Камень бесконечности Not far from Moon Guard teleport Телепорт Лунных стражей. You can get with Добрый сурамаритянин - Moon Guard Stronghold.
Зачарованная погребальная урна is in Tel`Anor. Not far from Телепорт в Тел'анор It is near the ending quest of Добрый сурамаритянин - Tidying Tel'anor
Хрупкий силовой кристалл down in Falanaar. You will go there at ~ 30 quest of main Помрачены, но не забыты (The Light Below part) storyline and will probably miss it. You can take portal back and in is in the first room to the right. Take a stairs down.
Фляга маны Кел'даната is near Falanaar. In the Ruins where you find Терин. Помрачены, но не забыты- Arcanist Kel'danath ~ 10-15 quest in Suramar
Исследовательские записи Киртоса is lying on the ground in Felsoul Hold in the cave near Киртос. Can pick up while on Добрый сурамаритянин - Breaking The Lightbreaker
All items give 100 manapool and not 1000
Items can be phased out at some point of your storyline. Like Хрупкий силовой кристалл on Бремя странника дола quest for me
I think You need to start Suramar storyline and unlock Древняя мана manapool, because you cant see this items if you just go there without doing quests first.
/script for q,i in pairs({=42842,=43988,=43989,=43986,=43987})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end
Комментарий от Yewfire
Tomtom Macro code for the 5 Items that you can pick up in Suramar which will increase your Древняя мана cap:/way Suramar 21.0 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask (Near Falanaar)/way Suramar 45.0 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn (Tel`Anor)/way Suramar 34.5 11.1 Infinite Stone (Moon Guard Stronghold)/way Suramar 21.2 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal (Falanaar)/way Suramar 76.8 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes (Felsoul Hold)/cway
Protip: I use Macro Toolkit to avoid having to split macros into smaller parts. There are other addons that also allow this.
Комментарий от BrewingScribe
For those of you without addons, the Infinite Stone is located in a chest in a garden on Highmist Terrace. Take the portal to the Moon Guard Stronghold and follow the ascending path immediately north. You'll find three casters channeling nearby it, provided they haven't been killed by someone yet.
Комментарий от itisi52
I found it at 35.5 12.2, a bit away from where other comments are saying it is.
Комментарий от Sora14
Let me point out: It does NOT give +1000 ancient mana capacity, but instead +100!
Комментарий от Pizza1337
This thread has the wrong video to go with it.
Комментарий от adarob
It is inside the Arcane Power Unit that the casters are surrounding
Комментарий от Mattarias
Take the teleporter, then go UP the stairs. Keep going up, pass the bidge, and boom, it'll be in a chest in the middle of some plants.
Комментарий от Boxofbeer
Okay, when you arrive to Suramar you can hold only 300 ancient mana. This pool can be increased with special items by 100 per each (not 1000 as wrote in notices)Five of them you will earn as a rewards for quests and 5 can be found just in Suramar. For 10/10 you will also earn Море маны achievement.TomTom:
/way Suramar 45.0, 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn is here/way Suramar 34.5, 11.1 Infinite Stone is here/way Suramar 21.2, 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal inside temple/way Suramar 22.7, 36.0 Volatile Leyline Crystal temple entrance/way Suramar 21.0, 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask is here/way Suramar 26.8, 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes inside a cave
Комментарий от Abohassan
/way Suramar 45.0, 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn/way Suramar 34.5, 11.1 Infinite Stone (next area after the portal)/way Suramar 21.2, 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal (down in Falanaar)/way Suramar 21.0, 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask (near Theryn)/way Suramar 26.8, 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes (in Cave)
Pop-Culture reference to the Infinity Stones from the Marvel Universe
Комментарий от horaxe
Fly to Obsidian Overlook in Highmountain, jump off the cliff and use either a Goblin Glider or Skyhorn Kite and land near the Chest. Jump down and kill the two guards, profit.
