Древний саронит. Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога
История современного города Афины.
Древние Афины
История современных Афин

Месторождение чистого саронита. Древний саронит

Древнейший саронит - Предмет - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от FuxieDK

Appears to be next generation of Frozen/Runed/Crusader Orb..

Комментарий от Bgbngtheory

I would have to disagree with your assessment... I think it would be more along the lines of Titansteel

Комментарий от WolfBlitzer

Except if you look at the items its required for, all of the Icecrown crafted gear identified so far requires it, including cloth and leather. These are definitely the crafting Orbs for 3.3.

Комментарий от 0LineGate

Seems to be true.

Комментарий от 0LineGate

Seems to be true, but why it's called Saronite?.. :o It so odd.

Комментарий от Twan

It's called Saronite because the Scourge use it for most of their machines and building-like-objects. Several quests in Icecrown explain it.

Комментарий от danroe

It´s called Saronite but the icon is a guy breathing green fire.(It´s true!)

Комментарий от flopfaint

This is the pure "essence" of saronite, hence the odd icon

Комментарий от nobar550

interestingly, the items created by this are in cataclysm crafting range.

Комментарий от Silhac

Note that those are yellow numbers, the orange minimum crafting skill is actually 450. When we can get higher than 450 though, then the skill will go yellow at 475 as displayed.

Комментарий от AmicaGL

Saronite probably gets its name from Yogg-Saron. Uses the Old God's name, with the suffix "-ite," indicating that it's a metallic ore.

Комментарий от Mike

Whats differant with these, is that you use the Primordial Saronite to purchase the iLvl 264 patterns, and then more Primordial Saronite to make the epic items. according to mmo-champion.

Комментарий от Pappi

Saronite is an element associated with the Old God Yogg-Saron. According to the Archivum Console in Ulduar, a powerful acid found within Yogg-Saron is believed to be responsible for the liquefaction of Saronite. They called it the "Black Blood of Yogg-Saron" "They" being the Tuskarr.Taken from Wowwiki

Комментарий от Eluneril

I see a dude breathing green fire

Комментарий от mixter

i dont see a man breathing fire ;oi see something like a crusader orb only the top is wierd...and i think its half empty :p

Комментарий от runtodarkness

yeah so i recall it's made from the blood of yogg-saron getting flung all around northrend after some event... so yes, when you grind mine up some icecrown, you're mining blood. just really old blood.

Комментарий от capsuleshoes

When this item ID# was first made available, it was originally named ICECROWN THING OF CRAFTING THINGS .

I wish it kept that name.

Комментарий от Merenor

I see a wave of green fire smothering someone as they scream.

Комментарий от koolkiller

I'am not sure I've searched everywhere but I didn't found how to obtain / craft / loot it.Any idea?

Комментарий от yanara

For Emblems of Frost for sure. Other than that, seeing as how many you require, maybe it has a 1% dropchance of icc trash and 100% chance to drop of bosses. Maybe even the IC heroics will reward them.

Комментарий от Lordsow

I hope not.I think it will be some Primordial Saronite Veins (Node) that drop the item, or something like Sunmote, a rare drop of zone mobs.

Комментарий от Grieel

I highly doubt it, if this is the next gen of crusader orbs they wouldnt hand them out so easily as with 5 man heroics

Комментарий от capsuleshoes

I highly doubt it, if this is the next gen of crusader orbs they wouldnt hand them out so easily as with 5 man heroics

Yes, because you'll be getting Emblems of Frost as the default dungeon token from bosses in heroic chaining when 3.3 hits. Oh, wait...

Комментарий от Mithorium

The new defualt dungeon token is Embelm of Triumph, not Frost

Комментарий от Koba163

No, the default token is still Emblem of Conquest. The change is going to drop emblems of conquest from each boss in heroics. For the first heroic that you complete per day, you gain two Emblems of Frost. For each heroic that you complete after that, you gain two Emblems of Triumph. Emblems of Conquest have not been removed from heroics.

Комментарий от caab

Not to bust your bubble or anything, but default token is going to be Triumph, as u can see from this link, even without following it:


So, Conquest will not be in heroics, because everywhere that Conquest emblems drop, as of patch, will be Triumph.

Комментарий от unckle

capsuleshoes' comment got down rated due to limited intelligence of readers ..... please try to understand irony ....

Комментарий от coolguyry

Due from what we now about the "orb items", I highly suspect that this will drop off of Icecrown Citadel 10-man heroic mode and 25-man mode. It happened in Ulduar and it could happen again. Also this item might be craftable. How? Darion gives us a little hint, that if we're at a certain rep level with Ashen Verdict, Alchemist Finklestein will teach us how to make it (don't know what profession might be involved though, but I kinda think it's going to be mining.) And finally, this can be bought off the Emblem of Frost vendor. But right now it's placeholder is money, and I highly suspect that this will be bought for 15-20 Emblems of Frost. Hopefully this gives you all a better idea of how this can be obtained!

Комментарий от Renuit

Due from what we now about the "orb items", I highly suspect that this will drop off of Icecrown Citadel 10-man heroic mode and 25-man mode.

Assuming Blizzard maintains their same mindset as they did with the old Orbs, it'll be available from 10-man heroic and 25-man ICC. Later on in a patch they will allow purchasing the Primordial Saronite with 15 Emblem of Frost like they did with Crusader Orb via Emblem of Triumph in patch 3.3.

Комментарий от Calidus

Sold by Arcanist Uovril for 23xEmblem of Frost.

Комментарий от stillnotking

Also this item might be craftable. How? Darion gives us a little hint, that if we're at a certain rep level with Ashen Verdict, Alchemist Finklestein will teach us how to make it (don't know what profession might be involved though, but I kinda think it's going to be mining.)

No, Darion says that Finklestein will show you how to work Primordial Saronite, not how to make it. It's highly unlikely that players will be able to craft this. It's the Frozen Orb of 3.3 and is 99% likely to follow the same mechanics as Frozen/Runed/Crusader Orbs.

Комментарий от art13

Это то-же самое что и сфера рыцаря или Руническая сфера. Будет очень много нужно для шадоумурна.

Комментарий от Betrayer17

You: *How can I learn to work Saronite?*

Highlord Darion Mograine: Speak with Finklestein, <class>. He can set you on the path.

Demonstrate your loyalty and their methods shall be made known to you.http://www.wowhead.com/?guide=3.3&ashen-verdictDoes this mean that we will be able to make Primordial Saronite?This would make the first quest for Shadowmourne a LOT easier.

Комментарий от Lemming

I wouldn't guarantee that... In no other instance to my knowledge have we had to be trained to somehow work a regent into a crafting item, so unless Finklestein sells the patterns (unlikely as he's one of the daily NPCs out in Zul'Drak), there could possibly be a way to craft Primordial Saronite with like a 3 day timer or something similar to how Arcanite Bars were made back in vanilla. Not a guarantee, but still a possibility.

Комментарий от Kujja

This could be like the new "Hardened Khorium" that dropped in Sunwell for sunwell recipes, but when you see its for cloth, leather, mail and plate its a bit confusing, maybe we melt the saronite to "work it into the armor"? <--(tbh that sounds most likely to me)

Комментарий от jmcgrath

the event you refer to is known as... 'The Great Flunging'

Комментарий от Arrgoth

While I don't suppose to know anything that blizzard is gonna do.I believe the statement "How can I learn to work Saronite?" is pointing to the crafted recipes and how you will "work" the saronite until it becomes an item.

Finklestein will likely sell the recipes if this is true.

Комментарий от lgasho

There seems to be a good bit of confusion here regarding the way blizzard is using the word 'work.' In this case, work is being used as a verb in conjunction with an object, so the following definition is appropriate:

to manipulate or treat by labor - ex: to work butter.

Or more appropriately in this case, to work primordial saronite.

Комментарий от Glyphstream

Hopefully, he won't make us fetch things from shelves to learn the recipes....

Комментарий от dfordeathmaggy

PPL Always Belive there are Very stupid ppl playing this game..One on AH "magtheridon" server.. 22k G LoL!

But who knows, he might get lucky :P

Комментарий от GregxD

Just saw this on the Proudmoore Auction House for 10k Gold...

Комментарий от Psython

Have asked around the 5 guilds on the realm and out of those 25 man raids they all got a grand total of one Primordial Saronite. Armory sais 33% droprate on normal, 66 on heroic. (25 man only it seems, kind of expected ofcourse)

Комментарий от Unhlybullets

The quest for Shadowmourne, the new legendary 2h axe for hunters and DKs, requires you to get 25 of these. That will take a lot of farming emblems.

Комментарий от DaBeijingKing

not a hunter weapon

Комментарий от Faeyenthiel

Or, for horde, by Magister Arlan.

Комментарий от Thginkhtaed

Its not possible to have one yet.

Weekly raid = 5 EoF1st HC(day one(yesterday)= 2 EoFQuests in FoS= 4 EoFQuests in PoS= 4 EoFQuests in HoR= 4 EoF1st HC(day two(today))= 2 EoF

Today you have max 21 EoF!

Комментарий от Jaylen

Technically, it's a mouth breathing fire. Yogg-Saron has more mouths than eyes.

So, maybe Primordial Saronite isn't so much blood, but the after effects of Yoggiekins having too much chili?

Комментарий от Ret4life

You know, this got me thinking. A new wing for ICC will open every 28 days, dks, rets, and dps warriors will probably think about hoarding their emblems to buy enough of these so they can get the require of 25 out of the way for their legendary... But missing out on t10 to save for a weapon thats basically free once arthas is up.... seems like a no brainer for some but then again, they will skip on all tier gear and just go for the boss drop loots.

Комментарий от Ret4life

Funny, cause heroic mode isnt open yet.

Комментарий от Quesly

wrong everything is a hunter weapon

Комментарий от Damhooligan

Has anyone in game seen this drop off of bosses in ICC yet or is the only way to get them via 23 Frost Emblems? I mean post 3.3 patch of course.

My guild cleared the available bosses in ICC in 25 and 10 and we did not see any drop.

BTW, I did not see the recipe for Alchemy to make these available in ICC as some had mentioned earlier in this string.

GAWD 23 emblems = 1, x 25 ... say it ain't so. : /

Комментарий от nisx

Primordial Saronite's drop from ICC25 bosses but the drop % is not 100%. I saw 2 saronites droping from ICC 25 this week (2 from 4 bosses)

Комментарий от Exeglow

I'm glad you KNOW FOR A FACT that he is wrong. For a second there I thought Blizzard might be creative and do something different.

Комментарий от deffar

Dropped today. I was lucky to get one. Sold it for 3.5k gold on AH.

Комментарий от eberkain

Seen people offering 3k gold each for these.

Комментарий от xanderbox

Just a note for people that have not noticed, you will been needing 25 x for each your guild will be looking to make.

It is one of the requirements for the first quest which will create and lead on to the other quests in the chain of the forging.

Комментарий от Fendolf

Well for those of us who didn't get the sweet bug (instead of going from 2 frosts to 2 triumphs per random on the daily reset some folk got 2 frosts for each random they did and managed to already have multiple primordial saronites and some went for a few pieces of T10 by day two....bastards. ~_~ ) we can get easily one primordial saronite a week, and with a large raiding guild you can have enough primordial saronite for a shadowmourne each week, more with alts thrown in the equation...so that probably won't be a problem if the guild can see things in the "A geared guild is a geared me." perspective. But that should be held off until later as you can't even complete the quest chain yet... But aquiring these as a cohesive guild should not be a problem. I wouldn't worry about it, personally.

Комментарий от Slantyline

I'm pretty sure I saw on the WoW forums that Primordial Saronite has a 25% chance of dropping from the bosses in ICC in normal mode, and a 50% chance of dropping in Heroic Mode. I can't find a quote yet but I'll see what I can do.

Комментарий от shipwrecksos

A vendor sell price of 7 gold, lol... Those vendors better have some awesome negotiation skills if they think they can talk me down THAT low...

Player: "So, how much will you give me for it...."Vendor: "I'll give you 7 gold...., AND..., a really Shiny Bracelet!"Player: "Well..., my wife did say she wanted a new bracelet for Winter Veil this year..., oh what the heck! SOLD!"

Комментарий от Corvan

a tribute to the dev's creativity. or possibly just an indicator of lack of coffee.

