oneoflethal
Today I killed Xelganak 30times - 2bags and 1 elixir...I should've farm these more, back when droprate wasn't ^&*!ty like now.
Комментарий от Fuseymore
does this even exist anymore?.... ive killed 100 and gotten 0 bags
Комментарий от Jmvcyber
Farmed 39 rare mobs in just about 3 hours straight without realm jumping/hopping. Got 1 bag and therefor 1 elixir...
Комментарий от azteh
Have spent the last 3 days farming this. I have spent a total of about 10-18 hours farming rares in nagrand. After 150 kills I gave up. Here are my findings.
1st bag - 20 kills - 1 Warped Warning Sign and some Complicated Wood.2nd bag - 98 kills - Some Complicated Wood.3rd bag - 121 kills - Some Complicated Wood.4th bag - 134 kills - 1 Warped Warning Sign and some Complicated Wood.5th bag - 150 kills - 1 Warped Warning Sign and some Complicated Wood.
Out of 150 kills I have gotten 0 Elixir of Ancient Knowledge. This might be RNG screwing with me, however I would not say this is a "worthy of your time" farming method. I could have leveled my alt from 1 to 85 in the time I have spent farming.
Комментарий от t81shop
I have killed nearly 30 of these by myself, and none of the kills have contained the Partially-Digested Bag.
Комментарий от Coffinboffin
Thought I'd add an update as of 7.0, for anyone who's still after these. Over the past 3 days, I've killed 22 of these rares, got 3 bags and 0 potions. The overall drop-rate from the rares as a group is around 1 in 8, so that ties in with my recent experience. The potion's just over one in 3. Bottom line is it's just RNG and killing x amount doesn't guarantee anything. Just a case of killing away and keeping your fingers crossed :)
Комментарий от Blaen
As of 7.2 I've started farming these for the first time. I've just killed my 300th spawn tonight and in that time I have had 7 bags, 0 elixirs. I'm not certain that the 30% containment within bags is still accurate, or perhaps I have just had some really bad RNG. Will update when I finally get the elixir I need.
Update today, just killed my 464th rare and it dropped my 11th bag, still no elixirs. Seems to me the drop rate is around 2.5% now for bags, certainly not close to 10%.
510th kill dropped my 13th bag, still no elixir, does it still exist?
553rd, 14th bag <sigh>
Stopped farming at 600 kills. I got 15 bags in that time, so a 2.5% drop rate seems accurate. Zero elixirs though, talking to other players in Nagrand and those killing Krol, not one person has had an elixir since Legion. My advice is don't bother, I strongly suspect the elixir is no longer available after Legion.
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Архиерей пламени - НИП - World of Warcraft
Комментарий от Voxxel
This is the summoned version of Архиерей пламени by using Свиток вызова at the 3-Breeze Terrace.
Комментарий от Uinri
Okay, here's my guide to downing one of these guys. We had only a group of two and we killed the summoned version of him, but our strategy still applies.
1. First things first. Before you kill him, solo a bunch of the adds around him, namely the Kilnmasters and Chanters. The reason for this is that his abilities are all copied from them. The only hard part is that he combines the abilities of two different mobs which means there is a lot more to take care of. I can describe his mechanics all day long, but you're not going to get a feel for the fight unless you've taken each mechanic separately. Do not attempt to kill him unless at least one person in the group (make it yourself) can confidently solo a Kilnmaster/Chanter with 95% success rate.
2. Clear an area: regardless of whether you're killing him up top in Ordon Sanctuary or down below by the summoning stone, you're going to require a lot of room to kite and dodge. Clear the mobs both as practice for Archiereus of Flame and to give you some space. Watch out for patrols, for there are many in both areas.
3. Understanding the mechanic: Stuns and push backs don't work on him, and everything Archiereus of Flame does will two if not one-shot you. Do not bother with healers and tanks. This is not a fight for that. It's far more efficient to get an extra DPS instead. He has the below mechanics:
Blazing Blow (Kilnmaster): An uninterruptible cast-time AoE that creates a thin fan in front of him that hits you for about 300k (More than half your health). Sidestepping it is priority number one.