Исследовательские записи Киртоса - Предмет
Комментарий от varenne
5 Items you can pick up in Suramar. Each increase your maximum Древняя мана manapool by 100
You will need to collect it for Море маны
/way Suramar 45.0, 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn/way Suramar 34.5, 11.1 Infinite Stone (next area after the portal)/way Suramar 21.2, 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal (down in Falanaar)/way Suramar 21.0, 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask (near Theryn)/way Suramar 26.8, 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes (in Cave)
Исследовательские записи Киртоса is lying on the ground in Felsoul Hold in the cave near Киртос Can pick up while on Добрый сурамаритянин - Breaking The Lightbreaker
Зачарованная погребальная урна is in Tel`Anor. Not far from Телепорт в Тел'анор It is near the ending quest of Добрый сурамаритянин - Tidying Tel'anor
Камень бесконечности Not far from Moon Guard teleport Телепорт Лунных стражей. You can get with Добрый сурамаритянин - Moon Guard Stronghold.
Хрупкий силовой кристалл down in Falanaar. You will go there at ~ 30 quest of main Помрачены, но не забыты (The Light Below part) storyline and will probably miss it. You can take portal back and in is in the first room to the right. Take a stairs down.
Фляга маны Кел'даната is near Falanaar. In the Ruins where you find Терин. Помрачены, но не забыты- Arcanist Kel'danath ~ 10-15 quest in Suramar
All items give 100 manapool and not 1000
Items can be phased out at some point of your storyline. Like Хрупкий силовой кристалл on Бремя странника дола quest for me
You need to start Suramar storyline and unlock ancient mana manapol i think, because you cant see this items if you just go there without doing quests first.
/script for q,i in pairs({=42842,=43988,=43989,=43986,=43987})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end
Комментарий от Yewfire
Tomtom Macro code for the 5 Items that you can pick up in Suramar which will increase your Древняя мана cap:/way Suramar 21.0 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask (Near Falanaar)/way Suramar 45.0 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn (Tel`Anor)/way Suramar 34.5 11.1 Infinite (Stone Moon Guard Stronghold)/way Suramar 21.2 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal (Falanaar)/way Suramar 76.8 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes (Felsoul Hold)/cway
Protip: I use Macro Toolkit to avoid having to split macros into smaller parts. There are other addons that also allow this.
Комментарий от Graknak
Warning: If you haven't done the Suramar entrance questline you won't be able to see this chest. I just walked there to check and found nothing, nor would Krytos give me any quests @ 110. So get official entrance to Suramar first before getting these mana increase items.
Комментарий от NessieMo
There's no need to waste time hacking your way through loads of mobs in Felsoul Hold to get Исследовательские записи Киртоса.
From the Felblade Ingress flight point in Azsuna, simply head East North East towards Suramar, down to the river. From there there's a short path up to the ridge above Felsoul Hold, and you'll see the cave entrance there on your left at 71.09 23.96, before Felsoul Hold itself.
The Исследовательские записи Киртоса are in the cave, tucked away behind Киртос.
Coordinates for TomTom / Paste users
/way Azsuna 70.24 25.12 #1 Path up to cave/way Azsuna 71.09 23.96 #2 Entrance to Den of the Demented/way Suramar 26.81 70.75 #3 Location of KRN inside Den of the Demented.
Комментарий от BroaMS
It actually gives +100 capacity in game, not 1000.
Комментарий от BroaMS
It actually gives +100 capacity in game, not 1000.
Комментарий от Boxofbeer
Okay, when you arrive to Suramar you can hold only 300 ancient mana. This pool can be increased with special items by 100 per each (not 1000 as wrote in notices)Five of them you will earn as a rewards for quests and 5 can be found just in Suramar. For 10/10 you will also earn Море маны achievement.TomTom:
/way Suramar 45.0, 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn is here/way Suramar 34.5, 11.1 Infinite Stone is here/way Suramar 21.2, 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal inside temple/way Suramar 22.7, 36.0 Volatile Leyline Crystal temple entrance/way Suramar 21.0, 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask is here/way Suramar 26.8, 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes inside a cave
Комментарий от BerettaNEWarrior
I kinda struggled with all the various instructions, tbh, so here's my stripped down version: the notes are in a cave called The Den of the Demented up above the valley full of infernals.They're in the back -go straight all the way in and look for Kyrtoss himself. He might have a quest for you.