Комментарий от Zofrenn

Actually, it looks like a flame bursting out of a crack in the earth to me.Why did I get rated down?

Комментарий от Mizugos

If you're planning on buying your way to 25 of these, expect to pay at least 60k. I managed to get 23 from bidding on pieces that were anywhere between 2000-2700 and advertising in trade chat, plus the final 2 I needed from frost emblems.

Комментарий от vrogy

No, it's called Saronite because it's the Black Blood of Yogg-Saron.

That #$%^ we're draping all around ourselves? Literally the solidified blood of the god of death.

Комментарий от magri123

it should also be apparent that Primordial Saronite is one of the leading causes of AIDS

Комментарий от guisadop

LK Heart of Darkness

Комментарий от shamzarrulzwow

When this item ID# was first made available, it was originally named ICECROWN THING OF CRAFTING THINGS.


Ink (inscription) The stuff of dalaran for use of writing things

Other ore(mining) The stuff of azeroth for use of making metal

Engeniering stuff: random crap for building more random crap

Plants(herbalism) The universal stuff for use of brewing things

Gear (gear) the stuff for use of fighting stuff

And so on........I wish blizzard was that creative

And the picture of the saronite looks 2 me like really bad constapation

Комментарий от WoWmasta101

Does anyone know if these drop on 10 man difficulty as well as 25?

Комментарий от Grifter1001

Primordial Saronite = Nether Vortex

Комментарий от Morgira

Due to their use in the Shadow's Edge quest (The first of the Shadowmourne chain) they have a large demand. As of the 6th the demand will rise substantionally with the introduction of Rotgut and .

Buy cheap whilst you can. I have :3

Комментарий от Xandyx

Rotface =)

Комментарий от psychlo

someone could tell me what is the easiest way to get primordial saronite? where? and how?regards!

Комментарий от Coag

It is indeed the major crafting component for the Icecrown raid.And a major component in crafting Shadowmourne which requires 25 Primordial Saronite.

Few opportunities have so presented themselves to the casual player to make money in the history of World of Warcraft as Primordial Saronite. Each piece is currently selling in trade between 1800-2600g (your servers' prices may vary) and are obtainable through Emblems of Frost x 23

Since every Semi-Serious Warrior, Paladin, and DK raider wants a Legendary Weapon, there is and will be a Huge demand for this item for quite some time. As a casual player you can easily do the weekly raid quests and daily heroic/dungeon finder for Emblems of Frost. Since Blizzard has shifted its philosophy of giving casuals easily obtainable raid gear one tier below the current raid you probably wont miss the Emblems of Frost much anyway, many of which cost upwards of 95 emblems anyway, and would require considerable time to acquire doing just quests if you are not raiding.

And since history will repeat itself, the next expansion will outdate Legendary gear, like it has with past legendary Items meaning you can probably get by for the few remaining months of this expansion with gear you bought using the many Emblems of Triumph gained while earning your Emblems of frost and turning yourself a considerable profit on Primordial Saronite every 9 days or so.

I personally will fund all my alts 'Epic Mount Funds' with Primordial Saronite.

Комментарий от EmoQQ

The easiest way to get is clearly buying it from others.

Комментарий от psychlo

...... ¬¬ yeh..... and as it is assumed that the others would get?¡

Комментарий от xxjay17xx

That's exactly what I did. I bought myself epic flight on three toons now using this method, easy way to make a TON of gold quickly.

Комментарий от Ship

On server:Azuremyst (A) these cost 3,3K in AH and 2,8-3K in trade.Talnivarr (H) these cost 1,8K in AH and 1,5K in trade.Talnivarr (A) around 2,2K in AH and 1,8K in trade.I have traded the Primordial Saronite on both these servers to these prices. The prices seems to be stable on these levels and not dropping as I was expecting them to do. Guess demand is very high.

Understand that there might be servers that has a price of arund 1K each. Maybe more can report here of prices on various servers.

Have now checked Argent Dawn and prices are around 2K each on both factions.Nagrand (A) 2,2K in both trade and AH.Shadowsong (A) 2K in trade and 2,5K in AH

Комментарий от Elitemus

Its a guy farting green fire :/

Комментарий от johannhowitzer

Except that a lot of BoP gear you get automatically through quests, instance drops, etc can be worn and THEN sold or disenchanted. Emblems are BoP but you can't sell them - first you have to decide what to spend them on. It's a much more difficult choice - do I want a moderately significant gear upgrade that'll be replaced later, or do I want an item I can auction for enough gold to speed up my resource farming and alt leveling in Northrend?

Unless you're already decked out in epic flyers, dual talent specs, etc., I'd say go with the saronite and auction it. Eventually you'll have more Emblems of Frost than you can spend anyway... now if only Blizzard would give us a use for Stone Keeper's Shards beyond heirlooms and pvp gear? Well, everything becomes obsolete eventually. I guess we live with it.

Комментарий от Aelit

Stone Keeper's Shards can be used to buy Wintergrasp commendations, which give 2000 honor per 30 Stone Shards.You can then use the resultant honor to buy epic gems for 10000 honor, or 150 shards per gem. Meaning each shard is equivalent to roughly 1g, based around your server price on Cardinal rubies (Which I assume is what you'd buy).

Комментарий от love2010

Recommendedalways lack of gold to buy items/gears/equipts from AH?we just enjoy our game, stop wasting our time to farm.I Recommend a good and honest site wich offer all the BOE items/gears/equiptswww.itemvendor.com

Комментарий от Gorniel2

Good thing that Blizzard didn't go with "Arthas' Orb", for the sake of trade chat. Else we would've seen:

: Did anyone see s?

Комментарий от live2010

Recommendedalways lack of gold to buy items/gears/equipts from AH?we just enjoy our game, stop wasting our time to farm.I Recommend a good and honest site wich supply all the BOE items/gears/equipts3.3 patch/264 levelwww.itemvendor.com

Комментарий от live2010

the easiest way is to buy from itemvendor.com. how much gold do we need to buy the items? about 20k gold. and where can we get the gold? farm ourselves? or buy from site? blizzard will bann your account. i suggest to buy the items instead of farm or buy gold. i love the site itemvendor.com

Комментарий от mooner

the easiest way is to buy from itemvendor.com. how much gold do we need to buy the items? about 20k gold. and where can we get the gold? farm ourselves? or buy from site? blizzard will bann your account. i suggest to buy the items instead of farm or buy gold. i love the site itemvendor.com

Комментарий от item

hi, wich way do you guys think to get this one?it would spend you about 10k - 20k gold, how can we get so much gold?famring waste our time, buy gold will lead our account banned.i Recommend a good site here: &*!@#$%^&*.com supply all 264 BOE items.&*!@#$%^&*.com is honest, and good service, i love it!

Комментарий от killrogue

Recommendedalways lack of gold to buy items/gears/equipts from AH?we just enjoy our game, stop wasting our time to farm.I Recommend a good and honest site wich supply all the BOE items/gears/equipts3.3 patch/264 levelwww.*!@#$%^&*!.com

Комментарий от killrogue

Recommendedalways lack of gold to buy items/gears/equipts from AH?we just enjoy our game, stop wasting our time to farm.I Recommend a good and honest site wich supply all the BOE items/gears/equipts3.3 patch/264 levelwww.item vendor.c0m

Комментарий от killrogue

hi, wich way do you guys think to get this one?it would spend you about 10k - 20k gold, how can we get so much gold?famring waste our time, buy gold will lead our account banned.i Recommend a good site here: (!@#$%^&*!@.com) supply all 264 BOE items.it's honest, and good service, i love it!item&vendor.com(delete the "&" betoween item and vendor).

Комментарий от killrogue

hi, wich way do you guys think to get this one?it would spend you about 10k - 20k gold, how can we get so much gold?famring waste our time, buy gold will lead our account banned.i Recommend a good site here,it's honest, and good service, i love it!www.item&vendor.com (delete the "&" betoween item and vendor).

Комментарий от live33

hi, wich way do you guys think to get this one?it would spend you about 10k - 20k gold, how can we get so much gold?famring waste our time, buy gold will lead our account banned.i Recommend a good site here,it's honest, and good service, i love it!www.item&vendor.com (delete the "&" betoween item and vendor).

Комментарий от FeedYourHead

An easy 2k gold every two weeks simply for running a random heroic once a day. Assuming you want the gold rather than the gear, like me. I am fine wearing all ilvl245 gear bought with Triumph and supporting my 6 alts at the same time.

Edit: Every 2 weeks assuming you don't do the weekly raid.

Комментарий от gaara8932

+ 1 for Futurama reference!

Комментарий от rnbw

Shoop da Whoop?

Комментарий от alek2002

How to get this:Get normal stacks of Saronite and sit on it then you get 1 Primordial Saronite :)

Комментарий от pasc1573

hi, wich way do you guys think to get this one?buy gold to purchase from AH?farm them in game by your self? Recommend a new good way to get it,www.item_vendor.com>it's Cheap/honest/fast delivery, i love it!www.item_vendor.com>(there is no "_" betoween item and vendor)

Комментарий от Aleck

Dumb question, downrate it once answered, but only 1 drops per boss? Or is it more than 1

Комментарий от Hawkedge

Hysterical, i never laugh so hard in my life! /end sarcasm.

obviously, the cost 23 emblems of frost, or have a chance to drop from every boss in ICC.

Комментарий от julienpdx

Does anyone know if they will drop off the 10man heroic version bosses too? This site says some bosses drop it but then doesn't say they drop in the "total heroic drops" in 10 man. Anyone know for sure?

Комментарий от Sarimutona

The proc of the reputation ring for healers is still called Item - Icecrown Reputation Ring Healer Effect.

Комментарий от Maldul

A month ago I was buying these for 2000-2200 gold, on my server. Now they go as low as 1000-1400. Very nice for those who only buy them.

Комментарий от Ragolabron

What is worth more? farming for this or farming for http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=25162? personally i think this one would be easier because you can get it in less than a week by doiing 7 dailies (14 emblems of frost) 1 weekly (5 EoF) and raids (X EoF) so pretty much about 19 + X a week. but i have also heard accounts on the other on getting it in 2 kills. The value is about the same and i want to know what is more..... sellable.

Комментарий от Ibitis

The price has already started to decrease due to raiders hitting "critical mass" with gear. They've got all their T10 pieces, and have begun to upgrade them. They doubtlessly have a couple offset pieces. What use could they have for gear? No, instead they are now, wisely, spending their Frosts on Saronite, and selling it. And with so many of them doing so, the result is rather obvious.

Комментарий от rennac

cookie? =b

Комментарий от Arieu999

You can buy it from the Frost Emblem vendor in Dalaran. Can get 1 for 23 frost emblems :) then if you want, can just sell them for about 1000-1100 gold :D. Frost emblems are harder to get, can do the weeklys and get 5 of them, do the random dungeons, the first dungeon you do (of that day) you get 2 of them :) :)

Комментарий от retus

cool and creative, agreed

Комментарий от shipwrecksos

For those of you who don't get this reference, here is the clip:


Комментарий от Ragolabron

Ragolabron, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

statement for the idiots. A simple question is NOT "dumbing people down" because its a question. If you had any brain in whatever empty spot you call your head, you would know that questions are meant to make people smarter. I'm trying to make money, i asked a question to see what would get me more money, and you being the idiot you are tried to be sarcastic. Also, @Ibitis and @Chk177 thank you for the info on the price dropping, i have seen 1 only go for a price around there on my server but i can see where you are going because they are definitely dropping in value from 1.3k - 1.5k max to (not including that one case mentioned above) 1k - 1.3k max.

Комментарий от Wheredabull

According to wowarmory.com Primordial Saronite also sell for 28g... Either that, or u cam buy frost emblems for 28g.... Emailed blizz about wether it was a glitch or hidden vendor. They havn't responded yet

Комментарий от Avante

Also, these won't go into a mining bag. Just an FYI

Комментарий от kmo999

According to wowarmory.com Primordial Saronite also sell for 28g... Either that or u can buy frost emblems for 28g.... Emailed blizz about weher it was a glitch or a hidden vendor. They haven't responded yet

The 28g is because it can be sold to vendor for 7g. Vendors sell items for 4 times what they would pay for it.4 times 7 is 28.and you cant buy emblems either.