Eternal Kiln (Kilnmaster): A static, non attacking add that he summons which buffs his haste and damage, making every attack one shot. You will want to down this, but be careful. I find it helpful to avoid one Blazing Blow before switching targets to get into a rhythm. It is much harder to avoid BB during and immediately before and after the kiln because of tunnel vision and rhythm. Killing kilns activate any "on kill" abilities and heals you might have (Dark Succor, for example)
Flarecore Golem (Chanter): A slow-moving add that is too big to kill. You have to kite it, or it hits you for 100-200k on plate. Do not kite it straight back or you'll get BB to the face. Use a spiral out, or a S-shape pattern. You will get more than one golem at a time. They can also be stunned.
Fire Storm (Chanter): A "rain" mechanic that summons meteors over the a wide area. If you've killed any Jinyu rares in 5.0 you'll grasp this mechanic pretty fast. All it does is add to the chaos.
Cauterise (Chanter): An interruptible heal. This is the last in priority because it, strictly speaking, doesn't kill you. Interrupt it if you can, but don't sacrifice yourself for it. Slow and easy can still win the race
4. Working as a team: technically, this is a solo fight. He has no enrage mechanics and no melee hits. If you're patient, you can down him yourself. (You do have to burn him down as the 8th bulkiest mob on the island, more than even normal rare elites, behind Ordos, the Celestials, Evermaw and Vazuvius) However, a teammate speeds up the process and allows you to graveyard zerg him (the GY is quite close in both locations; closer by the summoning stone), as long as you don't all die to one mechanic.
5. Fatigue: this is perhaps the worst killer of them all, especially since it kills you at low enemy health. No matter how versed you are in the tactics and how good you are at your class, this is one hell of a fight; the mechanics are arguably more intense than any raid (one group wiper every ~3s or so), with no recourse to good healers or tanks. You will pull unexpected adds, die multiple times and stack up a repair bill. Keep it steady, don't let your anger or adrenaline get to you. Don't let a break in rhythm (since there is no phases or enrage, a rhythm is really important) throw you off. Don't despair if you miss a blazing blow or a cauterise. Bring friends who are willing to stick through with wipes. Two is more than enough, but the more the merrier.
Good luck.
Комментарий от Zeke911
So, can you only loot 1 of these a day?
Комментарий от ousado
You can only get the drop it once a day.
Комментарий от Deathfouton
After putting in a ticket about Archiereus of Flame, he is infact intended to only be looted once PER DAY. However there is supposedly a bug going around that has allowed people a second chance (It could also be those people looting nearby mobs, such as High Priests)
Комментарий от Draewind
Does this guy count toward the quest asking you to kill 5 rare elites?
Комментарий от peepjynx
Can you get the Elixir of Ancient Knowledge from this NPC when he's the summonable version? I've read no, I need confirmation.
Комментарий от SoooWhoCares
Personal death reasons (Warrior, Tank):-testing how much damage that area attack does (fatal)-camera too far out + leaves on the trees block my sight = stand in fatal area effect-the npc decides to reposition himself after casting something, making it impossible to get out of the fatal area in time
Meanwhile in Warlock PoV:*sending Voidwalker in**has 90% damage reduction on area effect**takes very little damage*
Conclusion: Let a Warlock do the tanking.
Maybe a Hunter's pet will perform well, too.
Комментарий от elionor
i keep seeing "summoned version" is there another?
Комментарий от snocharim
I have figured out a great trick to kill this guy. As i play with 200+ ping, avoiding the blazing blows as melee wasn't too easy and the fact that i play when the server is quiet. I got frustrated n such.
So to the point. BTW this mainly works for Horde (alliance can do it too but would take a hell of a lot longer.)
Kite the Archiereus of Flame to Huojin Landing (For those wondering. It's where the flight master to go back to pandaria is.)
Essentially what happens is, once one of his attacks hits a Huojin Sentry the sentry will aggro onto him.
The best part is!
The sentries are immune to any form of damage from AI mobs. I don't know why but they take 0 damage from AI mobs. they will tank and kill it.
IT WILL TAKE AGES. but you can just stand out of range of his attacks and go eat or something. there is a total of 6 Sentries that will attack him.
But if all works they will *!@# on him and you get a free kill. If you're ranged dps u can attack him to speed up the process. you can do the same for melee but u might die from spells and such.