Комментарий от Abohassan
/way Suramar 45.0, 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn/way Suramar 34.5, 11.1 Infinite Stone (next area after the portal)/way Suramar 21.2, 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal (down in Falanaar)/way Suramar 21.0, 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask (near Theryn)/way Suramar 26.8, 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes (in Cave)
Хрупкий силовой кристалл down in Falanaar. You will go there at ~ 30 quest of main Помрачены, но не забыты (The Light Below part) storyline and will probably miss it. You can take portal back and in is in the first room to the right. Take a stairs down.
Зачарованная погребальная урна is in Tel`Anor. Not far from Телепорт в Тел'анор It is near the ending quest of Добрый сурамаритянин - Tidying Tel'anor
Камень бесконечности Not far from Moon Guard teleport Телепорт Лунных стражей. You can get with Добрый сурамаритянин - Moon Guard Stronghold.
Фляга маны Кел'даната is near Falanaar. In the Ruins where you find Терин. Помрачены, но не забыты- Arcanist Kel'danath ~ 10-15 quest in Suramar
Исследовательские записи Киртоса is lying on the ground in Felsoul Hold in the cave near Kyrtos Can pick up while on Добрый сурамаритянин - Breaking The Lightbreaker
All items give 100 manapool and not 1000
Items can be phased out at some point of your storyline. Like Хрупкий силовой кристалл on Бремя странника дола quest for me
You need to start Suramar storyline and unlock ancient mana manapol i think, because you cant see this items if you just go there without doing quests first.
/script for q,i in pairs({=42842,=43988,=43989,=43986,=43987})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))end
Комментарий от Yewfire
Tomtom Macro code for the 5 Items that you can pick up in Suramar which will increase your Древняя мана cap:/way Suramar 21.0 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask (Near Falanaar)/way Suramar 45.0 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn (Tel`Anor)/way Suramar 34.5 11.1 Infinite (Stone Moon Guard Stronghold)/way Suramar 21.2 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal (Falanaar)/way Suramar 76.8 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes (Felsoul Hold)/cway
Protip: I use Macro Toolkit to avoid having to split macros into smaller parts. There are other addons that also allow this.
Комментарий от mitakasi
Thanks for the videos :) but really I just wanna read something like this -
It's in the Temple of Fal'adora in Falanaar (entrance coords = 22.8, 36.0)Go down the steps in the temple, through the first big room and take a left.As you go down the stairs, there is a hole in the wall with some blue crystals - the area is called "Shattered Locus."The main room here has a big ol' twisted crystals in the middle. Drop down or jump down the stairs near this.It's a big purple crystal in the very middle of the room guarded by Shardmaidens.
Комментарий от cynalise
Tooltip shows 1000 mana increase but in-game tool tip shows 100.
Комментарий от djleeds
Coordinates for Infinite Stone are slightly off /way 35.55, 12.12
Комментарий от saskiaderksen
If you already have your portal to Falanaar in Shal'Aran, take this portal. Do not go up the stairs, but descent through the crystals through the crack in the wall down to the next room with the big crystal inside. Down (take stairs or jump) in the middle is what you seek.
Комментарий от Boxofbeer
Okay, when you arrive to Suramar you can hold only 300 ancient mana. This pool can be increased with special items by 100 per each (not 1000 as wrote in notices)Five of them you will earn as a rewards for quests and 5 can be found just in Suramar. For 10/10 you will also earn Море маны achievement..TomTom:
/way Suramar 45.0, 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn is here/way Suramar 34.5, 11.1 Infinite Stone is here/way Suramar 21.2, 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal inside temple/way Suramar 22.7, 36.0 Volatile Leyline Crystal temple entrance/way Suramar 21.0, 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask is here/way Suramar 26.8, 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes inside a cave
Комментарий от QcRoman
Handy notes users take notice:
This thing will show up on your minimap and underground map of Azsuna's Nar'Thalas Academy's Hall of Arcane Learning (lower floor to the left) where it is NOT.
It is not even in Azsuna.
Read the other comments and save yourself as much time as I've wasted.
Thank you.
Комментарий от Terve
This video is for Kel'danath's Manaflask, not for Volatile Leyline Crystal.