BTW the price varies alot and quick.Sold one for 1025g yesterday evening and when I checked this morning the price was up at 1750g.Of course it can vary more on my server than on your but watch out.

Комментарий от Jakeofb1adez44

On Archimonde (US), horde side, Primordial Saronite originally went for about 2300 Gold a pop, then I took a break and checked the prince today and was astounded that they are going for 750 Gold a pop... less than 1/3rd what they use to be. Amazing for people who sold them at the begining

Комментарий от skati

On my server the price is about 400-500 gold, so its gone down a whole lot.

Комментарий от GaronaPirhana

It seems like more and more melle classes are getting shadows edge due to the price decrease :( kind of takes the rarity out of it.

Комментарий от vestlen

Runs around 600-800, occasionally lower, on Whisperwind US, a medium-sized server with pretty slow progression. If you were running daily randoms just to get extra frost for these, you might want to not bother anymore; gathering professions will probably net you more cash.

Комментарий от jordywaanders

its rocket propelled right? and evryone wants this right? then why dont they put primordial saronite in need for speed most wanted!

Комментарий от Urythmic

The drop chances shown on Wowhead for Primordial Saronite from Putricide seem really strange:

Normal 10 drop chance: 1.2%Heroic 10 drop chance: 5%Normal 25 drop chance: 22%Heroic 25 drop chance: 5%

The first three sound reasonable, but why would the drop chance go down in Heroic 25? Also, the article description of ICC says it doesn't drop at all in Normal 10-man (maybe the drop rate is just so low that it didn't register at all until after the article was written?)

Anyone have a clue what's up with these drop rates?

Комментарий от maggabeast

Take a look at hayden hawke's gold guide it will show some great tricks when trying to sell and earn money especially on primordial saronites.

Комментарий от hannigaholic

See the icon?

What has been seen cannot be unseen.

My work here is done.

Комментарий от creamlapine

These are now down to around 500-700g per primordial, and the reason people would spend frosts on the gear is because alot of people are very picky about gear score and wont let people join a raid until they have a high enough gear score. For example i had 2694 gear score and the guild i am in would not let me raid ICC 25 until i had 2700. And because the raid browser is totally useless since most people use trade chat, and trade chat is mostly useless because of all the spammers there, it is very hard for people to get into raids to get the better gear that they need to get their gear score high enough to please these raid leaders. So of course people will spend frosts which they can get from voa and the first random heroic instance of the day and from icc 10 on gear. Oh thats 500-700 on Eonar server, not a clue what they are on others.

Комментарий от rhinoloupe


Комментарий от alicerozen

For Shadow's Edge quest, in case your guild keeps all the primordial saronite for itself for whatever reason, you will need 575 emblems to buy all that saronite.

Festergut and Rotface are the easy part of this quest.

Комментарий от Bladecatcher

Overpriced on Moon Guard since 1999! :D

Комментарий от graydetrick

Now 266 Justice points.

Комментарий от mkrivacek

Yes, it dropped for me last night. But what is interesting, it dropped from Gunship HC :-S

Комментарий от obiwaynekenobi

With the changes in Patch 4.0.1 it would take 6,650 Justice Points to buy 25 Primordial Saronites needed for Shadow's Edge. In other words, if you haven't gotten it already it's probably not worth it to get Shadow's Edge now.

Комментарий от rzzr

With the changes in Patch 4.0.1 it would take 6,650 Justice Points to buy 25 Primordial Saronites needed for Shadow's Edge. In other words, if you haven't gotten it already it's probably not worth it to get Shadow's Edge now.

Slightly disagree with this statement. Primordial Saronite is about 120g each on my server, so it's never been so cheap to get the 25 you need.

Комментарий от rzzr

With the changes in Patch 4.0.1 it would take 6,650 Justice Points to buy 25 Primordial Saronites needed for Shadow's Edge. In other words, if you haven't gotten it already it's probably not worth it to get Shadow's Edge now.

Slightly disagree with this statement. Primordial Saronite is about 120g each on my server, so it's never been so cheap to get the 25 you need.

Комментарий от vvlol

HARDEST Part of the #*&$ing QUEST

Комментарий от unknowen9000

Even less valuable now that Cataclysm is out! If you want Shadow's Edge, you can farm the Justice Points for it by yourself over a relatively short time.

However, now it'll take forever to get a group to do ICC 25.

Комментарий от Houds

Can be bought using Justice points in dalaran.

Комментарий от Zhvart

Do they drop on 10/25 man? i mean, both?

Комментарий от Tenderjuicy

I bought 25 Primordial Saronites for the Shadowmourne quest for 100g each. Took me a while to find some though. You can also use your Justice points to buy one.266 Justice Points= Primordial Saronite :D

Комментарий от angle

The last post was in 2010 It is now 2013 would like to know with all these new patches and things do they still have Primordial Saronite anymore? If so r they still falling from the bosses in ICC?I have 2 servers I play on 1 for my Hordes and 1 for my Ally.Neither AH have them for sale and Ive looked for months.Could someone post a new comment on this.Thank You

Комментарий от bryguy322

These are still available in patch 5.1 for 266 Justice Points along with dropping off ICC bosses in 25 man raid. Can also be found on AH. I have seen them listed for 50g up to several hundred gold.

Комментарий от Takius

Had one drop off Festergut today in 10 man. Thought it was 25 only, but I guess it's just a much lower drop rate in 10 man.

Комментарий от Dealf

There is an NPC inside the 10 man (possibly 25 man) raid of ICC named Goodman the "Closer." He sells the primordial Saronite for 266 justice points. The NPC is located next to the priest vendor. He is a human wearing a blue vest and pants. If my cord addon is right, the cords are 36.03, 20.91. I hope this helps.

Комментарий от Booraug

Sold for 266 JP, easily attainable now in 5.3 (thank god for chain heroics)

Комментарий от ainotna

These can now be purchased for 266 Justice Points from the <Legacy Justice Quartermaster> in Dalaran.

Комментарий от ArticSkoll

looks to be removed from vendors in dalaran but still sold from vendor in ice crown citadel for 26g 60s per 1.

this is as of beta build 18816

Комментарий от Silveraynea

As of 6.0.2., this can now be purchased for gold. Upstairs in the Silver Exchange in Dalaran, Arcanist Urovil sells them for 120g to a character with max Silver Covenant rep (if you are an Alliance Character).

The saronite is also now a crafting agent and can be sent between characters.

Update: Magister Arlan sells the saronite if you are a horde character.

Комментарий от sonicsix

Sold by Goodman the "Closer", the Legacy Justice Quartermaster in ICC for 120g (at least that was my cost when I looked). Run in, hang a right and there he is.

I, for one, am not willing to pay 120g each for old school leatherworking recipes, which is what I went there for.

Комментарий от Gracejones

Usually pretty cheap on Auction House (though server dependent). Often within 1 gold of the item's vendor price (7 gold) on my server.

Комментарий от Noravarra

Actually, this can end up with very nice gold profit.


Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога

Саронит… Нет! Древнейший саронит. Как много в этом звуке для сердца WoW’ера слилось! Именно саронит стал самым желанным ресурсом в последние дни. И это неудивительно, ведь он нужен для крафта мощных предметов, а также для получения Темной скорби. Но что же такое саронит? Саронит активно используется Королем-личем для создания экипировки, которую носят воины плети. Без сомнения, саронитовым топором вооружен и Лорд Ребрад, только об этом никто не знает.

Саронит известен тем, что длительное взаимодействие с ним приводит к помутнению рассудка. Во всяком случае, рабы саронитовых шахт явно попали под влияние чей-то злой воли. Но вот чьей? Клыккары именуют саронит Черной кровью Йогг-Сарона, что наводит на мысли о происхождении этого металла. Воздействие саронита на разум живого существа настолько велико, что рабы саронитовых шахт в Имирхейме предпочитают умереть, чем стать свободными и уйти из шахт. Неудивительно, что такая мощная энергия привлекла Короля-лича и он обратил свой взор к темнице Древнего бога. Теперь основной источник сырья для оружия и доспехов это Яма Сарона – место, где пролегают глубочайшие и богатейшие залежи саронита…

Впервые мы можем узнать о губительном влиянии саронита, лишь вступив на берег Нордскола. В Ревущем фьорде нам приходится столкнуться с лигой спятивших исследователей, слишком глубоко забравшихся в пещеры, полные саронита. Они слышат голоса и не понимают ничего, следуя зову неизвестного хозяина. Интересно, что добываемый ими саронит – черного цвета. Во всяком случае, именно так выглядят жилы этого непонятного металла.

В Драконьем погосте, заинтересованные необычным металлом вожди Орды и Альянса посылают игроков на поиски странной кровоточащей руды и оружия Плети, сделанной из необычного металла. Здесь саронитовая руда приобретает привычный нам зеленоватый цвет. Именно здесь происходит завязка совместной сюжетной линии Йогг-Сарон + Король-лич. Не саронит ли стал причиной безумия жителей древнего царства нерубов? Косвенным подтверждением этому служит пророк Волаж, которого мы можем увидеть в конце подземелья АнКахет…

Еще одна мрачная веха поджидает нас в Седых холмах. Именно там некогда произрастал Волдрассил – древо мира. Йогг-Сарон, заточенный в тюрьму Ульдуара, не мог выбраться, но его щупальца достигли корней мирового древа и осквернили его. Древо пришлось уничтожить, но порождения Йогг-Сарона по-прежнему блуждают среди трухлявых останков великого дерева. Ведмеди, которых порча также не обошла стороной, сошли с ума и пытаются взрастить новое древо. А их некогда благородный бог – Урсок, превратился в нечестивое божество, заслуживающее смерти и очищения.

Нам снова приходится столкнуться с саронитом в ЗулДраке, когда на руинах упавшего некрополиса мы собираем куски саронита. Сможет ли справиться с таким сильным испытанием воли член Серебряного авангарда? Интрига вокруг этого металла набирает обороты. Интерес Плети к «крови Йогг-Сарона» тревожит лидеров Серебряного авангарда. Но они также осознают опасность, которую представляет саронит.

Но время движется вперед, и мы устремляемся к Цитадели Короля-лича – в локацию Ледяная корона. Там, в шахтах Имирхейма местный Ктулху — Темный проповедник Р’кхем был заточен прислужницами Артаса – валькирами. Рабы, которым смена власти никак не мешает наслаждаться ментальным обществом их повелителя, лишь отрицают любые предложения об освобождении. Они могут даже напасть на вас. Сам Р’кхем пытается проникнуть в наше сознание, создавая ужасные и прекрасные образы.

Рискнув вторгнуться в Ульдуар и проникнуть в святая-святых, мы встретим Генерала Везакса. Это существо чуть более чем полностью создано из саронита и наделено великими силами. Огромная энергия требует выхода, что проявляется в возникновении саронитовых испарений, которые могут объединиться в Саронитового врага.

Король-Лич активно использует, построив гигантские кузни в Ледяной короне. Днем и ночью горны раздувают пламя, плавящее саронитовую руду. Вполне вероятно, что саронит был использован Артасом для укрепления костей его милых мертвых друзей, включая скелетов и поганищ. И, кто знает, возможно именно саронитовый порошок является важнейшим компонентом в зельях профессора Мерзоцида…

Удивительно, но при всем этом творящемся безумии, мы можем совершенно спокойно носить полный комплект саронитовых доспехов. А также таскать в инвентаре сотню-другую саронитовых слитков, не боясь повредиться рассудком. Возможно, действие саронита не распространяется мгновенно, а требует длительного воздействия.

И, хотя Йогг-Сарон был побежден, не станет ли использованный для создания Темной скорби Древнейший саронит одним из способов вернуть древнего бога к жизни?


Залежи саронита - Объект - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от speedhaxu

Apparently just by looking at the map, there's a ton of them in Sholazar Basin

Комментарий от olss0nftw

There are some Saronite Nods in Zul'Drak now to. So if you got good gear you could farm for ores there, there aint many players there now in the begining of wotlk. I got over 200 ores (both cobalt and Saronite ore) on just one days farming there at lvl 70.

Комментарий от MrGrouch

As a level 70, I ran a ring around the outside and skirted around some of the pillars and found an abundance of Rich Saronite and Saronite nodes (along with Titanium nodes). If you are careful, it is suprisingly easy to mine these with a level 70.