Hope this helps the people who needed the kill but cant get a group :)
Комментарий от booster363
I'm not trying to show off or post something that isn't helpful but I could NOT get a group to kill this guy for the quest so I tried to solo him as a Beast Master Hunter and I was successful. The key was my pet was Tenacity (Tank) spec with the and . All you do for the adds is Misdirect your pet and send him in without attacking with your bow. Keep Misdirect up at all times. The adds will not charge you. You just have to kite the guys that spawn but they move so slow and I just feign death if they got to close. iLevel 530 and it took about 10-15 mins to kill him. I hope this helps.
Комментарий от Eido
Note to transmog hunters:
The staff this NPC wields resembles: Шпиль алой боли.>>>> This staff is a random trash drop from Огненные Просторы.
Комментарий от Eido
Note to transmog hunters:
The staff this NPC wields resembles: Шпиль алой боли.>>>> This staff is a random trash drop from Огненные Просторы.
Комментарий от Eido
Note to transmog hunters:
The staff this NPC wields resembles: Шпиль алой боли.>>>> This staff is a random trash drop from Огненные Просторы.
Комментарий от nytemart
Okay i dont know if this is intentional or not but i killed him, got my loot for the day and was happy. But then some guy decides to spawn him again so i join in and i get no timeless coins or anything but i got an Elixir of Ancient Knowledge. Is this farmable?
Комментарий от ilostmahbucket
Tips on farming this item:
1) Krol the BladeElixir of Ancient Knowledge from Krol the Blade (respawns 35-50 minutes in NE Dread Wastes).
Macro for instant Krol the Blade tag upon spawn (it is often camped - try to use ability that doesn't need you to face target and has 40 yard range. Stand at tree with eggs/3 spider web lines and spam macro - can reach most spawn points from here):
#showtooltip/Target Krol the Blade/cast yourabilityhere
Tip: If you have a guildie/friend/2nd account, you can have that person tag the rare, stay alive until you sign in/get there, invite you, then both characters eligible to roll off on it. I used a second account to do this a few times.
2) Daily Archierius killElixir of Ancient Knowledge also drops from Ordon Sanctuary Archierius of Flame lootable once per day (respawns 45-90min) - the area that you need legendary cloak to get into. I can solo him as 576 ret, it's rather hard, get a group instead. Clear area, max range ability to pull without aggroing high priests. Loot is still per person even if in a group so don't worry about rolling off against others in your group for the Elixir). (The Three Breeze Terrace Summoned Arch is just a copy of this guy)
Archierius of Flame in Three Breeze Terrace (can only summon once and loot summoned Archierius once (per 90 character)- use 500 Timeless Coins for Scroll of Challenge from Vendor near Emperor Shaohao - requires Honored Rep with Emperor Shaohao to purchase - on east side of Celestial Court, goto Three Breeze Terrace NW of Celestial Court and click rock to summon him. If you don't have rep ask in general for someone to summon for you (tip. If you have rep but need coins, kill Evermaw, the summoned ship (both 60 min respawn timers - RareCoordinator addon tracks their time since last death if you want it), Huolon, or Cinderfall/other rares to get coins. (Big rare mobs drop 1k+ coins)
TLDR: Park a geared alt at Krol the Blade spawn, note time of death, come back 30 minutes later to wait for next respawn. During those 30 minutes swap to main and go and kill Archierius of Flames on Timeless Isle. I got 3 flasks in 24 kills of Krols/Archieriuses.Krols/Archieriuses.
Комментарий от Jarolleon
This rare can be kited to the Shrine of the Seven Stars with a cursed swabby helmet and a non-damaging attack every ~6 seconds, and I have done so 3 times. There seem to be several points at which he evades and resets immediately if he runs overtop of them. I have mapped the ones I have found on several attempts at kiting him. There is another "reset point" at the rock here . Save for these points the Archiereus of Flame and the High Priest of Ordos are unbound as far as kiting is concerned.
It seems rather bizarre that rather than an actual leash, there are these reset points scattered about that only work on 2 npcs, does anyone who knows more about the mechanics of aggro know what is really happening? These observations come from the server Darrowmere, which was recently merged with Windrunner, however the merge did not affect the kiting of these mobs.
Комментарий от esnull
You can easily solo this as a warlock with voidlord.
Clear the area, send in void, don't forget to place rain of fire on top of him every now and then, so the golems won't one shot the voidlord.
stand as far as you can from the elite and start to strafe left-right when the golems get close so they just dissapear after a little while.