Комментарий от Khorreed
For those tho didn't understand where it is, it is located downstairs in the withered training second room with crystal tree.(##RESPBREAK##)520##DELIM##Onyx1831##DELIM##Edited for overuse of bold and capslock. Please refrain from using those.
Комментарий от Abohassan
/way Suramar 45.0, 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn/way Suramar 34.5, 11.1 Infinite Stone (next area after the portal)/way Suramar 21.2, 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal (down in Falanaar)/way Suramar 21.0, 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask (near Theryn)/way Suramar 26.8, 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes (in Cave)
Incidentally, this is in the same place you do your withered training, so you will know the layout
Гайд по руинам Фаланаара — Voidzone
Как начать подготовку иссохших
Сначала вам требуется открыть доступ к локальным заданиям вашему персонажу. Для этого вам нужно получить репутацию «Дружелюбие» с пятью главными фракциям Легиона и завершить задание Союз фракций.
Также вам требуется завершить главную сюжетную цепочку заданий Помрачены, но не забыты.
После этого, Первая чародейка Талисра в Шал’Аране предложит вам задание Сбор войск. Это и будет первая подготовка Иссохших. После выполнения данного задания, раз в три дня вам будет доступно локальное задание Строевая подготовка иссохших.
Учтите, что выполнение сценария даётся намного легче, если для прохождения вы выберете максимальное количество Иссохших. Поэтому строго рекомендуется купить всех 20 Иссохших за 2000 древней маны. Для этого, вам потребуется увеличить кап Древней маны с 300 до 2000. Как это сделать смотрите в нашем гайде по Древней мане.
Советы новичкам
Что вам нужно делать
Убивайте монстров. За это вам начисляются очки, которые повлияют на получаемую репутацию с Помраченными в конце сценария. Вам не нужно набирать более 400 очков, так как за них вы получите 4 Табличка с тайной магией Фаланаара, что является максимумом для одного прохождения.
Оставьте в живых как можно больше Иссохших. Это даст вам возможность выносить из тоннелей сундуки с лутом (о них читайте ниже). Вы не получите бонусных очков за оставшихся в живых Иссохших, поэтому используйте их всех на сундуки.
Сценарий в руинах Фаланаара заканчивается, когда ваша армия разгромлена или вас убили.
Учтите, что у сценария нет ограничения по времени, поэтому проходите осторожно и старайтесь сохранить армии максимальное количество жизни. Для этого:
Прерывайте все заклинания врагов, которые можете.
Ловите Иссхоших, когда кто-то убегает в страхе.
Собирайте все сундуки в самом конце сценария. Если ваша текущая экипировка не позволяет пройти сценарий целиком, заберите хотя бы 1 или 2 сундука.
Используйте таунт Иссохшего-берсерка, если последний у вас есть.
Примечание: вылечить Иссоших с помощью заклинаний нельзя.
Что могут делать Иссохшие
У вашей армии есть два режима:
Резня. В этом режиме армия будет находиться в одной области и атаковать всех, кого смогут найти. Режим для убийства боссов или «толстых» монстров.
За мной! В этом режиме армия следует за вами и старается атаковать только выбранную вами цель.
По ходу прохождения сценария, вы можете встретить еще Иссохших, которые смогут присоединиться к вашей армии. Иногда они могут находиться внутри кокона.
Иссохшие время от времени могут впадать в страх и начать убегать. Вам требуется поймать иссохшего как можно быстрее, иначе он исчезнет.
Если вы убежите далеко вперёд или забудете включить режи За мной! после боя, ваша армия может потеряться.
В руинах Фаланаара вы можете победить 6 боссов: каких-то из них легко одолеть, с другими же придётся повозиться. Боссы обычно охраняют сундуки и Иссохших, которых вы можете принять в армию. Большинство из них вы можете легко пропустить, если вам не нужны эти сундуки. Все боссы восприимчивы к станам.
Ловчий силовых линий Дро — пожалуй, самый сложный босс в строевой подготовке Иссохших. С него падает Ключ Дроу, который необходим, чтобы попасть во вторую часть руин Фаланаара. Босс передвигается в стелсе по всей центральной части руин, а когда он приближается к вам, Первая чародейка Талисра предупреждает вас: «Берегись!»
Расположение боссов:
Отходите от Иссохших, когда с вам спадает Кристаллическая шрапнель.