I went to here and it worked very well for me.

Комментарий от Linkster01

Just for those wishing to know the skill level to mine this it is 400. Just so you don't think you can take your 70 to a node and farm straight away.

Комментарий от Johanpomppas

I think Sholazar Basin is the best place to farm Saronite(as the map shows). Got 168 Saronite Ores and 30 Titanium ore in about 30 min just by circling around the riverbanks and the 5 Pillars.

Комментарий от Mazzacr

These babys stay yellow until 450 ! :-) Easy leveling for mining

Комментарий от Ringthane

Eh. Sholazar's overrun on my server. People on top of people mining these things. Guess I'll try somewhere else - I'm not going to fly around for hours just to watch some idiot grab it before I can get to it.

Комментарий от moenbase

If the most upper poster meant that he was getting the veins from Zul'Drak. I think many people will be dissapointed.

First of, the run shown on the link takes you between level 76-ish mobs, with nodes inbetween them. So no way to get there at level 70. Unless your pet can tank them up while you loot the mine.Also, doing that run only got me to 1 Saronite vein, which was trapped under a staircase. The other veins were all Cobalt.

I doubt the accuracy of the veins in Sholazar Basin, 337. While Zul only has 8.

Комментарий от Againigan

Sholazar is overrun on my realm as well. The best place I've found so far, is Wintergrasp. As long as you don't go there while a battle is going on, you should be fine.

I did a few laps around there earlier today and didn't come across any other miners. I found 3 or 4 Rich Saronite and at least 1 Titanium along with several regular Saronite nodes each lap I did.

Комментарий от synistrad

Sholazar Basin is actually the best place to gather saronite and i think that u can gather titanium but i got to check <.<

Комментарий от skullminator

If anyone here have gatherer and if you are playing on skullcrusher. add me we can share info about node ^^.

Комментарий от lagavulin

I don't know why nobody has mentioned this, but Saronite is pure evil.

Комментарий от wuhihi

Sholazar Basin is no doubt the hottest farm spot in all servers, most probably you will find tons of people in that zone. Hence, I gave up the idea to farm in SB and go to Icecrown instead.

It is definitely has lesser people and nothing bad compare to SB. Follow this route, you can easily have 10 stacks of Saronite, few stacks of Crystallized Shadow and Earth and some Titanium within 1-2 hours.

Комментарий от Snabbennpwn

Why isn't there Saronite Nodes at Saronite Mine in Icecrown? pretty wierd if u ask me...

Комментарий от flopfaint

If saronite is related to Yogg-Saron, and Yogg saron is supposedly under Grizzly Hills, Why is there no saronite there?

Комментарий от Jaylia

The best zone to farm this kind of node is Sholazar Basin. Icecrown and The Storm Peaks zones are full of farmer players and that decreases downtime greatly. Sholazar, on the other hand is not a top level zone, hosting mostly the people who are questing, not farming. Especially, the eastern part of Sholazar seems to have a slightly higher respawn rate than the western part.

Комментарий от link991

Now named "deposit" instead of "node" as of patch 3.0.8

Комментарий от rozio

just something i've noticed - stay off the outer "ring" at the edge of the zone, as it seems to be a victim of quite heavy traffic. Staying closer till the centre will get you more, as less people venture there - on my server atleast (Stormscale)

Edit: In Sholazar Basin, that is

Комментарий от Benna1234

After around thirty minutes of mining, i'm pretty sure the amount of deposits in Sholazar Basin have been around halved as of 3.0.8.

Комментарий от garymce

I beleive the nodes that are shown on the Dragonblight map are in fact up at the edge of Wintergrasp, in case anyone lower than level 77 is getting their hopes up :-p

Комментарий от Batorzo

I mined some blue gems out of it... However, wowhead says it cant give you gems, so good to know for all i guess ^^

Комментарий от illidan323

I was doing the beginning quest where you have to kill the 15 venture co. guys in a little circle i made 22 easy saronite ores not much but it works for taht small range

Комментарий от fatalicus

Amazingly enough, the drop rate is NOT 100% for saronite ore from these deposits.I just mined one in Storm Peaks and the only ting i got was a Crystallized Earth! no ore!

I have the wowhead client so this might be updated when it uploads, but the again, it might not, since this most likely happens so rarely it still counts as near 100%, and not 99%

Комментарий от paszka

Green at 445.

Комментарий от mooser83

If someone is low on bag space (or just deliberately leaves it) they can just take the Saronite Ore and leave whatever is left (a gem, or crystalized earth/shadow, etc)

My guess is that is what someone did. Then you came along and all that was left was what you got.

Комментарий от urmomUNI1

As seen by the maps now i was in ice-crown and although the path was a little more difficult to figure out every time i ran by a saronite vein there was at least another sometimes 2 around it as well. They Spawn in clumps it seems like, and by the time you make it around the respawns have already hit. 18 Stacks of saronite from ice crown in about 1hr 30min, however titanium yeild was low i didnt care, no Allies to deal with.

Note: it was kind of difficult at some place being a warlock and most of the zone being undead fearing was not an option, i just skipped over the mob heavy areas.

Комментарий от knier

it can dropp http://www.wowhead.com/?item=36927

Комментарий от Schryver

Today I mined a saronite deposit that had NO saronite in it! WTF Blizzard

Комментарий от knivetsil

Icecrown vs. Sholazar Basin for Farming Saronite:

Competition is very heavy in Sholazar Basin, as stated before. My server has quite a low population, and I've seen multiple people on at 4AM on weeknights farming in SB. That said, people farm here for a reason. Spawn points are incredibly dense around the perimeter of the zone, and as such you can achieve a very regular farming circuit. Furthermore, mobs here are three to five levels lower than those in Icecrown, which makes it that much easier to deal with any mobs that may be guarding a node you're about to mine.

Icecrown is in many ways the exact opposite of SB when it comes to mining Saronite. Spawn points are heavily clumped up in discrete sections; I've seen up to three nodes appear on my minimap at the same time. Player competition seems to be a bit lighter, at least on my server, than in Sholazar. However, mobs here are considerably tougher than in Sholazar, especially in the northwestern areas, where the mobs are elite. Moreover, the nodes tend to be more frequently guarded by mobs in the first place; this may be due to positioning, but part of it is simply because the higher level mobs in Icecrown have wider aggro ranges.

My preference is to wait until off-peak hours and then farm in Sholazar. Icecrown may be more rewarding if you are a well-geared DPS class and killing the mobs around your nodes does not take long for you.

Комментарий от ValindilofSenjin

At location 30.4, 58.9 I mined Saronite Ore(1), Crystallized Shadow(1) and Twilight Opal(1).

Комментарий от kayerose61357

Sholazar Basin is the best for a-lot of Saronite Ore, and along the same general route you can get lucky enough to spot some Titanium Veins as well. Titanium are rare veins so if u dont get any, dont be worried, it took me a while to get 22 Titanium Ore.

This is also a good Ore to farm when u need gems, if u or someone u know can prospect the Saronite you get then you can most definatly get quite a few gems, i do this and got about 100 gems from the 500 ore i prospected plus the 400 i already have in the bank from being a JC..

5 hours of mining in Sholazar Basin.

500 Saronite Ore.22 Titanium Ore.35 diff gems, 10 being blue Quality.

I hope this helps a bit, i was also lucky with the Titanium becuase i was alone mining for 5 hours, so i didnt have to compete with other players, i sugest going and mining from 2 am server - 5/6 am server. its the most quite time to mine.

Комментарий от soulstiller

in just 10 min of mining Saronite i got50 ore2 blue gems2 eternal earth 3 eternal shadowand 6 titanium oreand i got the ore at the basin

Комментарий от Vonara

For some reason nobody on my server goes to the pillars. It's a bunch of people on the outter rim. Of course I fly around it too, but I also go into the basin itself. I've found something really weird about each pillar in doing so: Every pillar has three ores at a given time. I simply circle the pillar, mine all three, then go to the next pillar, and pick up any more ore I see on the way.

Edit: Excluding Suntouched Pillar, the Venture company kind of makes it pointless to even try if there is an ore.

Комментарий от AdictedToWow

Its 1-7 saronite ore, but hardly ever get 7 but happens now and then

Комментарий от Eritu

35 minute parse.

11 stacks of saronite = 220 ore1 stack of titanium = 20 ore4 blue gems = red,purple,blue,yellow12 eternals = 4shadow 4 earth 1 water14 Green gems..

All of the above was attained in 35 minutes in Scholo... very good spot imo... next parse will be icecrown

Комментарий от Peatmonster

You ever get that, "you can't do that because you are mounted." warning while you are trying to mine a node? The sit key (default 'x') will make you fly straight down, opposite to jump which makes you fly straight up. So if you fly next to a node and hold x you will land next to it allowing you to mine.

I know it's made my mining easier.

Комментарий от kuskus66

Watch me ! :D

Комментарий от Xama

I wish everyone's comments would be like that. Great route! I get big amounts of ore every time I go around the zone.


Комментарий от Xama

I wish everyones comments would be this helpful. Great route! Big amount of ore each time.


Комментарий от TheMardraum

To all you likely also disappointed 60 twinksSaronite deposits also require level 65 to mine.So, back to the adamantium/khorium grind for us.

Комментарий от robonerd

sholazar basin with saronite is basicly un'goro crater with thorium just circle the edges and youll be fine

Комментарий от echospazz

I think there should of been a 1% chance of mining Saronite you would go insane just like the Miners in the quest Slaves to Saronite, and have whispers in your head. Just a suggestion.

Комментарий от TheRealLink

Been having a lot of luck with the Basin and Wintergrasp for these / rich ones. They seem to be mineable at 425 and are still green at 450 (have to hit 75 to go higher than 450 skill I learned) ;).

Of interesting note - at level 70 (rested), these give either 2,500 or 2,645 exp per vein / node. Since I just dinged 71, the same veins suddenly give 4,200 exp per node! Not sure if it's to compensate for the higher levels requiring more and more exp but so far the jump from 70-71 is not much if any exp it seems.

Комментарий от frendo420

ummm... yeah I'm lvl 68 and can mine it just fine and at the top of this page right above the picture of the deposit it clearly states you need skill lvl 400 if people can't see that for themselves I see no reason to inform them

Комментарий от TheRealLink

Goes gray at 500.

Комментарий от bookworm13

For the best resource for determining mining levels as well as the best zones to farm them in, browse through the Mineral Veins listing.

Teach an elf to fish...

Комментарий от lankybrit

I would highly recommend Wintergrasp for mining Saronite. Just make sure there's no battle in progress, and do a circuit round the edges. This is where I go when I need Saronite. And if your mining is up to 450, you can also pick up some Titanium (which usually has a lot of crystallized shadow, earth etc. that you may need for some professions).

EDIT: Thanks for the downvote on me trying to help out.


Комментарий от darknesscalls

A lot of people have been complaining about node respawn times being nerfed hard sometime in Cata. Searching for Fel Iron/Adamantite/Cobalt was a nightmare for leveling my blacksmithing alt.

However, one place I would HIGHLY recommend going that seems to be completely unaffected for Saronite/Rich Saronite is Wintergrasp.

Pros:- Veins constantly respawn, much faster than any other zone I've seen.- Veins are tightly packed in, you won't be flying long until you see a node.- Small, compact zone

Cons:- There are Titanium nodes here, so if your mining isn't 450+, you'll have to skip these, and it'll make saronite farming more difficult. If you're looking for saronite only, you still want to mine these, the crystallized elements you get off can either be used or sold, and usually a saronite node will replace it later on.- You can only farm here when Wintergrasp battle isn't happening, else you can't use your flying mount

Комментарий от Thoregrain


I was grinding Saronite, when this li'l drop came :D

stack one: 2 Saronite Orestack two: 3 Saronite Orestack three: 4 Saronite Orestack four: 5 Saronite Orestack five: 6 Saronite Orestack six: 7 Saronite Orestack seven: 8 Saronite Orestack eight: 9 Saronite Ore


Комментарий от koniqiwa

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Комментарий от Traellis

I took the advice of mining Saronite in SB and didn't have that much luck, which surprised me because everyone seemed to say that was the best place. Within an hour I had only about 2 1/2 stacks. Decided to try out Wintergrasp and had MUCH better luck. If you circle the edges of Wintergrasp there is a node every couple seconds. You can even go higher up on the mountains (where it becomes Icecrown) and there are a bunch up there too. Within an hour I have 8 stacks of Saronite and one stack of Titanium!