Комментарий от Kraniks
Hey, I just wanted to ask whether you can or cannot obtain the Эликсир древнего знания after the first daily kill. I don't think the tracking quests, count when it comes to rare/vanity items, but I am not entirely sure.
Комментарий от Nocked
I understand he's only to be looted once a day, but is it common for him to drop nothing after that? Zilch? Not even some coins or something?
Kind of removes incentive to help because he's a PITA and people are impatient and just pulled half that plateau down at the same time. Death is inevitable, not worth it if he drops nothing (my experience anyway).
Комментарий от Mookosh
I farm these and Верховный жрец Ордоса regularly solo on my hunter and lock (Affliction). The same technique works for both.
Naturally you want full island damage buffsПоющий кристалл, Книга веков, Вневременное питание
As always, Надежда Чи-Цзи
Make sure you clear room to kite around.Keep pet on passive and manually send them to attack the Archiererus to prevent accidental taunts to golems.
Use your AoE (RoF works best for locks) to ensure you aggro the golems so they don't kill your pet. Just kite the golems and collect loot.
Комментарий от Velk1
I was able to loot Эликсир древнего знания on my SECOND KILL of the day. I was under the impression that this wasn't possible but the apparently it is. I killed my first one 10 minutes prior to my second. The only thing on his body was the Эликсир древнего знания.
Комментарий от ruuseell
I wanted to clear something up as there looks to be some confusion.
You can summon and kill this guy as many times you want in a single day to obtain Эликсир древнего знания, however you can only obtain the timeless coins once per day.
BUT, it took me exactly 40 kills before i was able obtain a single elixir (unlucky maybe) and there is a 10 min window before you can summon him again on your realm. You can of course jump servers to avoid this.
Nowadays i feel this is the best way to obtain the exp elixir because the introduction of "realm hopping" Krol is almost never up on any realm. Plus Полупереваренная сумка has been nerfed to where you have to kill 50 of the steamwheedle rares before you can obtain one.
One drawback of farming this is that you need to be be at least honored with Император Шаохао, to buy the challenge scrolls necessary to summon this guy.
Элексир древнего знания
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Вечные поиски эликсира бессмертия | Алхимия
Журнал: Самые великие №6(80), 2017 годАвтор: Виталий Голубев
Что искали первые алхимики?
Что уравнивает пенсионера, не знающего, как дотянуть до следующей пенсии, и миллиардера, «сидящего» на газовой или нефтяной трубе, владеющего роскошным домом на Рублёвке и всеми благами цивилизации? Только одно — смерть. Полуголодный пенсионер вполне может прожить даже дольше, чем его сказочно богатый соотечественник. И так было всегда, смерть не делала различий между простолюдином и могущественным королём или императором. Например, простой 152-летний английский крестьянин Томас Парр пережил девять королей!Представляете, как правителям и богачам обидно умирать, когда они могут купить всё, кроме жизни! Неудивительно, что с самых древних времён цари и султаны, короли и императоры делали все возможное, чтобы обрести бессмертие. Они нанимали алхимиков и учёных, отправляли экспедиции в самые дальние страны, пытаясь заполучить в свои руки эликсир бессмертия. Это мифическое вещество обладало свойством не только омолаживать человеческий организм, но и продлевать его жизнь до бесконечности. Представление о том, что вечную жизнь можно обрести, всего лишь употребив некое особое средство, пришло из мифологии. Этим средством якобы владели боги и иные сверхъестественные силы. Эликсир бессмертия у них можно было только похитить или взять силой, сразившись с различными сказочными чудовищами. Позже возникла идея о том, что эликсир вполне способны синтезировать и сами люди, надо только подобрать правильное соотношение неких редких ингредиентов. Так зародилась алхимия, главной целью которой стало создание эликсира бессмертия.По мнению ряда исследователей, самой древней является китайская алхимия, возникшая ещё во второй половине I тыс. до н.