Ловчий силовых линий Дро
Используйте стан во время его чарджа. Также перед началом сценария следует получить бафф Оберег первой чародейки у Первой чародейки Талисры.
Страж стаи Фикс
Ничего сложного. Просто убивайте маленьких паучков прежде, чем те сильно покусают вашу армию.
Нестабильный владыка призраков
Находитесь на расстоянии от Иссохших. Застаньте босса во время его финального каста.
Фурог эльфолом
Выведите босса из комнаты в тоннели, откуда пришли и деритесь там. Сбивайте касты Топот
Пауки перестают появляться, как только вы доберетесь до босса. Сам босс проблем не представляет.
Вне зависимости от того, с каким успехом вы завершите сценарий, вы всё равно получите большой сундук в конце. Из сундука обычно выпадает Табличка с тайной магией Фаланаара, Сгусток тайной магии Фаланаара, Кровь Саргераса, экипировка 810+ уровня, Древняя ману, ресурсы классового оплота, а также один из предметов, увеличивающих силу артефакта: Фаланаарский полумесяц, Фаланаарский скипетр или Фаланаарская сфера.
Также с более низким шансом в сундуке вы можете найти игрушки и предмет на получение маунта-лисы:
Сундуки с сокровищами
В тоннелях вы можете найти 3 вида сундуков с сокровищами: Малый, Обычный и Сверкающий. В Сверкающих сундуках находятся новые типы юнитов для вашей армии, в обычных содержатся баффы для армии, а в малых — золото, Кровь Саргераса и Древняя мана.
Весь список лута из сундуков и где они находятся на карте:
Бремя странника дола - Задание
Комментарий от Toodleoo
Take your seed from the portal and bring it to the center of Shal'Aran to turn in, watch cinematic, profit. =)
Комментарий от Yewfire
Tomtom Macro code for the 9 portal locations in Сурамар needed for Портализация:
Protip: I use Macro Toolkit to avoid having to split macros into smaller parts. There are other addons (ie Paste ) that also allow this.
I used this macro long after I discovered them all on Beta because Suramar's Daily & World quests kept me guessing which portal was closest.
Credit: varenne for coordinates.
Комментарий от Iraye
Quest isn't broken, it's part of the Suramar questline.I did however try and get portal earlier whitch made me belive it was broken aswell at first since I had just succsesfully opened another portal and thought they would all be the same.
Комментарий от TawnieAlice
<The seed sits perfectly atop the stand and sinks in with a satisfying click.> /big smile
Комментарий от Psychotopia
does anyone have the what he and first arcanist thalyssra sat after completing this quest written down becuase it bugged for me and i only got some of the convo
Комментарий от Hetsig
I got confused since i had 1900/2000 max mana and i couldn't figure out which one i had missed. I ran a script to see if i had missed a quest/script for q,i in pairs({=42842,=43988,=43989,=43986,=43987})do print(q,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(i))endand it turned out it was Хрупкий силовой кристалл which to my surprise doesn't get into your inventory but it's on the ground.
Комментарий от magpulsexp2
I loved the tips from others about the macros to figure out which parts of the storyline you have finished.I personally use SDM Super Duper Macro for writing verbose macros because im a chatty guy
Here is the one i wrote for The Light Below---snip---/run print(' ')/run print('\124cffffff00The Light Below Chain\124r') /run print('\124cff808080--------------------------------------------------------------------\124r')/run for k, v in pairs({ArcaneCommunion = 40324}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({ScenesFromAMemory = 40325}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({CloakedInMoonShade = 42224}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({BreakingTheSeal = 42225}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({MoonshadeHoldout = 42226}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({IntoTheCrevasse = 42227}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({TheHiddenCity = 42228}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run for k, v in pairs({TheValewalkersBurden = 42230}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Yes\124r" or "\124cffff0000No\124r")) end
/run print('\n')---snip---
Комментарий от stickshift
I'm carrying someones seed? I hope the guys at work don't hear about this!
Комментарий от Mondoblasto
There are quotes after the cut scene, part of which is:
Valewalker Farodin says: To care for the arcan'dor is a great burden - one which we now share.