Комментарий от Lemongelo

Did the spawn rate in Sholazar drop recently?

Used to be able to pick up at least 5-6 stacks in 30-45 minutes. No one else is farming here and I've got only like three stacks in an hour! =(

Комментарий от Kuckelikuken

Here's a easy route you can use: http://i.imgur.com/KXdKL45.jpg

Комментарий от Kuckelikuken

Heres a easy route for you guys http://i.imgur.com/DkeL8m4.jpg

Комментарий от shan750

with CRZ - sholazar is probably not the best place to farm Saronite...

I wouldn't bother with Storm peaks either - flew around for 10 minutes without finding a single vein -.-

Комментарий от Auraskye

Even with CRZ, Icecrown still seems to be the best place to farm this ore.

Комментарий от Naniel

Wintergrasp worked perfectly for me! Got about 1 saronite vein every 40 sec with master riding + few titanium, also suprisingly many of them were "rich".

Комментарий от ThaDiode

Maps only work with V 6.x.x...

Комментарий от TheWoWExp

As of 7.1_____________________________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Farmer's Guide to Saronite Ore_____________________________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  • Profession Required: Mining
  • Best Serves: Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Engineering
I jumped on my miner and timed different zones and different routes in order to get the most amount of ore. Keep in mind that I am a HORDE DRUID, which allows me a faster time in grabbing ore, due to instantly popping in and out of flight/aquatic form.

While there are other items you can obtain while mining nodes, I merely state the ores and stone I’ve collected—no gems or other such items.

  • Each zone was timed for 10 minutes.
  • Links will take you to maps on my website.
_____________________________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯NORTHREND_____________________________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯★ Icecrown ★This is a contested zone.

This is the first route out of three. It was a pretty rocky start to this zone. I wasn't sure if there were others farming the ore, or if it was too spaced, but eventually I obtained a good amount.

  • Saronite Ore – 57
  • Titanium Ore – 7

★ Icecrown ★This is a contested zone.

This route focuses on the right side of the zone and it had more Saronite Ore than the first route. So if you're finding less ore in one route, you can try the other.

  • Saronite Ore – 91
  • Titanium Ore – 9

★ Icecrown ★This is a contested zone.

Despite this route encompassing the entire zone, the nodes might be a bit more spread out due to not focusing on a smaller area.

  • Saronite Ore – 71
  • Titanium Ore – 2

★ Sholazar Basin ★This is a contested zone.

There's probably going to be a ton of competition found in this zone, specifically around this route, because it sticks to the cliffside of the zone, which is easy to follow.

  • Saronite Ore – 60
  • Titanium Ore – 13

★ Sholazar Basin ★This is a contested zone.

This route takes up a lot more of the zone, so there's more places for you to gather from, if other people are sticking to a shorter, more subtle route (such as middle of zone, combined with cliffside).

  • Saronite Ore – 70
  • Titanium Ore – 3

★ Wintergrasp ★This is a contested zone.

There was a problem with this zone before, with the time between battles only being ten minutes, which limits the farming. But I believe that is fixed now, in which case you'll probably be able to net more Saronite than I had.

  • Saronite Ore – 45
  • Titanium Ore – 9


Happy farming~- TheWoWExp


Саронитовая руда - Предмет - World of Warcraft


Комментарий от catspats31

This is the next ore to see in Northrend after Cobalt, just like Adamantite after Fel Iron in the Burning Crusade.

Комментарий от Acku

This is the ore you need to acquire after Cobalt, so far it has been found in Sholazar Basin as well as Zul'Drak.

Комментарий от yogomove

Can be found either in Zul'drak or in Sholazar Basin, but in Basin saronite spawn in a ridiculously fast speed, so Basin will be a much better choice if you want to mine saronite(mining speed is around 200 ores per hour with 280% flying mount, 450 maxed mining and 400ms lag).

Rich nodes are just rare replacements of the non-rich ones. Normal nodes can be mined 2-4 times, and rich ones can be mined 5-7 times.

Beware that hardened saronite bar does nothing atm so don't make it till it patches!

Prospecting saronite ore will "spawn" around 20-25% rare gems. No powders drop atm, probably never will. All colors "spawn" with same chance so data here must be somehow distorted.

Background lore of Saronite: Saronite is formed by clotted blood of old god Yogg-Saron who dwell in Northrend and showed up in War3-TFT as the Forgotten One(Old Gods will play a main role in future instances in Storm Peaks; I won't spoil more). That is why you can see army of Ner'thas the Lick King usually wield weapon and armor made of saronite; that is also why you can mine shadow from it.

Edit: In both Storm Peaks and Ice Crown will Saronite/Rich Saronite Nodes spawn. And Ice Crown has even more Saronite Nodes than that of the Basin, and they spawn even closer to each other(referring to the lore above).

Patch 8926

Комментарий от Fazzmania

This is considered the 'Adamantite' of WotLK, and it is the most desirable ore for prospecting (Titanium cannot be prospected, like with Khorium.)

As a level 73, I've been mining a huge amount of these in Sholazar Basin by putting leveling on hold for a bit and skipping the crowds for pure mining(Sholazar is around level 75-78). In fact I've got 1100 ores in one afternoon/evening, the nodes are as common as copper, and there hasn't been too many people competing with me.

As for my level and the native beasties, the 2 warring factions in Sholazar (Think Aldor/Scryer) are both neutral to you at the start, which allows you free reign to mine in their bases without interruption. Otherwise a lot of mobs can be avoided with a mount.

In terms of where you should mine in the zone, the 'pillars' dotted around the zone usually have a few nodes clinging to them, and pretty much the entire border all the way around the zone (the mountain ridges) are covered in them.

Комментарий от Benedict


You spoiled the BEST MONEY MAKER I have found in this game. I was seriously above 1000g / hour in Sholazar today. I made 4000g in 3,5 hours of mining.

This is of course taking in consideration that today people on my server were still competing for server first blacksmither, jewelcrafter etc, so everything high end was sold in no time for crazy prices.

I expect this to be dropped by half within a few days.. but 400g/ hour is still nice

Комментарий от Sizux

As it has been previously mentioned, Sholazar Basin is INSANE when it comes to mining Saronite. I am pretty such the spawn rates are bugged, so enjoy the ridiculously fast spawn rate while it lasts.

Комментарий от HandyCZ

i couldnt believe my eyes when i got 4 blue quality gems for prospecting 140 saronite ores -.-'

Комментарий от Daesik

From my experience, Saronite Prospecting appears to be way off. I invested 500g in Saronite just now and got 3 blue gems which sell uncut on the AH for 50g each. Everyone and their mother has Northrend green gems in their gear now, and with no Brilliant Glass I'm stuck with a whole load of greens and no blues.

Комментарий от Reiluman

Hello all, I enjoy cruising this site from time to time, and thought I could contribute my own findings. Wotlk has been out less than 2 weeks, but tons of info is coming in, some conflicting. I took one (more actually) for the team, and figured I would post my results. YMMV, its all subject to change, but here's what I got.

bloodstone 14.0%huge citrine 15.3sun crystal 20.7dark jade 25.3chalcedony 22.7shadow crystal 13.3scarlet ruby 3.3monarch topaz 3.3autumns glow 4.7forest emerald 4.7sky sapphire 0.7twilight opal 5.3

These are percentages based on 150 prospects (750 ore). A couple of interesting points. 1) I got a free gem an average of every 3 prospects, hence the total of 133.3%. 2) Thanks to the free gems (sometimes 2!), the greens alone add up to 111% hehe. 3) My raw data has green gems: blue gems at roughly 5:1, so hope that extra gem every 3 prospects turns blue, it just may.

I hope this info helps, perhaps it will influence your decision on whether you prospect that stack of saronite, or simply AH it. Again, these were my results, ymmv. Happy hunting. Reiluman-Blackhand

Комментарий от stevieanna

This ore can be found in Sholazar Basin. The pillars and the edge of the zone are great places to mine. This mining guide has a good map that was useful to me when I was mining.

Комментарий от Janettie

I've found that the very best place to mine Saronite, even with 280% flying speed, seems to be Wintergrasp. The little zone is loaded with Saronite, and it's also great for titanium.

Комментарий от Alcest

I've found that the very best place to mine Saronite, even with 280% flying speed, seems to be Wintergrasp. The little zone is loaded with Saronite, and it's also great for titanium.

Unless I'm mistaken, you cannot use a flight mount in Winterspring =/

Комментарий от Conal

I've found that the very best place to mine Saronite, even with 280% flying speed, seems to be Wintergrasp.

Just to alleviate any confusion, and regardless that you are indeed correct, Janettie refers to Wintergrasp (in Northrend) and not Winterspring (in Kalimdor).

Комментарий от ambethia

What I'm sure Janettie means is: Wintergrasp is still the best place to farm despite not being able to fly there, even with an epic (280%) flyer.

Комментарий от Shadowveiled

Saronite is a word derive from the clay-like mineral called saponite.

Комментарий от MadameCrane

400 Jewelcrafting is needed to prospect Saronite ore.

Комментарий от locriani

Saronite is a word derive from the clay-like mineral called saponite.

Actually, saronite derives its name from Yogg-Saron, one of the old gods of Azeroth who extends a tainting influence over Northrend.

Stating that saronite is derived from saponite is simply wishful speculation; Blizzard has not referenced the mineral saponite in any information that has been made available to players.

Комментарий от Nikanoru

So, it kind of bothers me that the lore hasn't been expanded about saronite.

Not where it comes from, but how npcs have been driven mad by it, argent dawn has proclaimed it as pure evil, and yet we mine it, smelt it, and wear it like there's nothing wrong with it at all.

Am I the only person that finds that confusing?

I find it rather hard to believe that merely smelting it cleanses Yogg-Saron's essence from it.

Комментарий от funkymillah

I prospect about 100 stacks (2000 ore) every day and I average out anywhere between 75-125 rare quality gems. 80% of the times, I end up with more Forest Emeralds than any other Gem.

Комментарий от Sygmoral

The mineral's name being derived from the name Yogg-Saron doesn't mean it can't also be derived from another name. WoW likes word play!

The name is derived from both Saponite and Yogg-Saron.

Комментарий от Arikan

Two people can't both be right, that's like a rule of the internet. Somebody has to be WRONG! :P

Комментарий от Kurokawa41

One would think wearing armor and weapons crafted of Saronite would cause you to go hopelessly insane.

Комментарий от jostler

I've just Prospected 160 saronite ore which, at 5 ores per prospect, gave me 32 prospects.

Out of these 32 prospects, I received 14 rare gems, putting my rare gem rate at 43%. Obviously I also got a minimum of 1 standard Northrend gem per prospect.

Here are the rare gems I got by quantity:

3x Autumn's Glow3x Scarlet Ruby3x Sky Sapphire2x Twilight Opal2x Forest Emerald1x Monarch Topaz

I've found Sholazar Basin the easiest to fly around and gather Saronite Ore due to it's common node locations around the rim and at the pillars.

Not a bad way to make money (as these gems sell for quite the price) and level JC at the same time, imo.

*Edited for typos*

Комментарий от varj

The Mining Game

This is a game for miners, every miner should try it out, at least once.

Here is how it goes:When you start farming Saronite ore, you can stop farming when one (1) condition is met, which is:You have 20 Saronite OresorYou have 40 Saronite OresorYou Have 60 Saronite Oresand so on, 80/100/120/....So basically, you can stop farming once every stack is filled, no more no less.

Here are are 2 rules, which makes the whole game funny/annoying:

1) You must mine all the ores from the Saronite node you found, so you can't stop at 20/40/60/... if your Saronite Node still has Ores inside it.2) You can't Delete your Saronite Ores.

WARNING: This is one helluva' Time sink, if (un)lucky

Комментарий от Sygmoral

The name "Saronite" is a combination of Yogg-"Saron" (lore) and "Saponite" (a real mineral) (see comment above).

For the sake of correct, complete information please stop downrating that information... It is nowhere else to be found on this page. Please rate back up the more extensive comment above this one, so people can find and understand the explanation better... that's why they come to find here. Information.