э. В основном алхимией тогда занимались даосы. Их учение не признавало реинкарнацию (переселение души), поэтому гибель тела, по представлениям даосов, вела к рассеиванию душ (они считали, что их у человека десять) и отсутствию возможности когда-либо собрать их вместе. Души объединяло только тело, с его смертью и распадом человек окончательно и бесповоротно погибал, вот поэтому телу надо было обрести бессмертие.Китайскую алхимию подразделяют на внешнюю и внутреннюю. Согласно концепции внешней алхимии, бессмертие можно было обрести приёмом внутрь специально приготовленных эликсиров или пилюль. А вот внутренняя алхимия предполагала иной путь, заключавшийся в обретении вечной жизни с помощью активизации ряда процессов в организме. Их активизация достигалась медитациями и особыми упражнениями.О том, насколько рискованно было пытаться обрести бессмертие, свидетельствует история с императором Ли Чунем (820 г.). Этот император династии Тан решил жить вечно и начал принимать эликсир бессмертия, разработанный его личными алхимиками. Полагают, в состав этого эликсира входила ртуть, вызывающая негативное влияние на психику. Из-за столь опасного эликсира поначалу мудрый правитель начал терять разум. Придворные делали вид, что не замечают этого, только один честный сановник сделал попытку предупредить императора об опасности, связанной с его верой в алхимиков-мошенников. Однако Ли Чунь к тому времени уже не мог здраво оценивать ситуацию, он прогнал сановника и продолжил принимать ядовитое снадобье. Конец Ли Чуня был весьма печальным: окончательно потерявшего разум императора убили придворные евнухи. Печально закончилась попытка стать бессмертным и для китайского императора Сюань-Цзуна (VIII век). Целый год его личный алхимик готовил для своего правителя напиток, дарующий вечную жизнь. Приняв приготовленный придворным алхимиком эликсир, император в муках скончался. Это не удивительно, ведь в состав эликсиров непременно входили ртуть и мышьяк.
Экспедиции за бессмертием
В Древнем Китае верили в существование далёких стран и островов, обитатели которых обладают секретами бессмертия. Моряки и купцы рассказывали о существовании источников, вода которых дарила вечную жизнь. Ходили и слухи о волшебных плодах: вкусивший их обретал молодость и жил бесконечно долго. Особенно популярными были легенды о землях бессмертных — пяти священных горах: Пэнлай, Дюйюй, Юаньцзяо, Фанчжан, Инчжоу. Полагали, что эти горы с помощью поддерживающих их огромных чёрных черепах плавают в Восточном море.Китайские императоры древних царств Чжоу и Янь отправляли специальные экспедиции, их цель заключалась в обнаружении хотя бы одного из легендарных островов и доставке жаждущему бессмертия императору волшебных плодов или напитка. Понятно, что эти экспедиции ничего не нашли. Однако мечта найти эти легендарные земли не оставляла китайских владык. Удивительно, но даже прославленный император Цинь Ши-Хуанди увлёкся их поиском.Если верить древним источникам, Ши-Хуанди очень боялся смерти, поэтому, обнаружив в древних рукописях легенды об островах, дарующих бессмертие, он, недолго думая, отправил экспедицию на поиски горы Пэнлай. Возглавил экспедицию моряк по имени Синь Ши, он должен был найти остров и добыть волшебные плоды. Увы, экспедиция окончилась неудачей. Однако император проявил настойчивость и направил на поиски вторую экспедицию из 20 огромных кораблей. Её руководителем стал придворный алхимик Сюй Фу, который не только верил в существование волшебных плодов, но и полагал, что эликсир бессмертия можно создать научными методами.Согласно существующей легенде, корабли Сюй Фу после бесплодных поисков горы Пэнлай направились в Японию и пристали к её берегам. Опасаясь бесславного возвращения на родину и гнева императора, оставшегося без волшебных плодов, Сюй Фу решил остаться в Японии, где он стал правителем земли Кии. Эту версию окончания второй экспедиции по поискам горы Пэнлай подтверждает и известный китайский историк Сыма Цянь (135-86 гг. до н.э.): согласно его данным, Сюй Фу стал местным царьком на каких-то землях вдали от Китая. В одной из китайских хроник есть запись: «Сюй Фу отправился в плавание, но открыл земли, замечательные своим миролюбием и плодородием. Там он поселился, стал королём и не вернулся обратно».