There is a pause, then:
Valewalker Farodin says: Hmph. Arrogant. In time, you will see.
Obviously there is a sentence here that did not trigger, which Farodin then responds to. Without having gone further than this in the quests and narrowing it down to either Thalyssra or Valtrois, the closest logical match in the quotes that Wowhead has logged is:
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: We are masters of the arcane, night elf. I think we can handle a tree.
Can anyone help confirm this? Did it (or not) trigger for you?
Комментарий от daphney
Any idea why she isn't offering this quest? Do i need The Masks We Wear questline? Are there prereqs?
Комментарий от sitecow09
"We are masters of the arcane, night elf. I think we can handle a tree." Her dry delivery of that line got a good laugh out of me.
Комментарий от valencium
how do I accept the quest? where do I go I ve looked every where! plz help!
Комментарий от Trylion
I got the seed and used my hearthstone and it didn't work for some reason. So if anyone has this trouble this is what you need to do.
***If you got the "Valewalker's Burden" quest and get back to Shal'Aran and can't turn in, you DO NOT have to go back into the Falanaar Tunnels to complete. Just go back to the Shattered Locus, where the Temple of Fal'ador is. When you are close the seed will appear over your head, but you have to activate the beacon inside to complete. You will automatically be teleported once you do so.
Sorry for the long winded explanation, but I had to go back in the tunnels a third time and couldn't find where to get the quest or if it was a bug, until I retraced my steps from following when the Queen stole the seed and runs through the tunnels back to the Shattered Locus / Temple of Fal'ador. That is the area where the Army of Withered starts off in case you were wondering.
Once you complete this questline, you will be able to begin Withered Army training.
(see screenshot for exact location) if there is no screenshot see the one posted as it shows where this quest needs to be completed.
Комментарий от woofpuppy
Go back up the stairs to 40.79 14.05 to plant the seed.
Чародейский источник питания - Объект
Комментарий от franto
follow the path up - it's up there at the highest point.
Комментарий от lyphe
I couldn't find the path up, but a good alternative for anyone with slow fall or a glider is to go to the Obsidian Overlook FP in High Mountain, and then jump down to it.
Комментарий от sushibar
Looking south from the Obsidian Overlook FP in Highmountain, it's in the middle of the large round courtyard to your right. Use a goblin glider or another glide method to get there. Submitting screen shot.
Комментарий от scr00chy
Normally, you're supposed to reach this place after doing the Moon Guard Stronghold quest line. However, there is a catch.
The last part of the quest line takes place under a magic shield and after accepting the final quest, you get teleported out. So if you want the Arcane Power Unit, you have to go grab it BEFORE accepting the last quest! Just run out of the magic shield and go get the item, then come back and accept the final quest and get teleported out.
EDIT: The auto-teleport has been adjusted in a hotfix on September 21:
Players will no longer be immediately teleported after accepting “ Last Stand of the Moon Guard”, and must speak to Thalrenus Rivertree to be teleported to Meredil.
Комментарий от eKatherine
The location is called Highmist Terrace. There's a circle of mobs around it. I landed my glider on the wall just above, jumped down in stealth, and managed to aggro only 2 mobs, which have only 498K health each anyway.
Coordinates of the chest are 35:11.
Комментарий от Boxofbeer
Okay, when you arrive to Suramar you can hold only 300 ancient mana. This pool can be increased with special items by 100 per each (not 1000 as wrote in notices)Five of them you will earn as a rewards for quests and 5 can be found just in Suramar. For 10/10 you will also earn Море маны achievement.TomTom:
/way Suramar 45.0, 30.4 Enchanted Burial Urn is here/way Suramar 34.5, 11.1 Infinite Stone is here/way Suramar 21.2, 33.8 Volatile Leyline Crystal inside temple/way Suramar 22.7, 36.0 Volatile Leyline Crystal temple entrance/way Suramar 21.0, 54.5 Kel'danath's Manaflask is here/way Suramar 26.8, 70.7 Kyrtos's Research Notes inside a cave
Комментарий от Barleduq
I don't suppose there's a macro that can tell if I've picked this up already? I have no idea, and my cap is 1100 at the moment.
If there's only 10 items, that brings one to 1300 - so how are we supposed to carry aroudn 2000?