Edit: unfortunately my more detailed "comment above" was purged (even though at only -2)... so I give up then. I added the wiki links to this one though.

Комментарий от varj

Exactly my point, editing while bored/sleepy isn't also recommended for me.

Комментарий от Forvalaka

prospecting is also addictive, you start out saying "just these 2 stacks" then its "until i have 5 blue gems" then "well, i have 6, i should try another 2 stacks for 10" and so on, however, this addiction gets pricey sometimes.

Комментарий от Forvalaka

prospecting is also addictive, you start out saying "just these 2 stacks" then its "until i have 5 blue gems" then "well, i have 6, i should try another 2 stacks for 10" and so on, however, this addiction gets pricey sometimes. It's all worth it though when you hit a lucky prospect and get the pricey gems, Scarlet ruby are about 125g uncut for one on my realm.

Комментарий от jostler

It appears that with the new patch 3.0.8 the Prospectability of Saronite Ore for rare gems has gone significantly down.

After prospecting a great deal, I find that I generally get 1 rare gem out of 2 stacks of Saronite Ore. This puts the rate of finding a rare gem at approximately 12.5%, which is down from the previous 25% average.

My best guess for this change is due to the new JC ability Icy Prism to make multiple rare quality gems out of 9x lower quality Northrend gems and 1x frozen orb.

*edited for link

Комментарий от Vlegel

Guys,Maybe a stupit question but how much gold can i make +/- if i grind in sholozar around 10 hours?I'm a miner now. Its 450 now but i heard something that it makes so much gold.I only have 60% atm that's why im mining to make money for a 280% mount.Please some can tell me and dont give a stupid answer back.

Tnx and bb

Комментарий от Vlegel

Ahh ty m8,but is it more in the middle of wintergrasp or more in the mountens ?Anyway thanks gonna take a look. ;)

Комментарий от Priest765

Saronite Ore isn't found in Zul'Drak, it's found in the area's above level 75

Комментарий от Masterdecoy

That's not what I found. I prospected ~86 Stacks (346 prospects) Saronite Ore post 3.0.8 on EU-Rexxar, and got the following results:
  • 16 Scarlet Ruby (4,62%)
  • 12 Autumn's Glow (3,47%)
  • 16 Sky Sapphire (4,62%)
  • 22 Forest Emerald (6,36%)
  • 15 Twilight Opal (4,34%)
  • 19 Monarch Topaz (5,49%)

That averages in a 4,82% chance to get a specific raregem via prospect. 1,16 raregems per stack overall. I will collect further data, but this already suggests that no changes were made to the prospectability of saronite ore.

Комментарий от sasexw

Just a little note to these who try to farm saronite in IcecrownDont bother searching the upper level of Icecrown citadel , the deposits are on the lower level and there are usually 2 to 3 deposits in there , worth trying a look.

Комментарий от hamtylerhogg

i'm farming saronite in wintergrasp for gold...Should I smelt it or not?

Комментарий от Otak

All the mobs that this site says drops saronite ore is false I tried every one of them and none of them were lootable><

Комментарий от aimlinn

pssht our toons arnt insane simply because we are the almightly players, if we went mad wed simply QQ till bliz made having saronite ore in your inventory a 20% damage boost or something

Комментарий от T3hZ10n

That averages in a 4,82% chance to get a specific raregem via prospect. 1,16 raregems per stack overall. I will collect further data, but this already suggests that no changes were made to the prospectability of saronite ore.

After having farmed (and prospected) over 20,000 Saronite Ore and it seems like these probabilities are usually accurate... usually.

I must point out that there have been a few extremely unlikely occurrences that seem too far off to just be "luck".Today I had another one of these unlikely occurrences.

Prospecting 1280 Saronite Ore (256 prospects) I got the following results

  • (15) Scarlet Ruby........................ 5.85%
  • (0) Monarch Topaz...................... 0.00%
  • (17) Sky Sapphire....................... 6.64%
  • (13) Twilight Opal........................ 5.07%
  • (10) Forest Emerald.................... 3.90%
  • (12) Autumn's Glow.................... 4.68%

Notice something strange? No Monarch Topaz at all... out of 1280 Saronite Ore, but the rest of the gems seem to occur more frequently. I'm very curious as to why these little "glitches" happen. All of the Uncommon gems were close to 18% prospect rate as usual.

Комментарий от Draq87

Icecrown and Sholazar basin is by far the best place to farm this.Here is a link with maps and routes how to fastest farm the precios saronite and titanium ore.http://www.mert.se/?p=3

Комментарий от Loady

Believe it or not, I got Bloodstone, Scarlet Ruby AND Autumn's Glow from one prospect (5 ore). Didn't know that was possible but I sure like it.

Комментарий от Ebayowulf

Saronite owes nothing to saponite. "-ite" is a common suffix often used in mineralogy & earth sciences. Bloedite, sulphite, pyrite, iodite, etc. In WoW, there is also adamantite. Saponite merely resembles the word saronite; that's where the connection stops. Saponite, or soapstone, is a soft mineral. "Saronite" is presumably a metal with refined properties superior to that of khorium & cobalt. The two have nothing in common.

Комментарий от Feralrage

Just a question... What makes more money: sell the ores, smelt the ores into bars and sell the bars, or prospect the ores? I just got my mining to 450 and not really into the mining business :) Thanks in advance.

Комментарий от Feralrage

Just a question... What makes more money: sell the ores, smelt the ores into bars and sell the bars, or prospect the ores? I just got my mining to 450 and not really into the mining business :) Thanks in advance.

Комментарий от Burnbristle

Yeah, on Argent Dawn (US) I've been finding that selling the ores has been the most lucrative method lately. Not really sure why, though. By the time you're able to smelt saronite bars, the smelting doesn't give you any skill-ups on your mining, anyway (at least not for me it didn't) and most of the mid-level Lvl.80 BS recipes I've seen have called for the bars and not the ore. Perhaps JC's use it for something?

Комментарий от cado1982

I hate you :( As if this game didn't consume enough of my time as it is!

Комментарий от superbat85

on the server i play on, saronite sells 1 for 1g..mithril seems to sell very high and easy to get by 1 for 2g

Комментарий от Dragnis

If your mining these for gold I suggest don't. Since increase in nods and dailies in Sholazar Basin on most server these ores are dirt cheap compared to others. Thorium ores and gems tend to cost more gold then these. My server Nordassil: saronite ore13-15 gold vs Thorium ore 35-40 gold . Titantium is only 6 gold a bar too and they are pretty rare and highly fought over. Gems uncut are dirt cheap for green and blue. The cost for a green is like 1 gold and blue is like 3-6 gold on my server. That and they are rare in mining and blue are rare in prospecting. You also have higher mining traffic in Northrend vs other area. Usually less people mining Thorium or lesser stuff because they are busy in Northrend doing dailies. I know I am lol Trying get Wyrmrest Accord, Kirin Tor, The Oracles, and The Kalu'ak <whalrus people> Exalted rank for stuff I want. Well anyway hope this help out.

Комментарий от Heidi85

Ok, so you wanna know if it is worth prospecting Saronite?Here you go: a) Scan the Auction House (maybe use Actuionator + Panda, both excellent Addons)

b) Use this formula: 5x Saronite == 0,24*(MT+SR+SS+FE+AG+TO)/6 + 1,08*(SC+DJ+HC+Ch+SuC+Bl)/6SR=Scarlet Ruby; MT=Monarch Topaz; AG=Autumn's Glow; FE=Forest Emerald; SS=Sky Sapphire; TO=Twilight Opal; SC=Shadow Crystal; DJ=Dark Jade; HC=Huge Citrine; Ch=Chalcedony; SuC=Sun Crystal; Bl=Bloodstone

c) Average Costs (left Side) lower Average Gains(right Side)? Do it! Else? Save your Gold.

PS: Formula uses the chances given by wowhead. I asume I interpret them right, so the math should be right, too.To be more clear:Prospecting 5 Saronite Ore gives you the chance of getting:Either 1 or 2 random green Gems + the chance of getting 1 random blue Gem.The chances should be:108% of getting a random green (aka 92% of getting 1, 8% of getting 2).24% of getting a random blue.

Комментарий от zoroz

hey a few more whispers wouldn't bug me...I'm getting kinda sick of the old voices so a new one or two would be welcome

Комментарий от vodker

640 Saronite Ore | 128 Prospects

7x Scarlet Ruby 5.4%9x Monarch Topaz 7.0%8x Twilight Opal 6.2%7x Autumns Glow 5.4%4x Forest Emerald 3.1%1x Sky Sapphire 0.7%

20x Sun Crstal 15.6% 32x Huge Citrine 25%20x Chalcedony 15.6%24x Bloodstone 18.7%19x Dark Jade 14.8% 19x Shadow Crystal 14.8%

Комментарий от TCHJ3K

It's worth noting that, since Saronite bars vendor for 1g25s each, the AH price of Saronite ore effectively has a floor of 13g15s per stack. If you're planning on selling it for less than this then, after the AH cut of 5%, it'd be more profitable to smelt them and vendor the bars (20 Saronite ore = 10 bars @ 1g25s each = 12g50s).

If you see people selling the ores for less than this, buy them, smelt them and vendor them - you'd be surprised how many people don't look at vendor prices or don't take the AH cut into account, and just blindly try to undercut whatever's on sale at the moment.

Комментарий от mixter

i had mined about 250 ores while lvling my mining, tho my JC'ing was still a bit low, so i kept the ores thinking it would be helpfull for jcing later on

but i got bored and even my mining bag got full(despite having 31 slots) so i sold them on AHmade bout 900g in 1 hour

the lesson here? i forgot whats the lesson here but it has something to do with not prospecting and instead selling on AH, not sure tho^^

Комментарий от DeckLB

as for the formula, I've made a published webpage that you can tinker with (import your server's prices) and estimate your profit


good luck

feel free to make any corrections you feel necessary

Комментарий от Alreadytaken

did they hotfix something so they dont get you as many blue gems as before? I've been prospecting lots of stacks getting zero blue gems in the past week, in contrast to a month ago where i would sometimes get 2-3 blue gems per stack.

just wondering, could be coinsidense ofcourse.

Комментарий от ExamanteD94

i just cant believe it you can sell it 25 gold to vendor. but on my server 25 gold on AH .....

Комментарий от Trinsick

Following this wow-professions mining guide, I mined 80 saronite ore in one trip (with random titanium spawns as well). Took about half an hour with 280% mount.

Edit: On a second trip, my total was 92 ores.

Комментарий от Loveshack

What do you mean wait for next patch? next patch there are more titanium veins?

Комментарий от Blackbleed

Got hacked and the hacker farmed me 986 of these babys :D

Комментарий от Donomar

I have found Wintergrasp to be most fruitful when farming for Saronite, especially now since you can fly in the zone. I have also had the most luck finding Titanium in this zone, when farming during off-peak times.

I went looking for a gathering route and came across these. The producer of the videos shows you the least traveled areas of the map and I now use this route as I gather.

Mining in Wintergrasp

Mining in Icecrown

Additionally, the producer's site also has a route map, which I have found very useful when getting to know the routes.

Комментарий от Bokkster

Ok, very interresting.

Комментарий от DownCast

if saronite is the blood of the old god Yogg-Saron, and he is imprisoned in Ulduar... would that imply that at least Yogg-Saron is bigger than what we originally thought? perhaps that is the reason he is in a prison rather than killed as maybe the old gods are actually a PART of Azeroth? would certainly make sense if c'thun had an ore named after him. is it possible that the old gods are actually one huge being? and that being was split when the world did? any other speculations that hint to mine or against it feel free =D

Комментарий от ject57

i find tons of saronite in icecrown but there is 1 problem all of it is either right next to an elite enemy or in the bombardment

Комментарий от GhostlandsAndys

buying it from AH (16g in my server) and if you are JC and prospect it, it is a nice way to make golds.

Комментарий от Eilonthay

Don't be an idiot like I was and think that you can smelt your way to 450 mining with a bunch of saronite once you hit 400. (Thankfully, I figured this out quickly.)

Because you can't. Everything's gray at that point. You should be able to, but I guess they figure that if you've got that much experience smelting, you're awesome, and don't need to attend smelting seminars anymore. Booooo. You should still get points for purifying the blood of an evil, evil Old God.