Ну а Цинь Ши-Хуанди, так и не дождавшись возвращения экспедиции, все свои надежды возложил на даосских алхимиков, пытавшихся синтезировать эликсир бессмертия. Увы, и они его подвели, император умер, так и не дождавшись возможности жить вечно. Неудача знаменитого императора не охладила пыл тех, кто рассчитывал стать бессмертным. Прошло сто лет, и ханьский император Ся-У отправил свои корабли на поиски заветных земель; надо ли говорить, что и его моряки вернулись ни с чем. Однако это не стало последней попыткой найти заветные острова бессмертия.Уже упомянутый историк Сыма Цянь в своих «Исторических записках» писал: «Со времени государей Вэй-вана, Сюань-вана и Яньского Чжао-вана посылались в море люди, чтобы отыскать священные горы Пэнлай, Фанчжан и Инчжоу. По преданию, они находятся в Бохае и кто доберётся туда, найдёт там святых и лекарство бессмертия. Издали они подобны тучам; когда же приблизишься, горы уходят в воду; хочешь подплыть, но ветер гонит прочь; так никто и не добрался до гор. Не было среди властителей такого, кто бы ни мечтал о них».Когда Христофор Колумб открыл Америку, сразу появилось много слухов и предположений о том, что именно на этих новых землях и располагаются заветные источники с водой, дарующей бессмертие. Папе Льву X сподвижник Колумба написал об одном из них следующее: «К северу от Эспаньолы между прочими островами есть один остров на расстоянии трёхсот двадцати миль от неё; как говорят те, которые отыскали его, на острове бьёт неиссякаемый ключ проточной воды такого чудесного свойства, что старик, который станет пить её, соблюдая при этом определённую диету, через некоторое время превратится в юношу».Надо ли сомневаться в том, что остров с таким волшебным источником стали усиленно разыскивать, ведь сильных мира сего интересовало не только золото, но и вечная жизнь. Увы, мореплаватели, потратив годы на поиски чудо-источника, так его и не нашли, зато открыли немало новых земель. В последующие столетия «охота» за бессмертием сосредоточилась не на морских просторах, а в тайных лабораториях алхимиков.
Нострадамус тоже химичил!
Затратив столетия на поиск рецепта эликсира бессмертия, китайские алхимики так и не достигли желаемого. В то же время нельзя сказать, что их усилия были затрачены впустую. Благодаря деятельности алхимиков появились новые технологии в получении металлов и их сплавов, в производстве стекла и фарфора. Также было открыто вещество, наоборот, сильно сокращающее жизнь, под известным всем названием порох.Не только азиатские владыки хотели стать бессмертными, о вечной жизни мечтали и их европейские «коллеги». При дворах многих европейских королей, а также в замках богатых феодалов не покладая рук трудились алхимики, пытаясь найти философский камень. Как предполагал Аристотель, помимо четырёх главных элементов — огня, воздуха, земли и воды, — из которых состоят все предметы и живые существа во Вселенной, есть ещё неизвестный пятый элемент. Именно его и назвали философским камнем. Он не только дарует бессмертие, знание и вечную молодость, но и способен превратить в золото обычное железо или свинец.Кстати, концепция философского камня, как начала всех начал (соответственно и алхимии), появилась в Египте ещё в V веке до н.э., так что утверждение о китайской алхимии как о самой древней по меньшей мере можно подвергнуть сомнению. Основателем алхимии считается Гермес Трисмегист. Пока нет точных сведений, был ли он реальным человеком, ведь в Египте его почитали как бога Тота, а в Древней Греции — как бога Гермеса. Сейчас полагают, что труды, приписываемые Гермесу Трисмегисту, принадлежат ряду неизвестных авторов, чьи имена мы теперь уже вряд ли узнаем. Но вот теоретическое обоснование алхимии, без сомнения, было сформулировано греческими философами Платоном и Аристотелем.Алхимией активно занимались и известные учёные, среди них — Альберт Великий (ок. 1193-1280 гг.), автор труда «О металлах и минералах», и Роджер Бэкон (1214-1294 гг.), написавший «Могущество алхимии» и «Зеркало алхимии». Последний говорил, что короткая жизнь отнюдь не является нормой, а самым настоящим отклонением от неё. Занимался поисками эликсира бессмертия и известный всем Нострадамус, он не только искал рецепт заветного снадобья в древних книгах, но и лично экспериментировал с различными веществами. У него даже был свой рецепт эликсира, но, как известно, он ему не помог: предсказатель умер, как и все простые смертные.