But, on the other hand, my lvl 63 DK has mining 402, so I can't really complain...I got that far, after all. The fun part will be getting the last 48 points by playing Death Frogger with ? mobs! ;3

Комментарий от denner60

just a little thing when prospecting saronite ore i sometimes find epic gems

Комментарий от KyorraWindblade

No. You didn't.

Epic gems can NOT be prospected from Saronite Ore - period. You must've prospected Titanium.

Комментарий от diamount

These sell like 7g per stack on my server and because of this I was able to smelt it, and vendor for 20g per stack so overall a very nice profit was made.

Комментарий от Imortalius

Just bought 800 of thoes for 12.5g each - do you know if its a good way to earn money by prospecting?

or should i do something else with them? i wont set them on AH cuz they wont ever get sold - AH price is 15G so ill just set an overload of them on - my server is medium popped so :/

Комментарий от saruu

One of the reasons saronite is god awful cheap now is due to the hackers/gold-farmers that get under zones and mine saronite then put it 10-20 stacks of it on the auction house undercutting massively....

Комментарий от TheBestHunter

If saronite is the hardened blood of Yoggy (Yogg-Saron), does that mean he's emo, or a female... tentacle thing, in her period?

Комментарий от courtneyyy27

So I'm not sure about anyone else, but as of the new patch, I'm getting 4410xp for mining saronite and 4516xp for mining titanium in Icecrown and Sholazar Basin on my 78 DK. Not that I'm complaining, but is this happening to anyone else? It's pretty cool. :)

Комментарий от bookworm13

For the best resource for determining the Cataclysm adjusted mining levels as well as the best zones to farm them in, browse through the Mineral Veins listing.

This will also give you coordinates for the vein spawns.

Teach an elf to fish...

Комментарий от jassaraous

400 -Saronite425 - Rich Saronite450 - Titanium VeinsAll in Icecrown, a couple Titanium and Rich Saronite, mostly just Saronite.(##RESPBREAK##)8##DELIM##asakawa##DELIM##

Комментарий от Adyssa

Thank Goodness for flying mounts!

Комментарий от ghost9er9er9

I farmed saronite back in Wrath and Sholazar was the best by far. Now, however, I find Wintergrasp to be better as the veins are more frequent and there are more rich ones than Sholazar. Happy farming!

Комментарий от Kyeld

post-Cat, Wintergrasp is by far the best zone. it's typically empty, and even as a paladin with epic flying and crusader aura, I was never able to out-farm the respawn times (also, no caves in the zone to worry about and there are only a couple underwater spawn points)

an hour and a half of farming yielded:

220 x Saronite Ore22 x Titanium Ore176 x crystalized elements (earth, shadow, fire, air, water)5 x blue gems13 x green gems

Комментарий от Samer

Wintergrasp is a non cross-realm zone so it is the best place to farm these in MoP.

Комментарий от jonesfamilysinge

Okay, here's a different opinion on farming saronite. Icecrown is an excellent place if you go at the right time. I've found that it's not highly farmed probably because the veins have a low respawn rate in comparison to Sholazar Basin but, if you go through Icecrown and don't have any/much competition you will get tons of saronite and it is every where which is more than I can say for Sholazar. My preferences on farming Icecrown is kind of around the low areas in the middle part of the map (e.g. Aldur'thar, Sindragosa's Fall, Mord'rethar, Corp'rethar, The Fleshwerks, and especially Ymirheim.) I have had times where there were three nodes on my mini-map at a time and plenty of occasions where there were two. And if you've already farmed the hills and mountainous area where I mentioned above you should go down into the low flat area where Putridus the Ancient patrols and there are lots of Rich Saronite Deposits in the ridges and such.

Hope this helps someone out.

Комментарий от Orcbum

Wintergrasp is THE best area for Saronite Ore, for not only is it NOT a cross-realm zone, it has the highest spawn rates of Rich Saronite Deposits all sequestered into a relatively small zone that is Wintergrasp. You should farm after the WG battle so you can fly.

Depending on realms of course, if you're the lone farmer of the zone, for one hour you can yield AT LEAST 20 stacks of Saronite and 2 stacks of Titanium with lots of Eternal Earths and Eternal Shadows.

I farmed Wintergrasp for 1 hr 40 minutes using the route given by WoW-Professions, with a preloaded Gatherer using Wowhead data to perfect it, my total yield with 280% flying:

-800 Saronite ore-50 Titanium ore-24 Eternal Earth-23 Eternal Shadow-6 Eternal Air-5 Eternal Fire-6 blue WOTLK gems-46 green WOTLK gems

Simply simply perfect.

Комментарий от Tallar

Saronite Ore has a spawn timer of 10 minutes in Wintergrasp. I'm not sure about anywhere else. I was mining in Wintergrasp while waiting for the next battle, and I watched the clock, went all the way around mining there, and mined titanium and saronite from the same spot I started when I finished my route.

Комментарий от Jeremybell

Prospecting this ore requires 400 jewelcrafting. If you want your gems on lower levels Кобальтовая руда is the ore you need.

Комментарий от Aivilo90

BEST place I have found for Saronite is in Wintergrasp. I will do a round on the wall of Wintergrasp. It takes less than 10 minutes, in that one round I picked up 76 ore. By the time you get back to your starting point it has all respawned. You will also get a handful of gems, and run into a few Titanium Ore. Watch put for those PvPers!

Комментарий от Akagami

He who smelt it, dealt it!

Комментарий от Roggy

I started grinding in Icecrown and never had to wait longer than 30 seconds to find a deposit. The "respawn" rates depend on the specific area you are grinding in. I found that the area above the Argent Vanguard has a fast respawn time.

I used a route that started in that Nerubian infested area then goes to Mord'Rethar and from there it goes to Sindragosa's fall. When you grinded Sindragosa's fall fly back to the Nerubian area above Argent Vanguard and start over again ;). In 10 min you'll have about 3-4 stacks of saronite ore depending on how fast you can fly ofc. I did also find a fair amount of titanium deposits along that route (and a rare).Wintergrasp might get you more ores/min but it's in a PVP zone and if you don't like PVP/ganking/deposit ninja's/..., Icecrown could be a good alternative.

Anyhow this is the route I use to grind saronite but you can find deposits almost everywhere in Icecrown the only difference is the density of the deposites and "respawn" rates.


Комментарий от Anevara

to be honest, sometimes when farming i wonder if saronite is yogg-saron... err... old-god-poop... ._. (how i even get that idea? azsharite... )

Комментарий от Barleduq

Not sure what's going on, but I've gone into Wintergrasp two days running. Both times I had Essence of Wintergrasp buff, and the buildings showed blue on the map before I went in, with 1hr45 till the next battle. Flew into Valiance flight point and did a circle of the walls. No nodes up, no mobs visible. Flying at 390%, I thought I might be going too fast, so I started flying low, through the middle, and stopping every couple of seconds to see if the nods spawned. Still nothing, no mobs. I was in the Sunken Ring, and lucky to be flying low, cause suddenly I was dismounted, and it showed as Horde Controlled, wiht 56 minutes till the next battle. I hearthed out, and now the map was showing it horde controlled.

Second time I'd done an hour or so around Sholazar and was bored, so I decided to see if Wintergrasp was up. Blue buildings on the map, 1hr10min till next battle. Fly in from Riverheart, all the npcs at the flight point were there, but again, no nodes up, no mobs at all. Came back to fly out, and there were no npc's at the flight point. I figured I'd gotten disconnected, but I was able to hearth out again.

I'm giving up on Wintergrasp. Sholazar got me over 100 saronite ore, 10 titanium, and a small pile of Crystallized Earth, Shadow, and Fire. I'm farming for the mats for Jeeves for my new-minted boosted-to-90 engineer, and that's what I really need. I'm going to try Storm Peaks, I remember the revenants behind the Giants as dropping earth and fire.

Комментарий от Suvarius

6.2.2 Best place to farm saronite oreSholazar Basin is hands down the current best place to farm Saronite Ore because of the following:

1. The Saronite nodes yield Saronite Ore instead of the usual nuggets you would find in Icecrown and Storm Peaks. This greatly increases the amount of Saronite ore mined as you get 2-5 ores instead of 10-24 nuggets. This does not apply to Rich Saronite Nodes, which still give the nuggets

2. The circular shape of Sholazar makes it so that you can just stick to the wall and grab every Saronite Ore in sight, no significant differences in elevation or crazy caves/turns so you can stick to the golden path of Sholazar at all times.

3. The amount of nodes that spawn (In my opinion) is greater than in Icecrown/TSP

4. There are only Saronite and Rich Saronite nodes, no Titanium (Sorry SIA), so all your mining work will be focussed towards Saronite ore (yay).

Hope this helps people :), also look below if you are interested in also obtaining Titanium Ore

TITANIUM If you are looking for titanium, head for Icecrown. In my experience there's a Titanium node for every 3-4 Saronite nodes, sometimes even more. Seems as if Titanium wasnt nerfed when Saronite/Cobalt was.

Комментарий от TheWoWExp

As of 7.1_____________________________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Farmer's Guide to Saronite Ore_____________________________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
  • Profession Required: Mining
  • Best Serves: Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Engineering
I jumped on my miner and timed different zones and different routes in order to get the most amount of ore. Keep in mind that I am a HORDE DRUID, which allows me a faster time in grabbing ore, due to instantly popping in and out of flight/aquatic form.

While there are other items you can obtain while mining nodes, I merely state the ores and stone I’ve collected—no gems or other such items.

  • Each zone was timed for 10 minutes.
  • Links will take you to maps on my website.
_____________________________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯NORTHREND_____________________________________________________________________¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯★ Icecrown ★This is a contested zone.

This is the first route out of three. It was a pretty rocky start to this zone. I wasn't sure if there were others farming the ore, or if it was too spaced, but eventually I obtained a good amount.

  • Saronite Ore – 57
  • Titanium Ore – 7

★ Icecrown ★This is a contested zone.

This route focuses on the right side of the zone and it had more Saronite Ore than the first route. So if you're finding less ore in one route, you can try the other.

  • Saronite Ore – 91
  • Titanium Ore – 9

★ Icecrown ★This is a contested zone.

Despite this route encompassing the entire zone, the nodes might be a bit more spread out due to not focusing on a smaller area.

  • Saronite Ore – 71
  • Titanium Ore – 2

★ Sholazar Basin ★This is a contested zone.

There's probably going to be a ton of competition found in this zone, specifically around this route, because it sticks to the cliffside of the zone, which is easy to follow.

  • Saronite Ore – 60
  • Titanium Ore – 13

★ Sholazar Basin ★This is a contested zone.

This route takes up a lot more of the zone, so there's more places for you to gather from, if other people are sticking to a shorter, more subtle route (such as middle of zone, combined with cliffside).

  • Saronite Ore – 70
  • Titanium Ore – 3

★ Wintergrasp ★This is a contested zone.

There was a problem with this zone before, with the time between battles only being ten minutes, which limits the farming. But I believe that is fixed now, in which case you'll probably be able to net more Saronite than I had.

  • Saronite Ore – 45
  • Titanium Ore – 9


Happy farming~- TheWoWExp


Богатые залежи саронита - Объект


Комментарий от RblDiver

Rich Saronite Nodes function similarly to Rich Adamantite Deposits, dropping more Saronite Ore than a regular node. They also can drop Titanium Ore.

Комментарий от MrGrouch

These nodes can also be found in Sholozar Basin, Wowhead does not have this noted. As a level 70, I ran a ring around the outside and skirted around some of the pillars and found an abundance of Rich Saronite and Saronite nodes (along with Titanium nodes). If you are careful, it is suprisingly easy to mine these with a level 70.

I went to here and it worked very well for me.

Комментарий от Chaserbl

how to 100% farm 3 RICH SARONITE NODEJust go north of Dalaran on the mountains and dig them ^^ spawn rate is huge

Комментарий от dunraven

Please do not link to offsite "information" which may or may not be reputable. Rate down the above comment.

Комментарий от Runawaynow

According to my personal experiences and Wowhead data from over 62 thousand actual hits, I would have to say with 99.998% confidence that Rich Saronite nodes will not now, nor ever, drop Титановая руда which is indeed dropped by mining Залежи титана nodes. At time of original post, Wowhead did not have the dataz yet.

Similar to how I've never seen Богатые залежи адамантита drop Кориевая руда. And Northrend has no Этерниевая руда equivalent.

Комментарий от rowanr

rich adamantite? i assume you mean saronite or rich saronite...

Комментарий от slapdashbr

saronite nodes contain only saronite ore, titanium nodes contain only titanium ore and are the only way to get titanium ore. No saronite node, not even rich ones, will have titanium.

Комментарий от azzeratwell

minable at 425

Комментарий от spctr

Nor is khorium ore listed on the wowhead database as drops from either Adamantite Deposit or Rich Adamantite Deposit.

Same as Titanium ore is not listed as drops from either Normal or Rich saronite nodes.

Комментарий от Thirin

These seems to replace the normal saronite node, so basicly, just follow the normal and you ll jump into these like you jump into Titanium (just less rare).

Комментарий от oosweetdan

With the new mining buff ( where you only need 1 swing to get all the mats from a node) i have noticed that occasionally Rich Saronite nodes will only reward like 1 crystalized earth or shadow instead of any Ore....Just thought i would warn everyone

Комментарий от Lakis2519

Requires mining skill of 425 , not like the normal saronite deposit ( 400 )

Комментарий от Loganvice

This sucks, as a lvl 73 Warrior with mining i wanted to mine this but it was on a stupid ledge on the eastern waterfall of icemist village. Its probably only accesable to those with flying mounts and cold weather flying. I might wanna go to Grizzly hills to mine from regular deposits.

Комментарий от marq020

say whatever you want but icecrown is not only rich of nodes then rich with drops, for my skill frostskull magus is 100% to drop 1 saronite ore

Комментарий от Morec0

Given the color of this mineral and the fact that it is the blood of something (see Yogg-Saron) copper is the most likely canidate for the element binding oxygen to it.

Комментарий от ryankoch90

I just got 12 ore from one of these bad boys.

Комментарий от TheRealLink

Just got my achievement tonight for Professional Illustrious Grand Master (525 in Cataclysm) and Rich Saronite goes gray at 525. Titanium however, does *not*. Stays green.

Комментарий от gameiken

this is *!@# i have bin mining on my own for over 2h now and find in total of 10 to 15 mines so update your %^&* 369 NO WAY

Комментарий от Giondi

The best way I've found to farm Saronite is in Icecrown, fly from Wrathgate to the Tournament and back, the entire zone's covered in it and you can get a couple of stacks pretty quick.

Комментарий от bookworm13

For the best resource for determining the Cataclysm adjusted mining levels as well as the best zones to farm them in, browse through the Mineral Veins listing.

Teach an elf to fish...

Комментарий от jassaraous

400 -Saronite425 - Rich Saronite450 - Titanium VeinsAll in Icecrown, a couple Titanium and Rich Saronite, mostly just Saronite.(##RESPBREAK##)8##DELIM##asakawa##DELIM##

Комментарий от ricster8

Seem to be able to mine this at 420 mining skill now, although the tooltip hasn't been updated

Screenshot added


Месторождение чистого саронита - Объект

Комментарий от Appelmoes

This saronite deposit is found near General Vezax in Ulduar.

Just mined one and I got the following:

  • 30 Saronite Ore
  • 2 Twilight Opals
  • 7 Sun Crystals
  • 6 Shadow Crystals
  • 3 Eternal Earth
  • 2 Eternal Shadow

Something you don't want to forget to mine!

Комментарий от shamandalie27

Do these respawn at any time before the instance is reset? because that would be amazing to have a stock of 60 saronite and 4-6 rare gems faster than 1 week at a time.

Комментарий от arisfarreach

If you fail to kill General and come back in the instance after a soft reset, the nodes will be back if you mined them.

But so will the Trash...

Edit - no, 2 hours after a dead General and noone in Ulduar, nothing came back

And none spawn in Yoggie's room either - So, have fun with 2 nodes a week in 10 and 25 Ulduar, but 4 nodes a week is not a bad way to pay for the wipes getting there!

Комментарий от Psychopath

One thing that might be of interest is, that the node right next to General Vezax is not mineable without aggroing the trash aside him....

BUT as a matter of fact, you can loot it until you have all of the ores/gems/eternal whatsoevers no matter how hard the horror will hit you.

to proof this, i have a screenshot of my combat log, stating that i survived 3 lethal hits:here you are

This might be not a 100% proof but if you believe me, you won't regret it. :)

BTW: this is probably only feasible as a stealth class :)

Additional useful information:

  • Druids can use their Feral Charge Cat to pass the first trash mob grp, while it would otherwise not be possible to stealth round them
  • General Vezax has no kind of Stealthdetection, so you can just prowl right behind him without aggroing him

Комментарий от Kelticfox

As of the patch today, they've removed these.Ulduar

* Pure Saronite mining nodes have temporarily been disable in Ulduar and will return in the future.


Комментарий от Throrion

Pure Saronite mining nodes have temporarily been disable in Ulduar and will return in the future.


Комментарий от Roveredo

These do respawn.

Got this from one deposit :

- 33 Saronite Ore- 5 Forest Emeralds- 1 Monarch Topaz- 7 Sun crystals- 2 Eternal Earth- 3 Eternal Shadow

Комментарий от Serai

for being called PURE saronite, it contains a lot of other stuff

Комментарий от DireCAT

199% drop... What do they mean?

Комментарий от Aurlon

From the quest: The Armor's Secrets, the NPC you interact with, Attendant Tock says:Metallic specimen of foreign origin detected.

Beginning analysis ...

Specimen identified as an alloy of saronite and iron.

The ore used in this sample originated deep within the crust of Azeroth and was recently unearthed.

The saronite in this sample is nearly pure. Ores like this do not occur naturally on the surface of Azeroth.

This ore can only have been created by a powerful, malevolent force. Attempting to access databanks for more information ...

Access denied?

Further information can only be accessed from the archives within Ulduar, by order of Keeper Loken.

But one thing is for certain: this plate's size, thickness, and bolt holes point to a use as armor for a colossal structure.

Directive completed. Returning to standby mode

Obviously this is the location he was hinting at during the quest and we can assume that the area around Vezax is considered quite deep underground. Nice to see some contingency in the quest-lines.

Комментарий от Snitsky

Just a heads up, you will get saved if you mine these. I tried switching to my miner and getting summoned in to mine before the minute was up, and as soon as the mining animation was over it removed the warning and saved me.

Комментарий от theBestInTheGame

I mined 22 Saronite ore's2 Monarch Topaz7 Eternal Shadow4 Eternal Earth5 Shadow Crystals.And to add a thing. More a quiestion. as i saw in a quest in Dragonblight where i had to get some saronite (Quest item not the ore's) which said it was Black blood of Yogg Saron. :S

Комментарий от zakkshock

Pure saronite sounds a little..Paradoxical to me.

Комментарий от jonaman

Is it possible as a 85 druid (farming character so badly geared), to sneak in and mine these?

Комментарий от DeadMAX

Seems it disapeared - Yesterday i was in Ulduar25 and there was no veins.

Комментарий от Harleyquinny

are these still there? cuz i did ulduar today and didn't manage to find anything....

Комментарий от Iriador

In patch 7.0 I went to see if these still existed, did 2 Ulduar runs; one in 10m & 25 the nodes and were not there.

Sad to see this no longer is in the game.


Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога - Рассказы - Интересное - Каталог статей

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древний саронит

Саронит… Нет! Древнейший саронит. Как много в этом звуке для сердца WoW’ера слилось! Именно саронит стал самым желанным ресурсом в последние дни. И это неудивительно, ведь он нужен для крафта мощных предметов, а также для получения Темной скорби. Но что же такое саронит?

Саронит активно используется Королем-личем для создания экипировки, которую носят воины плети. Без сомнения, саронитовым топором вооружен и Лорд Ребрад, только об этом никто не знает.

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древний саронит

Саронит известен тем, что длительное взаимодействие с ним приводит к помутнению рассудка. Во всяком случае, рабы саронитовых шахт явно попали под влияние чей-то злой воли. Но вот чьей? Клыккары именуют саронит Черной кровью Йогг-Сарона, что наводит на мысли о происхождении этого металла. Воздействие саронита на разум живого существа настолько велико, что рабы саронитовых шахт в Имирхейме предпочитают умереть, чем стать свободными и уйти из шахт. Неудивительно, что такая мощная энергия привлекла Короля-лича и он обратил свой взор к темнице Древнего бога. Теперь основной источник сырья для оружия и доспехов это Яма Сарона – место, где пролегают глубочайшие и богатейшие залежи саронита…

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древний саронит

Впервые мы можем узнать о губительном влиянии саронита, лишь вступив на берег Нордскола. В Ревущем фьорде нам приходится столкнуться с лигой спятивших исследователей, слишком глубоко забравшихся в пещеры, полные саронита. Они слышат голоса и не понимают ничего, следуя зову неизвестного хозяина. Интересно, что добываемый ими саронит – черного цвета. Во всяком случае, именно так выглядят жилы этого непонятного металла.

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древний саронит

В Драконьем погосте, заинтересованные необычным металлом вожди Орды и Альянса посылают игроков на поиски странной кровоточащей руды и оружия Плети, сделанной из необычного металла. Здесь саронитовая руда приобретает привычный нам зеленоватый цвет. Именно здесь происходит завязка совместной сюжетной линии Йогг-Сарон + Король-лич. Не саронит ли стал причиной безумия жителей древнего царства нерубов? Косвенным подтверждением этому служит пророк Волаж, которого мы можем увидеть в конце подземелья АнКахет…

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древний саронит

Еще одна мрачная веха поджидает нас в Седых холмах. Именно там некогда произрастал Волдрассил – древо мира. Йогг-Сарон, заточенный в тюрьму Ульдуара, не мог выбраться, но его щупальца достигли корней мирового древа и осквернили его. Древо пришлось уничтожить, но порождения Йогг-Сарона по-прежнему блуждают среди трухлявых останков великого дерева.

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древний саронит

Ведмеди, которых порча также не обошла стороной, сошли с ума и пытаются взрастить новое древо. А их некогда благородный бог – Урсок, превратился в нечестивое божество, заслуживающее смерти и очищения.

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древний саронит

Нам снова приходится столкнуться с саронитом в ЗулДраке, когда на руинах упавшего некрополиса мы собираем куски саронита. Сможет ли справиться с таким сильным испытанием воли член Серебряного авангарда? Интрига вокруг этого металла набирает обороты. Интерес Плети к «крови Йогг-Сарона» тревожит лидеров Серебряного авангарда. Но они также осознают опасность, которую представляет саронит.

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древнейший саронит

Но время движется вперед, и мы устремляемся к Цитадели Короля-лича – в локацию Ледяная корона. Там, в шахтах Имирхейма местный Ктулху – Темный проповедник Р’кхем был заточен прислужницами Артаса – валькирами. Рабы, которым смена власти никак не мешает наслаждаться ментальным обществом их повелителя, лишь отрицают любые предложения об освобождении. Они могут даже напасть на вас. Сам Р’кхем пытается проникнуть в наше сознание, создавая ужасные и прекрасные образы.

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древнейший саронит

Рискнув вторгнуться в Ульдуар и проникнуть в святая-святых, мы встретим Генерала Везакса. Это существо чуть более чем полностью создано из саронита и наделено великими силами. Огромная энергия требует выхода, что проявляется в возникновении саронитовых испарений, которые могут объединиться в Саронитового врага.

Саронит: Последний дар Древнего Бога. Древнейший саронит

Король-Лич активно использует, построив гигантские кузни в Ледяной короне. Днем и ночью горны раздувают пламя, плавящее саронитовую руду. Вполне вероятно, что саронит был использован Артасом для укрепления костей его милых мертвых друзей, включая скелетов и поганищ. И, кто знает, возможно именно саронитовый порошок является важнейшим компонентом в зельях профессора Мерзоцида…

Удивительно, но при всем этом творящемся безумии, мы можем совершенно спокойно носить полный комплект саронитовых доспехов. А также таскать в инвентаре сотню-другую саронитовых слитков, не боясь повредиться рассудком. Возможно, действие саронита не распространяется мгновенно, а требует длительного воздействия.

И, хотя Йогг-Сарон был побежден, не станет ли использованный для создания Темной скорби Древнейший саронит одним из способов вернуть древнего бога к жизни?


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